A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 45 - Mentor

The days after returning to the mountain were very peaceful. Lan Ling’er and Mu Yu didn’t mention what happened this time. They didn’t discuss how to skip the section saved by Tianran, so they decided to hide it. . The demon was also buried in Muchen Cliff by Muyu. He didn’t want to use it. They didn’t want Master to know that someone from outside was looking for him. But the more they cover up, the more they appear guilty.

Two months have passed, Lan Ling’er is still looking forward to the second brother, but unfortunately the second brother did not meet. Lan Ling’er asked Master. The quilt was not the master’s whim, and Lan Ling’er was very happy. She firmly believed that Brother 2 had returned, but it was only because of certain things that she didn’t show up.

Mu Yu rarely talks with Lan Ling’er in the second elder brother’s words now. He finds that his feelings towards Lan Ling’er have become very subtle. Lan Ling’er is no longer the sister who can only satire and sarcasm. Now, Lan Ling’er would not laugh at Muyu any more.

Mu Yu sometimes stares at Ling’er in a daze. He likes Lan Ling’er’s smirk and likes Ling Ling’s bouncing. Now Lan Ling’er is practicing harder and harder, almost to the point of losing sleep and forgetting food. She wanted to let Brother Two see a different self. She only had Brother Two in her heart.

Now Mu Yu was very disgusted when Lan Ling’er faced Brother II, so I wouldn’t mention it at all.

At the same time, every time Muyu sees how Master bends over to cultivate, sometimes he wonders if this easy-going old man will really be a well-known figure in the cultivation field? What kind of struggle did he experience in his heart from being a master of wind and rain to being a master of a small school? Is he willing?

But Master has always been so kind, without showing any melancholy, but just often looking at the distance on the Luochen Cliff, not knowing what to think. Mu Yu was inexplicably distressed by Master. He didn’t know how Master’s practice fell to the Jindan period. In the past, Master’s cultivation was a must, and many people fell under his feet. Mu Yu vaguely knew that there were Yuan infants and tricks above Jin Dan, and even other realms. Master should have stood at the top of the cultivation world before? Since falling into such a high place, why didn’t he see a trace of unwillingness in him?

“Speak! You were restless during this time. What happened to you and Ling’er going down the mountain?” Muyu’s anomaly did not escape Feng Haochen’s eyes. On that day, he called Muyu alone to Luochen Cliff. . The breeze on the falling dust cliff slowly moved people’s clothes, so casual.

Mu Yu avoided Master’s eyes. He didn’t dare to look at him. He was afraid that Master would see through. He shook his head and said, “No, the disciples just didn’t make progress in their cultivation recently, and they were irritable.”

Feng Haochen smiled: “I’m not too old to be a teacher, so I can’t tell the situation. You are not an impetuous person. After you return to the mountain, you have always been wrong. I thought you would come to talk to me, but you seem to be avoiding. Me, what are you guilty of?”

Muyu smashed his tongue, and his thoughts could not be concealed from Master after all. From the time the school was accepted as a disciple by Master, Mu Yu felt that the eyes of this wise old man seemed to be able to understand people’s hearts. He never lied to Master, and Master always seemed to know the truth of everything.

Knowing that the old man in front of him is not only unique, but also has an admirable past, Mu Yu has a very complicated mood, and feels very lucky to be his apprentice, but regrets the ups and downs of Master’s life. He couldn’t ask for an answer, and this time when he went down the mountain, he found that he couldn’t explain Lan Ling’er’s indescribable feelings, which upset him. The combination of several emotions made Mu Yu unable to calm down and practice.

Mu Yu’s expression moved, he opened his mouth, could not help but want to say his doubts, but he felt very rash and silent for a long while, he finally said: “Master, I seem to like Linger, but Linger I always miss her second brother, I don’t know if it’s appropriate for me to like her, she has no possibility to like me…”

Muyu didn’t say anything about Master’s past questions. If Master is willing to say one day, Muyu is willing to be a loyal listener. Maybe now is not the time. Since you can’t ask about Master’s past, telling one of these emotions will at least not cause Master’s suspicion, and it will also make you less upset.

Feng Haochen was a little surprised. He stared at Mu Yu for a long time, as if he remembered something, and scratched his beard, with some emotion: “You are so young!”

Mu Yu bowed his head, slightly embarrassed, this kind of emotion he originally wanted to bury in his heart, he didn’t want to say, but Master was also young, he was so famous, the woman who admired him is certainly not a minority, maybe he also pursued a certain woman, he The suggestion should help yourself!

“There is no right or wrong to like someone. Like is like. There is nothing wrong with it. Ling’er doesn’t like you now, because you often compete with Luo Luo on her topic. Of course, I also know that it is because of fighting. You don’t know Unconsciously, she has feelings for her. If you think about it, if you like her because of fighting, is it possible that she likes you? In short, let it be natural! Maybe Ling’er will find you better one day! “

Feng Haochen walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down, like an ordinary old man, with his legs in the air, very comfortable. Mu Yu also walked over and sat down like Master. The masters and apprentices of the Luochen School do not have any rituals, so there is no awkwardness.

“Ling’er and Luo Luo have deep feelings between them. Linger has loved Luo Luo since childhood. Even Luo Luo left her heart, her heart hasn’t changed.” Feng Haochen shook her head helplessly, “Her heart may pretend No more than others, but the hearts of the people are all fleshy, and the years will also wash some dust. You will notice her emotions one day. At that time, look at Linger’s own choice!”

Mu Yu is silent, it may be simple to like someone, but like someone who has others in her heart, it will not be so arbitrary. You can’t be sure if the other person has your place in your heart, but you can’t give up this emotion, and you don’t want to give up so easily.

Human life is moving forward in all kinds of contradictions, and no matter what choices are made, there will be scruples.

“Luo Mare is very good. His talent is the same as yours. He is very high.”

Feng Haochen looked at Mu Yu. He couldn’t fight a young boy who had just begun to love. Some things needed to be mentioned, to make him want to understand. Lan Ling’er didn’t like Mu Yu from the beginning, just because everyone said Mu Yu’s talent is higher than Luo Shi, but now Mu Yu’s cultivation base is still at the bottom. If he wants to live in Lan Ling’er’s heart, then It can’t just be its name and nothing.

Mu Yu clenched his fists, he did not practice hard, but Uncle An had been supervising them from behind, making them unable to be lazy. When Uncle An is absent, he can never be lazy and he will never practice. Maybe he will be better than others, but the one who really wants to surpass can never catch up. If cultivation still requires someone to catch up with a whip in the back and no consciousness, how can it be worthy of the word talent?

“His cultivation is higher than I am now.” Feng Haochen added another sentence, he was very pleased when he said this, his apprentice is blue, that can’t be more proud.

“Master, did he leave because of this? Do you think he can’t accommodate him here?” Mu Yu asked, Luo Luo’s departure has always been a mystery. Lan Ling’er said very generally, and everyone’s answer was unclear.

Feng Haochen said: “His departure is his own choice. As a master, I will not restrain any of you. One day you will also leave here, leave this mountain range, and go out. Whether it is a promise or a southward, Lan Ling’er, or those two restless little children, as long as they want to leave and want to go out and see this real world, I will not interfere.”

There was a panic in Mu Yu’s heart, and his future was boundless. In this secluded realm of cultivation, it was already flooded with conspiracy. What about the wider world outside? Master’s so-called departure is to walk out of the Mo Yun Mountain Range, and then like Luo Luo, I don’t know when to come back.

As a master, teach your students to become talents, and then watch them leave one by one, chasing their respective sky, leaving only an old back, looking at the sunset, recalling the past, but now the scenery is no longer, that kind of Who can appreciate loneliness?

“Master, I don’t want to leave here.” Mu Yu shook his head. He didn’t want to see Master standing alone on the falling dust cliff, blowing the evening breeze, and getting old alone.

In any school of cultivation, the cultivation of disciples is to leave disciples in the school and become the mainstay of inheritance. No school is willing to let the disciples leave. However, the Luochen School is just a name. It has no real name. It has not spent all its life to protect the industry.

“Go out and see this world, that’s your way. Don’t worry about anything, Anping will accompany me. The young bird will eventually spread its wings and be tied to the yard with a rope. How can he fight the sky? When yours breaks out from the outside A lot of world, UU reading www.uukanshu.com I am here to listen to how you stir the cultivation realm, which genius of the genre was stepped on by you, and which genre of the saint was teased by you, then It’s funny! One day when someone mentions you by the way, your pride is what I want. Think of me as a master of a hero, and I also taught someone a great sword God, have more face!” Feng Haochen smiled, “I don’t have any apprentices that I take away!”

Master’s heart is not restless. Maybe he crushed the so-called young talents when he was young. Mu Yu even doubted whether Master had been so unruly before, and had molested a saint, but now people are old-hearted , Teach the apprentices not to lose money, but to inherit certain “virtues”.

Those who have the strength to tease the saint are called sentiments; those who do not have the ability to tease the saint are called hooligans and death seekers.

Mu Yu was very proud. He thought that if he went out and said that he was an apprentice of Jianying Chenfeng, maybe he would cause a sensation? It’s not so much that the master dipped in the apprentice’s light, but that the apprentice dipped in the master’s light, but the master didn’t know that he already knew his true identity.

Mu Yu’s heart is very clear, the haze is gone, and pick up the sun again. If he wants to pursue his own way and really like someone, he still has a lot to do.

“I’m not as good as Luo Da on one hand. Ling’er didn’t want to see me. Maybe it’s because my name is not true. When one day I stood at Luo’s altitude, should Ling’er look at me with respect?”

Feng Haochen patted Mu Yu’s shoulder: “At that time, perhaps Ling’er will face a choice! But many times Xiu will not determine a person’s mind, Xiu Wei is just the basis for you to win Linger’s approval, you If you want Linger to have you in your heart, you still need to do a lot of things.”

Muyu understands that like someone, there is still a long way to go.

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