A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 88 - Drainage

If Mu Yu was allowed to bully the grey disciple himself, he would naturally not do it, and he felt sorry for him. If you do too false, the other party will not be fooled. Therefore, he intends to secretly pay attention to those self-cultivators who specifically bully gray disciples, which is more realistic.

Although most practitioners despise grey disciples, not everyone will deliberately make trouble for them. Some practitioners are also very friendly towards grey disciples.

However, the friendly ones are the minority. Do not embarrass the majority of the gray disciples. The rest are those who have nothing to do to bully the gray disciples. This is also Muyu’s goal.

Muyu spent the whole day observing at the entrance of the Gray Disciple’s Courtyard, to see if those who were self-cultivating would deliberately trouble the Gray Disciple. The daily work of the grey disciples in the academy is probably to clean up the sanitation, serve tea and pour water, and meet the various needs of those who have cultivated in the past.

From time to time, there will be practitioners who come to the Gray Disciple’s Courtyard and ask them to come over to do things. Most of them are indifferent. They tell the Gray Disciple to leave after doing what they want. Grey disciple.

Muyu waited for a long time to finally find a fault.

It was a middle-aged man who was so high-spirited, and he was not very tall, but he was arrogant, his face was sallow, and he looked malnourished. I didn’t know what school he came from. At the moment, he was teaching a grey disciple in his twenties. The gray disciple’s face was flushed, and he was obviously aggrieved.

“Fang Gongzi, you confessed that the bone grass that I had to buy was gone. I didn’t find it all over the whole Fangshi!” the gray disciple whispered, feeling aggrieved that he was about to cry.

Fang Gongzi said angrily: “There is no Fangshi in Qingshoucheng, you won’t go to Fangshi in Yicheng? I really don’t understand what each school has to do to provide spiritual stones every year to feed your disciples. Even this little thing can’t be done well, waste!”

“The city of Fang in Yicheng is on the mountain, and it is so far away from here. I just practiced Qi for a long time. I haven’t learned how to fly. It will take five or six days to go back and forth!” The gray disciple’s voice was crying.

“Leave me nonsense, I only waited for three days in the school. If you didn’t buy the bones and grass I asked for in three days, I would break your leg! There are so many grey disciples in the school, you are not the only one!” Fang Gongzi The momentum of the foundation period was pressed against the grey disciple. The grey disciple withdrew his face palely to the wall, looking at Fang Gongzi in horror, his mouth was too scared to speak.

Mu Yu frowned and looked at this Fang Gongzi. He had the cultivation practice during the foundation period. If he went to Yicheng in person, it was actually a very quick thing, but he wanted to make such a gray disciple. The gray disciple who practiced qi for a long time could not complete this matter within three days, and he would definitely be punished by then.

He also knows such things as bone grass, this plant has excellent healing effects, is relatively rare, and generally grows on the bones of monsters above the third order. The living area of ​​the third-order monsters in the monster forest is generally not dare to dabble in, which also leads to the scarcity of bones and grass. Even if the grey disciple ran to Yicheng, he might not be able to buy it.

Fang Gongzi left, but the gray disciple didn’t have any relaxed look. He stared blankly at Fang Gongzi’s back, his eyes showing a trace of helplessness. Those who practice these comprehensions have to worry all day long, and will be beaten and scolded if there is any irregularity.

He also envied to be the kind of person who cultivated to a high level, capable of flying swords and casting spells. At the age of sixteen, I stayed with hope, hoping to be fortunate enough to visit a certain division, but unfortunately it was contrary to my wishes, and no one liked his unbearable cultivation talent. It’s too late to regret even now. Deacon Xun said that when you choose to stay, there are only two ways to leave the academy. One is to be chosen by a certain school and become a disciple, and the other is to die.

The grey disciple shook his head and turned helplessly into the other courtyard. He was going to pack up things to see if he could do it well within three days.

“This son Fang is indeed damn.”

Mu Yu was nagging in his heart, but then he thought about it, there are more people like Fang Gongzi in the cultivation realm, and those who cultivated high despise those who cultivated low, should everyone who cultivated high deserve to die?

Mu Yu didn’t know how to judge someone for a **** reason, he didn’t think too much, and kept up with this Fang Gongzi.

The son of Fang is called Fang Chang. He is a disciple of the Xuan Bing School. The strength of the Xuan Bing School is relatively high, so their disciples’ talents are also better. Mu Yu followed Fang Chang to the other courtyard of the Xuan Bing School. Unfortunately, he couldn’t enter the other courtyard. There was no tree in this other courtyard. This made Mu Yu helpless and could only stay in the trees outside.

As night fell, Mu Yu waited outside the Xuan Bing School for a day. I wonder if the shadow at night would come to this Fang Chang for trouble. In fact, he is not sure, because there may be other cultivators who are bullying gray disciples this day, not just Fang Chang, who knows if the shadow will start with the other party?

Muyu found a tall tree and could see the situation inside the Xuanbing School. The Fang Chang’s room was still lit at the moment, and Mu Yu’s eyes had been fixed on his room. Just when Muyu was about to give up, the lights in Fang Chang’s room suddenly went out.

Mu Yu’s heart tightened, and the light was off, and he didn’t know what it meant. If he just wanted to go to bed, he might not. But at this moment, the door of Fang Chang’s room was opened silently, a shadow flashed out, and he seemed to be holding another person in his hand. He quickly rushed into the dark place in the other courtyard, and then disappeared.

Mu Yu’s eyes widened, and he wanted to see what happened. It’s just that every martial arts academy has its own guardian formation. If he breaks into it, he will surely touch that formation. If Fang Chang has an accident and he is seen on the spot, he won’t be able to clean it.

He had no choice but to wait until the next day and went to Xuan Bing School to find out about Chang’s news. Sure enough, people listening to Xuan Bing School said that Fang Chang seemed to have left the school last night.

But this was impossible. Muyu stayed outside all night, and did not see anyone coming out of the Xuanbing School.

“Could someone really be angry with the grey disciple?”

Mu Yu was thinking about it. He was also present the night the tiger was killed last time. When he went to chase the shadow, he just disappeared after he chased the yard, and this time too, could it be that every yard has a secret way ?

Mu Yu was a little bit stunned at this idea. If that person dug a secret passage in the courtyard of each school of the school and was not found, this is impossible. It’s a huge project to dig secret roads, and the schools are all self-cultivators.

However, Muyu returned to his yard and began to search carefully.

The other courtyard of the Luochen School was very small, and it didn’t take long for Muyu to search through his yard without any abnormalities. The only thing that may lead to the outside world is a drainage channel, but that drainage channel is very narrow, and the width can only accommodate the head of the next person, and the shoulders of the body cannot pass.

Mu Yu still didn’t believe in evil. He controlled a tenacious root beard grass and let its roots slowly penetrate into this drainage channel. It didn’t matter at this time, he was surprised to find that the drainage channel was so wide! It is entirely possible for two people to pass at the same time.

This means that if the shadow is really relying on the drainage channel to enter and exit the other courtyards, the size of the entrance of the drainage channel is actually irrelevant, as long as this piece of land is cut. Enter the drain and cover the ground, which can’t be seen without careful attention from the outside.

Muyu’s other plot has not been cut, and apparently the shadow has not been visited.

Muyu landed in the drainage channel against the root grass. This drainage channel is only used to allow rainwater to flow out. It doesn’t need to be so large. Mu Yu was standing in the dark drain, and the light of the parting sword illuminated the road ahead, and a rotten smell hit him, making him frown.

He walked along the drain for a few meters and found an uneven channel next to it. The channel was littered with dirt, and there were strange claw marks on the wall of the channel, like what an animal dug out.

Claw marks!

Muyu remembered the claw marks on the neck of the disciples of the Qingsong and Jiuhua schools and the lost heart~www.mtlnovel.com~ Only this claw mark can create that kind of wound. Muyu turned into this passage, the soil of the passage was very wet, he had just walked a few steps, and he stepped on something.

Looking at the blue light, it was the bones of a mouse, the mouse had not completely rotted, Muyu just stepped on its head, and stepped on its brains, which made him look very uncomfortable, and quickly continued to move forward go. The passage was very straight, and after walking for a while, he returned to the drain.

Muyu saw the light in front. He walked over and looked up. This should be the drain of another courtyard. He didn’t know the significance of these uneven channels, he continued to follow the drain.

It’s too quiet here, only occasionally the sound of dripping from somewhere, echoing in the drain, sounds scary.

Muyu didn’t know where he had gone. Every time there was light, he had to take a look and see if he could lift the ground around the drain with his hands. After about half an hour, a strong rancid smell came.

The rancid smell came so suddenly that Muyu almost spit out the overnight meal. The rancid smell seems to be mixed with a heavy **** smell, which is disgusting.

He settled down and turned into a passage. In front of me, I heard the sound of Suo Suo, as if something was grinding teeth, accompanied by creaking.

“Don’t scare me!”

Mu Yu despised herself a little, saying that she was also a self-cultivator, but she was afraid of such things. He waved the shadow sword forward, the blue light of the shadow sword just fell, Mu Yu suddenly saw a pair of big puffy white eyes, staring at him in a daze.

These are human eyes!

“Lying trough!”

Muyu jumped up and bumped his head against the top of the tunnel. He yelped in pain, feeling that his cold hairs were all erected.

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