A Superhero Harem? Their love makes me stronger (MHA, OPM, Naruto, OP)

Chapter 24: A rank threat and Yamato appears

*Isaki's POV*


[Rank: B]

[Strength: B]

[Agility:    B]

[Magic:    B]

[Traits: - Ventus (B)]



-Gust Surge (B)

-Unbound Wind (B)

-Wind barrier (B)

-Wind blade C)]

Isaki was actually a former superhero.

She was well known and had reached quite a high rank.

Her status was impressive for her rank, and as a result, she got paid very well for doing something good.

But her life would be tragic if not for her daughter being in it.

The guy she had married, turned out to be a cheating scumbag.

The signs were there, but she chose to ignore them foolishly.

When she had been doing everything, she can to make everything work out, and even when they had a daughter together, he still went ahead and gave in to a primal impulse and cheated.

She knew then that he didn't love her.

Isaki then quit the superhero scene, divorced the guy giving him no second chances and decided to focus on her daughter, whom the bastard didn't even want to visit.

Today, was Isaki's rest day from work.

'That kid is very hardworking.' Her thoughts moved to Ren who was in the gym.

She didn't have anything to do apart from cooking, cleaning, and taking her daughter to the daycare.

So, after dealing with Rina she got back and started cleaning.

She took a short nap later, and afterward, she started to prepare what to cook, as it was very soon going to reach the time Rina would be out. And very shortly after, Ren would be back.

She dusted her hands.

"And done" She smiled after she finished.

She had just cooked some homemade bread, prepared some soup, and left some things that can be cooked quickly until she got back.

'Now, it's time to go bring little Rina back'

She changed her clothes a bit and grabbed her keys before heading outside.

It was at that time that she noticed the people running around, and turned alert.

'Something's wrong'

Instantly she moved towards a group of people running in a swirl of wind.

She asked them what was wrong and very quickly she got the gist of what had happened.

'If a gate opened, then all civilians would be sent to the nearby bunker. That should be my destination. But I need more information on the type of gate and the monsters…'

She then called a female superhero friend and questioned her about the situation in-depth, and got to know what was happening.

An A rank gate opened up suddenly, which wasn't something unusual, but the difference was the multiple readings of A ranked monsters they got.

"Isaki don't do anything too reckless-" Her female friend was still speaking but Isaki didn't have any more time so she cut the call off.

She then rapidly dashed towards the daycare center, not caring about the people in the surroundings warning her against heading that way.

Her ability [Unbound Wind] allowed her to move faster, and as a result, she ended up reaching where she wanted instantly.

On the way she had met many heroes she knew, and some she didn't, but they didn't stop her, as they knew her, or felt her power in the case of those that don't.

Very soon, she reached the place and looked at the situation.

There were five heroes in the place and one of them was a person she knew.

Two were standing near the building's door, and three were diverting the attention of the monsters.

They let her easily move inside and she went to make sure her daughter was safe.

She found her along with other similar children and their teacher.

"Mama" Rina ran into her mother's arm.

'Thank god.' Only when Isaki held her daughter in her arms did she feel safe.

"Don't worry, everything is fine now" She calmed her daughter and soothed her.

'I hope Ren is safe too' Her thoughts then moved to Ren who should be training in the gym.

That was when Isaki went to take a look at the situation outside, she found out the heroes were having a tough time due to the monsters' numbers being huge and they requested backup.

Three more heroes in the surrounding came up and helped.

'Why is the number of B ranks so huge?' Isaki didn't know what was happening.

But the B-ranked monsters increased in numbers even more.

Mainly they were the identified Ulfur monsters. They were mostly C ranks, but sightings of b rank and even A rank were seen.

Isaki ended up joining them, and then things went south as they were just vastly outnumbered.

Only 20min after she started helping, the reliable heroes, were taken care of and had fallen.

[Wind blade]

But Isaki held on, even as the other heroes fell off.

She sent off wind blades that cut the weaker monsters apart and even injured the B ranks.

[Gust Surge]

For the B ranks, she used her Gust Surge to create small tornados right under the monsters, and they would be shredded apart.

Normally B rank monsters would require cooperation from a few B rank heroes to beat, but Isaki was a veteran who had almost broken through to the A rank, so her stats were on the verge of upgrading.

Dealing with weaker B ranks wasn't very hard to do.

She fought, she defended with her [Wind Barrier], but she still ended up injured from the sheer number of monsters.

One of the wolfs had bit her left hand, and one of them had slashed her leg.

Due to their numbers and high rank she couldn't do anything.

'I can at least hold them off until the backup comes' She then used her ability.

[Wind Barrier]

And created a barrier to stop the monsters from advancing.

This was the best usage to not waste her energy.

using her barrier, she was able to hold them off the building.

And just when her barrier was about to be broken, someone familiar stepped out and kicked the monsters.

Her eyes widened.


She was expecting backup, but not Ren.

Although he was wearing a mask, she could tell from his eyes, height, and general body shape.

If that wasn't enough, there was also the sword he had purchased with her help, since he can't yet do so on his own.

Still from fighting almost twenty B ranks on her own, and various lower-ranked monsters, she was very tired to think about it anymore.

As such, she couldn't even warn Ren and just barely stuttered his name.


Ren was not the only one who had come.

Another hero, quite short, only standing at 170cm, had joined them.

Ren saw that he was a young man.

This hero had his hands lit aflame, and he threw fireballs at the monsters.

He fought until he reached Isaki, and seeing that Ren was standing guard he opened a pouch and grabbed a potion before handing it to Isaki.

"Please go ahead and use this," He said before he turned back to focus on the monsters.

Isaki took the potion and instantly applied it to her wounds.

Like that, she might be able to help more.

Ren was impressed with the guy.

But the same could be said about the hero.

Ren was disguised right now, hiding his face. But the hero could tell he was quite strong and looked at him in admiration.

Even Isaki was looking at him amazed.

'He kicked a B rank just like that?' She saw how Ren had done so before.

Meanwhile, Ren gave the hero a nod.

"I'll leave the back to you," He said before he ran forward.

This new kid was only a C rank, and while strong, he would only die meaninglessly if he fought here.

But… Ren was different.

His attacks could level a whole building if he wanted to.

But right now, he didn't want to do more damage, he just wanted to take down the monsters.

So, his attacks had to be calculated.


Five swings, five wolf monsters died bisected.

Ren had a collected look on his face as he moved through the monsters easily. Not needing more than one strike for each monster.

However, his eyes had a glint of anger.

He felt like if he was just a bit late, Isaki might have died right then.

But the moment he passed through the dead bodies of the monsters while getting rid of the unnecessary thoughts, something flashed near his face.

It was similar to the panel where he could see his status, but this one had a few messages on it.

[Initiating the Heroic System public chatroom]

[You have joined the chatroom]

[Designation: Owner]

[Currently sending invites]

[Targets: Heroes]

This message repeated a few times and kept blinking a red light.


He was stunned for a while before he focused back on his current fight.

The system that he had, had been silent so far only providing a chat function, and a store.

Right now, that chat had activated and he became its owner. And it should also start to send invites if he understood it well.

But now was not the time to think about that.

He might have killed five wolfs, but they were just rank C.

Ren didn't yet have any skills. Those were resulted from overtime usage and led to the creation of a technique.

Some techniques were taught by family elders, and some were bought, but you had to practice them nonetheless.

Ren pushed off the ground, dodging another wolf variant monster.

This one had feelers that extended and had a sharp edge like a spear.

The two feelers tried to puncture him, but he jumped up backward. The ground was penetrated through regardless.

Ren tightened his grip on his sword, and relying on the sword mastery he had at this moment, he swung his blade.

The feelers were cut apart as the monster cried in pain.

Ren moved in to kill it, but another set of feelers locked on his form.

Using his sword, he guarded against the attack.


There were just too many monsters.

'I'll have to go about this carefully' He didn't want any B rank to slip behind him.

And while the lower-ranked monsters had been cowering and leaving the stage for the B ranks, they went back to Isaki, and the new hero who had shown up.

Still, he thought the hero could take it.

He once again engaged the monsters, and slowly, even with their large numbers he was gaining the edge.

Little by little, he kept injuring the monsters, and then he would kill them.

Those similarly ranked as him had enough power to rumble the earth with each step, but Ren was no pushover.

Just like Isaki, he was ready to enter the A rank, so it was not easy to beat him.

After a while, Ren had finally disposed of the monsters in the immediate area.

While he was doing so, he also tried to use a certain technique that swordsmen can do. But it didn't work no matter how much he tried.


All in all, he had taken down, 15 B ranks, and more than 30 C ranks.

He then moved back and was about to rejoin Isaki and the flame guy, but his instincts at the last moment screamed at him to dodge.

His body didn't need to be ordered, and naturedly moved by rolling on the ground.

He didn't stop and jumped back just as he had finished his rolling.

He then grabbed the short sword and pointed it forward, at his opposition.

His back being towards Isaki.


Ren's back was drenched with sweat, as his body entered a high state of alert.

'That…' His thoughts went into overdrive.

From the side, the hero and Isaki also tensed up.

"T-That's an A-A r-rank!" The young man stuttered and his legs almost gave up.

He had been fighting and doing his best so far, but he had felt if it was anything more than that, and he would be done for.

Who knew that the next thing to happen would be an A rank monster.

The comms on his ear rang out requesting any hero available to move to the area they were in now, as an A rank had appeared.

'Too late for that…' He thought to himself.

"Rank A Ulfur and an alpha too…" Isaki's eyes dimmed.

That was why there were so many wolf monsters.

'Ren!' She had tears in her eyes as she recognized the huge monster.

It was truck-sized, and its body unlike the other Ulfur wolfs was not looking malnourished.

Rather its body was heavily muscles, its claw shined a shiny silver metallic color, its teeth had acid that melted the ground, and the hair on its neck was crystalized and pointed like sharp spikes.

Its eyes appeared vastly intelligent than its weaker brethren as it surveyed the area.

Ren felt cold like he was drowning in ice-cold water.

The way he felt about this monster almost made his body stop functioning from the sheer presence.


Still, he managed to take a deep breath and steady his trembling hands.

The monster looked at him as if ridiculing him, and then bent its legs.


The next thing that happened was Ren feeling the wind surge around him, and the sound of things colliding.

A claw was right in front of his face, mere cm away from puncturing his eyes.

He hurriedly jumped back, as the wolf tried to take back its claw.

The only thing that had stopped it was the wind barrier, courtesy of Isaki who had cast the shield before the monster even moved.

So she barely made it in time.

Ren didn't turn to thank her.

At this moment, his power surged through his body as he prepared to deal a very strong attack while the wolf was stuck.

The desperation he had at this moment, coupled with the burden he had on his back of protecting those behind him, led to him succeeding in the earlier technique he had failed to perform.

As he swung his sword, his full mana charged, a huge 6m long sharp air blade was launched forth instantly at the wolf that had just retracted its claw.

It had no time to dodge and the attack hit it in the chest throwing it back as its body twisted and rolled on the ground.

[Air blades ability was created]

Ren almost dropped to his knees after that attack. It took his everything.

But raising his head to see if he managed to dispose of the wolf, he saw it getting up.

It licked the small wound that had opened up on its chest and then turned to give Ren a look.


It then howled at the sky.

Following this, many Ulfurs started to show up nearby, reaching almost a hundred.

The Alpha then looked back at Ren.

A manic and cruel light shining in its eyes.


Isaki yelled from the side and used her ability.

A shield appeared near Ren just like before, but this time as the wolf jumped at him swinging a claw, the barrier was broken instantly and Ren was hit and thrown to the wall on the side with great force.

His body destroyed the building and came out the other side as he coughed blood on the way. He rolled on the ground for a while until he came to a stop.

"Cough, cough"

He couldn't get up from the ground, feeling a deep amount of pain.

It felt like every bone in his body was broken. Three claw marks visible on his chest.

The monster then started walking towards Isaki who had forgotten about the wolf and had tried getting up toward Ren.

'Ren! Please be alive'


The heavy footsteps reached his bleeding ears, and his cloudy thoughts suddenly focused.


Ren's body ached, but he stood up shockingly from the ground nonetheless.

The blood dripped from his arms as he couldn't even lift them, not to mention holding a sword upright.

But he didn't care at this moment and he started walking towards the monster.

Seeing him walking towards it, the wolf changed directions and focused back on him.

It would deal with him first.

Meanwhile, its pack was sent to the other hero and Isaki.

Ren stood still.

And with great difficulty, trembling hands but unwavering resolve, he raised his sword and held on to it tightly.

At this moment, only his sheer willpower was driving him to protect Isaki and the people behind in the building.

The wolf growled as if to ridicule him, and then charged ahead.

Just when the monster was about to hit him, a voice registered in his ears.

"Magnificent, young hero!"

In his eyes a woman showed up, her most notable feature, at least from the back he could see right now, was a white-colored hair that is bound between orange rods into a ponytail at the back, which fades into aqua green and then blues the further down it goes and ends in rectangular locks.

She swung a giant Kanabo studded club at the wolf at a speed way faster than it.

The wolf was hit on the head and was instantly thrown backward making a crater on the ground.

The last thing that entered Ren's eyes,  was the strange orange-colored horns on her head, as the woman put the club on her shoulder and stood there looking heroic.


-A/N: 3000 words!! This is like two chapters in one, or even three small chapters lol

-Sidenote: In current advanced chapters, mc has bagged both Robin, Sakura, and soon a few others will be added. There is like seven chapters of more than 2000 words each of pure smut hehe


-Thank you *"Eric"* ; *"Hawkshe"* ; *"Shadow"* ; *"Bowzer"* ; *"Lord Kuma"* ; *"Arun"* ; *"Angelo Meßmer "* and *"Carl Steelhammer"* For becoming my patrons 😎🎉

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release:


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