A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 66. Waking Nightmares

Shadow: Creation (Novice)
A technique born thanks to the User's relentless practice and the will to improve. Creation is the base of anything in the Universe, and now the shadows are ready to be born anew. This technique improves the quality of shadow constructs and the speed at which they are created. Please note that currently, all creations have to be constantly connected to a source, the User.

The moment Leo finished reading, the hook in his hand dispersed into the air along with the notification. Instantly, he reached for this new technique, and it answered right away, shadows surging toward his palm once more.

Leo still had to give them a purpose, but the moment they received it, shadows converged into the exact image he had given them. It happened almost in a blink of an eye, and unlike his previous creations, the dagger in his palm wasn't just an amalgamation of shadows in a shape of a blade, but it really resembled a real weapon.

Sure, it possessed the black and inky texture of shadows. It even oozed a mist similar to the one that Shadow Tails exuded, but it was as hard as any other weapon Leo had ever held. The grip was wrong, but that was more of his evolution's fault than the constructs'.

So much faster than before... Leo marveled, resummoning the blade again. And it can still be improved. Hell, I might be able to create proper projectiles with this later on.

A ranged attack Leo could depend on was another thing he wanted to create, but simple projectiles could be a good starting point. I could also try adding the nature of shadows into True Stealth. Seems like an obvious step forward if I want to improve it.

Yet before the thoughts of advancing his skill could consume his mind, Dylan's hushed voice snapped him back to reality. "Everything alright there, lad? Gotta be honest, that grin of yours was a bit disturbing. I swear, those teeth of yours could probably tear through bone."

Not sure if this was a compliment or not, Leo just snorted. "Doubt it, but I don't really fancy finding out," he said, flipping the construct in his hand. "And it's all good. I just finally gained a technique for my affinity."

Dylan's eyebrows shot up as he inspected the blade in Leo's hand. "That's made out of your shadows, innit?" The man hummed in response to the confirmation. "Huh... So how does it feel like?"

Blinking, Leo looked up at the mage. "Gonna need to be more specific, man. What exactly do you mean?"

Really, the older man could be referring to pretty much anything. Be it affinity, technique, or even his evolution overall.

Thankfully, Dylan was quick to clarify. "Ah, sorry about that. I was askin' about your affinity. I mean, I can summon a single spark of lightning and have some control over it, but I can't even imagine what it must feel like to have a whole concept under your command."

Leo frowned, tapping his claws against the floor. "Entire concept might be stretching it a bit... I'm limited by the Essence I have, after all. But how does it feel..." He tsked, letting a swirl of shadows jump into his hand.

Leo didn't really have much time to give it much thought. True, his trip into the soulscape gave him a unique read of his Essence and affinity, but if he had to explain it…

"It is hard to put into words, but if I had to choose one, exhilarating would be it. For me, shadows act like an eager dog, waiting to fulfill my every command. Really, in comparison to normal Essence, affinity is quite simple to control. You are just limited to what it can do."

He could probably say more, repeat what Nikra had told him, but that sort of information seemed like something fresh survivors shouldn't have. And Leo didn't fancy coming up with a story on how he already knew this much…

Finally, Dylan nodded, his eyes still fixated on the construct in Leo's hand. "Interesting... And any clue on how one could go about gettin' an affinity?"

A few, you even have a headstart with that lightning technique. Leo said in the safety of his mind, yet he didn't dare to speak those words out loud. Soulscape was a concept far beyond anything people like them should have access to. Still, there was something he could say.

"Doubt it will help you much as you need to unlock mutations, but if you ever do, you can buy affinities there," Leo explained before adding quickly. "Or you can always try experimenting with that technique of yours. The System might do the rest. "

"Mutations, you say?" Dylan's face twisted slightly, his gaze scanning over Leo's body. "I reckon I'll stick to good old-fashioned experimentation. No offense, mate."

Leo snorted. "None taken. I made my choices, have to live with them."

Dylan nodded and opened his mouth to speak, but then hesitated, as if contemplating his words. However, it didn't take long for the man to break his silence. "Do you mind sharin' how you acquired your affinity?"

Ah... Now it makes sense. Leo mused, stopping his body from shifting under Dylan's gaze. He should have expected this question to come up sooner or later.

"There is not much to say there," Leo lied through his teeth. "I only have an affinity thanks to the second Cataclysm and a whole load of dumb luck. Not something you can exactly replicate."

At least this part was true, but he had to leave it at that. Nikra, her shards, and story had to remain a secret for probably quite some time. The Lone Traveler was right about that, for sure.

"I'd love to hear the tale hidin' behind that, but let's save it for another time," Dylan suggested, giving him an easy way out. "I'll go wake up Tyler now. My old bones are beggin' for some rest."

Chuckling, Leo raised a hand, stopping the man from leaving. "Before you go. Do you mind answering two questions of mine?"

Dylan quirked a single eyebrow as he leaned against a wall. "Not at all. Go on, lad."

"Your race, Awakened Human, do you guys also get two free attributes per level?" Leo began, and the older man nodded right away. "Hmm. So there isn't much difference between Awakened and Tainted Human except for the trait. Pretty obvious in hindsight..."

He shook his head before he went off on another random tangent. "And what about evolutions? Have any of you reached the requirements of one?"

"Aye, Tyler did right before we had to go into hidin', and I need another two kills to unlock it," Dylan confirmed, glancing at the younger man. "It ain't anythin' special. Even the name doesn't change."

Leo's brow furrowed. It didn't have a new name. Now that was something to ask Nikra about when she woke up. "But it is better, right?"

Dylan nodded firmly. "Of course. Three more attribute points, slightly better trait, and another ten percent to Mind effectiveness. All in all, not too shabby."

So very similar to Risen Human that I got. Maybe even the same depending on what trait it gives. Leo noted as he rose to his feet. "Thanks, Dylan. Go on and wake Tyler. I think I will see if there is anything interesting upstairs."

That was the official reason. In truth, he just didn't want to be in the same room as Tyler without a buffer. Leo had already told them all he could for now, and he doubted that the warrior would miss this opportunity to grill him some more. Truly it was for the best.

"Just watch yourself," Dylan warned abruptly. "The first floor's mostly wrecked, but there are a few gaps in the walls of the one room you can still reach. I reckon I don't need to tell ya what'll happen if them bloody Nightmares catch sight of ya."

"Don't worry," Leo waved him off, approaching the entrance to the corridor. "I would be long dead if I didn't know how to stay hidden. Kind of a necessary skill for an assassin."

With that said, Leo stepped into the darkness. A small ball of crimson light quickly formed in his raised hand, illuminating the short passage with a dim glow.

Taking a sharp left, Leo climbed the destroyed stairway, his claws digging into both Vetilim and wood. The entire structure groaned almost silently underneath his weight, but at least it didn't collapse any further. Dylan definitely didn't lie about the first floor being in a sorry state.

Could have been worse. Leo thought as he slipped into the only open room on the floor. It was small, and he had to watch his every step, but just like the mage said, plenty of tiny holes littered the room's walls. Though, only the ones opening on the street below interested him.

"Let's see," Leo muttered, True Stealth enveloping him like a blanket. The light in his hand flickered out, and he moved forward, pausing just a step away from a small hole.

Leaning in, his eyes instantly zeroed in on the street, lightly illuminated by the glow of Void's flora. Darkness still mostly ruled over this part of the world, but at least thanks to those few plants, Void's living matter, and Leo's slightly enhanced eyesight, he could still see.

I really want to find a place where everything glows like that. Would be a sight to see... Leo mused, scanning the road for any signs of movement.


Almost out of sight, at the beginning of an intersection, a creature sat glued to a tree. Similar to the Collector, the beast's cracked skin emitted the same unearthly, dark violet glow.

Apart from that, with such a distance between them, Leo could hardly make out the Voidling's exact features. Although, if he had to describe it, a legless monkey with bat’s wings summed up the creature quite well.

Scouter (Nightmare Voidling) | Rank: E- | LVL: N/A | Type: Nightmare, Aerial, Wind

So that's what Hunter's advancement gave me. Leo nodded, quickly reaching for the Bestiary. He finally added the first Nightmare to the book. Now to see if it had any useful information.

Race: Nightmare Voidling | Subspecies: Scouter
Expected Potential: E- to E
Weapon of choice: Claws, Wind
Known weaknesses: Closed areas, Wings
One of the few Nightmares born with a new Outbreak. Despite their size and appearance, Scouters are quick and dexterous. They prefer to fight in open areas to utilize their wings and very minor wind affinity. With their highly enhanced senses, Scouters usually roam the Night in search of targets and then contact Collectors for a pick-up. They are also capable of alerting all nerby Nightmares if necessary.

Oh fuck no!

Leo jumped away from the hole as if burned, eyes wide. He had wanted to wait for a Collector to show up and scan it too, but with what he had just read, there was no way in hell he was risking it.

Highly enhanced senses... Yeah, fuck that.

As quickly as he could, Leo retreated to the floor below. Entering the living room, he shushed Tyler when the man opened his mouth to speak. They had been lucky enough that the Scouter was far away and didn't hear his talk with Dylan…

With Tyler silent for the moment, Leo went from candle to candle, putting out their tiny flames. He only grabbed the last one, still burning, and approached the warrior, True Stealth collapsing momentarily.

"I took a peek outside through a hole," Leo whispered as quietly as he could. "There is a Nightmare close by with its senses tuned up to eleven. Don't speak, don't even move too much."

Tyler nodded right away, his entire body stiffening. Leo couldn't even fault the man as the moment True Stealth came back, he dropped next to the warrior, the single candle between them going out.

And that was how they spent the entire night. Almost frozen like two slabs of stone, refusing to move even a muscle. Tyler didn't even attempt to wake someone up to change the watch. The warrior just sat there, his gaze never straying far from the entrance to the room, even if his eyes probably couldn't see a thing in this darkness.

Void... I fucking hate those Nightmares...

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