A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 15

*Heracles PoV*

"Thank you." I heard August say, as I looked at his face, he was wearing the brightest smile I've ever seen from him, it's like the weight that he has been carrying has been lifted off his shoulders.

The mana around him started to dissipate and he started to fall, I caught him before he could hit the ground. His body entered mind zero, frankly I never liked his magic, endless battle, I never liked that after using it he is essentially done for in a fight. That's why I always try to tell him that he should only use it as a last resort. 

"You did good August. I'm proud of you." I whispered in his ear, too bad he's unconscious, I would have liked to see his reaction. Oh well.

I sat him up, making sure that his body wouldn't drop suddenly as I removed his shirt, 'well let's update his status shall we.' I thought to myself as I let a drop of my blood fall on his back. 

A bright light shined as his status appeared on his back, I started reading it, a vicious smile formed on my face, as I kept on reading. 

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Fucking geniuses."


Name: August Kaiser

LVL: 4


STR: 999-S

DEX: 999-S

AGI: 999-S

MAG: 999-S

END: 999-S


Endless Battle: The user enters a state of pure concentration in fighting, giving him a temporary boost in stats. The longer the fight continues, the higher the user's stat rises. This magic can only be activated once the condition has been met.


                       :The user must wield Beowulf.

                       : The user has to be in battle for more than ten minutes.

                       : The user has to slay or injure the opponent for blood to be absorbed by Beowulf.

                      : The user must be fully immersed in Battle and nothing else.


                      :If the user stops Endless Battle in any way, shape, or form, the Stats resets back to its original and the user may enter mind zero depending on how long the use of endless battle is.


Survivor's Drive: If the user survives or wins an unsurvivable situation, the user will receive a permanent boost in stats. (Boost may vary on how unsurvivable the situation is)

Beowulf's call: The ancient weapon Beowulf has chosen the user to be its master, it allows the user to use (at a limited time) all the skills and experience of the previous user of Beowulf using mana at the process. with every kill the user does with Beowulf, the user receives a portion of the slain mana back. As the battle goes on and more mana has been absorbed the user will activate the magic Endless Battle.

Beowulf Greed: The user can only use Endless Battle and Lethal Tempo if the user uses Beowulf, The effects of lethal tempo are dependent on the user's level.

Monster Slayer: Heavily increases all abilities when fighting monsters, potentially making the user stronger than his actual level when fighting them.

Development abilities:

Hunter: Hunter improves the user's abilities against monsters the user fought before and gained excelia from.

Lethal Tempo: The User gains Temporary DEX and AGI with every hit the user makes. Can only be used if the user is wielding Beowulf. The effects are dependent on the user's level.

Charge: The user AGI and STR stat increase temporarily when going in for an attack against multiple enemies or enemies that are stronger than the user.

Abnormal Resistance: Resist the effects of abnormalities such as poison.

Strong Body: The user has an extremely strong body due to training.


Two years, he just reached level 4 two years ago and now he can level up again. Gaining new development skills is natural for a growing adventurer so it didn't surprise me that much, but the skill monster slayer did. Just how many monsters did he kill? 

I know he goes to the forest every day to hunt monsters but gaining a skill specifically in killing them seems a bit excessive.

I'm worried about the path that this man is taking, his hate is strong, and his goal is unachievable. Killing every monster in the world is an impossible task for anyone. 

After all, the monsters are part of nature and it's balance, and nature will always find balance.

I took a good look at his status before updating him to level 5, I then took a copy to show August later, besides his skill and magic I haven't told August anything about his growth, so this will be the first time he'll ever see his status. 

I wonder what his reaction will be. Well being level 5 means that he's in the upper echelon of adventurers. I do hope that seeing his stat won't make him arrogant. Only the future will tell. 

I close his status and put his shirt back on, I bend down in order to pick him up, guess this is the last time that I'll take him to the healer in town. Because tomorrow, we'll start our journey to Orario.






*August PoV* 

-2 days later.

We are currently on the journey towards the dungeon city of Orario, and words can't express how excited I am, From what my god told me, the journey would take about one and a half week depending on our speed, and for our pace, looks like we'll be able to reach the city in four or five days tops.

"August can you please stop giggling and smiling like a teenage girl who's about to go on a date." I heard the annoyed voice of my god as he looked at me, a deadpan expression on his face.

Well what can I do? I just can't help myself, I'm level 5, I finally got to see my status, and I'm heading to the dungeon city of Orario to become a full-fledged adventurer. 

"I'm sorry old man, I just can't help myself." I answered him with the brightest smile I could muster. 

A fist came my way but with my reflexes, I could easily dodge it. But I heard a loud booming sound as I did, and my head creaked like a door as I looked behind me to see a couple of broken trees from the shockwave of that punch.

"looks like you're losing your respect to your god boy... Call me old man one more time and my mace will rearrange your face." I can literally feel the bloodlust oozing out of him as I could only nod.

He then smiled with a very bright and annoying smile, as he said "Good." and nodded as he continued to walk along the way.

I really wanna punch that smug face off this old man. 

As we kept walking lord heracles stopped and turned to look at me. With a serious face he opened his mouth and talked. "August, we are near your village, we can take a short detour here if you'd like to." 

I paused as the memories of that faithful day came scurrying back in my mind, 9 years had passed, yet remembering the events regardless of the time still fills my heart with so much anger, regret, a sense of patheticness of how weak I was back then, how I can't even do anything to protect my family.

"August remember what I told you, I'm not telling you to let go of your anger..."

"I know lord, it's just that... I don't know what to do when I'm in front of their graves. What should I say? What should I--"

"Follow your heart my child. Maybe in visiting their graves you would find what you seek in your life, I believe that the souls of the departed can hear you most at their resting place. Maybe you'll find what you want to say when you're there in front of them."

The words of my god filled me with comfort, why do I feel that he knows exactly what I'm going thru. It's almost as if he's human at some point. He knows exactly what to say and what to do, as if he already experienced it. 

"Ok... I would like to see them."

"Hmmm." Heracles gave me a nod as we made our way towards the village, at my family's resting place.

Moments later we arrived at the ruins of my childhood home, as the buildings crumbled at the passage of time, nature started to take over the village as vines and vegetation wrapped themselves all around the houses of the villagers who died or left towards Orario for a better life.

I arrived at the center, there I could see a huge monument with the names of everyone that had been killed. Looks like someone came back here to build this, maybe some of the villagers who survived or the adventurers who saved us. Whoever it was I'll be sure to thank them for it later.

I made my way in front of it and paid my respect to all of them as I saw a few familiar names in the stone.

"Hey Mama, Papa, Ludwig, Maya... I'm sorry it took me so long to visit." I started as I tried to find words to say to them. "my god told me that you can hear me, oh I have a god now, I joined a familiar and I'm now level 5, guess I surpassed you pa..." I coughed to clear my throat as I placed a buccal of flowers and sat down crossed legs on the ground. 

"I'm doing fine right now, I'm healthy, have a strong body, and the familia I'm in is taking good care of me... Well I am the only member..." I struggle to find any words to say. All I know is that I really miss them right now as I sat there in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Hahaha this is hard. Talking to someone who doesn't answer, how I wish you guys were here right now." I didn't realize that my eyes started to shed some tears. I hurriedly wiped it with my hands as I continued to talk. "I really miss you guys, so so much." I stood up and cleared my eyes from the tears, and with a determined voice I opened my mouth. "I will keep my promise, I'll be the strongest, and I'll exterminate every last piece of monster from the face of this world." 







Heracles stared at the back of his child, it was a start, he was trying to make August heal from his pain, visiting his family's graves has been on his mind for a couple of years now. Maybe this will help him, he hoped for him to find closure, but from what he heard, his child became more determined to travel a hard and gruelling path.

'Was this the right move?' he asked himself, he knows that revenge is a useless concept, that after everything it will be just empty. At the end of the day the monsters will continue to roam in this world, even he, with all his strength and power back when he was mortal couldn't dream of doing this task, even as a god with arcanum he doubt that he can rid the world with monsters.

The best he can do is support him, push him towards the right path, to guide him and to support him.

'What would my father do if he was in my position?' he asked himself, remembering the face of his reliable but foolish old man.

As August walked towards him, he could feel that the fire in his heart burns stronger than it ever did before. He really hoped that it wont burn him off from the inside. 

"Are you done?" Heracles asked him.

"Yes lord." 

"Then we continue our journey. Let's go to Orario."

It took them 5 days to arrive, it was not a peaceful journey as some monster tried to block them off along the way, well killing them was easy work for August as Heracles just watched as his child slaughtered the monsters leaving nothing alive.

They are now in front of the entrance of Orario, standing in front of its huge gate, the city was brimming with life. For August, it felt surreal, it was the first time that he saw this large of a city, wherever he looked there were people, as his ear was filled with the bustling energy of the people all around. 

"Wow..." he couldn't help but utter those words, as he saw people from all walks of life doing whatever they were doing. 

"Close your mouth, you look like a country bumpkin with your mouth hanging open like that." Heracles scolded as he made his way inside. "so are you coming or not? We could always go back to the mountain if you want." 

"Coming lord!" he said as he ran after his god.











Hey chapter 15 is done, how do you guys like it?

Writing this chapter made me realize just how much of a cheat Bell is. Remember the author didn't want him to age in his story so everything that happened essentially occurred in a span of one year. 

The fucking guy reach level 5 (I know his level 4 but his stats is that of a level 5) in one fucking year, how is that fair. And oh boy his ability, excessive stats is just broken, he is the only person in the world of danmachi who can have stats of ss and sss. He is a monster.

Well enough of my rants, I could honestly go on and on about how broken Bell is but I know all of you guys know this by now. 

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.

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