A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 31 - human nature

In the woods rustling and rustling, birdsongs accompanied by the flutter of wings rang through the forest, the ashes on the ground had not yet burned out, and the withered leaves still fluttered with the wind.

The demon was held in the hand of the man holding the golden circle. The expression on his face was very excited. Presumably he finally got a demon spirit that only Jindan cultivators could get. What a precious treasure. With the demon spirit, It is just around the corner to break through to Jindan period.

He was very excited, but relaxed his vigilance, and when he reacted, his chest suddenly protruded with a blood-stained sword tip. The young man with the dagger had somehow turned around behind him. The dagger was facing his chest and pierced the other person’s body mercilessly.

“Senior Li Yuan, you, you actually–“

The man had never imagined that his brother would suddenly be in trouble! How could this be possible, he had a deep relationship with his brother, and he usually took care of his brother. When he got this demon, he took it for granted. He thought that the brother would definitely not have an opinion, but he did not expect to meet him. He turned out to be a cold dagger.

“Brother Tang Yang, although you take good care of me on weekdays, we all build the foundation for the ninth day of cultivation. Presumably we all know that without this demon spirit, it is very difficult to break through the Golden Pill Period. I don’t want to wait , So only you are wronged.”

Li Yuan shook the sword in his hand, and the overbearing spiritual power suddenly destroyed Tang Yang’s heart. Tang Yang’s eyes widened. He tried to turn his head to look at the younger brother, but Li Yuan had already pulled out the sword and pulled him Kicked to the ground.

“I’m sorry, Brother, please go for peace of mind! I will say you will protect your accident in order to protect me, and I will burn the paper money for you.” Li Yuan wiped the short sword on Tang Yang’s body and wiped out the shock. Blood stains. Tang Yang opened his mouth to say something, but his mouth was full of blood, his words were all drowned in the grunting blood, his breath gradually dissipated, with a trace of regret and unwillingness, with the Yanma beast Going, I couldn’t close my eyes.

Another life has passed away, and those who were still alive have blinked their eyes and become a cold body. For the sake of benefit, any means to kill the pregnant Yanma beast, also for the benefit, the life of the companion becomes dispensable.

Lan Ling’er’s face was pale, but she had seen the killing in the realm of comprehension before, and she turned against each other for the treasures. She was facing each other. This is a normal thing in the realm of comprehension, so she is still calm. But Muyu was seeing death for the first time. Lan Ling’er remembered the fright that she had experienced for the first time. She thought that Muyu would be scared, so she quickly turned her head to see Muyu.

Mu Yu didn’t have any expression, he just stared at the pile of ashes, sad and joyless, and even his breathing was so smooth, it seemed that Tang Yang’s death was just a small episode that wouldn’t cause much waves in his heart.

However, at this moment, Lan Ling’er suddenly guarded the sword back, a sharp needle pierced her sword, and was bounced off by her. She saw a figure flash by.

“Who?” Li Yuan, complacent in killing his brother to get the demon spirit, suddenly heard Lan Ling’er’s movements suddenly, put away the demon spirit, and scolded.

“Muyu, be careful! There are others here.” Lan Ling’er flashed towards the figure, she wanted Muyu to keep up, but Muyu didn’t keep up, because Li Yuan’s dagger had already struck, Mu Yu rolled over, escaped the short sword, and fell to the ground, while Lan Ling’er’s figure had disappeared in the distance, and at the same time, there was a fighting sound in the distance.

Li Yuan looked at Muyu up and down, and after feeling Muyu’s cultivation, he let down his mind and showed a bit of fierceness on his face: “You saw everything?”

Mu Yu didn’t answer. He turned his eyes from the ashes of the Yanma Beast to the dead Tang Yang. From time to time, his eyes shone with a gray light, which seemed extremely strange. This kind of thing never happened to Mu Yu. When Li Yuan greeted Muyu’s eyes, he was stunned for a moment, because what he saw was not like a human’s eyes, but dead eyes, cold and incomparable, as if facing the **** of death, let him fight involuntarily. Humble.

Li Yuan shook his head. He laughed that he was too suspicious. The other party was just a teenager who built a foundation and he was so much taller than him. How could he be afraid of him?

“Boy, if you don’t speak, you’re acquiescing. In order to keep my secret, then please ask me to be buried with my brother!” Li Yuan’s dagger has drawn a lead in the air and headed towards Muyu. He didn’t want to shoot outside the festival, so his shot was the strongest blow. He felt that only one blow was needed to kill Muyu.

Maybe a person who built a foundation with a heavy sky against a person who built a foundation with a triple sky was indeed enough for such a blow, but Mu Yu was not hit by this sword in his imagination. He just picked it with the tip of his sword. The blow was easily resolved, as if it was a baby, so unbearable.

“Is life so worthless in your heart?”

Mu Yu murmured, his flying sword no longer flashed the blue light as before, but was filled with a kind of dead gray, with a sad despair struck Li Yuan. Li Yuan didn’t expect that his brewing sword was actually solved by a young man who only had the foundation of Mie Tianqiu. He suddenly realized a serious problem——

Why does a young man who does not seem to be fifteen years old achieve the triple foundation of building foundation?

He remembered his fellow martial arts. Even the best people never broke through the foundation period in three years of cultivation. Where is the sacred boy in front of him? Maybe his actual age doesn’t just look so young on his face?

He didn’t have much time to think, UU read www.uukanshu.com immediately recalled his dagger to fight, the sky’s sword light flashed, shattered the surrounding trees, fallen leaves flew, and turned into dust in the Dao’s violent sword gas. Li Yuan shuddered back in shock, and he was shocked to find out how the opponent’s strength could only be built by Mie Tian? Not at all under yourself! But his spiritual power fluctuates obviously only the foundation of the triple sky!

“Jiuhua Qu India!”

Li Yuan shouted and drew a messy sword shadow in his short sword, forming a pentagonal red mark quickly in front of him. A little flashed in the center of the mark, all spiritual power was suppressed on that point. This is the supreme mindset of the Jiuhua School. Non-core disciples cannot practice. This is certainly not a low status among the Jiuhua School disciples.

The tip of the dagger touched the red dot, and the imprint formed a spiritual shield in front of him, bouncing Muyu’s flying sword away. At that moment, everything seemed to be still, leaving only the Dharma Seal, a huge wave came from the center of the Dharma Seal, using the dagger as a traction, the Dao Daoguang burst out, mixed with the great potential shot at Muyu, roaring Exploding with Muyu as the center, blasting in this forest, the smoke billowing, which has not dispersed for a long time, the surrounding trees have been leveled to the ground, a mess!

Li Yuan looked breathlessly at the dust in front of him. Even the monks who built the sixth heaven of the foundation had no bones in the explosion just now. The fellow practitioners are almost invincible in the fight. The Jiuhua School is the second only force after the Qingsong School. Their martial arts are a must. However, the use of his own spiritual power is also huge, not to mention that Li Yuan has not fully mastered this mentality, but he is completely sure to use this trick to completely erase Muyu!

There was no sound coming from the front, a smile on Li Yuan’s mouth, even if you reached the foundation period at the age of fifteen? In the face of absolute strength, your talent is nothing!

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