A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 170. Back to health

"Ah, this," Naz'Tor's sigh was heard even through the transmitter. "Honestly, I was surprised you didn't ask about it the first time we met. Something must have changed, yes?"

Leo nodded. "You could say that. Things are getting kind of complicated. Finding a way to close even a single gate could help a bunch."

"I see," the merchant muttered. "Just please tell me. Is it about the Supercluster? Do you want to get rid of the gateways inside?"

"No," he shook his head. "I'm not mad enough to think those can be even delayed, much less closed. This is about something else."

"Good, because there is nothing you can do about gates in Superclusters. Many have tried, yet none succeeded. At best, it worked for a few minutes, if even that."

Huh, good to know. Leo noted this for later. "Right... But any other can be stopped, right?"

"Indeed," the merchant confirmed. "For all the bullshit that comes out of Ger, many cycles ago, they managed to design an Enchanted Matrix we call Cerevod. For your information, it's an item that will put a Void Gate to sleep. It will run out of power after some time, but then you just have to replace it. It's really a simple thing."

Convenient. He arched an eyebrow. "And you have it?"

"Of course I do. It's one of my best-selling items," Naz'Tor scoffed as if the question insulted him. Maybe it did.

"How much?" Leo asked, straight and simple.

"Depends. Cerevods come in tiers. The higher it is, the stronger the gate it can handle," the alien elaborated. "I would need you to describe your target. Then I can give you a price."

He hummed, recalling the recent memory of Wolford's Planetary Gateway. "Have you ever seen a human truck? It's a large vehicle."

"I have?" Naz'Tor answered hesitantly.

"Then the gate I need to close is big enough to drive one through it. Aside from that, it has only a couple of days left before activation and isn't inside any city."

"That's certainly an interesting way to describe it."

Leo shrugged. "But is it enough?"

"Yes, yes. Just give me a moment. I need to check a few things," the merchant said as the line went silent. It took about a minute before he spoke again. "There it is... I can sell you an F-tier Cerevod for three thousand Ether. It should keep your gate closed for about three, maybe four, Earth weeks. And before you ask, yes, this is the discounted price."

Three thousand? He grimaced at the thought. At least four weeks should be more than enough time to get everything under control. It might be worth getting it anyway. Need to talk with Lily about it first though.

"How much for a better one?" He asked out of curiosity.

"At least five times as much. But trust me, you don't need it here. The F-tier will be more than enough."

He nodded. "Got it. Just wanted to know for the future."

"Understandable. Information is power," Naz'Tor commented. "Should I add it to the offer then? I have the Cerevod ready right before me."

Leo shook his head. "Not yet. In a day or two, probably, but I need to get some stuff done before that."

"As you wish. In that case, the offer with your healing item should be coming right about... now."

Just like the merchant announced, the System's notification appeared, informing him of an incoming trade. He quickly gave the order to display it.

Acknowledged. Displaying an offer from Naz'Tor. Trade type: Item for Ether. Terms: Unnegotiable.

Offered: Ownership of healing item "Bellatoure" (System Verified)

Price: 1000 Ether

Do you accept this trade?

Yes, I do. Leo answered, replacing the offer with another message.

Ownership transfer completed. Item protections disabled. Goods have been transferred into your Soulscape.

Right away, he looked into his soul and summoned the new addition. A crimson glow settled over his hand before fading away, leaving a small vial of yellow liquid in his palm. He activated Identify.

Bellatoure (Uncommon):
A popular mixture of herbs found inside the Void combined with water-natured Essence. It provides a significant boost to regeneration and heals weak negative alignments. It works best for F and E-ranked survivors.

Looks good. Leo mused and addressed the merchant again. "I just drink it, right?"

"Yes. It will sting a bit, but your wounds should be mostly healed within minutes."

Okay then. He shrugged and uncorked the vial. With a single gulp, he swallowed the entire mixture, grimacing at the sour taste it left in his mouth.

A few seconds later, a weak burning spread across his entire stomach. He looked down, his eyes widening a bit as his flash started knitting titself together faster than ever. The remnants of the dark green spots also slowly disappeared, giving way to his healthy, mutated skin.

"It's working," he muttered as even his bruises faded. The cut on his back also stopped aching as if it was never there. "I might need to buy another one. Just in case."

Naz'Tor laughed. "And I will be glad to sell it to you. Just a word of advice: Don't use it too often. With time, your body will get used to mixtures like this, thus lowering their efficiency."

"Right, thanks," Leo blinked, a bit surprised that this wasn't written in the item's description.

"I take care of my clients. Now, unless you have something else for me, I will be ending this call."

Instantly, his mind went towards his new title. "Evolutionary check passed. I have it in my new title. Is there any hidden meaning to it, or is it just about new unlocked evolutions?"

Naz'Tor hummed. "I take you won't reveal what title it is?"

"Sorry, not this time."

The merchant sighed. "Maybe another day... Now, as you have already mentioned, this part of your title relates to evolution. However, it also has a 'hidden meaning,' as you put it. Let's leave it as a surprise, though. I swear you will like it."

"What happened to 'knowledge is power?'" Leo grumbled.

Naz'Tor chuckled. "Sometimes, we need a bit of mystery in our lives. This is the perfect occasion to enjoy it. Really, don't worry, and just wait for your evolution menu to unlock again. It should happen soon, if I'm not mistaken."

"Yeah, two more levels," he reminded himself.

"See? There you have it!" The merchant exclaimed. "A day or two, and you'll get it. Please call me when you do. I can't wait to find out what the System offers you next. I'll even pay you for this information and promise not to sell it to anyone."

Huh. He blinked at the sudden offer. Someone is more excited for my next evolution than me. That can't be normal or healthy...

Still, Leo just shrugged. "Sure. As long as I have it on the paper that you won't tell anyone, I can call."

"Great! If that's everything, I will be going. Just please, young Akirian, be careful when you face Ger's soldiers again. At least evolve before seeking them out. You are too vulnerable in your current state."

"I will keep it in mind. Thanks for the help, Naz'Tor. Till next time," he said, and once the merchant returned the goodbyes, he disconnected the call.

'Looks like you are good to go now,' Nyx spoke, finally breaking her silence. 'Having a Void merchant under call is sure convenient.'

"You don't say," Leo snorted, standing up and doing a few stretches. "Much better. We move out in five. I will tell Lily what happened, and then we need to find a safe place to rest."

The feline tilted her head. 'We aren't staying with them?'

He shook his head right away. "Payne somehow knew where to find me. I'm not risking it happening again when plenty of civilians are around."

'Understood,' she nodded and stretched like a cat. 'Ready?'

Leo raised his hand, stopping the feline from leaving the room. "Just a moment. There's one more thing I want to check out."

With that said, he summoned the System's interference, searching for the last thing that changed after his fight. He had almost forgotten about it.

There you are.

Install: Spark of the Void (Radiant):
Created as the result of combining a lower-grade origin item and the influence of an Old One's shard. With each step you make, your connection to the Void grows stronger. Its power, wild and destructive, is waiting for you. Make sure you don't lose your way.
Limit Break: +15 Might, Vision, and Grace. Grants technique Void: Minor Takeover. The true power of the Void fills your soul.
Passive: Third Circle - Bring the world to Ruin (0%). Soulbound - Cannot be removed by traditional means.

So it really unlocked. He noted, looking at the passive of his item. Seems simple enough if I understand this right. It can only refer to me using Ruination... Unless it really wants me to destroy the world. Now that would be fucked up.

Leo sighed, pushing those thoughts away. He would find out if he was right soon anyway. No reason to worry in advance.

He looked at Nyx.

"Let's go."

Discord: Land of Chaos

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