A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

5. Getting the Cursed Seal Use Command

"Of course, you are both Main Branch members of equal status. It's fine to respond in kind, or even a bit more, but don't overdo it. And as your teacher, I need to remind you not to get the wrong impression now that you've awakened the Byakugan.",

"Indeed, the other boy hasn't activated his yet, so he hasn't started learning the Gentle Fist taijutsu too. But you should know he began his training two years ago with a professional teacher and has been strengthening his body with physical exercises all this time, unlike you.",

"He's likely learned to perfectly create chakra, and perform various chakra control exercises, which would make his chakra pathways more robust and his overall chakra capacity larger than yours, hence also making his body stronger than yours on average.",

"Yes, you have a chance to win, but it's not guaranteed, even with the Byakugan. In my opinion, you shouldn't rush into confrontation. It would be wiser to train with me for a little while before seeking him out. However, the choice is yours to make.",

While delivering this advice, Takumi maintained a composed and authoritative demeanor, but Hikari could understand from his words that, at least during this moment, he was sincere to him, as his student now, and spoke from the position of his own best interest in mind.

And he was indeed correct. Children from Konoha's major clans typically began their shinobi training at the age of 3 nowadays, under more personalized and specialized guidance unlike in the Ninja Academy, especially during periods of heightened tensions and ongoing wars.

This early start wasn't necessarily because they were expected to fight in wars immediately but as a precautionary measure to prepare them for any eventuality.

Similarly, the entrance age for the Ninja Academy had been lowered to an unprecedented 4 years old, reflecting the urgent need for preparedness.

This meant that children from clans, who often had access to more advanced knowledge and resources, needed to start their training by the age of 3.

This was also why Takumi had been emphasizing the importance of beginning Hikari's training now that he had reached this critical age.

By the time these clan children entered the Ninja Academy—if they chose to attend at all—they were already well-versed in shinobi theory and had significantly stronger bodies and a better understanding of how to control their chakra, among other skills.

And could probably knock out a civilian adult with one punch. This disparity highlighted a stark reality: the world of shinobi was not fair, especially for civilians. 

"I'm grateful for your advice, sensei. But don't worry, as soon as I opened these eyes I noticed how much clearer and faster I can see things. Even if he's physically stronger, I can probably anticipate and react to his moves much quicker than he can to mine. Plus, I plan to catch him by surprise.",

"If he doesn't know about my Byakugan, I'll let him get close, then suddenly activate it and strike first with a sneak attack, taking the initiative so he won't have a chance to fight back or regain his footing. With the element of surprise and my enhanced vision, I'm confident in my victory...",

Hikari shared, speaking earnestly this time, revealing his thoughts without reservation. He saw no need to hold back his strategic thinking over a relatively minor matter, confident in the advantages his newly awakened Byakugan provided him.

"And it's not like I can't create new or control chakra to run through my body now. After all, by activating the Byakugan, one automatically learns to create new and maneuver old chakra through the body to the eyes, it is the requirement for awakening it in the first place I think - or else, it wouldn't have been possible. I observed this happening to myself, first-hand.",

"And those same instinctive processes can now be applied by me also to the rest of my body, or the entire chakra pathway system, by a certain degree, as soon as I recover...",

Hikari continued, elaborating on his capabilities. His explanation underscored a key aspect of awakening the Byakugan: it wasn't just about the enhanced vision or the ability to see chakra networks, but it also fundamentally improved his chakra control. That was the Kekkei Genkai.

Every human possessed chakra, continuously generated by their bodies and circulating through their chakra pathway system. Yet, this was just a fraction of the potential chakra an individual could harness.

Shinobi learned to create additional chakra by consciously combining their physical and spiritual energies, together known as stamina. Physical energy came from the body's trillions of cells, while spiritual energy stemmed from the mind's will and experiences.

This process of converting stamina into chakra involved unconsciously swirling these energies together. The direction of this swirling—clockwise or counter-clockwise—varied from person to person.

Attempting to swirl in the opposite direction could disrupt chakra formation. However, by consciously controlling this swirling in the right direction and focusing on its speed, ninjas could enhance their chakra creation rate.

For those without the Byakugan Kekkei Genkai, generating this additional chakra was significantly more challenging to master. Yet, Hikari felt confident in his ability to do so with ease, thanks to the Byakugan.

And also what he wanted to didn't require intricate chakra control for complex ninjutsu; it was a more fundamental task. He simply wanted to create more chakra within his chakra pathway system first, so there was no need for more sophisticated chakra control skills, focusing instead on harnessing and expanding his chakra reserves for the 'beating' ahead.

Like that, the conversation between Hikari and Takumi continued for a few more minutes, focusing on similar topics. Takumi expressed his surprise at Hikari's advanced knowledge, acknowledging the depth of understanding Hikari had already achieved at such a young age.

However, the dialogue suddenly took another unexpected turn when Takumi, maintaining his typical unreadable poker face, posed a new question directly to Hikari, "Hikari-kun, I have to ask you something else too... What is your opinion on the Side Branch family of our clan?" 

'So, this is it... Is this the main test question?', Hikari pondered immediately after Takumi's question hit the air.

He knew that this was more than just a casual inquiry; it was the most critical moment of this entire hidden 'examination' that happened to him today, and it wasn't just from Takumi but from the perspective of the entire Elder Council or also called the Hyuga Council, the most powerful governing body of the entire clan against which not even the Patriarch can act on certain matters. It was composed of the Patriarch of the Hyuga clan in addition to the Elders.

Now that he had awakened his Byakugan so early and demonstrated significant potential, the clan's higher-ups were undoubtedly keen to decide whether he carried what they might consider the "curse" of his parents' ideologies. And that would also determine his destiny.

A 'wrong' answer could very well lead him to meet the same end as his parents eventually. Even possibly earlier than them due to the 'threat' in their eyes and the entire Main Branch, that he would be in that case due to his talent. The thought made him shudder internally,

'But, if I manage to give the 'right' answer instead, then this could be the moment that begins to change how they see me, and my entire fate, by possibly improving my status in the eyes of the Council, meaning the entire clan, right away. So, I need to handle this very carefully...', 

"I currently have no special thoughts about them, sensei. The branch family is simply responsible for protecting our main family and the secrets of the Byakugan, while we, the main family, are responsible for developing and keeping the entire clan prosperous.",

Hikari swiftly replied, his tone sincere and straightforward, devoid of any emotional fluctuations. His response was delivered as if reciting a well-known fact, one that had been deeply ingrained in his mind and solidified over time.

Takumi, however, just nodded plainly in response to Hikari's answer, without any other reaction, and then began to speak, "If that is the case, then you should finally accept this command of our Hyuga Main Family's juinjutsu Cursed Seal technique.",

"Inside there are instructions on how to use it in the future if the need arises, along with guidelines on when and where it's appropriate to use it. Read and remember everything carefully...",

As he spoke, Takumi suddenly pulled out an ancient-looking scroll from his traditional clothing, his tone becoming more stern than Hikari had ever heard from him before,

"Remember, you just need to learn this simple seal; it's a very easy process. I expect you to return this scroll to me tomorrow. Copying this information anywhere else is strictly forbidden."

Hikari couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment, questioning, 'Does he not trust me even a little, despite my earlier responses?', But then he reconsidered, realizing, 'No, it's more likely that information about the Cursed Seal is so taboo and sensitive that even a mere command to activate it, along with basic guidelines, are guarded this fiercely. I can't even imagine how high the level of secrecy surrounding the creation, nature, and application of the technique itself must be...',

Then, upon observing Hikari's earnest expression and hearing his words of compliance, Takumi's demeanor shifted slightly, his tone becoming warmer again, "I will send some attendants to bring you those materials I promised earlier.",

"Along with that, I'll include some general theoretical shinobi knowledge materials for you to start building a good foundation, as well as some of my personal notes on various subjects. There is also going to be a protocol I will write later about your physical and chakra training.",

"There will also be books related to the development of Hyuga clan shinobi specifically. And if you have any other requests or questions about these materials or anything else, you can inform any servant in this mansion. They will notify me, and I will come as soon as possible. Also, when do you want for us to officially start your training in the Gentle Fist taijutsu?"

"Thank you for such immense help, sensei. However, I'm really sorry to ask for more. But could you also arrange for them to send some simple historical books about our clan to me later alongside those other things? After awakening the mystical power of the Byakugan, I've suddenly become very interested in this.",

"We can start training in the Gentle Fist tomorrow at the same time in the afternoon if you are available. I have some 'business' to take care of earlier, as we discussed...", Hikari said, maintaining a well-mannered and humble tone while inwardly calculating in a rational manner.

'Since I can't openly ask for sensitive information, these basic 'harmless' history books might be the best indirect route for me to learn more about the social, political, economic, and other aspects concerning our clan's internal dynamics, its position within Konoha, and the broader situation involving other clans, villages, and the rest of the world. It's crucial for me to understand this world I've found myself in as thoroughly and quickly as possible, to develop informed plans, and not be left in the dark. After all, the real world is significantly different from the simplified, colorful depiction in the comic books of my past life on Earth.'

However, this time, it seemingly actually took Takumi a few seconds to respond back, "Of course, Hikari-kun, it is good to have such an attitude toward our clan's great history. I will arrange for those to be sent as well. Well then, if that's all, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. And good luck with your little 'business,' I suppose...",

Takumi said before finally stepping out of Hikari's large Japanese-style room, filled with light, windows, and sliding doors, heading into the green, lush courtyard outside.

Meanwhile, even after Takumi had left Hikari's room and was out of sight, Hikari maintained a 'humble' and 'childlike' expression on his face. Yet, as soon as he was alone, his demeanor subtly shifted, a deep indifference shining in his white eyes.

He finally thought to himself with a touch of irony, 'What a shame, I have to basically beg for things that should have been readily available to me with a flick of my finger, simply because of my status as the sole heir of a distinguished line of elders if my accursed parents were alive. It seems I can't even dream of accessing the Main House's advanced techniques or detailed and more secretive Kekkei Genkai information for now.',

'Even getting my hands on the most basic historical texts about our clan has become a struggle. I don't expect to receive any high-level knowledge in the areas he mentioned either. But, it doesn't matter. Something is better than nothing. And with the newfound intelligence and other circumstances I've been granted in this life, I'm confident I can piece together the puzzles from just a few general clues.',

'My ignorant and brainless parents are largely to blame for the situation I find myself in. However, the Elder Council and the rest of the Main Branch aren't innocent in my eyes, either. The entire clan has shown little to no kindness towards this original body honestly.',

'Even some members of the Side House, according to my estimate, may have also played a role in my parents' demise, due to envy, hatred, or something like that, despite them being the only people in the entire Main House basically good to them in every way possible and not treating them like slaves. I must ultimately rely solely on myself in this world from now.',

'And what about Konoha and the 'great' Third Hokage my parents held in such high regard? What have they done now that I find myself under constant surveillance here, living as if in a prison? Nothing. In fact, if I hadn't awakened the Byakugan, as time passed and things quieted down, I likely would have met a fate similar to my parents' in some form or another...',

'Yet, the Elders, the Patriarch, the Main Branch, who previously planned such fate for me, and the entire clan could still prove to be of great use to me, offering numerous benefits...",

'Besides, it's not like I have any other option now... Even if I hypothetically wanted to seek refugee in Konoha, it's clear that they abandoned me despite my parents' great merits and assistance to them. I would probably die secretly in the hands of Elders before even taking a first step in that direction...', Hikari reflected, with a calculated coldness to his thoughts.

Hikari understood that ultimately, the situation he found himself in was a political matter internal to the Hyuga clan. His parents, in their naivety, likely failed to grasp this, believing that Konoha, and specifically the Third Hokage, would protect them despite their actions deeply offending the Hyuga clan's higher-ups or even if their potential role as informants was discovered. In reality, they were possibly seen as nothing more than 'useful idiots' by Hiruzen Sarutobi and his advisors.

Or perhaps they were aware but chose to stand by their beliefs, willing to face the consequences. Hikari, with his rational mindset, found it difficult to comprehend such indoctrinated and brainwashed behavior, even in individuals as closely related to him as his biological parents. Despite their talents, he viewed their actions as misguided and foolish.

The fact that among the nine Elder Lines of the Hyuga clan, only his parents' line acted in such a 'deranged' manner said a lot about the situation. It raised the question: were they the only enlightened ones, and the rest misguided, or was it the other way around? It was clear.

'The weekly Elder Council meeting is scheduled for the day after tomorrow, so ideally, I need to deal with that kid early tomorrow morning, and then handle that other matter as well at that time, all to ensure I leave the best possible impression for the upcoming discussion. It's crucial to showcase not just my potential as a talented individual but also the right mindset... Tomorrow is going to be quite an interesting day...', Hikari planned thoughtfully, not giving up.


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