A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

27. Unlocking the Evolution of The Byakugan

Now up to 60 advanced chapters are offered on my P-treon, and I have tens of more in my personal written stash.

So, don't worry about this story being dropped anytime soon, and read with ease of mind, I'm always stockpiling future chapters ahead.

Anyway, I'm now writing really interesting stuff, by the present timeline, the political situation fully blew up in the village, Hikari got much ahead on his journey as a shinobi, some female leads appeared, WW3 started, etc.

So, the story is worth sticking around. It is a bit slow-paced, especially in the beginning, but I also like to read that kind of style, so I also have to write in a style that I personally like, or I would lose all motivation to write ahead.




As the evening hues painted the sky and the day's reading activities came to a close, Hikari transitioned from the intellectual pursuit of knowledge to a more introspective practice.

He moved to the edge of the wooden plank extending from his room, overlooking the serene courtyard that had witnessed countless hours of his diligent training.

There, in a moment of tranquility, he positioned himself with legs crossed, settling into a meditative pose that had become a recent addition to his routine.

Unlike his usual meditation, this time, he activated his Byakugan, an unusual practice he had begun to explore.

The decision to meditate with his Byakugan activated was driven by intriguing, unusual experiences he had started to encounter.

During recent training sessions focused on enhancing his Byakugan's capabilities, Hikari noticed the emergence of strange, otherworldly patterns and lines that transcended his regular, tangible vision.

These swirling waves of motion, barely perceptible and existing on the fringe of the visible spectrum, captivated him. They seemed to hint at dimensions and aspects of chakra and the world that were elusive and profoundly complex.

Intrigued by these phenomena, Hikari sought to delve deeper into these experiences. By meditating with his Byakugan active, he aimed to attune his mind and spirit more closely to these mysterious patterns, to understand and possibly unravel the secrets they held.

This practice represented a bold experiment, merging the physical enhancement of his dojutsu with the spiritual focus of meditation to access new levels of perception.

As Hikari focused, the world around him took on a different aspect. The familiar surroundings of his courtyard, with its meticulously arranged stones and carefully tended plants, faded into the background as he concentrated on the ethereal patterns that danced at the edge of his perception.

The experience was disorienting yet exhilarating, offering glimpses into the intricate web of chakra that interwove the fabric of the world.

This meditation, with the Byakugan's penetrating gaze, became a journey into uncharted territories of understanding.

Hikari was not just seeking to enhance his visual prowess but to connect with the deeper, more fundamental aspects of chakra and reality. 

As Hikari delved deeper into his meditation, his consciousness expanding under the keen gaze of his Byakugan, he began to discern patterns within the swirling, enigmatic waves that had captured his curiosity.

The movements, initially perceived as mere random fluctuations, started to coalesce into a rhythm, echoing the natural world's ebb and flow around him.

The realization dawned slowly, an epiphany born from the intersection of his enhanced perception and his deepening understanding of chakra and its manifestations.

The patterns he observed, so distinct yet elusive, bore a striking resemblance to descriptions he had encountered in ancient texts and scrolls — descriptions of natural energy, the raw, potent force that permeated the world, accessible to those who could attune themselves to its frequency. 

This energy, fundamental and powerful, was the basis for senjutsu, a field of study that melded chakra with the natural energies of the world to achieve heightened states of power and awareness.

In this moment of profound insight, Hikari connected the dots between the strange phenomena observed through his Byakugan and the theoretical knowledge of natural energy and senjutsu.

The swirling waves and patterns he had noticed weren't mere visual anomalies; they were glimpses of natural energy itself, made visible through the unique capabilities of his Byakugan and his focused meditation.

Excitement surged through him as he realized the potential implications of his discovery. The ability to perceive, even if vaguely, the currents of natural energy opened up new possibilities for exploration and power. 

"It seems that I really hit the jackpot...", Hikari mused, his mind racing with the exhilaration of discovery.

For the first time since his transmigration into this world, he felt an overwhelming surge of excitement, so intense that it manifested in an audible laugh, rare for someone as disciplined and focused as him,

"It seems that the ability my dojutsu led me to was this one... I couldn't have asked for any better! It seems that fate favors me, Hikari Hyuga!",

Though the visions of natural energy were temporary and sporadic, presenting themselves as nothing more than faint, translucent patterns and waves, the potential they represented was vast,

"Although I can't do anything with these kinds of extremely 'sparse' and 'weak' kinds of visions, if I manage to improve my ability to perceive these strange translucent patterns and waves on a more continuous and heightened basis, in the future, from the same kind of training, then I could interact with it with my own body and chakra successfully...", He contemplated with growing determination.

The possibilities that unfolded before him were limitless. By honing his unique ability to perceive natural energy more clearly and consistently, Hikari could embark on a path to mastering senjutsu, tapping into powers that went far beyond the conventional techniques of the ninja world.

This realization marked a pivotal moment in his journey, a beacon that illuminated his path to greatness.

"All the hard training finally paid off!", He thought, a sense of achievement and anticipation filling him.

The prospect of integrating natural energy with his own chakra and techniques opened up new avenues for growth and power, promising a future where he could transcend the limits of traditional shinobi abilities.

It was not that Hikari had never considered the possibility of learning senjutsu before. Yet, the prospect had always seemed too far-fetched, more like a lofty dream than an achievable goal.

The known methods of acquiring senjutsu involved locations shrouded in mystery and legend: the Ryuchi Cave, Mount Myoboku, and Shikkotsu Forest. These places were not found but rather seemed to select their visitors based on enigmatic criteria resembling fate.

Stories of individuals being chosen—Orochimaru receiving a white snakeskin at his parents' graves, Jiraiya being 'accidentally' summoned to Mount Myoboku during a botched Reverse Summoning, and the Senju's speculated ties with Shikkotsu Forest—highlighted the elusive nature of these senjutsu training grounds.

Initially, Hikari had resigned himself to the idea of waiting at least a decade, accumulating scientific knowledge about this world, before attempting to do some kinds of experiments with Jugo's clan's DNA, hoping to artificially induce the capacity to draw in natural energy for senjutsu.

Yet, the unexpected development of his Byakugan offering glimpses of natural energy changed everything.

Now, Hikari realized that a direct path to interfacing with natural energy might already be within his grasp, bypassing the need for secretive locations or experimental procedures.

The key lay in further refining his Byakugan's capabilities, enhancing its sensitivity to the subtle flows of natural energy that pervaded the world.

If he could train his dojutsu to see this energy more clearly and consistently, he might be able to interact with it directly, harnessing it for senjutsu without needing to seek out those suspicious 'animals' or their hidden domains,

"Could I even use 'that' approach for utilizing natural energy then...?", He suddenly got a bright idea. His mind raced, his horizons expanded greatly thanks to this sudden revelation.


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