A Scale of Sapphire

Chapter 9: Whispering Willow

Willow’s POV

It would turn out that my new friend was a plant after all. They looked like they were some kind of thistle before all this had happened, but they had grown to a frankly ridiculous size, sprouting thick vines that wrapped around each other forming a kind of cocoon. After I had emerged, I finally got the chance to have a look at myself, and I was kind of freaked out.

The weight I’d felt on my back turned out to be a pair of extravagant butterfly wings that shimmered in emerald green. Now that I could see the hair hanging in front of my face, it looked like it had changed color to match. In other news, I was tiny now, probably about 2-3 feet tall at most, and my transition seemed to have “finished”. Now, obviously different people have different needs when it comes to transing their gender, so from an objective standpoint, “finishing” a transition doesn’t really exist, but from a personal standpoint, if there was an option available, I was going to say yes to it, and now my body had said yes to all of them for me. Aside from the new equipment I was sporting down there, my voice had become a soft soprano that was almost musical to listen to. If it weren’t for the fact that - at least judging by the lack of people and the general destruction I was looking at - the world was kind of ending, I would've been ecstatic.

Once I’d finished inspecting the changes I’d been through, I took a look around my immediate area. My house seemed safe enough, there were no signs of a break in at least, so I figured my best bet would be to just sit tight at home. I was about the size of a toddler at this point, so I really didn’t want to take any chances with my safety. I was about to head inside and take an inventory of what supplies I had when I heard a voice to my right.

“Excuse me, little miss. Can I have a word?”

I whirled towards the voice, but there wasn’t anyone there.

“RIght down here, miss. Towards the middle of the garden.”

I looked where he had directed me, but all I saw was a large clump of moss.


Surely not.


“Aye, that’s me miss. I was just wondering if you might want some help defending the home front. Maybe I could get some of the others on the case, y’know?”


“Yep, the others. The whole garden wants to help you, we haven’t seen a pixie in so long, y’see. Most of us didn’t even think you was real. All we ask is a pinch of magic every now and then, helps us grow, see?”

Could I just talk to plants now? Was that just a thing I could do? Alright, if they were offering, I wasn’t going to say no.

“Sure! If you want to help, I’d be happy to accept. I’m not really sure how to give you the magic you want, but as soon as I figure that out, you’ll get it in droves.”

A familiar voice popped up from the viney chrysalis I’d been standing on.

“Just a pinch will be plenty, my dear.”

There was a brief pause.

“I think I’ll call myself Crab apple.”

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