A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 204. Blink and you will die

That could hurt if I get hit, Leo mused, scanning the scorch marks across the entire chamber. Even some of the Vetilim got obliterated in the Cursed Amalgam's attack. No idea if my shadows can hold against it. I really should have worked more on shielding...

For another few minutes, he continued observing the massive beast, waiting for it to move. Yet, it never did. The Amalgam was content with just sleeping in the middle of the cave, uncaring of anything that didn't have to do with its home.

Well... I could definitely use this to my advantage. He hummed as the red and black of Ruination licked at his fingers. If I do this right, I might be able to kill it without even having to step inside... Yeah, I like this plan.

Stealth Shroud washed over him once more as Leo crouched in the middle of the entrance to the Amalgam's chamber. He slowly calmed his breathing and pulled on the bloodlust slumbering in his mind. It answered instantly, activating Relentless Hunger.

With another quick command, Reinforcement flared to life, followed by Limit Break at full power. Even if the former didn't really affect his Essence techniques, he would rather gather all the power possible for what was coming next.

Time for step two.

Leo took a deep breath and opened the floodgates in his soul, letting the Ruination-afflicted Essence fill his flesh. He could have pushed it all out and prepared the attack outside, but he couldn't risk detection now.

As such, he gritted his teeth and watched as his scales slowly cracked, the red-black glow of Ruination filling the gaps. The true affinity of the Void didn't spare him any pain, burning him from the inside out as his entire body begged him to stop.

Leo didn't listen.

Instead, he pushed all of his anger at the Old Ones, the Void itself, and even himself into the forming technique. Ruination ate it all up, draining more and more Essence in the process until barely anything remained in his soul.

And that was when he couldn't bear it any longer.

With a roar, Leo pushed his hands out, pointing straight at the Amalgam below. The overpowered technique didn't need another sign and escaped through the extended limbs, forming a massive ray of dark energy.

In the corner of his vision, he spotted the Amalgam opening its multiple eyes, its body slowly rising to answer the incoming danger. Only it was far, far too late. A beast like this had no chance to escape a technique of this caliber.

The ray of Ruination hit the Voidling right in its torso, obliterating everything in its path. With barely any resistance, the technique burst out of the Amalgam's back and continued into the ground behind it.

A second later, the ray flickered until it disappeared completely, its power running out. For a moment, silence ruled over the massive chamber until a loud thud of a collapsing body broke it.

Leo didn't even have time to celebrate his success as he fell to his knees, coughing out a mouthful of blood. He glanced down at his abused body and grimaced when the crack in his skin filled with crimson liquid.

Ah, shit...

He didn't waste another moment and reached into his soul, summoning a single Bellatoure into his hand. The cork came off easily, and he drank the entire thing in one go, sighing at the coolness it spread over his body.

With that taken care of, he collapsed fully and just lay there as the mixture did its job. He could feel his flesh slowly knit together before Bellatoure moved onto the scales, working to put them back into one piece.

So those are the adverse side effects the System warned me about? He chuckled weakly. Makes sense, I guess. No way in hell someone like me should be able to casually throw around techniques like that—or even use an affinity like this.

Cursed Amalgam (LVL: 36) slain | Experience awarded | 411 Ether gained

Fuck, I really one-shot it. He laughed, wincing at the pain that simple action caused. Lily ain't gonna believe me. Hell, I barely believe it.

Congratulations, the Cursed Nest has been conquered. Do you wish to destroy this instance completely or prepare an Ether tower? Choosing the second option will result in the loss of bonus rewards. However, a Safe Zone may be created later on using the tower.

Yeah, no thanks. As nice as this place is, I have no way to make the safe zone permanent. Hopefully, no one will complain too much.

Nonetheless, Leo didn't give the System any official answer. He knew what was coming next and wanted to heal before this place came down on his head.

Congratulations! Task, Extermination: Nest (E-rank) finished successfully. Do you wish to receive your rewards now?

That I do.

Distributing task rewards. 2000 Ether awarded. Bonus experience transferred. Survivor Reward: +2 to all Limit Break attributes.

That's always something. He shrugged, calling forth the next notification.

Technique Ruination: Obliterate obtained.

Ruination: Obliterate (Novice)
Bread and butter of the Void. With the power of destruction now running in your veins, you can create focused obliteration rays that will consume everything in your path. Be warned: At current mastery and your power level, this technique is hard to control and will cause damage to the user.

"You could have told me that beforehand," Leo grumbled, slowly climbing to his feet. "Nice to know I need to almost kill myself to get a technique for Ruination. I will remember that in the future."

After a few short stretches to awaken his body, he walked down into the chamber, going straight for the Amalgam. Most of his muscles still ached, and every sudden move made his still-healing injuries flare with pain. Still, he tried to ignore it and focus on harvesting a few parts from the massive Voidling.

Once he did that, he stabbed the corpse and let Devour finish the corpse.

His regeneration accelerated again thanks to the sudden burst of energy, healing the few injuries that still remained on his body. Yet, as the Amalgam turned to dust, Leo couldn't help but frown.

No bonus attributes from Devour? Disappointing...

He sighed and ordered the System to destroy this nest. He should be able to run out of here without a problem at this point.

Acknowledged. Distributing full rewards. Please leave this instance soon. Complete collapse will commence in 20 minutes.

Bonus experience and 2000 Ether gained. A bonus item has been delivered to your Soulscape.

Congratulations! You have reached level 40. Class and Racial attributes have been distributed.

Nightblade level 40 skill improved: Vital Strike to Death Touch.

Huh. Leo's eyebrow jumped up. Twenty minutes, a level, and a skill advancement. Now that's a pleasant surprise. Finally, my last common skill is gone. Just tell me it isn't shit.

Death Touch (Rare)
Death is everywhere, waiting to claim the lives of the unaware. Now, you hold a tiny bit of its power. Use it well.
Each direct hit that draws blood from an enemy will reveal a pressure point on their body. Striking those marked spots has a chance to damage not only the body but also the other two Pillars. Works only against fully organic foes.

"That's... interesting," he muttered, still looking at the description.

While Death Touch functioned similarly to Vital Strike, here he knew that each hit would give him an advantage. However, unlike his old ability, this one only offered him a chance to cause additional damage. He might as well not be getting anything from this skill with all its limitations.

Still... hitting someone's soul or mind? Shit must hurt. Leo would know; after all, he had already almost damaged his soul a few times. Hell, even the new Obliterate technique hurt it a bit.

Maybe it will be easier to upgrade now. This time, I at least understand how it works.

He shook his head, dismissed the System, and walked back toward the tunnel. Meanwhile, he reached for the new item inside his soul and pulled it out.

"Another armor?"

It was a large piece of black metal made into a chest plate engraved with hundreds of different symbols. To make it more interesting, despite being cold as steel, the material bent as easily as a cotton shirt.

"What are you..."

Narzak Trainee Chestplate (Rare):
This heavily enchanted chest plate is a standard-issue armor among the Narzak Trainees. It was specifically made to fit any of the numerous species in Narzak. It's very flexible and offers good protection against bladed weapons. It will slowly repair itself over time.

"Numerous species, you say?" Leo glanced at his chest and then back at the armor. "Why the hell not?"

With a shrug, he pushed his head through the right opening and watched as the metal slid down his body like liquid, slowly refitting itself. Within a minute, the dark armor covered his entire chest and back, leaving holes for the Floaters and spikes.

It didn't touch any other part of his body, leaving most of his shoulders, neck, and arms uncovered. Even better, Leo barely felt the armor when he moved. It wasn't any different from wearing a regular tank top, just a bit tighter.

Well, well, well... He mused. So, there is an armor for someone like me. How nice.

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