A strange new life


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Answer to the bet on the previous chapter was:

Hinata-clone wrote: "Naruto-kun, are you fighting with your boyfriend Sasuke over Haku? She's pretty isn't she?"


Thank you for the guesses. :D

That same day, after the morning training, I worked on modifying the weight seals. I already had a prototype design drawn, created in idle time in the Land of Waves. Now was to build and test. My new concept was simple, even if I still had some kinks to settle.

With this new version, instead of always active, I could activate or deactivate using chakra. What I hadn’t yet been able to figure out was how to make so I could raise or lower the weight at any time. Until now, every time I wanted it to be more heavy, I had to re-create the whole thing. I wanted one version solves all solution. The on/off switch was easy, the variable output wasn’t.

To keep up with my new resolve I crafted a test version that let me activate and deactivate the seals on command. I also increased the weight some more. I gotten pretty used to the current setup and it was time to amp the training again. I would keep toiling for the improvements I wanted.

I managed to beg two new jutsu from the mission control center. It turns out, that S-rank mission Kakashi gave me when I was a toddler wasn’t bogus talk to keep me silent. My current mission record was ten D-rank, one A-rank, one S-rank. Wild. More than wild: I was rich! I mean, not really rich, but S-rank missions paid super well, I didn’t need to worry about money for a long time.

That and the mission points. Given the mission reward ratio to cost of Jutsu, it wasn’t enough to get that many jutsu, but when combined with the rewards for the A-rank one. Yeah.

I went to town, so to speak. But really, not. Given my mission record, I was allowed to get B-rank jutsu. I didn’t even look at all the categories because I didn’t want to be tempted. I went for fuinjutsu and browsed the smaller catalog. In the end, I picked up a perimeter barrier. I wanted to deconstruct that jutsu for more building blocks for my own seals. For the rest of my points, I debated between one C-rank jutsu or two D-rank. I went with the C-rank: Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu. It was time to put my ability to sense chakra to use, and hiding under the earth was such a classic move I couldn’t let pass.

For my own personal projects I had mastered the Rasengan. I couldn't practice that jutsu just anywhere. No way to explain to Kakashi-sensei how I knew it. Which meant sneaking off training hours when I was sure no one was watching. Now I was working on multiple Rasengan. It was suitably difficult, which triggered my control training mania hard.

Other than that, for physical training I decided to focus on speed. I had my goal: Black Flash. Couldn’t very well be a slow flash. I did bug Kakashi-sensei to give me pointers about speed training. I expected him to bail out on me, but to my surprise, he didn’t.

“Let’s see your training plans.” The man said.

I nodded, showed him the many small exercises focused on strengthening leg muscles, or promote coordination.

“These and these you should remove.” He pointed to some of my routines. “They won’t work like you expect them to.” I nodded. “I’ll prepare a few others for you. I’ll give you tomorrow.”

I cheered a bit. I was considering going to look for Gai-sensei to get some tips, but if Kakashi was willing to help, I wouldn’t say no. I tackle-hugged the cool guy, to his immense discomfort. Gave him a prepared slice of lemon cake. Fled before he could retaliate.

The feeling of being home wouldn’t be complete without visiting Secretary-chan. I popped by the Hokage tower, gave the woman a hug. We couldn’t talk much, since it was working hours. I didn’t want to cause troubles. I offered her my new confection: Mango Mousse.

I fled. Not ashamed to admit. Secretary-chan let out a lewd squeal of joy that attracted a lot of attention. That day, I realized mango are her favorite fruit, and maybe I should catch her out of working ours if I planned to deliver any other mango flavored pastries.

But the day wasn’t over yet. I had a few more people to see and deliveries to make. I abused Konoha’s highway express. Jumped roof to roof until I found my destination. I looked over myself just to make sure, before I knocked on the door. I already had my board ready.

The door opened, an older woman with blonde hair and green eyes stepped out, greeted me. “Hello Hinata-chan, it’s been a while. How are you?”

I nodded, wrote. “Hello Haruno-san, I was out on a mission. Is Sakura-chan home?”

“Sakura is also out on a mission with her team. She won’t return for a few days yet.”

That was fair. I popped a container of pastries, placed an unused seal over the container. Offered the woman. “Please accept these, and give the seal to Sakura when she’s back?”

Mebuki took the container. Smiled. “It’s almost time for tea, won’t you come in?”

I shook my head, still had other place to visit. “Next time?” I wrote.

Haruno-san patted my head, not sure why people liked doing that. “Of course. I’ll tell Sakura you came by.”

I bowed, took the Konoha highway again. My next destination wasn’t a residential area, but Yamanaka Flowers Shop. I dropped in front of the place. Took a deep breath. I loved the smells. I was sure the Yamanaka ninjaed their flowers somehow. They smelled super nice. I stepped inside, went for the counter deep inside. Like I hoped, Ino was here, working her part-time job.

“Hinata-chan!” Ino smiled, waved. “I’ll be with you in a moment.” She called out, turned back to her customer.

I went to check the flowers. Or maybe smell them.

Not long after Ino was upon me. The girl grabbed my hand, pulled me deeper into the place. “Mom!” she yelled. “Can you mind the shop for a bit? Hinata is here!”

Ino didn’t wait for her mother response. I was already used to the treatment. The few times I visited wasn’t that different. She dragged me up stairs and across doors to a sparsely decorated living room. To no one’s surprise, most of the decorations were flower themed. Ino pushed me on a couch, then fled in the other direction.

I got comfortable, sat over one crossed leg. Looked a my collection of pastries. I wasn’t confident enough in the mango mousse yet, despite Secretary-chan’s reaction. Decided to go with the usual assortment of cupcakes.

Ino returned not long after. She brought tea. Flower flavored, of course.

We ate, we drank, we gossiped. I told her about my A-rank mission, she told me all about her boring D-ranks.

“I have a new concoction in the works.” I wrote, when it was time to go. “But it still needs some work.”

“Really? What it is?” Ino asked, eyes sparkling.

I gave her a cheeky grin. “A surprise. I’ll have it ready for the next time I see you.”

“You better!” Ino demanded.

Next chapter tomorrow.

Also, repeating someone else's question: You think Secretary-chan will ever get a name?



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