A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Chapter 60: Theramore Isle

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story and want to hop on board my next story right at the moment of its conception, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It just started and I'm really excited for it~


“Stand DOWN orc! Lady Proudmoore isn’t taking visitors right now! If you insist on forcing your way through, we WILL have to use force!”
Jaina’s eyes widen as she hears Rognak’s voice and then the voice of one of her guards a moment later. She exchanges a concerned glance with a nearby Aegwynn and then rises from her desk, rushing over to a railing to look down to the bottom floor of her tower.
Rognak has clearly pushed his way in and now stands surrounded by her guards. They aren’t brandishing steel yet, but their hands are on the hilts of their weapons… and so is Rognak’s, the massive orc reaching for the haft of Wolfsong on his back.
In the blink of an eye, Jaina teleports down to the bottom of the tower and thrusts her hands out from herself. A lesser frost wave blasts out, not enough to do any damage but enough to cause them all to stop on account of their feet being frozen in place by the small explosion of ice.
It does the trick, stopping her guards and Rognak in their tracks before weapons can be drawn or blood can be shed. Looking to her guards as they easily break free of the ice, Jaina nods her head.
“I appreciate your help… but my orders to be left undisturbed do not extend to the Chieftain of the Warsong Clan. You may return to your posts.”
That gets some wide eyed looks. It was something of an open secret in Theramore that Jaina had a romantic relationship with an orc. Specifically with the Warsong Chieftain Rognak. However, most of Theramore’s citizens, including her guards, wouldn’t know what said Orc Chieftain actually looked like. And of course Rognak hadn’t bothered to stop and explain his identity to anyone, had he? No, from the look of things he had not.
As her guards do as they’re told and return to their posts, Jaina turns to Rognak, ready to give him a piece of her mind. But she stops dead because he’s just as wide-eyed as her guards were… and staring right at her belly.
Jaina finds herself blushing as her hands instinctively go to her bulging abdomen. She’s several months along at this point and not even her most… voluminous robes can hide her pregnancy bump. Most likely because the babe is a half-orc, which Jaina has to admit she’s already dreading birthing. Still, she wouldn’t change it for the world. That said…
When Rognak steps towards her, a hand outstretched, she’s reminded that she’s still pissed at him. Sniffing haughtily, the pregnant mage tosses her hair over her shoulder and pins him with a glare.
“We’ll talk upstairs.”

Then she teleports back to the top floor of her tower, feeling that making Rognak ascend on his own terms was punishment enough for his transgressions. Aegwynn gives her a look though once she’s back up top, one that has Jaina scowling a little bit and rolling her eyes.
“I don’t want to hear anything from you…”
Smirking, the disguised Guardian shakes her head in amusement.
“Hm. And to think you used to hang off my every word when we first met.”
Jaina colors again, feeling some level of embarrassment at the chastisement. Admittedly, the mood swings had been getting a little worse. And she has to admit, she’s feeling some emotional turmoil now that Rognak is finally actually here. In the months since she sent the letter to Orgrimmar, she’s had more than enough time to… contemplate her decisions.
The truth is the real reason that she hadn’t tried to contact Rognak magically was because she was afraid. Afraid of what the future might hold. Afraid of his reaction. What if… what if he wasn’t happy? What if he didn’t want to be a father, or he wanted to get Shandris pregnant first?
Jaina had received a response from Shandris already of course, the Night Elf woman congratulatory in her own letter back. But she was also busy with her duties as Sentinel General and hadn’t been able to make time to visit in the past few months. With time, Jaina had been able to accept and address her own insecurities… she knew that she was largely worried about nothing, and flinching back from shadows that held no danger to her.
Even still…
“Well, if you don’t want to hear anything from me, I suppose I’ll take my leave so you two can discuss things in private.”
Jaina bites her lower lip, turning to tell Aegwynn that that’s not necessary, to maybe apologize… but the words catch in her throat, because just past the disguised Guardian, at the top of the stairs, stands Rognak. The orc still looks wide eyed and shocked, and as he slowly makes his way forward, Jaina finds herself frozen in place while Aegwynn slips away before she can speak, descending down the stairs and out of view.
Glancing back over his shoulder as she goes, Rognak furrows his brow and looks back to Jaina with some level of recognition in his eyes.
“Was that…?”
Blinking rapidly, Jaina opens her mouth and then closes it for a moment before responding.
“If you mean ‘was that Aegwynn, former Guardian of Tirisfal’… then yes. But… how do you know?”
She’s gotten somewhat used to Rognak just somehow knowing massive secrets these days. Even still, she’d only met Aegwynn after Rognak left for Northrend. How could he possibly have known about her presence in Theramore and clearly NOT known about Jaina’s pregnancy until more recently?
“Ah… one of those vision things, I suppose. Like how I know the Prophet that originally set you and Thrall on this path was her son resurrected, Medivh.”
Jaina opens her mouth… and then clicks it shut again. Rognak, perhaps sensing her incredulity, decides to change the subject. Fortunately for him, he has an incredibly good way of doing so. Stepping up to her, he looks down at her pregnant belly, carefully and gently placing a massive orcish hand upon her bulging abdomen.
“… I came as soon as I heard. Though… a letter to Thrall for safekeeping Jaina? Really?”
Blushing, Jaina places one of her own hands over Rognak’s and lets out a shuddering breath.
“I told myself that it was because I didn’t want to distract you from your campaign to defeat the Lich King. I didn’t want your mind to be clouded with what was going on back here when you needed to focus on the battles in front of you. But the truth is… I was just scared. Unreasonably so. Still, you’re here now. I’m glad your back, Rognak.”
For a long moment, Rognak looks like he wants to ask what she was precisely scared of. But Jaina is eternally grateful when he ultimately decides not to. She didn’t really want to get into that sort of thing out loud if she was being honest. Instead he simply lets out an explosive sigh and nods, leaning forward to rest his forehead against hers.
For a moment they rest like that, his hand still on her pregnant belly, Jaina’s eyes drifting shut. But eventually her curiosity gets the better of her and she can’t help but ask.
“… You did it then? You won?”
Pulling back, Rognak smiles and nods.
“That we did. And boy do I have a story to tell you. But first… perhaps we should get you somewhere more comfortable?”
Jaina scowls a little at being treated like an invalid… but ultimately allows him to lead her to her bedroom, where they both sit down on the edge of her bed so she can rest her aching feet. Then… then Rognak tells her all about the trip to Northrend. Though admittedly he doesn’t get too far into it before Jaina stops him, eyes wide.
“You met Kael in that frozen wasteland?!”
Rognak pauses and then chuckles, nodding his head.
“Mm, indeed. I’m well aware that you two had history… which was why I kept your name from my lips while his forces and ours joined together against the Lich King’s armies.”
Jaina bites her lower lip, imagining how Kael might have responded to finding out that she and Rognak were lovers. Yes… it was better if he didn’t know. She and the Sunstrider Prince hadn’t parted on the best of terms to begin with. During their last meeting she had, perhaps somewhat foolishly, tried to comfort Kael’thas after news of Quel’Thalas’ fall had reached Dalaran.
He had blamed her for Arthas’ atrocities, had asked her if she was happy to see all that her human prince had ‘accomplished’, and left in a rage. Shortly after that, Jaina had left Lordaeron for Kalimdor. But that didn’t suddenly erase their years of friendship. Jaina felt for Kael and his people quiet keenly even now… but to hear that they’d gone all the way to Northrend… well, at least it sounded as though they’d gotten their vengeance in the end, if Rognak and the expedition had returned successful.
“What happened next?”
Rognak proceeds to tell her. He regales her with tales of their battles, of his temporary connection to the Drakkari Loa. To hear that these incredibly powerful animal spirits had lent Rognak a fraction of their might really drove home for Jaina just how dangerous the Scourge were, even with the Lich King so dramatically weakened by Frostmourne’s destruction and the death of his Champion.
When Rognak details Sapphiron’s resurrection and subsequent attack, Jaina’s breath catches in her throat even though the father of her baby is right in front of her, hale and hearty. When he describes how weak he was in the days following their retreat, her heart breaks for him and she sheds a few tears.
Of course, she sheds even more tears when he describes what happened next, with Malfurion’s final sacrifice to save Tyrande and the rest of them from Xavius’ last gambit. She listens quietly as Rognak then goes on to describe their renewed offensive and what had ultimately happened between them and Kel’thuzad and Balnazzar, and then them and the Lich King.
To hear that Kel’thuzad, one of the architects of Arthas’ descent into madness still persisted was… disappointing and frightening. But there was nothing to be done about it. Even if they hadn’t managed to take the Lich with them, the Burning Legion would still be out there, a force to be reckoned with that had monstrous plans for their world. Jaina had always known it wasn’t over yet. It would never be over so long as the Legion still existed.
Still, when Rognak tells her of how Tyrande and Elune purged the Helm of Domination of the Lich King’s spirit and then took the dark artifact from Azeroth altogether, her heart soars. It feels like the closing of a particularly terrible chapter of their world’s history. Arthas’ crimes against their people were finally answered for in full.
Of course, afterwards Rognak tells her of what happened during the celebration at the Emerald Dragonshrine. The orc seems nervous about how she’ll react, but Jaina just laughs, patting him on the arm.
“I believe I agreed with Shandris’ request to you before you left for Northrend, did I not? Why would you worry that I would disapprove now? Is it because I’m with child? You needn’t worry Rognak… I’ve long since accepted that I must share your love.”
Then, Jaina smirks and her eyes trail along his muscular chest for a moment.
“Truly, you are quite the beastly orc, aren’t you? Always finding your way into yet another woman’s bed.”
Rognak growls in response, recognizing Jaina’s teasing tone. But nothing sexual comes of it, though he does take hold of her, hugging her close and leaning down to press his ear against her belly. Jaina’s breath hitches as he does so, a soft smile coalescing on her lips. She was in no condition to do anything… physical with her beloved, but that was okay. So long as he was here, she was happy.
Still, she makes sure to smack his arm a little bit for treating her like a fragile vase or something. Which of course prompts Rognak to squawk and pull back, looking at her with a faux hurt expression.
“What was that for?”
Smirking, Jaina sniffs.
“You know what it was for.”
He pouts like a big wounded puppy, but before she can soften and pull him back into the hug, they’re interrupted.
Eyes widening, Jaina quickly gets to her feet while Rognak does the same. They come out of her bedroom just in time for a guard in full armor to reach the top of the tower, panting heavily and having to hold onto the railing to catch his breath.
“What? What’s going on?”
“My… my Lady Proudmoore… there’s a fleet of ships on the horizon. It’s… it’s the Kul Tiran Fleet.”
What? No, that wasn’t possible. Jaina rushes to the nearest window facing the sea with Rognak right on her heels. Using a bit of arcane magic to enhance her eyesight, her eyes widen as she takes in the fleet of ships all flying Kul Tiras’ colors, visible on the horizon.
“… No…”
This was her fault. This was all her fault.
Rognak’s voice from behind her is filled with fear and when she whirls around she can see knowledge in his eyes. He knows just how bad this is. He knows what this means. Probably from his visions of anything else, though he also looks as surprised as she is that this is happening now.
Jaina’s mind races and in the end she bites her lower lip, realizing what she has to do.
“You have to go, Rognak. Immediately.”
He stiffens at that, frowning.
“What?! No! I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here by your side.”
Jaina shakes her head, tears welling up in her eyes.
“If my father so much as lays eyes on you, your life is forfeit. Please, you have to go.”
Rognak growls, his hands clenching into fists for a moment before he unclenches them and forces himself to relax.
“… Then come with me. We’ll leave together. I can carry you on my back and fly us both out of here!”
That won’t work either. Jaina can’t leave her people behind. But she can tell immediately that Rognak won’t like that answer. That he won’t stand for it. In the end, she only has one option.
“… I’m sorry, beloved.”
Before he can reply, she reaches out and gathers her magic to herself, casting one of the more powerful spells she’s cast since she found out she was pregnant. She can’t use too much of her magic lest she put her health and the health of the baby at risk… but to save the baby’s father, she’ll do what needs to be done. A portal swirls to life just behind the orc druid and before Rognak can react, Jaina sends out a Blast Wave, hating the cry of pain that erupts from his lips as she scorches him.
But more importantly, the force of the concussive wave sends him flying back through the portal, sending him back to Orgrimmar and away from danger. He can heal his burns… he wouldn’t be able to heal losing his head.
As the portal winks shut, Jaina turns her eyes back to the fleet, gazing at it through the window as she places a hand on her abdomen and lets out a shuddering sigh.
… And it had seemed like it was going to be such a lovely day too…


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