A Superhero Harem? Their love makes me stronger (MHA, OPM, Naruto, OP)

Chapter 13: Decision

While Isaki went to bring the potion to help him, Ren dived into his mind.

He decided to stop hesitating. She was there for him trying to be as helpful as she can, while he bitched about things.

It was true that he felt like he would forget about his family if he got close to other people, but he was also an idiot.

This was a new world. And while he wished he would one day get back to his family, when will that be?

Will he stay alone all that time? He had been thinking deeply about these issues and reached a conclusion.

He would live his new life fully, while at the same time not forgetting his family. There was no law that had you forget people to like new ones.

'I'll treat her like a real aunt from now on, and her daughter will be like a sister to me' Ren concluded.

He didn't have anything to be hesitant about from now on.

It was because he had decided on something. He will not let his traits go to waste anymore just by waiting around. He would utilize them and then get stronger. And it would start first with training.

He did some research before, and had recently found a method to get stronger.  He was planing to do it before, he just had to do it quicker now.

He had researched before that if a person's stats were all C rank but his trait was B rank then he can train his body to reach the same stats as his rank.

This meant that he could become stronger by training in a gym. He would first have to try it and see for himself if it was true.

If it was, he would commit to it. Since he had two traits and one was above the SSS tier, he knew he could become quite strong if he trained.

But he was guessing that it wouldn't be so easy to do so the more he trained and raised his stats.

That was fine as his first trait will take care of that.

'My confidence is restored'

He was feeling confident and hopeful after he beat up that robber.

This world came down hard on him with all the superheroes and monsters' stuff.

But the feeling he had when he grabbed that pipe as if a sword, was something that had him become more confident about himself. He wasn't a regular human anymore.

If he trained, then he would make it.

This was what he thought. So, right after he is healed, he would start training.

Soon Isaki returned.

She held a small bottle filled with a red liquid.

Once she reached near him she spoke up.

"I don't know if you are aware of this, but a potion that would heal wounds instantly like a video game doesn't exist. The potions we have is only something that can stop the bleeding, clean the wound from any bacteria, and increase the natural regeneration of humans so that wounds would heal rapidly. But you have to know, even such basic effects will save lives in a gate." Isaki gently explained to him.

Ren's eyes widened a bit.

It was true that he thought potions were the same as those from games, this was the first time he had heard otherwise.

After all, during his online search, all he managed to catch was that heroes were obligated to at least bring a few potions with them, so he thought that maybe it was similar to games.

"Even so, that's still pretty good" Ren still gave his admiration. Such potions were bound to be quite expensive. And here she was using it on him.

If a wound would take weeks to heal, using a potion would shorten that time to a few days.

"That's right if the heroes go into a gate without a healer, then such potions are necessary. You would also need to go to a healer if this potion doesn't do the job on its own." Isaki was not very confident.

The wound appeared very deep, and the bleeding hadn't stopped just yet.

She could see that the flesh surrounding the stabbed area was charred as if it was made by a flaming dagger or something similar. She gently opened the bottle and applied the solution inside to the wound.

A potion can be drunk to increase the natural regeneration of the whole body, but targeted use of the potion would deal better effects.

As soon as the potion seeped into the wound, Ren could feel a kind of itch spread in that area, before the bleeding stopped and the wound area shrunk a bit in size.

Maybe the potion could work, but if not, then a healer was necessary.

Isaki nodded to herself.

"I know a healer that would be able to help for a cheaper price. So, you don't have to worry." Isaki held his hands as she told him.

Ren could detect the amount of worry she had for him, so he once again chided himself for being stupid.

"Thank you, Auntie" He whispered as he lowered his head.

She smiled and then nudged him.

"Now, tell me what's wrong?"


Ren resolved to explain to her everything that had happened today. He started by how he had gone to buy some stuff…

After a while of explaining about the robber, about the fight, about his trait that allowed him to fight back, it was safe to say that Isaki was shocked.

"For him to have an ability like that, it should at the very least be D rank. To think you can beat someone like that, I think your stats and trait must be at least in the C rank, maybe your trait would be even higher." Isaki spoke up in astonishment.

Ren who knew his own stats was amazed at how accurate her prediction was. He didn't know about the robber but his own stats were indeed like she said in the C rank. His trait was even B ranked.

"Yes, I'll have to check in the future." Ren nodded his head.

"But Ren, you didn't have to go to all that trouble, you could have just called the police." She then said and looked at him bewildered for why he didn't do so.

"I didn't know if they'll believe me though" He spoke up embarrassed.

This was a former superhero in front of him after all.

Isaki looked at him for a bit before she burst out laughing.

"Haha, you silly guy, do you think they'll treat you like a criminal? There are many people born with abilities to know when someone is lying, most of them end up joining the police, so you have nothing to be afraid of. Well anyway, this is over with, so let's not bring it up again." She had her fun laughing at him for a bit.

As she said, if he had done so, they would have treated his wound easily with a healer, and then after a short questioning, they would get the truth and throw the robber in prison, and maybe even reward Ren for doing a good deed.

"Now then, do you want to come and have dinner with me? Rina has already been sent to sleep but I haven't eaten just yet. We can reheat the food if you want." Isaki then asked him with a warm smile. She couldn't eat earlier due to worry.

Unlike Ren, she was a superhero before and knew how dark and dangerous the world was, so she ends up worrying about him.

Ren looked at her smiling at him, and couldn't help but smile himself.

"I would love to." He replied. This would be the first time.

Isaki's eyes widened for a bit before her smile turned even more radiant.


-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release:


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