A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 98 - Dragon Quest

Muyu brought back twenty purple gold spirit stones, which came in handy. Xunao has cleverly set up a mid-array, collecting all the spirit stones needed for the gathering of spirits on a purple gold spirit stone, and this purple gold spirit stone can be used for at least one year according to the estimation of old age.

“I have twenty purple gold spirit stones. Doesn’t it mean that it can be used for several years?” Mu Yu exclaimed. He remembered that he had used up all other purple gold spirit stones. He was a little embarrassed.

Xun Lao replaced the spirit stone that had been turned into an ordinary stone with a purple gold spirit stone, and then stood up. After a busy afternoon, he finally transformed all four formations. He said: “Let’s do it now! Give me a few more days, I can use two purple gold spirit stones to transform this gathering array, so that the effect will double.”

“So what did you just say we have a big mountain protection array in Luochen Mountain?” Lan Linger asked back and forth all afternoon. Muyu never knew she was so interested in the array.

Looking for the old thought, said: “The formation of Luochen Mountain is very advanced, I have not seen it before. However, I speculate that this formation is to lock the outside spirits on this mountain and make the spirits of this mountain more mellow. , Similar to Juling Array, but much higher than Juling Array. If you can control this formation, you can even observe the actions of everyone on this mountain, and use this formation to prevent outsiders from invading. Can use this formation to attack everyone in the mountains!”

“It’s so powerful?” Mu Yu opened his mouth, and Master quietly posed such a secret and powerful formation? Doesn’t he say that anyone who is lazy in practice can’t escape Master’s eyes?

“Then this large array does not require more spirit stones?” Lan Ling’er also felt incredible. A small place would require 500 spirit stones. The formation of Luochen Mountain is so large, isn’t it one hundred thousand?

“This formation is very weird. It does not seem to use spirit stones as formations, but something as a formation. It may be a magic weapon, and I don’t know very well. If it is a formation under the control of an adult, he will play against The views of the law far exceed mine.” Xun Lao sighed.

Some magic weapon? What kind of magic weapon can support a large mountain protection array?

“Looking for the old, I remember that the Jiuhua faction also had a large mountain protection array. Did they have any powerful magic weapon to fail?” Muyu touched the large mountain protection array when he was about to sneak into the Jiuhua school. They were forced to leave.

Xun Lao shook his head: “Jiuhua sent me a few times. The big formation was just a simple alert formation. It was not aggressive and could not gather auras. When someone didn’t enter in the right way, it would trigger an alarm. That formation method uses only a few hundred pieces of spirit stones a month. It doesn’t need much, just like the formation method of each other academy in the college.”

Each school in the academy has a formation method, which needs to be entered in a specific way, otherwise it will beep. Luochen faction also has this formation, Muyu they all know how to get in.

Mu Yu wanted to continue to ask, but at this moment, Xun Lao suddenly panted heavily, his whole body trembling, a painful expression on his face, his hands tightly holding his chest.

“Looking for the old, what’s wrong with you?” Mu Yu quickly asked.

“Kill, kill, I… I haven’t eaten, eaten, eaten for days…” Xun Lao twitched to the ground in pain, his eyes became red, and his joints began to bulge and deform, a little scary.

“The soul-eating wolf in Xun Lao’s body broke out, and he went to Uncle An. He said he had a way to suppress it!” Mu Yu said to Lan Ling’er. Lan Ling’er nodded, his figure flashed out, and soon brought Uncle An over.

“Uncle, what should I do?” Mu Yu asked anxiously. He has been healing Xun Lao for these two days, clearing him of the dark diseases in his body. Xun Lao recovered his body quickly because he had taken the soul-eating wolf demon, but he still failed to suppress the soul-eating wolf. Wolfness.

Uncle An took out a black grass expressionlessly, shook it into powder, and stuffed it into the mouth of Xun Xie. Muyu knew that this black grass, called lupinia, was planted in Master’s usual medicine garden. Master would plant all kinds of herbs and give them baths. Normally, no one cares about these herbs.

“Wolfweed, the nemesis of wolf monsters, can suppress the wolf nature of the soul-eating wolf demon spirit. The head has planted a few, and then he will serve the next one every seven days.” Uncle An calmly said.

Xun Lao’s complexion gradually slowed down, his chest slowly became steady, and the red light in his eyes also dispersed. After a while, he sat up: “Thank you, Master An.”

“There are not many species of Stellera chamaejasme, you have to find a way to solve it, Muyu.” Uncle An gave a meaningful glance at Muyu. Muyu was uncomfortably looked at. Uncle An said that he knew that Muyu Yu has the ability to control the wood.

“I’ll find a way.” Mu Yu smiled a little. He thought his ability was only known to Master and Brother, but he didn’t expect Uncle to know it for a long time.

Uncle An turned to leave when he was okay, and walked a few steps. He stopped again and said, “Xun Lao, I agree that you stay because you helped Muyu a lot, but I don’t like your past. Do what you do, so you can do it yourself.”

Looking old, his face red and white, he sighed: “I remember.”

In fact, when Xun Lao was betrayed by the gray disciples he trusted, he already knew how ridiculous he was doing. In order to make the grey disciples of the academy live better, he killed so many arrogant and cultivators, but in the end he was betrayed. Now Muyu has let him stay in the Fallen School. He joined a martial art as he wished. What else can he put down?

“There is another reason, Mu Yu said that you have studied the battle method, so have you ever heard of the Dragon Quest?” Uncle An asked.

“Xun Long Zhen? What are you looking for?” Xun Lao’s face changed slightly.

“What is Dragon Quest?” Lan Linger asked curiously.

“Xunlong formation is the next formation, it can help you find what you want to find, including people.” Xun Lao explained.

“Find someone? Really? We want to find someone right now!” Mu Yu couldn’t wait to say.

Xun Lao shook his head and said, “I will hunt the dragon array, but the price is too high, I am afraid that the materials cannot be collected, and the array of the dragon array is too harsh. I do not recommend you to use the dragon array.”

A formation method includes formation, formation, formation, formation, and formation. The formation determines the structure and size of a formation, this is not fixed; the formation of the formation is the core of the formation, each formation has a formation, controls the effect of the entire formation, one of the methods of breaking the formation is also the most The effective method is to destroy the formation. The formation is to provide formation support to the formation method. Generally, the spirit stone is used as the formation. You can also use some natural materials to make the formation.

The array index is not required for all arrays, and some powerful arrays will be used. Formation can extend the effectiveness of this formation beyond the formation, and manipulate a formation to act far away, for example, people in the formation can attack people outside the formation.

“What does Xunlong Zhen need to do?” Mu Yu ran with Xun Lao for an afternoon, and was also vaguely aware of some common sense of formation.

“If you want to find something, you have to use the same kind of thing as an index.” Xun Lao said seriously. “That is to say, if you want to find someone, you need someone to do the index. Xunlong array is used in Outside the array, its scope of action is determined by the quality of the array index. If you are looking for someone, then the person doing the array index needs to have a very strong willpower, otherwise it can only search a narrow range, such as a radius of one mile , It would be better to find it yourself.”

“I can lead in.” Uncle An said.

“If the Dragon Quest is used to find people, the person who leads the team will be very dangerous. Once a slight error or disturbance will lead to the destruction of the leader, that is, the person who will lead the team will die and the soul will fly away! “Xun Lao looked solemnly at Uncle An.

Mu Yu and Lan Ling’er both changed their faces, only Uncle An still expressionless.

“I am willing to take this risk.” Uncle An said.

Uncle An is very strict with everyone, has a strange temper, and is not close to others. Only when facing the head, he is a bit like a normal person. No one knows Uncle’s past, only knows that Uncle has always obeyed and respected the leader, and he is respected. Since the head disappeared, he became more reticent, and he stubbornly believed that the head missing was his fault.

“In search of old age, what level of assurance do you have?” Mu Yu asked.

“The material of the Dragon Quest is very complicated. The base of the formation cannot be a spirit stone. There must be five things. Ten thousand years of green wood, Xuanhai Chen Bing, the ancient spirit away from the fire, the outer sky meteorite, the sinking rock frozen soil, everyone listen to these five things. I knew it was unusual. The Xunlong Array is said to have been created by the Five Elements Yumeng Demon, so the materials are inseparable from the Five Elements.” Xun Lao said.

Don’t say that these five things are seen, Muyu hasn’t even heard it, Wannian Qingmu doesn’t understand what Muyu is, and I don’t need to say anything else.

“How do you find these things?” Lan Linger couldn’t understand them at all.

Looking for the old shook his head, some helpless said: “I haven’t seen it.”

Uncle An was silent for a long time, and said: “I have all the materials, you just need to help you set up the formation.”

“What? You have all these materials?” Looking for the old is a bit unbelievable. He is also the way to find the Dragon Array from ancient books. He doesn’t even know what these materials are, but Uncle An said that he has them. Are you kidding me?

“You don’t mind, I will prepare the materials for you. I will come to you two days later.” Uncle An finished succinctly and turned away from Luochenya.

Mu Yu felt weird in her heart. Evergreen Aoki, Xuanhai Chen Bing, Gu Ling Li Huo, Tian Wai Meteorite, Shen Yan Frozen Earth, these sounds seem to have all been done, how can Uncle have it? Uncle An’s origin is as mysterious as Master’s. Everyone knows that he is unsmiling and loyal to his boss. Apart from his poor cooking, he knows very little.

Muyu helped Xun go to rest, he left the room and went out with Lan Ling’er, but he was thinking about the Xunlong formation. If this Dragon Quest can help find Master’s whereabouts, he would rather risk becoming a leader. But Uncle An definitely disagrees. A person who is so stubborn will definitely play himself.

“Ling’er, I still don’t know that you are so interested in the formation!” Mu Yu said casually~www.mtlnovel.com~I’m interested in you big head ghost! “Lan Ling’er said without reason.

Mu Yu was scolded a little bit inexplicably: “You are not interested, why do you still run with us this afternoon?”

Lan Ling’er snorted: “It’s not your stunned head, just bring a person back casually, and let him join our school, do you think we will really accept him?”

Mu Yu was taken aback, he thought he had convinced everyone, but Lan Ling’er seemed to be worried.

“He killed so many people. Although those people were too much, they didn’t die. I can leave this alone. I’m still worried about the soul-eating wolf in him. I’m not worried that he will become a soul-eating wolf attack. You or me, but have you considered the emptiness and mystery of not knowing anything in the world? They have nothing to do. If the old people get out of control and attack them, what should they do?” Lan Linger asked.

Mu Yu was speechless, he was indeed too rash to do this, did not consider this. Only he knew that Xunao wouldn’t kill people even if he turned into a soul-eating wolf. Others didn’t know that they only temporarily accepted Muyu’s request for the sake of Xunlao’s promotion of Muyu. Real trust in finding old age.

“But I don’t think it’s like a bad guy looking for old people. He used to be a deacon in a college and was humble. This is good. Following you in the afternoon just to get to know him, I didn’t expect to find something that we didn’t even know. Array, he really is not simple.” Lan Ling’er recognized the aging stay.

“There are too many secrets in Master’s body, he never told us, but we have dug so much, and we don’t know if he will be upset,” Lan Linger continued.

“Confirm Master’s safety first, and then talk!” Mu Yu sighed while looking at the empty lounge chair in the yard. Master used to sit there and close his eyes every day.

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