A Scale of Sapphire

Chapter 28: Be Not Afraid

Cass clung to my back as I sprinted through the halls, charging my way towards where Erica was being kept, and as I ran, I tried to figure out what the hells Cyrus had been talking about. What did he want to save me from? Myself? Some manipulative force that I can’t see? What? How would surrendering to him save me? And what did he mean about other moons?

Actually, I had an idea about that last one. The voices in my dream, the people who’d held me and encouraged me to fight back, they were the other moons, and Cyrus was the sun. Maybe there had been other suns too, maybe those suns had spoken to him like the moons spoke to me. My thoughts raced as fast as my body as I dashed around corners, past dozens of rooms, until finally, I arrived at the only room that mattered.

The room was bathed in a rich golden light, and the smell of iron was nearly overwhelming. At the far end of the room, the wall was covered in a variety of shackles and restraints, in all different sizes, a few chairs were near the entrance, and in the center of it all was Erica. She was bound tightly in thick metal chains and braces, completely immobile, one needle in each arm slowly but steadily draining her blood into a series of jars and vials. She was barely breathing.

The moment I set foot in the room, the golden light pulsed brighter, and a horrific figure appeared between us. It was about seven feet tall with long legs ending in hooves, four feathered wings flared wide behind the thing’s back, and its head had four faces arrayed in a circle. A human face faced forwards, with a lion and ox head on either side, and the face of an eagle on the back. It spoke with a voice that sounded both hollow and rich, layering on top of itself in a way that felt impossible.

“Lady Moonlight. I was not aware that you were awake. Then again, Lord Cyrus has a tendency to exceed expectations, I take it he brought you to the light faster than anticipated. This is good. Now tell me, what brings you to the exsanguination chamber?”

Well this thing was about to be disappointed. I’d have told it as much, but seeing as how I couldn’t speak, I just started walking towards it, holding in a deep breath just in case.

“Ah. You haven’t learned to speak in that form yet. Not to worry, there should be a pen and paper in the room next door, or you could simply change back.”

It’s speech was stilted, like it was following some kind of nonsensical rhythm. I walked straight up to the thing, staring down at it as mist swirled around me. I gave it a long look before flicking my head towards Erica.

The golden light pulsed again, and there was a glowing golden sword in its hands.

“You wish to release the bull? I apologize Lady Moonlight, but I am under orders to prevent exactly that. The bull must die. I politely ask that you step back and do not attempt to liberate the creature, should you do so, I will use whatever force I deem necessary to prevent you.”

Well, I gave it a chance. I took a step back, locked eyes with it, and released the breath I’d been holding. Freezing mist billowed out of my open maw, but before it could reach the thing, the lights pulsed yet again, and it vanished, reappearing off to the right.

“Lady Moonlight, I am terribly disappointed in you.”

It readied its blade, and darted towards me.


A bullet ripped through its shoulder.

Huh. After this and what happened with Cyrus, I was starting to feel like I might want a pistol of my own. Before it could recover from Cass’ shot, I blitzed towards it, pouncing and bearing it to the ground. That Cass was able to stay seated on top of me was practically a miracle. I felt one of its wings snap beneath my weight, and it cried out a high, keening wail. Before I could finish it off though, the light pulsed and it vanished once again. My eyes darted across the room searching for where it would reappear, when suddenly I felt a searing pain in my thigh.

I hadn’t looked up, and the damn thing had dropped from the ceiling, its sword now buried in my thigh up to the hilt. I shrieked and scrabbled, losing my balance as my back leg could no longer support my weight, huffing out clouds of frost as I panicked. Fuck, it hurt. It hurt! Bucking and thrashing, I started to scramble into a corner.

Cass’ POV

Shit, Aoife was hurt! The blade buried in their leg was glowing brighter, and each second it was in there, it was burning their scales and flesh in an ever widening circle. Worse still, they were panicking, and all that shaking and shrieking had thrown both me and the angel(?) off their back. My revolver clattered to the floor about twenty feet away, and the damn angel was getting up. Without even thinking about it, I flung myself at the thing, grabbing onto its injured wing and wrenching it down hard. It let out that painful wail again before elbowing me hard in the side of the head, sending me sprawling to the ground again. 

By the time I got back to my feet, the angel had limped its way to where Aoife was curled up, whimpering and shivering. That did it. I didn’t give a shit who was damned or not, I didn’t give a damn that Cyrus apparently had an angel working for him, and I didn’t give a single fuck whatever loyalty I’d once had to this town. Seeing Erica wheezing quietly on the ground, barely conscious as she bled out and Aoife, shaking and in pain while that damn angel just stood over them without a care, all that mattered was getting these kids out safe. I’d kill an angel and go to hell if I could just do that.

I pulled the knife from my boot at the same time it pulled its sword from Aoife, the poor kid kicked out weakly as it did, letting out a pained yelp. Before I even realized what I was doing, I was sprinting towards the two of them, watching that horrible angel raise its sword above Aoife’s throat. Before it could swing, I was there, ramming my knife into its shoulder. It tried to elbow me away like before, but I was ready for it this time, yanking my knife out and ducking low, slashing it in the ankle. It whirled around as it fell to the floor, its golden sword grazing my shoulder with a lick of bright flames. Gritting my teeth through the pain, I shoved it fully to the floor, finally ramming my knife home in the eye of its lion face. It flailed beneath me, shrieking and wailing in its awful voice until it finally, finally went still.

Erica’s POV

Why was it so loud!?!

Wasn’t it bad enough that they’d tied me up like this? Wasn’t it bad enough that they were bleeding me dry like a bunch of shitty vampires? Why all the shrieks and bangs and whistles?

At least it seemed a little quieter now. After that last bout of squealing, I felt like I wanted to throw up. Ah well, at least it wouldn’t be much longer. Spots were dancing in my vision, and I could feel my mind beginning to drift away. I just wish I knew if A was ok…

Dimly, I felt a pinch, followed by another. They were taking the needles out? Oh Goddess, horrific ideas flooded my mind. Were they trying to keep me alive just so they could take more? I didn’t think I could take much more of this. Slowly, I raised my head to look at whichever bastard was in charge of my torment today, but was surprised to see Cass there. She looked a little worse for wear, and she had a concerned look on her face, but she gave me a little smile when I looked up.

“Easy there girl. I’m gonna get you out of this, it’s gonna be ok.”

I’d have started bawling right then and there, but I was too dehydrated for tears, and too dizzy to move.


My throat was dry and my voice sounded awful. How long had I been down here? I tried to clear my throat.

“Cass… wha- what’s goin’ on? Where’s… Where’s A?”

Staying awake was getting really hard, but I knew it’d be bad if I fell asleep. I might not wake up.

Cass paused as she started to undo my restraints.

“A is… They’re gonna be ok, alright sweetheart? You just worry about yourself. I’ll be checking on them once I’m sure you’re alright, ok?”

I nodded, slowly, trying not to give myself a headrush.

“Thank you…”

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