A Soldier Adrift: An Isekai Story

Chapter 7 – Decisions

Waking up in the morning in such a large room with the softest mattress he had ever slept on was refreshing, to say the least.

“Good morning, Young Master Jason,” A sudden unknown voice spoke across his room.

He blinked, wondering whose voice it was. Then he remembered that advanced AI exists in this world. He sat upright and yawned, rubbing his eyes.

“What time is it?” he asked.

[It's 8:10 am in the morning.]

“I see. Set an alarm for 8:30 am for breakfast.”

[Understood, Young Master Jason.]

The addition of ‘Young Master’ to his name irked him.

“Also, please don't call me Young Master. Just Jason, please.”

[Understood, Jason.]

He smiled. “Thanks.”

[My pleasure, Jason.]

He sat up straight and stretched his arms. He opened the window and did his usual morning routine, the same as he did back at boot camp: stretches, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.

When the alarm went off, he stopped and immediately went downstairs.

“Good morning, Young Master Jason,” his butler, Albert, greeted him as soon as he stepped out of his room.

He almost stepped back in surprise at the sight of him early in the morning. Well, technically, it wasn't that early.

‘Ugh, that ‘Young Master’ again,’ he almost groaned, but he held it back.

“Good morning to you too, Albert.”

Albert bowed and followed him downstairs.

“Here’s your breakfast, Young Master Jason,” the maid cheerfully said, placing the plate on his table. At the same time, the other maid on his left poured orange juice into his glass.

“Thank you, Ms. Syntia and Ms. Shen.”

Both of the maids smiled in acknowledgment and bowed again as they went back to the kitchen.

Before he could dive into his meal, he looked at Albert at his side, who was politely and weirdly staring at him.

“Uhm, Albert, have you eaten yet?” he questioned.

“Of course, Young-” Albert was cut off mid-sentence when Jason interrupted him.

“Wait, hold on a minute, Albert,” he said, pointing his fork at him.

“Yes, Young-”

“No! Just hold on a minute, okay?”

Albert clamped his mouth shut when he heard Jason raise his voice.

He sighed. “Can you please drop the 'Young Master' from my name when you call me?” he said slowly.

“But Young Master Jason, it would be rude not to say that together with your name. Also, you were the one who suggested being called that,” Albert insisted.

The boy suggested it?! He cursed the boy under his breath for coming up with such a terrible title.

“Forget I said that. And also, why is it rude?” He looked at Albert with a questioning brow, awaiting his answer.

“Because, Young Master Jason, your status exceeds us lowly people, and it would be rude to call you by name only.”

That's what they see themselves as? Lowly people? He felt angry at the thought. Shaking his head, his face took a serious look.

“Albert, I mean what I said. Don't call me 'Young Master' anymore; Jason is fine as it is. Or, in fact, you can call me Sir Jason. It sounds more manageable than Young Master.”

‘I don't know what that kid was thinking when he came up with such a name,’ he thought.

“Also, don't consider yourself a lowly person. It doesn't sit right with me,” he added.

Albert looked thoughtful for a moment. “Alright, if you say so, Sir Jason.”

He smiled and got up from his seat, surprising Albert.

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” he said, patting Albert on the shoulder before making his way back to his chair to enjoy his meal.


He had a lot of free time.

He considered spending it by strolling around the house with Albert at his side. His butler was stuck to him like glue.

No matter how much he tried to persuade Albert not to follow him all the time, he insisted that it was for his safety.

He could only sigh and allow Albert to follow him around.

The tour was swift. He went to the library first. Not the one where he met his parents; apparently, that wasn't the library, more like a living room. The real library was much bigger and had tons more books compared to the fake one.

He was confused as to why the house looked small compared to what was shown inside.

His parents weren’t in the house. They went to an important meeting.

It reminded him of his old parents, but they were more approachable and loving than his old ones.

He stared at the painting in front of him with a blank look. He wasn’t interested in paintings, not at all. But he was bored and had nothing to do.

Albert stayed by his side, watching the painting as he did. Apparently, like him, Albert grew bored and decided to speak out.

“Sir Jason, if you’d like, there’s a game room in one of the rooms here.”

‘Game room?’ That seemed interesting.

“Lead me there.”

“As you wish,” Albert bowed and began walking.

He followed closely behind him.


Over the next few days, there wasn’t much to take note of. He spent his days reading, exercising, and playing video games. It was like he was living a normal life once more. It was a strange but welcome change.

During those days, he grew closer to Albert to the point he could consider him a friend. They both played video games together, and Albert would help him pick out books to read.

He reminds me of Mike.

He wondered how Mike was doing, knowing that he had probably died in that world, likely succumbing to his injuries.

“Young Master Jason, may I come in?”

‘Ah, right. I forgot to tell most of them not to use 'Young Master' anymore,’ he sighed.

“You may.”

The door slowly opened, revealing a middle-aged butler. His name, if he remembered correctly, was Fred.

“Sorry to intrude on your rest, Young-”

“Jason is fine, Fred,” he interrupted.

Fred seemed taken aback. “But wouldn’t that be rude?”

‘No, I’m not having this conversation again’. Shaking his head, he spoke more firmly.

“Listen, Fred, it’s fine, okay? Just call me Sir Jason, how about that?”

Somehow, Fred seemed to be more cooperative, possibly because he used a more commanding tone this time.

“As you wish, Sir Jason,” Fred acknowledged.

“Thank you. Now, what was it you were about to say earlier?”

“Ah, about that. I’m afraid your father needs your presence in his office as soon as possible.”

He blinked. His father? What would he need him for?

“I see. I’ll come to meet him then,” he replied.

“Thank you for your understanding, Young-” Fred coughed under Jason's watchful stare. “Sir Jason.”

Jason smiled. “Thank you too, Fred.”

Fred left the room soon after.


Edward Kenhart sat in his room, contemplating.

In front of him stood a hologram of an older man, his hair mostly white with only traces of black. The man’s face was lined with wrinkles, clearly showing that he was older.

“Edward, I hope your decision on this is final. The moment you confirm this, there is no going back,” the person on the hologram said sternly, almost as if he were warning him.

Edward showed no visible reaction other than a resolute expression on his face. “I am sure of it, John.”

Then silence washed over them, both of them staring off against each other.

Edward could hear a sigh at the other end of the call.

“Seriously, Leo, despite many people calling you a genius, you are rather ignorant and stupid when it comes to your son,” John said.

“And why is that exactly?” Edward questioned his old friend. He wasn’t offended but rather curious.

“Well, to sum it up, you made stupid decisions regarding your son’s choices in contrast to your business decisions. Do you remember how he said he wanted a toy car on his birthday, but you gave him a book instead?”

“Why? Is there something wrong with the gift? I thought that books would have been a better gift since he could learn something from them. But a toy? It would only waste his time.”

“Edward, he was just four back then. How could he read a book at that age?”

“I didn’t have a problem reading it when I was his age,” Edward retorted.

“Because you're a child genius, you fool. Don’t tell me you expect your son to be one too?”

“Of course, he’s my son.”

“...You know what, never mind. You’re a lost cause. But don’t you think he should have a say in this?”

“I almost lost him, John. I won’t lose him again. He needs to be prepared for this world,” Edward said plainly. The thought of losing his son again ached his heart. He wasn’t going to let that feeling return.

“I know that. I have a child too, and a daughter at that. I won’t blame you for being overprotective; you have valid reasons to be. But don’t you think it’s too early for him to get started on this?” John questioned.

“He’s turning 17 this month on the 23rd. Isn’t it the best time to train him?” Edward reminded him.

“I know, but couldn’t you at least pick a better trainer for him?”

“What do you mean? You don’t think Miss Celine is qualified for the job?”

“Of course, she’s qualified, even more so regarding her achievements. But how can you be so sure you can hire her for this kind of job? Isn’t she retired?”

“She owes me.”

“Oh, I see. And you’re using it for your son. Well, I didn’t expect that from you either,” John said. “But have you heard the rumors about her?”

“Rumors?” Edward asked, raising a brow.

What rumors? He hadn’t heard any rumors regarding Ms. Celine. Ms. Celine was great, an expert in her field with many praises for her outstanding job as a Vetron Knight during her days. Before her retirement, she was considered to be one of the most powerful Vetron Knights to exist.

“You know, the rumors that state how she is, you know……mentally unstable.”

“Mentally unstable? I haven’t heard such a thing about her. Where did you get that information from?”

John shrugged. “I have my ways, and those ways prove to be true in most cases. Also, judging from her days as a Vetron, she should be quite strict and resort to some… unorthodox methods. You know how she is, right?”

“I do, and that’s why she is perfect for my son. He needs to get the experience to be a better man than he already is now.”

“...I don’t know whether you love your son or not, judging by that. Anyways, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“I’ll remember.”

“You should. Well, I think that should be all for today. I wish you luck, Edward.”

“Thank you, John.”

Then the hologram shut off.

[Call ended. Time 36 minutes and 53 seconds. Would you like to call another person?]



Edward sat there silently, thinking about what John said. Was he really making such a bad decision for Jason?

It couldn’t be. He had weighed the pros and cons and saw more benefits. This decision is not for him but for his son's future and safety. He will do whatever it takes to ensure that.

A knock on the door interrupted his train of thought. “It’s me, Dad. Can I come in?”

“You may."

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