A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 176. Gravedigger

"And so here we are!" Frank exclaimed as they all stopped next to the Graveyard. "The day of reckoning is coming. Everyone prepare."

Leo and a few others shot him a blank look. However, it was Clara who spoke up after slapping the back of the Fallen head. "Shut your trap, you overdramatic idiot. We're not here to have fun."

"Tough crowd," Frank huffed, massaging his neck. "I'm just trying to make you relax a bit. Ya all are stiff as a board. We're going to blow up a place full of Nightmares. I don't know 'bout you, but I'm excited."

"Aye, we can see that," Clara muttered dryly. "We really ought to check if there isn't a loose screw in your head."

"Enough," Holden exclaimed, jumping onto a wrecked car. "People are watching. Stop acting like children and focus up. We have work to do. Hale, if you could?"

Leo rolled his eyes at the use of his last name and joined Tony at the makeshift podium, ignoring the dozens of eyes following his every step.

"I got twenty-two bombs that should be able to destroy enough of the Graveyard for it to at least partially collapse," he explained, addressing the gathered crowd. "Everyone here will be assigned a spot where you will activate the explosive and then escape to the agreed evacuation point. Remember, a single spark of Essence is all you need to activate the timer."

With that said, he jumped off the car and stopped next to his sister.

"You heard him," Holden took over again. "I don't expect any of you to fight or even stay here if something goes wrong. Your job is only to activate the explosives. You can watch what happens next, but you do that only from a safe distance. You all know Dylan," he nodded to the mage in the back. "He is responsible for coordinating everyone at the evacuation point. What he says goes. If you disobey, you are on your own. Is that understood?"

Some in the crowd inclined their heads while others shouted, “Yes, sir!”

Holden cracked a small smile. "Excellent! Now everybody, form a line and pick up your package from Clara. After that, we will slowly show you all to your assigned spot. Once that's done, you are to wait for the agreed signal. There is no place for mistakes. If we fail here, the fate of Eden will be at risk. Remember why you are here. Good luck."

The moment the chief stepped off the car, the entire group moved, slowly forming a line leading to Clara. The woman was already waiting with a bag in hand, ready to hand out Makeshift Crystallized Bombs to everyone.

"Nice speech, Tony," Frank chuckled. "A bit too mild for my taste, but still good. Hopefully, none of those idiots will fuck this up."

Next to him, Lily snorted. "That's not a lot of faith in the people you are supposed to be leading."

The Fallen just shrugged. "It's not lack of faith, lass, just experience. I have met plenty of people who would have problems with even simpler tasks. That's the human factor for you."

"We didn't choose just anyone for this, Frank. It will be fine," Holden stepped in before things could escalate.

Not that they would. Leo had already noticed that Lily was having a blast bickering with the Fallen and Clara to some degree. He really should have known this would happen. The three of them had quite similar personalities.

He shook his head and focused back on the conversation. "Everyone already got their Ether flares, yes?" He asked, just to make sure.

Holden nodded. "Two for everyone. They know not to use them unless absolutely necessary."

Good, very good. Leo thought and reached into his soul, summoning two items. The Zakorian Chestplate and the Spear of Endless Pain landed on the floor, alerting some people even outside their small gathering.

He smiled. "Distribute those two between yourself. It isn't much, but if you really want to stay close, you better be ready."

Lily instantly raised her hands. "I won't need any of that. I'm a range fighter."

Holden and Frank looked at each other. "Well, I won't say no to free stuff," the latter said and picked up the spear. "I needed another weapon anyway. Take the armor, Tony. You're squishier than me."

The chief hoisted up the dark chestplate, testing its weight. "Thank you, Leo. Though if I hope it won't see much use today."

"Amen to that," Frank snorted, twirling the spear. "Come on, put it on, and let's set up everyone around the mall. The longer we wait, the higher the chance of somebody blowing up themselves on accident."

Holden sighed. "I hate it when you make sense..."

"Everyone is in position," Clara announced as she climbed the building they were using as a vantage point. "The signal is all that remains."

"Thank you," Holden said. "You can join Dylan at the evacuation site or stay here with us. It's up to you."

The woman grimaced. "Not that I don't want to help, but Nightmares are way out of my pay grade. I'm gonna stay out of this mess this time. Good luck, you mad bastards. I will see you soon."

Without another word, she jumped onto the nearest Vetilim web and ran away. They all watched her go for a moment, and when she disappeared behind another building, Frank spoke up.

"So we doing it or what?"

Leo quickly raised his hand. "Just one more thing. When, not if, when shit goes down, Lily and I won't be the only ones on the front. I have another unconventional companion if I say so. Please look to the right."

At once, Holden and Frank turned in said direction, their gaze drifting to a roof where Nyx's shadowy form stood tall and proud. She watched them with her unique eyes, her three tails swishing behind her.

"That's..." The chief muttered.

"A level thirty-one Apex Shadow Claw, yes," Leo nodded, giving them the story he and Nyx had prepared. "She has been with me for a few days now. She is intelligent, can communicate with me, and is completely loyal. You have nothing to worry about, and I just ask you not to attack her by mistake."

"But how?!" Frank exclaimed, his eyes wide. "That's a Voidling, for fuck's sake."

"It's a long story. I will explain everything once we're done here. We shouldn't make everyone wait any longer."

"Bloody hell, mate. You can't drop something like this now and expect us to ignore it. Tony?"

Holden shook his head. "It doesn't matter. As long as it is here to help us, I don't care. We should be happy Hale even introduced it to us first. At least now we can run damage control properly."

Instantly, Leo could feel Nyx bristle at calling her an 'it,' but for now, he didn't correct them. He was already running out of goodwill with the two leaders of Eden. Explanations could wait. Still, he silently promised the feline to make it right later.

"Lily?" He addressed his sister instead.

"On it," she nodded and summoned a bow of golden fire to her hands. According to her, it was one of her class skills that eliminated the need for a traditional bow. "Ready? Last chance to call this off."

"Nah," Frank grinned, his previous shock forgotten. "Let those monsters burn in hell."

"More like in sunlight, but whatever," Lily shrugged as she notched a glowing arrow and aimed it at the sky.

"Semantics, lass. Let it fly."

"As you wish," she muttered and released the arrow.

Once the projectile reached a point high above the Graveyard, it exploded in a shower of sparks. Instantly, the people on the streets moved, placing their activated explosives before running away as fast as their feet could carry them. In a matter of not even half a minute, nobody remained close to the mall.

Twenty... Fifteen... Ten... Five... Three. Two. One. Boom.

Not even a second after the countdown in his head finished, the earth rumbled as one big explosion claimed the Graveyard. Pained roars and screeches exploded all around, forcing the humans next to him to shield their ears.

However, Leo just stood there, transfixed as he watched the Graveyard crumble piece by piece. Neither Vetilim nor Corcera could hold it together as the entire thing destabilized and slowly collapsed.

Within a minute, only a massive pile of debris and the Void’s living matter remained in the place of Wolford's mall. Yet even then, the screeches didn't stop. Instead, they became stronger and louder.

Something is happening. Leo gulped as one particular earth-shaking roar made him shudder. And then the notifications came.

Wolford's Graveyard has been destroyed. The final defense mechanism has been activated. Awards will be distributed upon the Nest Mother's death. Good luck, survivor. You will need it.

"Tony, Frank," he muttered, watching the shaking remains of the Graveyard. "Run! Get everyone to the safe zone."

"But..." The Fallen tried, only to be cut off.

"Now!" Leo growled. "Whatever is coming. You're not ready."

Frank looked like he wanted to say something, but Holden stopped him with a glare, already dragging him away. "Good luck, you two!" The chief shouted. "Don't die."

As the tremors became stronger than ever, Leo chuckled. "We won't." He turned to his sister. "You ready, Lily? Nyx?"

'Always been.'

Lily spread her wings, her eyes narrowed. "Let's end it."

"That's what I wanted to hear."

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