A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 184. Rage

Proceeding with evolution. System Protection: Unavailable. Estimated time to complete: 2 hours. Please note that while your current injuries won't affect the process, you also won't be healed. Do you really wish to proceed?

Yes. Leo confirmed for the last time, watching as his sister and Nyx left the room. Let's get this over with.

As you wish, User. Beginning Stage III Evolution.




The Primes welcome you. Good luck in your coming battle.

Just like during the last evolution, those final words weren't for him to read, and instead, a calm and powerful voice spoke them right into his mind. However, unlike before, the person speaking sounded almost genuine, as if they really meant what they said.

Hold up! Coming battle?! What the hell do you mean by that?

As expected, nobody answered.

Well fuck. Leo muttered inside his mind as a familiar tar-like substance began to seep out of his body. A dark mist followed soon after, slowly filling the large living room. In a matter of seconds, he could barely see anything a foot ahead of him, and his legs already couldn't move, thanks to the miasma pooling on the floor.

Guess that's it. Got to enjoy the ride and worry about the rest later.

Not that he had much of a choice. The dark matter crawled higher and higher, enveloping more of his body in a tight cocoon. Yet, at least this time, he didn't panic and just let the System do its job as the world around him faded to darkness.

He had thought of going into his soulscape for the time being but decided otherwise. Even if the evolution hurt, he wanted to experience the entire process at least once. Besides, he could always retreat into his soul if it became too much; he wasn't a masochist.

Lily and Nyx would probably disagree, but whatever. Do what you must, System.

Yet, just as the miasma consumed the rest of his body, cutting him off from the world, the pain never came. Instead, a sudden wave of tiredness crashed into his head, stripping him of his consciousness bit by bit. Leo tried to resist, forcing his mind to stay awake, but it was all for naught.

Not again... This should be impossible... She... she is gone.

He awoke surrounded by darkness. Only the spot he stood on was slightly lit up by an unknown source. Leo groaned, slowly picking himself up from the cool and hard ground. As he did that, serval alarms blared in his head as he realized how wrong his every movement felt.


He looked down, his eyes widening at the obvious human legs and arms he found there. Only his left hand still carried any traces of the Void, its sharp claws and deformed flesh calming his raging heart just a bit.

What the hell is going on?! Why am I a Tainted Human again?

Everything felt the same as it did on the day he woke up alone on his kitchen floor. He was weak, his Essence didn't answer his call, and there were no tails attached to his back. His blades were gone, and worst of all, the link to Nyx seemed empty and devoid of life.

Leo opened his mouth to scream, to beg for help, but no sound came out of his throat. He tried again and again, only to be met with the same result. Despite his feet making a noise against the floor, he couldn't speak.

Nikra! He roared internally. If you did this, I swear I am gonna hunt whatever remains of you and destroy it, the shard in my chest included. You hear me! I have had enough of your games!

Again, no one answered or showed themselves.

Then maybe it's you, Geron?! Couldn't accept that I didn't choose your evolution, so you interfered again? He hissed, eyes narrowed. Well fuck you too! When I get out, I will hunt every single minion of yours and tear their hearts out. Then I'm gonna find my way to Ger and destroy everything you created there. Is that what you wanted?! Is it!?

Leo growled, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath after his burst of fury. He was even ready to scream at the heavens again. Yet, before he could do that, a booming combination of voices reverberated through the dark area.

"There's the fire you try to hide, young one. Show us you can use it! Don't let it control you. Channel it! Make it your own. Forge it into a weapon! Kill. Fight or die!"

He barely had time to process what he had just heard as a wave of light suddenly washed away the darkness around him. He shielded his eyes, only opening them when his eyelids stopped stinging.

That’s good...

Instead of darkness, ten ghost-like creatures surrounded him in a perfect circle. Leo couldn't even make out their features, as their forms were mostly blurred, aside from some limbs. However, one thing remained certain, those things weren't normal by any means.

So that's what the voice meant by 'coming battle.' Great. He gulped even as the rage in his veins still burned brightly.

One of the figures — a deep blue one — took his slight movement as a sign and rushed forward, materializing short swords in its three hands.

Instinctively, Leo tried to call forth his shadows, yet nothing happened. With a curse, he stepped out of the way of the first attack and then another and another. Even if the blue monster had weapons, it didn't seem to know how to use them well.

Of course, just as that thought went through his head, the next creature—this one green—joined the fight. It attacked with empty hands, four of them, and for the first time, Leo could do more than just dodge.

With his minimal knowledge of hand-to-hand combat, he blocked and redirected the green panthom's attacks. At the same time, he danced between the blue one's wild swings, which never even came close to him.

Not bad for a body that can barely move. He grinned and swung hard into the unarmed creature's stomach. It stumbled back, but that was all it did before returning to the fight with renewed vigor.

This exchange continued for a while, and just when Leo felt like he was finally gaining the upper hand, a third yellow ghost joined the fray. It shot arrow after arrow at him, destroying the dance he perfected during the last few minutes.

There was so much to defend from that the green's creatures fist finally passed through his defense, knocking him off his feet and sending him flying across the battlefield. Leo groaned as he tumbled across the ground.

When the movement stopped, he opened his eyes and grimaced at the red creature looking down at him. It didn't attack, and its blurred face refused to show a single emotion. And yet, he still felt like he was being judged and mocked at the same time.

Leo snarled and jumped to his feet, avoiding another two arrows. The fires of rage in his veins turned into a blaze, an inferno that threatened to consume everything around him. It wanted to take over, but he didn't let it and instead followed the words of the voices from before.

Channel it. Forge it into a weapon. He roared and ran at the green and blue creature with speed this body shouldn't be capable of. He slipped past the unarmed ghost's guard and punched it right through its gut.

At last, the creature stopped, and its body slowly turned into smoke that seeped into Leo's hand. He spun around and cut the incoming arrow in two with a blade extending from his arm, a blade which wasn't previously there.

He grinned at that small piece of himself that returned and attacked again, this time going for the blue ghost. With one of his main weapons back and anger raging in his muscles, the creature didn't stand a chance and faded into nothingness, just like its predecessor. Now Leo had his claws back on both hands.

Two down, eight to go.

With the recent deaths, three more ghosts activated, joining the archer. One of them also attacked from range, sending explosive projectiles flying after him. Meanwhile the two others ran at him with a spear and sword in hand.

And they know how to use them. He flinched as one of the blades nicked his side, drawing blood. He spun away and hacked another series of arrows with his claws while ducking under an orb of light going for his head.


His eyes narrowed at the two ranged fighters, and he made a quick decision. With another burst of speed, he passed the melee fighters and dived at the yellow ghost. It tried to shoot more arrows, but it was all for naught as Leo slipped his claws into its neck.

Not even waiting for the creature to fade, he ran for the mage, knocking the one with the spear out of the way and plunging a blade into its stomach.

Four down.

Leo jumped high, avoiding another salvo of unknown projectiles that came from nowhere. He flipped mid-air and, with his newly returned tails, hit the incoming glowing balls back to their owner. The mage exploded upon impact.


As he landed, he turned to the others, his eyes narrowing at the four fighters waiting there. Only the red phantom remained inactive, though its face became a bit less blurred now. Nonetheless, it didn't lose its judging and mocking aura.

Oh no. You don't. Leo roared, and this time, the sound reverberated through the area, shaking the ground. It was also the moment he realized his head and arms returned to their normal, inhuman appearance.

The blades upon his arms extended while his tails flexed, reminding him of their presence. He grinned wide, showing his long and sharp teeth to the remaining ghosts.

"Let's fight," he muttered and dashed towards the waiting crowd.

It was a one-sided massacre. The phantoms tried to defend and even attack at first, but they could do nothing against a beast who had enough of this farce.

Leo cut them apart, piece by piece, as his vision turned red, highlighting every enemy in sight. He missed no detail, no movement, with his growing bloodlust and mind working in tandem to whisper warnings and advice into his ears.

Finally, only the red phantom remained on the battlefield; its draconic face blurred no more as it watched him with unblinking crimson eyes. He snarled and pounced, ready to tear the last enemy to shreds.

Yet, before his claws could connect with the creature's neck, it spoke a single word, freezing the entire world with it.

"Enough. You did well, young Prime. Now calm down, control your bloodlust, and let us talk."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I remember being really happy with it when I wrote it.

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Awakened Tier (3$) - 10 chapters ahead of RoyalRoad

A Universe of Bloody Evolution Tier (10$) - 35 chapters ahead of SH and daily updates. (Book 3 is 1-2 chapters away from ending on Patreon.)

Discord: Land of Chaos

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