A strange new life


Without Sakura-chan in team seven, Rock Lee didn’t follow us to challenge Sasuke. I guess the impetus behind that decision was probably teenager hormones. Which was a shame, I wanted to see second coolest ninja, Konoha’s Sublime Green Beast of Prey: Maito Gai. Soon, I hoped. We kept pace, climbed to the next floor. Kakashi-sensei stood before door 3o1.

Naruto squinted, scratched his head. “Why are you here, sensei?”

Cool guy Kakashi, still leaning against the wall gave us a small wave. “From the start, only a three man squad can participate on the exam.”

Naruto tilted his head. “But sensei, you said we could decide for ourselves, were you lying?”

Sensei smiled. Eye turned into a crescent. “If I had told the truth, and one of you didn’t feel ready to participate, the others might have pressured that person into participating. That wouldn’t do. Half attempts at this exam will only get you killed. But you guys came on your own will and I’m very proud of you guys. You are a team that I’m proud of. Now, go on.”

The boys smirked. My ears burned. With head held high, chest puffed up — to no visible difference — I crossed the fated door.

Glares, all manner of glares and scowls greeted us on the other side.

The room was packed full of people. Most from Konoha, almost all of them a lot older than us. I caught movement from the corner of my eye: a dash of yellow hair coming our direction. I ducked around Naruto, waited for the perfect moment.

“You’re late Sa—” I didn’t let Ino finish. She had her arms open ready to hug Emosuke. The boy didn’t need any more attention, and I wanted that hug for myself. I tackled the blonde instead of letting her finish, cut off her remark.

“— oof.” Ino grunted, hugged me back. Her eyes glinted, face opened with a smile. “Did you bring it?” She asked, as if hugging me had been her intention all along.

I nodded, serious.

Ino threw herself into the hug fully. “Yes!”

I held onto the hug for a while longer, noticed the intricate scent of flowers from the blonde girl. Released her waist. She looked at me expectantly. I dug into one of the hidden pockets in my skirt waistband. Took a miniature seal. Offered it.

Ino took the seal with trembling hands. Stored it in a pocket. Threw her arms around my neck on another hug. Ino’s reaction reminded me of food addicts. Had I hooked the girl on sweets addiction and was now her fixer? No, that was silly. I pushed that idea away.

All the while, the whole room watched, and the mood got even heavier. Shikamaru and Choji arrived soon after.

“How troublesome,” Shikamaru complained. Choji nodded, but didn’t stop eating his chips. Ino still had her arms draped around my neck, when team eight arrived.

Shino, with his high collar and black glasses looked inscrutable as always. Kiba looked wild and arrogant, but it was the puppy on top of his head that stole the lime light. Akamaru was so cute! Sakura looked confident, smiled. Her eyes passed over all of us, lingered a moment on Sasuke, but focused on Ino.

I guess Sakura just needed time and distance to get over Emosuke.

“Your forehead is still wide and you’re ugly as usual.” Ino teased.

“Go to hell, Ino-pig!” Sakura called back. Ino just stuck her tongue at Sakura.

“You guys are taking this exam too?” Shikamaru asked the obvious question once the rookie nine had gathered.

There was a bit of banter. Kiba provoked Sasuke, Naruto called out the whole team eight. All other eight kids being loud as kids wont to do. I was tempted to summon finger food to celebrate the reunion, but I didn't want to give away that information to the enemy. Maybe I could invite them all for a get-together later?

“Hey, you guys.” A soft voice called from behind us. “You should all be a little quieter.” I twisted a bit, peered over Ino’s arm at the newcomer. Tall, with glasses and gray hair, he wore his protector on his forehead and a dark blue vest over a white shirt. The usual half-shin trouser and blue opentoe ninja shoes.

Another fucker that needed to die. Real fast. Real hard. I glared at Kabuto.

“You guys must be the nine rookies, acting like this is a field trip.”

Ino, who still had her arms draped around my shoulders, shot back. “Who are you? Acting all haughty!”

He returned my glare and Ino question with a smile. “I’m Kabuto, anyway take a look around you.”

I didn’t. I had never stopped paying attention to the room chockful of people glaring at us, but it seems, the others had. Ino looked around, removed her arms. Sakura also looked tense now. Some of the boys looked intimidated, others serious. I wanted to strangulate Kabuto even more now. I had been enjoying the prolonged contact with another human being.

“Everyone is already on edge because of the exam.” Kabuto engaged the rest of the rookies in conversation. Pulled out his ninja cards. Everyone gathered around him to check out the details. Kabuto talked the villages participating. “Everyone here top of their village, everyone strong. Some even literal monsters.”

This fucker needed to die. Fast. Decisively, and permanently. But how? He might be pretending to be a genin still, but Kabuto was strong. Jounin like strong. At this point in time, how many body modification had he already performed? Could he even be killed?

Kabuto glanced at me, flashed a smile. I looked away. Gotta be careful.

Naruto started trembling. Sasuke noticed. Looked worried.

Naruto took a pose, pointed his fingers at the room at large. “My name is Uzumaki Naruto, and I wont lose to any of you bastards!” He hollered. Put hands behind his head. “Ah, that felt great!”

“Hey, what’s what with him?” Ino grabbed my arm, demanded. I just flashed her a smiled. Might have passed a new seal with more pastries.

Sasuke smirked.

We were in a room full of ninja, people who should know how to control their reactions. The glares, the tense jaws, clenched fists and cursing, told otherwise. I could grab at the tension in the air. Otogakure ninjas moved. The trio dashed forward, attacked their disguised pal, Kabuto. Was this planned as well? It made no sense why the ninjas would go for Kabuto when the rookies were an easier target. Was that planned to make us sympathize with the traitor?

Kabuto dodged, but suffered the consequences of the sound attack, barfing all over the place. Naruto rilled up, ready to cause another commotion to defend Kabuto. Smoke exploded at the far end on the other side from where we were. “Quiet down, you worthless bastards!” The voice bellowed. Out of the smoke popped the scary Intelligence Department Squad, or at least I thought they were.

A ninja stood in front of the group. He was dressed in a black duster, his protector worn like a bandanna. He smiled. It did nothing to warm his scarred face. “Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I’m Morino Ibiki, the examiner for the first test of the Chunin exam.” Ibiki's voice, a low growl that echoed through the room, silenced the chatter instantly. His eyes, cold and piercing, scanned the crowd, lingering on each face as if daring anyone to challenge him.

It was pretty interesting seeing the man work. The glare, the stare, the scars. Yep, I wouldn’t want to be alone with that guy. He listed the rules, threatened to disqualify anyone who didn’t obey.

“Turn in your written application, take one of these seating assignment cards.” Ibiki showed a small card with a number. “Report directly to the seat indicated. When Everyone is seated, we’ll pass out the written part of the exam.”

Naruto grabbed his hair. Soul leaving his body. “A written test?” He yelled.



Thank you for reading. Next chapter Friday.


I've finished writing ARC 4. It's smaller compared to previous arcs, around 13 parts only.  Started working on act 5. Been watching a few of the filler episodes and man, it's hard. xD

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