A Tragic Villain Saves The World

Chapter 2 – Plans For The Future

Alesiter Wyllt (Similar to Aletheia from Granblue Fantasy) Emrys’ master and teacher. A demon. A stern but caring man who Emrys thought of as family. His death is the reason he decided to walk the path of a villain.


So, it seems from what I've just seen from my new memories the original Emrys had already started down the path of a villain before he and I became one.

That's the bad news.

However there is some good news.

Ermys and I became one and the same very early in what would be the games main story. Meaning various important people across the entire world do not want me dead.

A status quo I plan on keeping.

Since I have no desire to be hunted everyday for the rest of my new life.

On that note, I need to come up with a solution on what do to about the people hunting me currently for the actions the original Emrys took. Those people definitely wanting me dead. One in particular standing above the rest. A major boss villain from the game, who belongs to an organization that were the games main antagonists. The name of the organization being the Seven Catastrophes.

The Seven Catastrophes.

A group of seven powers individuals across the world who are either demons, or have demonic blood in their veins. Who work to cause terror and chaos, and perform numerous heinous criminal acts. But criminal activity is not this groups main goal. Oh no. It is something much worse. You see the Seven Catastrophe main goal is to unseal the final boss of the game. Who is known as Baal. Baal being the last demon lord, the title bestowed upon the leader of the entire demon race, in the past 1,000 years.

Why you ask?

Because the other races of Arcadia have not let another demon lord be named, or rise up, since Baal.

Due the fact that over 1,000 years ago Baal forcibly led the demon race into a war against the other races, hoping to dominate them and conquer and rule the entire world.

Yeah, Baal is nutty than a fruitcake.

But that doesn't take away from his power.

That's why it was explained in Resonant Heart lore that Baal was only able to be sealed away and not fully killed by the original hero and his party a millennium ago.

A key part to the entire premise of the Resonant Heart game and overall world.

So you're probably asking yourself why one of these Seven Catastrophe wants to kill me right?


I know his real identity.

You see at the moment the entire world is ignorant of the Seven Catastrophe and the threat they pose. They don't even know their true names and faces.

Though that will all change in a short while, seeing as how a new hero has been born. The protagonist of the story. But that's a topic for later. Back to what I was saying.

The Seven Catastrophe are invisible at the moment. Which is how they want it. Since each one of them has infiltrated and obtained high-ranking positions within several countries and organizations across the world, which has allowed them to carry out their groups tasks unimpeded. Even here in my home country. Which is known as the Aureate Kingdom.

The same country our protagonist and hero was also born and raised in.

But again, back to the main topic.

You see the original Emrys happened to meet the Catastrophe masquerading in the Aureate Kingdom. Since they tried to recruit his master to their cause.

But the original Emrys master refused.

So when this happened the Catastrophe tried to kill them both, and in the ensuing battle the original Emrys master sacrificed himself to protect him, allowing him to escape.

From my new memories that happened just over six months ago. Right around the time the original Emrys began walking the path of a villain. But that makes sense. For his backstory revealed that is one of the reasons he decided to try and destroy the world.

So yeah.

One of the big bad's in this world know that I know who he truly is. So he's now trying to silence me before I let anything slip about him to the wrong person.

As you can see my new life is complicated, and it hasn't even truly started.

I sighed at this.

Well, it's not all bad. At least I've gotten to have some hot sex with one of what was my favorite girls from the game.

Who is now real, and who I confessed my love for. Though she also confessed her love for me.

As the realization of this hit me I started to think about Brinn.

When I did I felt feelings of love spring up, along with several new memories, and it was then I understand that the original Emrys also loved Brinn as a woman. He was just scared to confess his feelings, and felt she deserved better than him.

'Really, that guy.' I thought.

Well technically me, but you get what I mean.

So with that I think the matters of my feelings regarding Brinn are basically settled. Sure, I want to get to know her as I am now but I feel good knowing these feelings I have toward her are basically real. They'll just take some getting used to.  Besides, I'm not just going to give the cold shoulder to girl like her. Meaning with that one problem is solved.

Now I just have to figure out a way to deal with the others.

*Knock Knock*

Though before I could start thinking in earnest about them I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

Going over to it I opened it, and found Brinn standing outside of it. A slightly worried expression on her face. 

"Yes Brinn?" I asked her.

"Emrys, are you okay?" She asked me. "You...you don't regret what we did do y-"

Before Brinn could say anymore I pulled her close and took her lips in a firm and loving kiss. Then when I broke it I placed our foreheads together. "Brinn, don't ever say those words again. I don't regret what we did. And I meant what I said you last night." I explained to her. "Sorry if I worried you, but I had a lot on my mind and just needed a few moments to myself."

"Understood." She replied.

"Thank you." I said. "Also, thank you for putting up with me and my actions these past few months." I said.

Referencing the original Emrys going around and killing people of the Aureate Kingdom. Specifically their soldiers. As well as destroying whole towns and stealing many of the kingdoms supplies.

"No, it's okay." Brinn said. "After the way master Aleister died, and what you told me about it, I can understand why you did what you did. Even if I didn't agree with some of it."

"Well you'll be happy to know I'm done with most of that now." I said.

"Oh, only most of it?" Brinn questioned.

"Right." I replied. "Since I'm still going to be destroying. Just in a lot more targeted fashion now. For there is no way I'm letting the man who killed Aleister enjoy the feeling of life a second longer than necessary." I growled out. Feeling rage and anger towards the Catastrophe whose actions lead to Aleister death. Even if I didn't truly know the man. My new memories tell me exactly what kind of person he was, and the emotions I have associated with him.

Plus it was one of the original Emrys last great wishes.

So since I am now in the drivers seat I might as well fulfill it as one last thank you to him.

Meaning that Catastrophe days are numbered.

"Yes, let's make him pay and beg for death." Brinn said. Getting a crazed look on her face.

Which strangely made me aroused.

Then before I knew what I was doing I was giving her a hot and heavy kiss, the two of us picking up where we left off a few moments ago.

With no interruptions this time around.

Leading the two of us to spend the entire day in the bedroom.


The next morning I gently slipped out of bed, as to not disturb Brinn, and then headed to the bathroom to wash off all the sweat and sex from the past day.

Also yes, the world of Arcadia has showers.

For even though it is a fantasy world with several races, monsters, and even magic, it has modern amenities as well. Like showers, as I just said, refrigerators, boats, and even airships. It's a great world, and I can't wait to truly explore it.

But first things first.

Handling business.

When I finished in the shower I slipped out of it, dried myself off, and then slipped into my comfortable clothing.

I then left my room and started making my way through the halls of the place I now called home.

An old castle in the south-western region of the Aureate Kingdom that Aleister discovered decades ago and made his base. A base that now belongs to me. Given that I was his only true student. Brinn learned from him as well, but from my new memories he and the original Emrys had a much deeper relationship. The man thought of him as a soon.

Which is a bit ironic, considering Aleister was a demon, and Emrys is a human.

Yeah, Aleister was a full-blooded demon. That's why the Catastrophe of the Aureate Kingdom wanted him to join his cause. But again Aleister flat out told him no. Since he wasn't the type to just go around killing. Even though the entire demon race is heavily persecuted across the entire world due to the actions of Baal during what is known as the 'Demon War'.

Looks like he was just that good a man.

I wish I could've met him before he died.

Wandering the halls of the castle I soon found myself in the library, filled with thousands of books related to multiple subjects. From art, to magic, to even cooking.

As I looked around the place my eyes fell into a table where several books lay atop it. When they did I got a strong sense of nostalgia.


(3rd Person: POV)


Sitting at the table in the castle library, a book opened in front of him, an eleven year old Emrys couldn't help but grown. "Ugh!" After doing so he leaned back in his chair, and stared at the man seated across from him.

He was a much older man, with a big grey-colored beard that reached all the way down to his waist. While he also sported a full head of hair, the same color as his beard, that reached his waist as well. His attire consisted of traditional magicians robes.

This was Emrys master, Aleister Wyllt.

Seeing that Emrys was looking at me, Aleister glanced up from the book he was reading and look his young apprentice in his eyes. "Something wrong Emrys my boy?" He asked.

"Yes, there is master." Emrys replied. "Why are we reading books related to the history of the Aureate Kingdom? Aren't we magicians?"

"We are my boy." Aleister replied. "But just because we are doesn't mean we should be ignorant of  things not related to magic. Listen well and remember this Emrys. All knowledge is power."

"Right, okay. But still, it's sooo borriiinnggg." Emrys drawled out.

Earning him a chop in his head from Aleister. "Stop complaining my boy. Besides, the sooner we finish this the sooner we can get to your magical training." He explained.

Ignoring the dirty look Emrys was giving him due to the chop to his head he just delivered.

"Whatever." Emrys grumbled.

He then went back to reading the history book in front of him.

Though this time he sported a small smile on his face.

-Flashback End-


(Emrys: POV)

As the strong nostalgia came to an end I couldn't help but find myself smiling.

Since I once again truly learned just how much Aleister cared for Emrys and vice versa.

Which has only strengthened my resolve to make sure his  dearth is properly avenged.

The thing is the moment I do that I will be on the other Seven Catastrophe radar.

Just like the original Emrys did when he killed the Catastrophe of the Aureate Kingdom and their ranks.

Yeah, that's right. In the game Emrys became one of the Seven Catastrophe.

But I don't plan on following that path.

In fact I would rather not get involved with any of the main stories problems and issues at all. The only thing is, this isn't a game anymore. There are no save points and no do-overs. So if the protagonist and his allies fail to save the world I'm fucked.

Brinn as well.

And knowing what I know I feel uncomfortable leaving the protagonist to handle all the shits that's about to go down. Considering what I know of his personality.

But there is no way I'm joining up with that guy.

Oh hell no.

Meaning there is only one option available.

I must just have to save the fucking world my damn self.

"Huh." I sighed.

Since this was definitely not the shit I signed up for when getting a new life.




Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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