A Scale of Sapphire

Chapter 35: Drip Drop, Plip Plop


She wasn’t breathing.

Oh shit, she wasn’t breathing!

I started trying to do chest compressions, but at my size, I couldn’t get enough force into it.

“Fuck, fuck, FUCK!”

I leapt shakily into the air, zipping towards Cass’ house. I spotted her through a window, reading in her bedroom upstairs. I landed clumsily on the window sill, startling her as I bumped into the glass. Seeing the look on my face, she hurried over to open the window.

“What is it, Willow? What’s wrong?”

“I- someone just showed up! Some woman just walked up, fell over, and I don’t think she’s breathing! I-I tried to do CPR but I’m not big enough! Fuck…”

“Show me where she is, and I’ll see what I can do. Quickly now!”

“Right! Ok! On it!”

With that, Cass sprinted from the room, emerging through the front door moments later, her massive golden sword in hand. I flew up ahead as she sprinted just behind me, and she kneeled down beside the woman. She was about to start compressions when she paused.

“Willow… how long ago did this woman fall?”

“I flew straight over to your place in less than a minute. It can’t have been more than two…”

“Willow, she’s cold. That’s not-”

Suddenly, the woman shot upright, snarling and hissing as she flung herself at Cass. As she bared her teeth, I saw they were fanged. Wait… pale, cold skin, no pulse, pointy teeth, and some clearly instinctive aggression. No way…

Cass had caught the vampire(?) mid pounce and was now holding her comfortably at bay. One thing I suppose I forgot to mention is that Cass had been working out… a lot, and she taken to training with her sword damn near every day. That training was clearly paying off now. Before the vampire lady could make any headway, I let out a call to the grass and weeds nearby. Vines and tendrils of all kinds erupted from the earth beneath us, wrapping around the woman’s arms and legs, and wrenching her backwards away from Cass.

She writhed and squirmed against her restraints, hissing and spitting all the while. She really did seem like an animal. As she continued to struggle, and I continued coordinating the plant’s effort, Cass grabbed her sword and was approaching the vampire.

“Cass, wait! She wasn’t like this before!” She’d looked haggard, but calm before. Rational. I could’ve swore she’d tried to speak. There were so few humans around anymore, and most that were left were in hiding. That’d probably leave someone like her with hardly any food, and no chance to learn how to control her instincts. “I think she’s just hungry! Please don’t hurt her!”

“I know.”

With that, she sliced open her wrist, raising her arm over the vampire’s waiting mouth, balling her hand into a fist. The vampire’s mouth opened wide, and she strained towards the bleeding cut.

“Go get some bandages, Willow. I can handle things here.”

Slowly, she lowered her wrist towards the woman’s mouth, stopping just short of biting range, and allowed her to drink her fill. Seeing the situation (mostly) under control, I reminded the grass to keep her restrained and flew off towards the houses. I’d grab bandages, we'd figure out what was going on, and then we’d figure out what to do next.


The red haze around my vision slowly began to fade, my awareness returning to me bit by bit. I remembered seeing that little fairy. I remembered wanting to call out to it, but I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to ask for help, or tell it to run… Then that sweet, intoxicating smell reached me, and then there was nothing. Now I was tied up by something. My arms and legs couldn’t move an inch, and I could taste it again. Blood. Human blood. It didn’t taste the same anymore. It wasn’t iron. It was cherries dipped in chocolate, cinnamon and sugar, vanilla, caramel, and maple syrup all rolled into one, and somehow none of it clashed. I’d done it again, hadn’t I? I’d hurt someone…

I was a monster.


More of the seductively delicious red stuff dripped in my mouth. I moaned at the taste of it, straining towards the source without meaning too. Where was it coming from? The world snapped back into focus for a few precious moments. A woman, she looked maybe a little older than me, graying hair framing a strong, kind face. Her bleeding wrist was extended above me. She was… feeding me?

“I’m so sorry…”

My unfamiliar voice was rough with disuse, slightly slurred as I grappled with the high that came from drinking. She just smiled, before pressing her arm fully to my lips.

“It’s ok… just drink up. We’ll talk when you’re feeling up to it.”

So I did.


“Jesus, Matt! You could’ve woke up half the damn town screaming like that!”


In theory, there could be worse housemates in the world, but I hadn’t met them. He released my shoulders and strode over to the door. Throwing one last glare my way before slamming it shut behind him. I cast a quick glance at the alarm clock beside my bed (analog, of course), and started drowsily getting ready for my day.

Cargo pants, boots, a t-shirt, and a light jacket were hastily thrown on, my pistol went into its holster, and I was ready to go. There was a warm summer breeze washing over Sunrise as I made my way to the village square for breakfast. Scrambled eggs and mystery sausage. Third time this week, although the source of the sausage was clearly different this time. I guess I couldn’t blame the cooks though, it can’t be easy feeding this many people every day, especially when you could never be sure what ingredients you’d have available.

“So…” Said a chipper voice to my right, “Whaddya thinks in the sausage this time, Matt?”

“I dunno, Chelsea. I’m thinking maybe…” I took a bite, it was oddly spicy. “Yeah, that’s gotta be a salamander. The mythological kind, not the amphibian kind.”

Chelsea, my fellow town guard and closest friend, chewed her sausage thoughtfully.

“Hmm… You sure about that? Tastes more like… mammoth to me.”

I chuckled.

“Seriously? Mammoths aren’t even magical!”

“Says who?!? Have you ever met a mammoth before? I haven’t! I bet they snort fire from their trunks or something.”



We fell silent for a bit after that. Just enjoying the food and the company. Until I happened to glance her way again. She was staring at me, her breakfast long forgotten, an odd look on her face.


“Did you have the dream again last night?”


I nodded.

“So I really did wake up half the town, huh?”

She shook her head.

“Nah, just your neighbors. Who told you that? Was it Mick? Bet it was Mick.”

“It was. Yeah.”

“Well Mick is an asshole.” She gave me a brief side-hug. “Anyways, if you ever wanna talk about it, I’m here, ok? We’ll find the one that killed your mother, eventually. She won’t get to hurt anyone ever again. I promise.”

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