A Slut’s life can also become sore (BL) – HIATUS

Chapter 5

Jan’s POV

I finished my work at the company and went to the club at around eight in the evening, as I entered the club I nodded my head in content at the number of customers, and made my way to Toby, the club’s manager, and greeted him “Hey Toby, how is the club doing tonight?”

He nodded his head in greeting and said “Hello Sir, the club is doing great; I left a few papers in your office for you to check and sign.”   

“I’ll check them now.” I said and went to my office; I finished my work quickly and stood near the show window watching the people with a cigarette in my mouth.

It has been five days since I met Leo, he didn’t call me or come to the club, and for some reason, I can’t stop thinking about him, I regretted not asking him for his phone number or where he is working or any other information about him, the only things I know about him are his name and looks, shit, I don’t even know if that is his real name or not. Nevertheless, I really hope to see him soon, maybe he is busy with work or something since it is a weekday.

I went downstairs and greeted some of the regulars and talked with some people a few words here and there until I spotted my friend Mike coming, I made my way to him and shook his hand while saying “Glad you came, I was feeling bored and I didn’t see you in the past two days, were you busy with work?”

He laughed and shook his head while sitting and said “No, actually, I went to another club to meet a friend, so I couldn’t come here.”

I raised an eyebrow at his words and retorted “Two days just to meet a friend? He must have been a very delicious friend to spend two nights in a row with him.” I gave him a meaningful look and laughed.

He ordered snacks and a drink then said while removing his jacket and scarf and putting them next to him “It is not like that, I was supposed to meet him the day before yesterday for something but I suddenly got busy and postponed the meeting for yesterday, so I didn’t come for the last two days.”

I was about to speak again when Mike leaned over the table to take some napkins and I could clearly see some hickeys on his neck, I smirked and said “Does a meeting with a friend include having sex nowadays?” He looked at me confused so I pointed to his neck and laughed.

He widened his eyes in realization then laughed and said “No, this is the reason I got busy the first night, now that I think about it is a little strange.”

I looked at him confused and asked “Why is it strange?”

He kept silent for a moment as if trying to remember what exactly happened then started to talk “I was supposed to meet my friend at ‘A’ club, and as you know it is not a gay club, I took a seat and checked my phone for a few minutes while waiting for my friend to come. When a guy suddenly approached me and directly asked if we can go somewhere else as if he knew that I was gay, but I never saw him before.”

He took a sip from his drink then continued “Honestly, I wanted to refuse, but his looks and body were really tempting, and I’m glad that I didn’t refuse, the sex was really good, and I mean really really good. It was unfortunate that I had work yesterday morning so I had to leave early, but now I have to wear high neck shirts to cover the bite marks, guess all good things have their flaws.” After he said the last part he laughed and pulled his shirt collar a little down to show me the marks and shook his head.

I frowned a little while looking at the bite mark, the shape and where it is placed on his neck near his collarbone is really familiar, ‘Shit, of course, it is familiar, I have it too’ I thought, then asked him trying to make sure if it was Leo or not “So, what is his name? How does he look like? Did you get his number?”

He shrugged and said “I didn’t ask for his name or number, and he looks young, sexy, ash-blond hair with strange green eyes of some sort.”

I just nodded, after that, we talked about different topics until his friends came and I excused myself and went to my office.

I slammed my office’s door, and took a cigarette and smoked it in irritation, I felt stupid, ‘I should have known that he is frequenting other clubs, it makes perfect sense. The club here is still new and that night was his first time here. Fuck, I’ll teach him what it means to ignore me and go-getting fucked around’ I thought while sucking at my cigarette. I know that we just had a one night stand and he has no obligation to call me but it is a hit to my pride that he ignored me and got himself fucked by Mike.

I smiled mischievously and swear to myself that, I’m going to put him underneath me again and fuck the shit out of him.

The rest of the night was event-less, I stayed at the club until one, then went to my house and took a quick shower and went to bed.

The next day, after lunch, I went to my company, finished my work, and then went to have dinner.

It was around eight when I entered my club; I went directly to my office, finished my work quickly while glancing at the club floor from time to time to see if Leo was there or not. At around nine I smirked and left the club and headed to ‘A’ club.

I entered the club and looked around me while walking to the bar to order a drink, and that was when I saw Leo, standing with some woman in a corner; I took my drink and walked to him.

He leaned toward the woman and said something near her ear, which made her blush and bit her bottom lip before saying something to him, he nodded and put his hand at her waist and they started to walk, I stood in Leo’s way and greeted him “Hello Leo.”

He looked at me then nodded and said “Hey Jake.” Then they continued to walk as he guided the woman toward the club’s door and left together.

I stood there staring at the empty space, laughing voices coming from a table to my right woke me up from my shock, I looked at the three men sitting there and raised an eyebrow, it was clear that they were laughing at me because the one in the middle was catching his stomach with one hand and the other was pointing at me while laughing.

One of the men, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes looked at me apologetically and said “Sorry man, we didn’t mean to laugh.” Then he looked at the other man who was laughing hard and said “That’s enough Max.”

Max was a short guy with black hair and black eyes, in his mid-twenties; he looked at me and mumbled an apology.

I nodded at him in acknowledgment and asked “Do you know Leo? I mean the guy who just left.” They nodded and Max started to laugh again.

A tall guy with light brown hair and brown eyes hit Max lightly on his shoulder and said to me “Sorry again, why don’t you have a seat? I’m Bobby, and this is Max, and that is Blake.” And pointed at the first guy who talked to me.

I decided to talk with them and figure out what the hell is going on, so I took a seat and looked at them waiting for them to start talking.

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