A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 174. Yet another deal

"I thought you said all they had was a small warehouse and an office building attached to it," Lily whispered, her eyes glued to the safe zone in the distance.

Leo shrugged. "What can I say? They must have been hard at work ever since I left. This place looked completely different a few days ago."

To be honest, he was just as surprised as his sister. Only six days passed, and somehow, Holden's group had already managed to add another floor to the office building and place a primitive guard tower at the edge of the safe zone. However, they lacked materials, as almost all of the additions were made of wood.

Still impressive. Though, why make a tower if you leave it empty? What's the point?

He sighed and averted his gaze from the safe zone. "Let's get going. No point in watching them like some creeps." He looked at Nyx. "Stay here. Introductions can wait a bit."

The feline nodded and laid down, bathing her body in the red sun. 'I'm gonna take a nap then. Wake me up if anything interesting happens.'

Leo snorted. "Will do, you lazy cat. You're lucky nothing here will dare to attack you."

And wasn't that a sad fact? Voidlings in Wolford, while stronger than before, didn't even reach level twenty. Most of them sat at seventeen or eighteen, which wasn't comparable to what they had to face in London. At least in the capitol, monsters still attacked them and did not just run away when they spotted him or Nyx.

I shouldn't be surprised. The gap between us is even bigger than before my departure. And then there is my new title...

He shook his head and glanced at his sister, who still remained silent. "Lily? Come on."

The woman blinked and turned to him. "Sorry. Got lost in my thoughts." She frowned. "What were you saying?"

Nyx chuckled in their link. 'Even without the same blood flowing in your veins, I'm starting to see why you two are siblings.'

His eye twitched. Shut up. Go to sleep. At the same time, he addressed Lily. "We should go. We are wasting time sitting here."

"Oh, sure," she nodded, peering at the safe zone. "Do we just walk right in, or..."

"I see no other way," Leo shrugged and approached the edge of the building they had been using to scout the area. "I know those people. Even if they seem hostile at first, they won't attack. At least, I hope so," he added the last part in a mutter.

"That's not a lot of confidence for someone who saved their arses," she raised an eyebrow. "Want me to go first?"

"Nah," he waved her off. "We both saw a few Fallen Humans walking around there. It will be fine."

Going by the look Lily gave him, she didn't share his confidence. Still, she shrugged and stopped next to him. "It's your call. Just don't complain to me when somebody shoots you."

"It won't happen," Leo promised and jumped, descending on the street below. His sister joined him a moment later, and with that, they were off.

They didn't run or sprint. No, instead, they just walked the streets of Wolford as if Voidlings didn't surround them from each direction. Of course, none of the beasts attacked. A single look from him had them running in the opposite direction. Even Brutes, Reapers, and Screamers stepped out of their way, parting like the Red Sea.

"I don't think I will ever get used to this," Lily whispered, watching the scurring monsters. "They never run from me."

Leo chuckled. "Perks of embracing the path of the Void fully, I guess."

"Yeah," she grimaced, drawing out the word. "I think I'm gonna stick to being a Hybrid if possible. I like my face as it is now."

"Your loss... Now focus up, we're here."

True to his words, just as they turned the corner, the safe zone called Eden came into sight. At first, nobody noticed them approaching, but within a few seconds, someone pointed toward them, and soon they had an entire crowd waiting at the border.

"Halt!" A young Fallen Human with a rifle in his hand shouted. "Please lower your hoods and state your name."

Leo placed a hand on Lily's shoulder and nodded. "Will do, friend!" he called out. "Just hands off the trigger. I'm sure you've already Identified us."

Some people in the crowd tensed at the sound of his voice, but the man with the firearm nodded. "No one here will attack unless I say so. This is just standard procedure."

Heh, I see Frank is doing well getting those people into shape. He noted and removed his hood in a single move. "Name's Leo Hale. Some of you might remember me."

The guard's eyes widened a bit. "That's really you, sir... Please, you and your companion can approach."

Sir? Really? Leo's nonexistent eyebrows shot up. Just what the hell happened here when I was gone? Oh well, I will find out soon anyway.

With that, he started walking again, Lily following a step behind. In the meantime, the guard dispersed the crowd so that only he and another woman remained waiting.

"We're happy to have you back, sir," the armed man stated once they passed the barrier, his eyes shining. "Some might not show it, but everyone here is grateful for everything you have done for Eden."

Leo ignored Lily's amused grin and coughed. "Thanks..."

"Greg," the fallen quickly supplied. "I'm trying to become as strong as you, sir! For now, I could only accept this inferior evolution. But one day, I hope to follow in your footsteps."

"Right... I'm happy to hear that?" He said, to which Greg nodded with a large smile. Man, what the hell is going on?! How did I manage to become a role model?

Thankfully, before he could get consumed by this discovery, Lily stepped in. "Excuse me, we need to meet with Anthony Holden. Is it possible now?"

Even with his dark skin, the Fallen colored slightly. "Of course, ma'am, sir." He motioned to the short woman standing silently next to them. "Susan here will lead you to the chief's office."

Chief? They really were busy.

The redhead nodded. "Please follow me."

Without another word, she walked off, forcing them to do the same. Lily shot him a questioning glance to which he just shrugged. He was almost as clueless as she was.

Soon, they stepped into the office building, and just like the last time he was here, eyes followed him everywhere. Only now, people seemed less scared; some even came closer to get a better look at him and Lily.

They might treat me like a zoo exhibition, but at least the hostility is completely gone. Just then, he spotted a single guy glaring at him. Well, almost.

"This is it," Susan stated as they stopped in the first-floor corridor. "Please wait a moment as I inform the Chief of your arrival."

With that, the redhead opened the door in front of her and stepped in. Leo caught a short glance inside and was pretty sure that this was the same place where he and the others had discussed his plans and departure.

However, before he could say anything, Susan came out and motioned them to enter. She didn't follow and just closed the door behind them.

"Hale," a voice he hadn't heard in almost a week stated. "I honestly didn't believe Susan when she said it's you. What happened? Who's your companion?"

Leo took in the older man. His mostly clean clothes, shaved beard, and the small smile on his face. For some reason, even if this was still the same preson he knew, Holden now looked more at ease. Hell, even his tone lacked its usual cold edge.

Ascended Human | LVL: 21

Not bad. Not bad at all...

"Holden, or should I say Chief?" He chuckled, taking the offered hand. "This is my sister, Lily."

"A pleasure," The other man bowed lightly. "And please, no. It's Frank's fault everybody calls me that. Tony is enough for you two."

"Fine by me," Leo shrugged. "Feel free to use my name too. With me and Lily here, Hale just ain't gonna cut it anymore."

"Of course," Holden said, looking him right in the eyes. "I don't want to come off as rude, but why are you here? You two are way over-leveled for Wolford."

For the first time since they stepped into this room, Lily was the one to answer. "We have a reason to be here. A very good one. I'm one of the leaders of the Wildborn, and I have an offer that will benefit both our groups."

Holden's eyebrows jumped towards his hairline. "An offer? From a group in London?" Lily nodded. "Interesting… And what's your role in this, Leo?"

"Hear us out, and you will see," he grinned. "Trust me, it's a good one. And even then, I promise we will walk away if you don't want to work with us."

The Chief of Eden sighed. "I knew it was getting too peaceful lately... Alright, I will listen."

Discord: Land of Chaos

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