A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 31


-Somewhere in the nation of Rakia

There was an eerie silence creeping at the small town of Rakia. The villagers are living in fear as they went with their day to day life.

This has been going on for months now as an unknown group of individuals had taken over the town, killing everyone who bats an eye on whatever they were doing. 

Death was a daily thing for the people living here, as everyday a new victim is taken in by them, performing a public execution for everyone to see.

No one knew who these people were, all they know is that they are dangerous and vicious.

The villagers started holding private meetings, talk of resistance emerges from them as they meet every couple of weeks to come up with a solution to get rid of the people killing them.

One of the members of this resistance is Anna Drayer. A level 4 adventure from Orario, she was on a vacation when the unknown group took over her home town and was one of the people who stood against them. Now she is in hiding along with the other freedom fighters.

Their numbers are few but they are determined to fight the good fight.

Today was an important moment for this band of good men, they decided that this would be the perfect moment for them to strike. They received info that the leader of the attacker would show himself in the public plaza for this day's execution. 

"So we are all in agreement?" Anna looked at the people gathered today. They all have determination and fire to take back what's theirs.

"Are you sure about this Anna? I'm the one who delivered the info but even I am not sure if it's reliable." Darius said, he is one of the villagers who supported the cause. He runs a pub in the town where the attackers go for their nightly drinks. 

"Look Darius. I trust you. And as meticulous as you are, I'm sure you already looked at this info yourself. This will work. This has to work." Anna answered him, she has known Darius since she was but a little gal, he was her childhood friend and partner at crimes. 

"If you say so..." Darius sighed. He was not an adventurer like Anna, most of them aren't. Out of all the members of the resistance only a handful of them are adventurers and Anna their leader was the strongest at level 4.

Anna nodded at Darius and then brought her attention to Kiki, another member and a level 2 adventurer of the town. "How are preparations on your part?" she asked the petite purple hair girl.

"All green and ready to go." she answered cheerfully as she gave Anna her thumbs up. 

"Good... Then with this we can proceed with the plan. Let's take our town back from these savages!" Anna smiled at everyone as she raised her voice to bring morale up. 

""AYE!!!"" The members cheered on. Finally they could get rid of this nightmare tomorrow. Revenge was in their palm, and they can taste it now. 

Anna watched the members of her resistance cheer for victory. She has high hopes for tomorrow, she believes in her strength and knows that with her plan victory would be guaranteed. She was trained by the best god for her after all. She held her rapier tightly as she hyped herself with everyone for tomorrow.

'After this I'll return to Orario, back to my familia and back to Lord Hades. And I'll Finally tell Akashi how I feel about him.' she thought to her self as she smiled, her mind full of thoughts about the future.

"For freedom!" 







"H-how? How did it come to this?" Anna watched in horror as everyone she knew and loved was slaughtered like pigs in front of her.

Tears filled her eyes as she brandished her broken rapier at her attackers. 

She was bloodied and broken as multiple cuts and wounds were present in her body, their plan had failed, she had failed. 

All because of one miscalculation.

There was a rat in their midst. Darius was a traitor.

She parried an incoming slash from one of the men who took over her town, with a spin she slashed his neck with her rapier as blood showered her. 

The stench of it was already filling the air all around her, bodies were lying dead on the ground, pools of blood form in the crevices of the road. Limbs and other body parts scatter from the massacre. She was the only one left standing and the men like ravenous dogs circle her. She was prey and they were predators.

Her eyes roamed the town, the once lush and beautiful town where she grew up, where she dreamed of becoming an adventurer in Orario. Where everyone knows everyone. Now all of them are dead, all because of her. Her eyes fell on Kiki, or what's left of her at least. As she was pulled limb from limb by them. On old man Albert, the mayor of the town, his head impaled in a pike as his body lies naked on the ground. On Darius as he watched her with blank eyes, she trusted him, everyone trusted him yet he stabbed them at the back.

"WHY?!" Anna screamed at Darius, her eyes red from anger and tears. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" 

"They would have killed me and my family if I didn't." Darius answered dryly. His face is devoid of any emotion as he looked at his friend. "I-I didn't have a choice. UNLIKE YOU I WANTED TO LIVE!!!"

"STUPID FUCKING IDOT!!! WE COULD HAVE WON!!! WE HAD A PLAN AND WE COULD HAVE WON!!!" Anna couldn't believe it. All those planning, all those people who died for this moment, were all wasted because of one cowardly idiot. "...we could have won..." she said softly as she bit her lips until it drew blood.

"I beg to differ." an answer sounded right behind her, she felt weak as a malicious aura assaulted her body, She felt a lump in her throat as her body shook in fear by the aura that she is feeling. "Everyone of you pathetic trash would have died anyway." the voice sounded dark, like it vibrated inside her body. 

She creaks her neck slowly behind her to see who it was. There she sees a man with black hair with strands of grey, sharp grey eyes like that of a dead fish, wearing a black coat on top of a white buttoned up shirt. His face was handsome but was somehow filled with madness. 

She knows this, she was a member of Hades familia and was familiar with every god who is a member of that cursed organization. "E-Erebus!" as she said that name everything became clear. This was not a random attack by savages and bandits who took over the town. No this was the work of Evilus all along. She was a fool, she thought that she could save everyone, little did she know that everyone's fate was already sealed.

"Oh deary... Don't give me that look." he spoke with an eerie softness, it sent shivers down her spine as she heard that voice. "I'm just trying to fun here, it's nothing personal. After all we gods did descend down this hell hole to ease our boredom."

She could feel his aura slowly coil around her, it felt disgusting, her face winced at it as Erebus clutches his heart and appears hurt by her actions.

"Oh deary. What got you so down?" The mad god walked closer towards her as his footsteps made her flinch. His feet stop mid steep above a dead body, it was Kiki's. "Oh dear... Did you lose your friends perhaps." he snapped his fingers as a man appeared beside him, he signaled for the mans sword which he gladly gave to the god. And with a smile he cut the head of the petite girl and picked it up for Anna to see. Holding the severed head by the hair he raised it looking at Anna's horrified face. "Oh don't worry, you'll be joining them soon." he said and smiled sadistically.

Anna's mind broke at that moment. She won't allow them to humiliate her friends even more. 

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" she roared as she charged towards the god, her body glowing a violent green glow as her mana ran wild.

Erebus just smiled, licking his lips he was relaxed in front of the crazed adventurer. He had nothing to fear from her. 

Anna was inches away from him when suddenly her step became short. She then fell to the ground unable to comprehend what the hell happened. 

"Oh dear... Did you lose your step?" Erebus asked, amused by the fallen adventurer in front of him. 

Anna's face crumpled. 'What the hell happened?' She asked herself as pain finally registered in her mind. She looked at her lower half only to find that her two legs were missing. Pain assaulted her at that moment. She screams in agony, her body started entering shock as her stomach rejected the food she ate earlier that day. She vomits on the grounds as blood and bile mix in a repugnant smell. She lies in the pool of the mixture as her body doesn't want to listen to her anymore. 

"Well that's disgusting." Erebus waved his hand back and forth in his nose trying to blow the smell away. He then made the severed head of Kiki look at him and started to talk to it. "Isn't your friend quite disgusting, I mean vomiting in front of a god. Does she have no shame?" no answer came, it was after all a severed head and the dead did not talk back. But Erebus took offense to that. "You're quite rude aren't you." he said as he slammed the head to the ground and stomped it with his feet crushing it as blood and grey matter splattered and stains the already bloody ground.

Anna watched as the god mutilate's her friend's corpse. She was angry but she couldn't do anything. Her body and her mind is broken beyond repair.

Erebus finally relaxed and had his attention once more towards Anna. He had a disappointed look on his face as the smile slowly vanish in it. "Oh she's already broken... I wanted to play with her even more. Oh well..." he then pointed to one of his men and snap his finger. "You there, whoever you are. Pick this thing up and have the goblins have their fun with her. Chop chop we don't have all day." 

The man rushed and carried Anna's body at the order of his god. And Erebus sighed deeply watching it all happen. He was bored again and now he doesn't have any more toys to play with.

"My lord..." A man with red hair suddenly appears behind him, kneeling as he called for the god's attention.

"Jillian... What is it?" he answered the man playfully.

"The rat wish to see his family... He said that he did everything you instructed and you had a deal." Jillian still kneeling informs his lord.

"Oh that... What was the rat's name again? Darius was it? Yeah feed him to the ogres, let him be with his family." he said with a sadistic smile speaking loudly as he made sure that Darius could hear him clearly.

Darius pale at those words, his whole world crumbled under his feet as his mind shatters. "N-no... I-I did everything you ask... I did everything you ask! I FUCKING DID EVERYTHING YOU ASK!!!" He ran up to the god as he picked a stone off the ground. He was in the motion of throwing it but suddenly his whole point of view turned up side down.

He had his whole head twisted as the bones in his neck broke and pierce his skin. A female elf right on top of his shoulders smiling gleefully at what she considered to be a work of art. 

"Oh Kara... That wasn't necessary." Erebus took a deep breath as he watched her elf assassin twist every bone of Darius's body in every wrong direction she could twist it too.

"But my lord, I was just making art." Lara stopped what she was doing and started at her god. "I wanted those cute ogres to have a beautiful meal." she pouts and looked down on the ground.

"Child don't be saddened." Erebus scratced his head. "Okay you can make your art. But hurry up, we have a deadline to complete. and we don't want to be late now do we?"

"YAYY!!!" Kara cheered gleefully as she continued to bend and twist the already dead body of Darius into her own personal art piece.

"What would I do with you?" Erebus sighed once again, he then made his way out of the village as his men killed everyone in it along his way. The screams of the people are music to his ears. And he was skipping in his step as he hums a tune to go with it.

"Now then. Apate said that the weapon is in Orario right now. She really like making me work. Oh well I do enjoy my work.

He made his way out the town, laughing madly as the screams and horror fuel his enjoyment. He can't wait to play with the people of Orario. Maybel he'll have a chance to play with the other gods there. 'oh what fun would I have.'













Chapter 31 is done now. How do you guys like the story so far?

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all. 


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