A Superhero Harem? Their love makes me stronger (MHA, OPM, Naruto, OP)

Chapter 30: C ranked gate

*Robin's POV*

She had just finished her mission for now, which was entering a few gates and killing the boss before moving to the next.

There were some teammates with her, so it was rather easy.

Yesterday, she, and a few of her female friends including Sakura had gone out for a night out and had some fun drinking and playing some games.

She was wearing a white short dress that perfectly accented her voluptuous body, and had over it a light purple coat. Her boots were also colored purple, to match her sunglasses and coat.

Her clothes were very alluring, clinging tightly to her body, long smooth legs, and particularly at her hugely perky breasts, and a lot of eyes ended up looking at her in return, but she wasn't one to give in, and anytime she found one looking at her, a glare would be sent, and the guy would hurriedly squirm and turn his eyesight away.

In the hero business, she had been given the nickname, Demon child.

Both due to how cold she was, and due to her unique ability…

'Hmph, do you think you're Ren to look at me like that?' She snorted as she continued on the road back home, driving her car.

Not just anyone can get close to her. And even her fellow agency members who treated her very well, would not overstep their bounds.

Ren had firmly planted his presence on her, and it was not just by his amazing techniques.

Her attendance was taken note of this time by her best time friend Nami who was the manager of the agency.

Nami was also the person who took care of their financial situation.

And Robin's agency was rather welcoming and had an environment like they were family members, so things weren't very strict as long as you got things done.

And she was very efficient with her wide range of abilities.

Something needed for the current circumstances.

The agencies were helping the hero organization and collaborating to better deal with the current situation. That was why Robin had been given a mission with members from other hero agencies.

The number of gates lately had been increasing, as such, even the stronger folks in her guild had been moving.

Normally, the weaker gates were left for them, as a way to gain experience, but also to make some money. They would only move in case of higher-ranked gates.

But now, they were making a move since the numbers were just huge. And it was not just in her city, this was happening throughout the whole world.

And there had been talks among the heroes, trying to figure out what was happening.

Even Robin who had been given time to train herself and increase her rank had been called for more missions.

Thinking about that, Robin couldn't help but look sideway in her vision.

In there, a panel was showing, visible only to her.

This panel showed a few people talking like they were in a group chat.

Right now, it seemed like five people in total had joined, and she was one.

She couldn't understand where this chatroom came from, and only had a vague timeline of when it showed up.

'It was during that time…'

When she had joined with Yamato and went to deal with the gate where Ren was fighting.

'But what is its purpose?' Robin didn't understand. In fact, apart from the members, she could see there was also a supposed chat master, who hadn't said anything just yet.

The chat had appeared even for the strongest people in this world, and not just her. This was something that alarmed her.

The names they were given at first were also weird. The SSS-ranked old man who can break the air, was nicknamed as: 'A mustache can also be called a whitebeard?'

Tatsumaki was named as 'Tsundere of terror'

Like they were so funny, but the guys in question changed it immediately. Meanwhile, she and All might were just given their regular name.

She shook her head.

She had finally reached her house, which was actually close to Ren. It made sense since they met at the gym, which was close to both.

Tomorrow she didn't have anything.

For now, as she entered her house, she let go of all other worries and relaxed.

'I'll grab Ren, and I won't let him go until I'm satisfied…'

She couldn't help but turn wet imagining it… A happy smile on her face.

'Let me give him a call' She grabbed her phone and dialed his number.


Meanwhile on the other side. Near a C ranked gate belonging to the hero organization.

Ren can be seen at the gate, holding a red-colored card near the entrance which was a metallic gate.

Right now, his clothes consisted of a very impressive skin-tight body armor suit that was provided to heroes. It gave amazing defense while not restricting their movement.

It also included a helmet and combat boots.

His Khopesh hung on his side, ready to be drawn. He had bought it at the hero organization since he now could hold weapons easily.

There were pockets on the side of his legs, where potions and other necessary stuff were kept. Things like phones were kept by the clerks of the organization, who will hold them for you until you exit.

The red-colored card he had in his hands had his picture, rank, and other information about him.

This was his hero license.

'Let's see how a gate is' His eyes focused on the metallic gates he was standing next to.

He had earlier registered in the hero organization, to become a hero.

When he had entered inside to register he had found a very wide lobby, and he spotted statues of many known and unknown heroes placed around.

There was even a statue of the old man whitebeard.

He had registered so that he can finally get permission to enter the gates and wield weapons outside the gates.

They had used a revealing stone on him to gather data and then had issued him a certain card.

They did have some tests focusing on the physical capabilities of the candidate, such as agility, reflexes, and physical strength.

Ren went by them like a breeze.

In all, it took about two hours until they finally let him leave.

A spokesperson had also tried to get him to join the association, but he bailed on that by saying he had some agencies in mind.

A person has to have a hero license to use his ability publicly, otherwise, it was only permitted in a dire situation.

They also needed it to enter the gates which was Ren's goal.

But to get the license it was not necessary to join an organization or an agency.

One could stay a loner, and occasionally join agencies for some missions.

This was what Ren was planning on doing for now.

But then why did he decide to become a hero in the first place? Or enter a gate?

'Now, I can get stronger quicker.'

It was due to the talk he had with Isaki after they had gotten home and eaten dinner.

She had explained to him that training was not the only method to get stronger.

One could also put their life on the line, enter gates, and fight to break their limits.

It was not an advised method, but it was something that worked.

'My rank increased after all' Ren thought to himself.

He was the absolute proof of that, as he was an A rank now due to breaking said limits.

Training in the gym just wouldn't cut it.

He has to take it a step forward and enter the gates fighting and breaking his limit.

All the while focusing on his first trait.

This was the decision he made. And he wasn't all talk, as he was acting on it right now.

But for now…

'Let's enter the first gate'

He used the card and scanned it on the panel near the metallic gate.

The scanner beeped, and the gates steel doors opened up.

Ren started walking inside.


-Special thanks to *"Arun"* ; *"Carl Steelhammer"* ; *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* and *"HaiiroOokami"*

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release:


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