A Superhero Harem? Their love makes me stronger (MHA, OPM, Naruto, OP)

Chapter 18: Spar

Ren when he had grabbed his sword, had entered a very focused state.

For a while, as he was training, even Robin had been forgotten about.

He didn't follow some videos this time like in his earlier training, instead he just naturally knew how to use his Khopesh.

There were various basic, and advanced moves to using a Khopesh, and Ren went through them all.

Slash, hack, and hook. These were basic moves and went through a couple of series repeating them.

He then started moving his body around as he used and started doing advanced moves.

Like slashing from an upward position, hacking after a jump motion, and even thrusting it forward as it had a very sharp pointy end. (A/N: Khopesh pic)

By the time he repeated such moves hundreds of times, he felt like that was enough for the basics and stopped.

Deciding to drink a bit of water and then move on to the next exercise.

'Ah, yeah'

Only then did he remember that Robin was nearby. He found her just staring at him, her cheeks were a bit flushed.

He scratched his head awkwardly.

"Did you perhaps call me and I didn't respond?" He asked while embarrassed.

When he enters this state, he knew that he was at peak focus on the task at hand.

Of course, entering this state, he would be aware of all the surroundings and nothing would escape his attention.

It was just that Ren was directing all of his focus to go toward his training.

Robin chuckled.

"No, I didn't want to ruin your focus." She replied and handed him his bottle of water.

She had been enjoying her watch with both hands under her chin, and her eyes sparkling.

There was just something mesmerizing about how he moved elegantly and gracefully performed all those moves.

She had felt like she was in a trance similar to him, and only when Ren had finished, did she snap out of it and played it cool.

Ren came near her and took the water.

"Well, that's good. I tend to lose focus about things when I'm training, haha" He laughed as he explained.

He then drank some water.

'Thank god, he didn't notice' Robin sighed in relief. He didn't notice that she was also entranced watching him creepily.

"Ren, tell me, is this how you train your trait usually?" She then asked him.

She knew that his trait gave him mastery of weapons, but she felt like he wouldn't stop at just this.

Using her skill of observation, she could feel that Ren still had plenty of energy to go.

"Ah, that was just the basics. I go through them every time to keep a sharp edge." Ren explained to her as he put the bottle away.

Doing those basics didn't take much out of him.

Right now, he could still feel that his mana was close to full.

Since even though he was using it, he didn't release it in an attack on something. Adding mana to an attack gave it more power.

"I'll be training seriously now." He told her as he moved back to the control panel and inputted something and then back to his position.

He then swirled the Khopesh in his hand.

It was made out of a special type of wood, so it was quite sturdy and well-polished giving it a sharp edge.

*Ting* *Ting*

From the ground and the sidewalls, humanoid puppets started to appear.

Their eyes lit up in red all of a sudden as they gazed at Ren.

The puppets were controlled by AI and moved to attack him all of a sudden.

Ren grinned.

"Let's do this"

He rushed towards them.

After reaching the first one, he swung his sword and in one motion cut right through the puppet.

The puppet was actually made from a metal that was easy to shape.

And even after you destroy a puppet, it was easy to repair it. But still to destroy it with a wooden sword was something else. this was due to him using mana.

Ren smiled as he became engrossed in fighting.

This time he used more mana and swung with the blunt side at a puppet that had jumped at him. His strike threw it across the room hitting two other puppets and sending them breaking into the wall.


They broke down immediately, but the sturdy wall didn't, which was something Ren appreciated. He then moved to the next one.

Under Robin's watchful eyes, Ren continued training in this manner.

She saw how easily he dispatched them. But the puppets repaired themselves soon after and attacked him again.

Each time they were repaired, she noticed their speed and strength were increasing.

'He is still destroying them with the same ease though'

But the outcome remained the same. Robin was impressed by his trait.

She had even got up to check what stats he gave the puppets, and it turned out shocking.

-Strength: C

-Agility:    B

Those puppets resembled a B ranker in speed and a C ranker in strength. But he was dodging them easily and destroying them with ease.

This continued on like this until finally Ren loudly called out.


And the puppets' red eyes grew dim and shut down.

*Pant* *pant*

He then sat right there on the ground in exhaustion.

Robin got up from her seat and went near him. Today she had decided to not train at all and just watch Ren.

But right now, watching Ren just got her fired up.

The two sat there chatting up, as Ren used the controls to play various videos which the two kept watching while he recuperated.

She had asked him if he was done, as according to her when one depleted their mana, they would need close to a day to recuperate maybe even more.

But Ren said he only needed a bit of time.

True to his words, 40 min later, he was back on his feet fully charged.

"Hey, Robin, do you think it's fine if we spar a bit? I want to test myself against another similar B ranker"

Ren then asked her.

He wanted to test himself and see where he was at the moment.

Robin was someone who had entered the dangerous gates and had fought against monsters. Both human ones and real ones.

As expected from her though, she didn't refuse.

"Sure, I also wanted to spar a bit after seeing you use your trait." His trait was just amazing to her.

She wanted to test it on her own.

It gave him great attacking power, considerable defense, and stamina. It was a very great trait, that could make him reach far.

But she wasn't a pushover either.


[Rank:      B]

[Strength: C]

[Agility:    B]

[Magic:    B]

[Traits: -Blooming flowers (A)]



-Haki (SSS): Observation (B). ???

-Six Powers (A): Finger pistole. Iron Body. ???

-Numbered Flowers (A)]

This was her status.

On her status, there were a few skills that anyone from Grand'liners descent can train along with Haki.

The Grand'liners were people that had in the past conquered a sea and the many islands surrounding it and gotten rid of the monsters infesting it.

Her status certainly allowed her to feel confident enough.

And while she wouldn't ever try entering an A gate on her own, she was still a force to reckon with and was always called to raid rank A gates, not to mention she was still growing.

Ren held his sword and got ready.

'Then let's first go for close quarters combat' She thought to herself, and kicked the ground and disappeared from Ren's view.

In truth, both of their speeds were actually the same, but this was where skills played a part.

'Her speed is good' He remarked.

However, Ren guarded against her in time.

He used his sword as a shield and caught her leg attack.

'Her strength is also quite good' He nodded to himself.

But she didn't finish just yet. She jumped back, landed on the ground, and by the time Ren was about to swing his sword at her in retaliation, her observation Haki triggered and she leaned to the side dodging easily, and then Ren was wide open to her attacks.

She leaned back in and punched at him quickly.

'Too bad I have not yet mastered armament Haki, sigh' She thought to herself.

If she had done so, her punch would deal more damage.

Her punch was just about to land on Ren, but he retracted his sword and hurriedly fell back by a few steps.

Dodging her attack in the process.

"Your reaction speed is not so bad" Robin praised him.

But she didn't stop and followed by kicking at his leg after she lowered her body.

Ren who was moving backward backflipped and dodged her leg swipe, and then rolled down once he landed on the ground and then got up soon after.

He had a grin on his face.

"This is fun," He said.

He then grabbed his sword tightly and started to stabilize his breathing.

He then jumped at her.

He swung his sword at a fast speed, and Robin relied on her observation Haki to dodge.

But Ren's speed kept increasing as she dodged and she felt like he would hit her sooner than later.

After all, it consumed Mana to use Haki, and it was not like her reserves were unlimited.

She made a bit of distance in between them and then crossed her arms with a smile. She felt like in close combat, Ren can beat her easily.

[Quatro Fleur (Four Flowers)]

Pink petals surrounded her form before four new arms appeared on her body.

She now had three arms on each side and they can all move adeptly as if she was born with them.

"Hehe, let me show you my ability" She grinned before charging at him.

Ren wasn't intimidated.

He rushed forward toward her and met her head-on.

Now that she had more limbs she could easily deal more attacks than he could take, but surprisingly Ren appeared able to deflect the attacks while focusing hard.

This warrior-like focus he had at the moment created a state where his instinct warned him of incoming attacks and he dodged them successfully.

His mana was depleting like crazy as it circulated around his body, however.

Robin jumped back a bit.

"You're impressive Ren" She praised him.

The two took a short breather.

Her body was reacting even more than before towards him… it almost felt like he was… like he was dominating her!

She blushed.

"Actually, I feel like you're not really using your ability seriously, right?" Ren smiled, but he knew that Robin was just playing around.

They were just sparing after all. He could also use his trait and deal damage to her limbs, but that would hurt her, so they both just took it easy.

Robin gave a nod as she tried to suppress her perverted thoughts.

"Well, I can create hundreds of limbs anywhere I want, I can even fuse them to make giant limbs, but those are best suited for monsters and situations where there are multiple enemies." She explained.

He nodded.

"I feel like you can make those limbs on the body of a person or a monster and catch them off-guard, right?" Ren asked. If she could do so then it was an instant win for her.

Robin's eyes widened.

'How did he know? Was it just a guess?'

"I can indeed do so. But only for those who have their magic stat lower than me" Robin got over her shock and said.

She then crossed her arms and muttered.

[Seis fleur (Six flowers)]

And six human arms sprung up on Ren's body. All of them originated from his back, and it appeared like he had become an Asura.

He curiously looked at them, before he moved to touch one of them.

Robin smiled as she saw this and felt his touch on her hand. It didn't appear that he was disgusted at all. Which made her happy.

'Thank god' She didn't want him to feel disgusted with her ability… That would hurt. She had even gotten a nickname as a superhero due to it… one she didn't like…

"This spar was fun; do you want to continue?" She asked him. If she could continue like this, she didn't mind. Being around Ren, was just enjoyable to her as their bodies just sort of resonated.

Ren gave her a nod with a thin smile.

"I would like to"


A/N: Extra-long chapter, like more than 2000 words. Didn't want to make their interaction take even more chapters. Next chapter would have some steamy +18 time hehe


-Thank you *"Eric"* and *"Hawkshe"* and *"Shadow"* For being my first patrons 😎🎉

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release:


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