A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 70. Not human

It was me.


Always me.


I was in full control.


I could have stopped it whenever I wanted.


I... I enjoyed it. The complete focus. The undying will to hunt and end them. The lack of fear. The knowledge that nothing here could have killed me.

Leo had felt all of that and more during the battle, or slaughter maybe was the correct word. He had always carried the fear of Voidlings deep inside him, because why wouldn't he? They were everywhere, could overwhelm anyone with numbers, and grew in strength with each day.

Yet, the moment Focused Bloodlust activated and Leo connected with his inner beast like he had never before, that fear faded away, like it was never there. There was, after all, no reason to be scared of creatures that were so beneath him, so weak that he could massacre them in tens. He just didn't realize that before.

Well, maybe not Brutes and Harpies, but the normies, along with a few Runners? Leo almost burst into laughter. Now I know I can take on three groups like those before head-on and still win... At least with Focused Bloodlust active, that is. Though maybe in the future…

And just like that, Leo sobered as the truth of what happened began to really sink in. With the bloodlust gone, he knew something changed, something important. The increased control of his new body was an obvious sign. However, now that he really took notice, the presence of the inner beast also shifted.

It was closer than before, more intertwined with his mind, maybe even his soul. While before Leo knew he could still ultimately push the beast out, seal it away, he wasn't too sure if that was the case any longer. Now, the presence didn't feel like just a passenger in his mind, sometimes giving input, but a permanent fixture.

Is this why I can understand you now? Fuck... It's happening way too fast. I thought I had more time. Leo took another deep breath, ignoring the soft growling that now had a true meaning. But life waits for no one, right?

Focused Bloodlust was one thing, terrifying, but still something Leo could accept as he had complete control of the skill. However, the fact that in a matter of not even a day, he grew so much closer to the beast he now represented was so more than just a tiny change.

So much for rolling with the punches, eh? Leo sighed, his shoulders dropping slightly as the Brute collapsed into dust. Not like I can do anything about this... Like I told Dylan. I made my choices; I have to live with them…

With such a unique evolution, this was the plan all along. Leo had even given it some thought during the last night. Still, the fact stood that even after the System's first message about Synchronization, he had hoped to have more time to adapt. Obviously, the Universe had different plans for him.

The inner beast suddenly growled louder, and Leo frowned. I'm not brooding... Another growl. 'My humans' wouldn't have died if you didn't unlock Focused Bloodlust. I had it under control. The beast howled. Fuck you. I preferred when I couldn't understand you.

It sniggered loudly, and for a moment, Leo considered attempting to push the beast back deeper into his mind. Yet, he quickly abandoned the idea, knowing it would be futile. With their strengthened connection, there was no point in giving himself a headache.

And I have other, more important problems anyway. Leo grimaced, momentarily dismissing the onslaught of notifications. Even the inner beast quietened as he finally let the voices of the outside world register in his mind. This is gonna be fun... again.

Slowly rising from the ground, Leo sighed and turned, his violet gaze falling on the trio that had probably been waiting for quite some time. To no one's surprise, they all had their firearms aimed straight at him, and Dylan's left hand glinted with a blue spark.

Hell, even the shy Laura stood with shoulders squared, her rifle gripped tightly, never even lowering from her target... As for Tyler? Well, Leo hardly needed to look at him to know his reaction. The warrior might have tolerated him and was most likely grateful for healing his cousin, but the younger man couldn't hide his distrust towards him to save his life.

At least they didn't attack yet... Closing his eyes for a moment, Leo turned to Dylan. "Good job with the remaining Voidlings. How about a short break?"

The mage grimaced visibly, his eyes flickering to the claws still dripping with fresh blood. "Thanks, Leo? I'm not too sure..."

Before the man could say more, Tyler cut in, taking a small step forward, the gun pointed straight at Leo's head. "Yeah, no. We're not acting like nothing just happened. What the fuck was that?"

For someone who just saw me massacre a bunch of Voidlings alone, he sure is brave... or stupid. Still, for now, they’re useful. Leo's inner beast promptly disagreed with a growl, but he paid it no mind. Those three were his only remaining links to other human survivors. Leaving them now was a definite no. They still had their uses.

There is no chance for Tyler to trust me anymore, not that he ever really did, but going by the fact that bullets aren't flying yet, this is still salvageable, at least for the time of the trip.

Very slowly raising his hands above his head, Leo spoke up. "Listen, I know this probably looked bad... alright, very bad, but this is still me. Besides, we are all alive, and the path is clear, right? Wasn't that the goal?"

Tyler scowled, the grip upon his gun tightening, "Doesn't explain what in the bloody hell just happened. You went fucking bonkers and took an unnecessary risk! Dylan told you to hide."

Leo narrowed his eyes as the beast inside him growled lowly, the bloodlust hidden deep underneath stirring slightly. "Okay, first, we’ve never agreed to any chain of command, just the plan of action. Second, there was no risk after I killed most of the Voidlings with my first attack. And finally, third, I didn't go mad. That was an ability that helped me focus better so I could kill those two bastards faster. Which I clearly did."

And Leo wasn't even lying. Dylan might lead the other two, but it didn't mean that he would suddenly follow everything the man said. As for there not being any risk... Well, it certainly would have been harder, but the single Harpy and Brute was still something he could have handled, even without the new skill. Not that they were supposed to be here in the first place

Should have listened to my gut... Could have avoided this fucking mess.

Before Tyler could open his mouth again and add more fuel to the fire, Dylan stepped in, lowering his weapon. "Alright, cut it out, you two. Bloody hell, we're not here to fight among ourselves. We're in the middle of the fucking road."

"You can't be serious, Dylan," Tyler said through gritted teeth. "This fucking idiot almost killed us because he can't think before acting."

Fucking idiot? Leo almost growled, the bloodlust slowly seeping back into his mind. If it wasn't for me, your cousin would be dead. If it wasn't for me, you would never get this far, this fast, moron.

Leo's hands already fell at this point, and he even instinctively took a step towards the warrior. Yet, before things could escalate even more, Dylan acted again.

"Enough, Tyler!" he hissed, glaring at the younger man. "What's done is done. We're all completely fine and only wasted a bit of ammo. So drop it." The mage turned to Laura. "Lass, take him and wait ahead; take a breather. We'll join you in a sec."

The girl's eyes flickered between them, and even though her rifle lowered just a bit, she didn't move. "Are you sur..."

"Just go!" Dylan growled, the man finally losing some of his temper.

Laura flinched a bit but gave a nod and grabbed her cousin's arm, trying to pull him away. "Come on, Ty. Let it be. Dylan is right. We are fine, and the trainyard is close."

The warrior threw Leo another glare and finally moved along. However, that didn't stop him from leaving without a few last words. "Just be careful, Dylan."

Fucking humans. Leo scoffed before grimacing, the bloodlust draining out of him all at once. Calling his definitely temporary group a bunch of humans during Focused Bloodlust was one thing but outside it?

No, just no. That's too much, too fast. At least give me some fucking time. Leo shook his head lightly, still watching the duo walk slowly on the side of the street.

"Leo," Dylan called, still wearing a frown. "I know what Tyler said was out of line, and I know you don't need to listen to us, but he was partially right. For you, this might not have been risky, but mate, we're not you. We're just three people barely survivin', so please, before you try to pull somethin' like this again, at least warn us, alright?"

Ah, whatever...

Leo nodded. No point in arguing the fact that he couldn't have known about the Brute and Harpy. Gut feelings, or whatever the hell that was, weren't something he ever believed in. Though now, maybe even that would change. You felt that too, right? Maybe it's my connection to the Void?

Yet his inner beast had no answer, only a pitful whine…

Sighing, Leo finally gave the mage his full attention. "Yeah, I will make sure to do that... Sorry for acting like that. I'm sure it didn't look pretty."

Dylan snorted, some tension disappearing from his body. "Pretty? Lad, the way you went off and then fought was bloody terrifyin'. Efficient, but terrifying. Not gonna lie, between the other Voidlings and you, for a moment, I really wasn't sure if we were gettin' out of this alive."

Understandable, even if I fought to protect them... partially. Leo shrugged and motioned to the duo in the distance. There was no point in continuing this conversation. "You can go and rest with them. I will follow in a moment. Have to go through the notifications first."

Dylan's gaze went to his two charges and then back to Leo. "I will do that," he nodded before hesitating for a moment. "And lad, no hard feelings, right?"

There it is. Leo wanted to sigh but instead just waved the man off. "Tyler said what he felt. I can respect that much. Besides, it's not like I don't know how disturbing it must be for you all to travel with a monster who acts like a human. So yeah, no hard feelings."

"Glad to hear that..." Dylan nodded and walked off without another word.

And that's how our brittle alliance slowly shatters... Leo chuckled, marching to the side of the street. Not that he expected their group to last long. There was no way he could find friends among humans, at least not yet. Soon people would probably realize that becoming one of the monsters was just a step to surviving. But that's still way off.

The fear of the unknown was always strong among humanity, and seven days of apocalypse couldn't change that, at least not for most people. Not that Leo particularly cared. Hell, as much as his foster family loved him, he knew there was a chance they wouldn't outright accept what he had become.

But did it really matter?

No, it didn't. As long as they lived and continued to survive in this godforsaken world, it would be enough. They were the reason Leo didn't give up in the past, and now came the time to repay them. And if it meant giving up on humanity and defending his family from the shadows, then so be it.

How much and nothing can change in a single week at the same time. Leo mused, watching the trio whisper between each other. With a snort, he averted his gaze. I will help you reach the others, take my favor and go on my own again.

He nodded. Yeah, no reason to overcomplicate this. Being in a group with other people would never work anyway…

So, System. Show me what you got for me.



Some of you asked about how Leo really looks now, and I received a sketch of his form. It's isn't perfect. The head and neck are mostly wrong (Look up Wraith form Evolve for that). The hump is slightly too big, along with the spikes, and the legs need a bit of fixing. Apart from that, this sketch is what I wanted, and in the future, I will definitely commission an artist to give us a perfect image. You can find the sketch in the spoiler below.

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