A Three Inch Adorable Wife Hidden in the Sleeve of the Chu King

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

You must know that drawing talismans is completely different from simply wielding a brush on paper.

For the talismans to take effect, the one drawing them must employ their cultivation base.

Furthermore, ordinary Daoist priests need to seal the talisman paper with an imprint for it to work, even after pouring in their cultivation base.

Zhu Yan needed to imprint the talismans he drew himself, so how could a mere maid not only forgo imprinting but also draw so many at once?

Unless she had an inexhaustible supply of Spiritual Power.

But a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl?

Zhu Yan found it laughable.

Seeing his mocking expression, Dean Gu did not argue further.

Just as he was about to leave, Zhu Yan suddenly said, "For the next test, I'll set the questions. Bring her to see me."

When Dean Gu returned to Shi Mo Village, Jiang Xiaoxiao was sitting on the roof, lost in thought.

Had he not known of her extraordinary martial prowess, Dean Gu would have worried she might accidentally fall.

Jiang Xiaoxiao noticed Dean Gu and leaped down in front of him.

"Have you submitted the talismans?"

Dean Gu nodded, confirming he had submitted them.

"What's the next test?"

Dean Gu paused for a moment, "The Examiner from Yanjing City wants to meet you."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Xiaoxiao's expression remained calm, merely responding with a faint "Oh."

Recalling Zhu Yan's expression upon seeing those talismans, Dean Gu felt a twinge of concern.

"Although I don't know which sect or school you hail from, young lady, judging from the first two tests, your skills are undeniable."

"However, I'm wondering if you should perhaps conceal your abilities somewhat? The waters of the capital city run deep, and your formidable talents may unnecessarily attract unwanted attention."

"Why should I conceal my abilities?" Jiang Xiaoxiao calmly looked at Dean Gu, "Are you afraid someone might cause me trouble?"

Dean Gu nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry."

Dean Gu did not expect this seemingly naive girl to reassure him, and his heart warmed.

Then he heard her calmly add, "I'll just kill them directly."

Dean Gu: "..."

The most delicate appearance, the most serene tone, uttering the most domineering words.

What was this sudden sense of security?

Dean Gu shuddered, snapping back to his senses.

This girl, how interesting!

After conversing with Jiang Xiaoxiao, Dean Gu visited the hall to see Xie Xun.

Xie Xun leaned against a bamboo couch by the window, holding a book.

Clad in a simple, pale gray robe, his refined bearing remained undisguised.

His deep, natural eye lines added a touch of sharpness to his brow.

Though his lips were thin and pale, his tall figure exuded an elegant nobility, casually reclining on the couch, a picture of graceful refinement.

His exceptional beauty was striking.

Upon seeing Xie Xun, Dean Gu recalled the once breathtaking Empress.

The Empress was brought back from the battlefield by The Emperor during his military campaign.

It was said that her appearance had miraculously turned the tide of the losing Yan army, leading them to an astounding victory against all odds.

Everyone claimed the Empress was a divine maiden sent by Heaven to bless the Yan nation.

The Emperor believed this wholeheartedly.

So much so that when the Third Prince was born, The Emperor immediately drafted an imperial edict, intending to crown him as the Crown Prince upon his fifth birthday.

But then, many events unfolded.

First, the Third Prince could no longer make the deity statues in the Imperial Deity Temple shine. Shortly after, the Empress met an untimely death.

The people of the capital city, who had once lauded and revered the Third Prince, now spewed the most vicious curses upon him.

Dean Gu was deliberately transferred out of the capital at that time.

He only learned of these events later.

But by then, the Third Prince had already been sent away.

All the servants who knew of the Third Prince's whereabouts had been silenced.

In this vast Yan nation, Dean Gu had no idea where to begin searching.

Disillusioned with the court, he resigned his post and returned to his hometown to take over Luming Academy.

Over the years, he had made countless inquiries about the Third Prince's whereabouts, but all efforts proved futile.

The Third Prince had simply vanished from the world, it seemed.

Fortunately, by a stroke of luck, he had inadvertently found the Third Prince.


Xie Xun was not usually fond of reading, but since he would soon be attending Luming Academy, he decided to skim through the foundational materials from the books.

With his remarkable memory, he could memorize the content after a single reading, thus his reading speed was extremely fast.

By the time Dean Gu entered, Xie Xun had already flipped through several pages.

"Third Prince."

Dean Gu respectfully bowed.

Xie Xun closed his book and looked towards him.

Dean Gu said, "Miss Jiang has passed the second test."

Xie Xun lightly acknowledged with a soft "hm," his expression betraying no surprise.

Their goal was to take over the entire Yin Yang Office, so passing the second test was expected.

Dean Gu hesitated for a moment before speaking again, "There is something I'm unsure how to broach with you, Your Highness."

"What is it?"

"The Princess Qinshui of King Ning's Mansion sought an imperial decree to annul her betrothal to you during the recent palace banquet."

Dean Gu had been holding back on this for several days, unsure of how to inform Xie Xun.

Today, with Jiang Xiaoxiao having passed the second test, he thought it might be a good time to break the news, hoping it would mitigate the Prince's anger.

However, to his surprise, Xie Xun merely gave a cold smirk, showing no signs of rage, though his tone was icy.

"So they've annulled my betrothal, yet still refuse to let me return to the capital. It seems they intend to seal me away here for life."

"Seal you away?"

Dean Gu was dumbfounded, having never heard of such a thing.

Xie Xun asked him, "Is it not Murong Yuan who can now light up the deity statues in the Imperial Deity Temple?"

Dean Gu nodded in affirmation.

The Yan nation worshiped deities, and the statues in the Imperial Deity Temple depicted the founding emperor who lived a century ago.

It was a chaotic era, and even as he ruled the realm, the founding emperor would still lead his troops into battle.

According to folklore, in the final battle, he sacrificed his mortal body to achieve unification, his meritorious deeds shaking the heavens, thus allowing him to ascend to divinity.

Whether such mystical events truly occurred is now impossible to verify.

But since then, the Yan nation built the Imperial Deity Temple and began worshiping deities.

Prior to the birth of the Third Prince, most people tacitly understood the underlying reasons.

The imperial family's worship of deities was not necessarily due to a belief in their existence, but rather to provide the people with a sense of reassurance and a constant reminder of the founding emperor's valor and martial prowess, ensuring that even in his celestial form, he would continue to bless and protect the Yan nation.

However, on the day the Third Prince was born, the deity statues in the Imperial Deity Temple shone brilliantly for an entire night.

When the news spread, not only the imperial household but the entire capital city was in an uproar.

In the eyes of some, the deity statues in the Imperial Deity Temple were akin to the Buddha and Bodhisattva statues in temples.

One could believe or disbelieve as they wished.

In essence, they were merely psychological anchors.

But if the statues lit up, that was a different matter entirely.

It signified that the Third Prince was the chosen one, destined to become the unparalleled ruler of the Yan nation.

Thus, the people of the Yan nation placed great hopes upon the Third Prince, Murong Xun.

The Empress and the Prince were elevated to divine status, mother and son revered as deities.

Alas, the higher they were exalted, the more tragic their subsequent fall.


Dean Gu refocused his thoughts, his face etched with confusion, "Your Highness, what does this have to do with the Crown Prince?"

Xie Xun's eyes darkened, "If not for the theft of my Dragon Aura, he would never have been able to illuminate the deity statues in this lifetime!"

Upon hearing Xie Xun's words, Dean Gu was struck dumb.

He muttered as he stepped back, "No wonder, no wonder..."

No wonder Murong Yuan could unexpectedly light up the deity statues.

No wonder the Third Prince was once cursed as an ominous star, a bane to his father, mother, and the nation.

It turned out his Dragon Aura had been stolen.

If he was not mistaken, someone must have used devious arts against the Third Prince.

"Those beasts!"

Dean Gu clenched his fists, his eyes reddening with rage.

The Third Prince was only three years old at the time!

To forcibly strip away his Dragon Aura, what immense suffering must he have endured?

How could they sink so low!

"I cannot leave Kaihe County." Xie Xun said, "Initially, I did not understand why, but Xiaoxiao later told me that I had been sealed, because they feared my return and dreaded the revival of my Dragon Aura, which could threaten Murong Yuan's position."

Xie Xun's tone remained indifferent, as if narrating someone else's story.

Dean Gu had already listened with fury rising in his heart.

He immediately said, "Since they are afraid, then Your Highness should return to the capital as soon as possible to reclaim what rightfully belongs to you!"

"This old servant originally planned to have Your Highness register for the imperial examinations next year, allowing you to journey to the capital on the success of your studies. But now it seems next year would be too late."

Thinking of His Highness being sealed away in this broken place, while that group indulges in pleasure and luxury in the imperial palace, Dean Gu could not wait a moment longer.

"This old servant has an idea - if Your Highness enrolls in the academy, I will secure you a direct admission to the Imperial Academy to study."

"This way, there is no need to wait until next year. Your Highness can enter the capital this year."

Xie Xun did not expect Dean Gu to become so furious. He smiled, "Teacher, please make the arrangements."


That address he had not heard in fourteen years.

Dean Gu's old tears flowed freely, "Your Highness, rest assured. Even if this old servant must sacrifice his life, he will ensure Your Highness returns to Yanjing City."

After Dean Gu left, Jiang Xiaoxiao quietly came in and sat beside Xie Xun without a word.

Xie Xun glanced at her, "You heard our conversation just now?"

Jiang Xiaoxiao nodded.

"It won't be long before we have to go to the capital."

Xie Xun said, his gaze falling on Jiang Xiaoxiao's face, "If I successfully regain my Spiritual Power and help you break the curse, will you have to return to Cangwu Mountain?"

He remembered that day when she found him, her expression as she said her only reason was because he could help break her curse.

Jiang Xiaoxiao did not answer.

She was still trying to find the words.

Because she did not know how to explain that she was destined to marry him.

Even if the curse was broken later, she would not return to Cangwu Mountain.

However, her silence appeared to Xie Xun as confirmation.

Something in his eyes dissipated, and Xie Xun stood up, "I understand."

Seeing Xie Xun about to leave, Jiang Xiaoxiao hurriedly grabbed his sleeve.

Xie Xun turned back, his gaze fixed on the hand grasping his sleeve, his brow slightly furrowed.

Jiang Xiaoxiao looked up, and after a long moment, finally said, "That day when I came to find you, I said I came to be your wife. You haven't married me yet!"

Xie Xun's thin lips pressed together as he stared at her wordlessly.

Jiang Xiaoxiao's heart raced, "I want to make you happy, but I don't know how. You haven't taught me yet."

She possessed the divine talents envied by all Daoist disciples. At such a young age, her cultivation nearly rivaled that of Celestial Masters over a hundred years old.

She could make demons cower at her feet, even proactively seeking her out to beg for deliverance from suffering.

Yet she did not understand the depth of human emotion.

She did not know why Xie Xun suddenly asked if she would leave, but she felt that if she said she would, he would definitely be unhappy.

"Xie Xun, I don't understand the ways of the world beyond the mountain. You can't find me guilty without teaching me first."

Jiang Xiaoxiao's hand clutching his sleeve tightened as her innocent eyes seemed to accuse him.

The hint of vexation Xie Xun felt at her implication of leaving instantly dissipated.

That's right, she does not understand.

The first bowl of porridge she ate after descending the mountain was cooked by him, and she remembered the taste.

Later at the Ning residence, faced with expensive cow's milk and bird's nest soup, she asked for the porridge he personally cooked instead.

The first dress she wore was bought by him. Just because he said it looked nice, all her subsequent dresses were of the same color and style.

She may not even know why until now, nor had she ever wondered why.

Xie Xun deflated.

Forget it, why was he getting worked up over this oblivious woodblock?

The next day was the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Xie Xun prepared many ingredients.

Chen Sixi should have celebrated at home, but a neighbor's elderly relative had passed away.

Old Man Chen went to help, leaving Chen Sixi bored and alone. So he brought a jug of wine and a box of mooncakes to Shi Mo Village.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was crouched by the well, washing vegetables.

Seeing Chen Sixi, she glanced at him without a word.

"Master, you've recovered?"

Chen Sixi set down the items inside the hall, then came out to speak with Jiang Xiaoxiao.

Yes, the normal Jiang Xiaoxiao looked normal. Although her miniature form was adorable, there was something off about it.

"Master, let me do it!"

Chen Sixi felt awkward sitting idly while a young lady worked, so he rolled up his sleeves and squatted down as well.

Jiang Xiaoxiao did not compete with him, standing to wipe her hands before entering the kitchen to assist Xie Xun.

At lunch, braised chicken, steamed fish, stir-fried river shrimp, and even the few vegetable dishes were beautifully colorful and appetizing.

Just the aroma alone made Chen Sixi's mouth water.

Seeing Xie Xun about to serve the food, he hurriedly brought the wine jug to the table, "Xie Xun, on such a great day, how can we not have a couple drinks?"

As he spoke, he uncorked the jug and pulled Xie Xun's bowl over to pour wine into it.

After pouring, seeing Xie Xun's dark expression, Chen Sixi laughed until he could not stand straight, "No way, no way? Xie Xun, don't tell me you can't drink alcohol?"

Jiang Xiaoxiao said, "I'll drink on his behalf."

Just as she reached for the wine bowl, Xie Xun snatched it away first.

Chen Sixi could only ask Jiang Xiaoxiao, "Master, shall I pour you your own bowl?"

Before Jiang Xiaoxiao could respond, Xie Xun coldly scoffed, "Chen Sixi, don't bring your nasty habits into my home."

Chen Sixi inwardly rolled his eyes. So he just didn't want to pour any for the Master? Why not just say so directly? So needlessly convoluted.

Jiang Xiaoxiao roughly understood that Xie Xun did not want her drinking alcohol.

Although her alcohol tolerance was genuinely supreme, if Xie Xun was unhappy about it, she would not drink.

"Brother, come, let me toast you."

Chen Sixi raised his wine bowl and clinked it against Xie Xun's, "I'll drink, you can casually sip as you like."

His alcohol tolerance was clearly quite good, as he downed the entire bowl without any reaction.

Jiang Xiaoxiao looked toward Xie Xun, only to see him nonchalantly take a large gulp as well.

But before Chen Sixi could pour the next round, Xie Xun's face had already flushed red, his eyes hazy and unfocused.

Chen Sixi stared in shock.

Hahaha, he had guessed correctly - Xie Xun could not handle his liquor.


Jiang Xiaoxiao swiftly knocked Chen Sixi unconscious with a hand chop.

His expression mocking Xie Xun's misfortune was too unsightly.

Xie Xun's alcohol tolerance was abysmal. He had not even finished half a bowl before becoming thoroughly drunk.

Jiang Xiaoxiao knew the experience of drinking for the first time was unpleasant, so she stood to help Xie Xun back to rest in his room.

But to her surprise, once they reached the courtyard, Xie Xun refused to return to his chambers, stumbling as he tried to leave.

Jiang Xiaoxiao asked him, "What are you going out to do?"

Xie Xun: "Accompanying you to catch frogs."

Jiang Xiaoxiao: "..."

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