A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 43 - Tianshan Tongmu

This man is not a second brother, at least Lan Ling’er will not admit his mistake. Muyu will not admit it, because he knows this person.

Tian Ran’s green clothes made Mu Yu a little confused. This girl who was so confused about looking for Jianying Chenfeng stood up, but she was able to resist the cultivation of Ju Wenxing in the Jindan period. How could this be possible?

Ju Wenxing stood there sullenly. He did not expect anyone to dare to stop him. When he saw the person standing in front of him, he was startled again. It was a young girl, she was very watery, but she looked only 14 or 5 years old. A 14-year-old girl, did she just block her attack just now?

I am a Jindan practitioner!

The people around me also pointed their fingers, and they couldn’t believe their eyes. The practice of Mu Yu and Lan Ling’er was extremely abnormal. I didn’t expect another incredible girl to appear at this moment, and she could To resist Ju Wenxing, isn’t her cultivation practice the Jindan period?

Such a young golden age? Could it be a joke!

“Who is your Excellency?” Ju Wenxing asked cautiously. He had never seen this girl. This girl had this kind of practice, which surprised him.

As a big disciple of the Jiuhua School, he does not have any knowledge of the realm of the realm. Other talents in the other schools are also aware of it, but such a young girl with such profound training, don’t Say yes, I haven’t heard of it!

Tian Ran smiled very purely, his eyes turned a bit, and said: “I’m Tianshan Tongmao! Do you think I’m very young? I am 80 years old.”

The calm words made everyone open their mouths, would such a sunny and lively girl be an 80-year-old woman? This could explain her apparently inconsistency, but the clear eyes made it impossible to think of an 80-year-old man.

Mu Yu was so shocked that he didn’t believe in the death. He asked someone everywhere to know if the girl who knew that Tian Jian Jiu Yin Jian Ying Feng Feng would be an 80-year-old woman. But if this is not the case, why does she have such a high level of cultivation? Can you stop Ju Wenxing of the Jindan period?

If Tian Ran is really an 80-year-old wife, and she remembers that she was talking and laughing with her just now, it is really embarrassing to get home.

“Your appearance–“

Ju Wenxing is suspicious. If someone tells him that he can practice at the age of fifteen at the age of fifteen, he will sneer. But a girl appeared in front of him, and the other party had no less than his cultivation behavior, but he was not sure. He had never heard of the existence of a Tianshan Tongmu in Xiuzheng Realm, could it be the hidden master of the world?

“Ah, I usually pay attention to maintenance, go to bed early, get up early, eat regularly, and be happy every day, so my face is not old, everyone can try it, I can introduce you to the skin care **** of maintenance!”

He smiled sweetly, but let everyone around him shudder. They have begun to believe that this is an old immortal with a childlike face, and no one believes that a young little girl is Jin Danqi’s cultivation base.

“This-former-Tongmao, sent his disciple Ju Wenxing in Xiajiuhua. At this moment, he is revenge for his disciples, hoping not to block it.” Ju Wenxing is a little weird, he wanted to say senior, but he was facing Such a young girl said that he was really unable to speak for his seniors, so he had to change his name.

Tian Ran turned his head and blinked at Mu Yu. Mu Yu was a little overwhelmed. He really didn’t believe that this girl would be eighty years old. He would rather believe that this is a girl with more talent than his own.

“But I think these two juniors died very strangely!” Tian Ran’s old-fashioned tone, in other people’s eyes, was obviously a pretentious young girl, nothing special.

“Oh? Granny Tong, come and listen.”

Ju Wenxing did not dare to despise it because of its presence. He calmed down, and if the other party’s words were true, then it would be unwise for him to rush out. After all, many elders of the hidden world are extremely terrible, and they chose to retreat and practice only in pursuit of a higher realm.

Tianran squatted down, looked closely at Tang Yang’s body, then looked at Li Yuan’s body, then took a look at the short sword beside Li Yuan, looked at Li Yuan’s wound, and finally said :

“I think that the little girl said just now that Tang Yang’s wound was short and quick, which penetrated from behind, and it fits well with this dagger! Li Yuan’s fatal wound is a scratch on his neck, his chest This sword was made up after death, you can see it by looking at the blood stains of the wound. After a few hours of death, the whole body’s blood will coagulate. At this time, when you stab again, there will be no bleeding at all, even if there will be only one A little bit, so it is concluded that this wound is not fatal.”

Tianran stood up and glanced at the pregnant woman as a witness. Her heart burst out and was stared at by a “Tianshan Tongmu” who looked younger than herself but was comparable to Ju Wenxing. Rao was her No matter how good the psychological quality is, I feel vaguely awkward.

“The scratch on Li Yuan’s neck was a dagger-like magic weapon that cut his throat. I see the flying sword style of the two people from the Dust School, which is extremely inconsistent with this wound, but the wound on Li Yuan’s shoulder fell down and the Dust School The injuries caused by the young swords are similar, except that they are not fatal. They must have experienced some fighting.” Tian Ran’s eyes were so sharp that he saw the wound so transparently at a glance.

“Humph! They are afraid of leaving evidence, they will naturally not use their magic weapon.” Ju Wenxing said.

“Li Yuan’s neck is purple and black. This is not caused by blood coagulation. His wound has a spicy poisonous gas. People who frequently use poison will contaminate their spiritual power with poison gas. This poison has not been used for a long time. It will disperse, and this toxic spiritual power can be pulled out.”

Tianran evoked a spiritual force on his hand and merged into the wound on Li Yuan’s neck. Slowly, a mist of purple and black mist poured out from Li Yuan’s neck and was gathered in his palm. The woman in Huai saw the mist of purple and black, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

“Although this mist is enough to kill Li Yuan in an instant, it is difficult to reach the elegant hall. And I think the spirit of this pregnant girl is very cold, but it is somewhat similar to this mist.”

Tianran suddenly shot, a spiritual force went straight towards the pregnant woman. The woman’s complexion changed, and the whole body’s purple and black mist surged, instinctively wanting to dodge, but the calm spiritual power had dissipated before she touched her.

“The truth is clear.” He looked at Huai Nu with a smile, and the mist of purple and black on Huai Nu’s body flashed away, but there were people with clear eyes all around, who could see clearly.

The pregnant woman’s face instantly became extremely pale, and her expression flickered, but she did not expect such a secret spiritual power to be seen by the Tianshan Tongmu in front of her. Suddenly she spit out a trace of essential blood, and the purple and black mist soared toward everyone. The purple and black mist was overbearingly cold and obviously poisonous. Many people could not help but step back, and the woman had disappeared.

“Want to escape? Huh!”

Ju Wenxing’s figure also disappeared in place, chasing towards the Huaihui woman. The Huai Women’s cultivation is only the foundation period, and it may be difficult to escape in front of Ju Wenxing in the Jindan period.

Tianran didn’t even want to interfere in this matter. She jumped up and down in front of Muyu, patting Muyu’s shoulder pretendingly, and said in a low voice: “Go junior, let’s drink tea! I’ll find you There is something else!”

Mu Yu and Lan Ling’er hadn’t had time to thank them yet. Tian Ran had already pulled them both, and they disappeared in the courtyard. The anger in the hearts of the onlookers, the matter of the demon had not been resolved, but Muyu ran away. However, there was an 80-year-old Tianshan boymaid beside Muyu. Needless to say, the demon must have fallen on the hand of the Tianshan Tongmu.


On a small hill not far from Qingshoucheng, Mu Yu and Lan Ling’er sat on the ground for the rest of their lives, seeming a little suspicious, while Tian Ran looked at them innocently with a smile on his face.

“Aren’t you really eighty?” Mu Yu asked hesitantly.

Tianran blinked: “Of course not! I think you are so important to talents here, I don’t want to expose myself! To be honest, you have a lack of spiritual power here, and the two of you can be trained at this age. At this point, it is already very good.”

Mu Yu sighed with relief, but it was really comfortable, but she said that at this age, Mu Yu felt very weird, because Tian Ran was about the same age as him, why use a high-pitched tone? He continued to ask: “Why do you help us?”

“Don’t you just help me find Jianying Chenfeng and Tianjian Jiuyin just now? I think you are a good person! And that person is obviously not the one you killed!” Tian Ran’s mind is very simple, UU reading books www.uukakanshu.com I don’t think I have done anything great.

“Good guys don’t write on their faces.” Mu Yu didn’t know if she was lucky, she just took her to ask people when she was idle, and didn’t help her at all. The other party directly rescued them. .

“Aren’t you people from Mo Yun Mountain?” Lan Linger said suddenly.

Tianran frowned slightly, and she frowned very cutely. After a while, she nodded: “You are so backward here, everyone’s cultivation is so low, but it’s no wonder, here the spirit is too scarce, and the cultivation speed is slow. normal.”

“What does Moyun Mountain mean? What does it mean not for the people here? You are not for the people here. Where do you come from?” Mu Yu was puzzled. He had never heard of Mo Yun Mountain.

Lan Ling’er gave him a white look: “Do you think that the realm of truth is that we have a few sects fighting here? Master said that our place is called Moyun Mountain, which is vast and immense, but the real world of truth is in the mountains of Moyun outer.”

Mu Yu’s eyes widened: “Why has Master never told me?”

“That’s because this Master told us before you came. Do you expect Master to repeat to you what we said before every night?” Lan Linger said unkindly.

Mu Yu was dumb, he wanted to refute it, but he didn’t know where to start, because Lan Ling’er made a very reasonable point. Master’s various insights into the realm world turned out not to be here, but in another world, which made him feel a little trapped.

“Is that Brother Two going outside the Mo Yun Mountain Range?” Mu Yu asked only after a long silence.

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