A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 72. Near the end

"Race: Voidling | Subspecies: Brute
Expected Potential: F+ to E-
Weapon of choice: Pure Strength,
Known weaknesses: No skin layer, slowed reaction time
Brutes are known as one of many failed evolutionary subspecies. They are born thanks to the combination of two Voidlings that want to evolve into Cursed Juggernaut. Unfortunately, due to not meeting the requirements, the evolutionary process often fails, and Brutes are the outcome. They share all characteristics of Cursed Juggernauts but to a lesser degree. Additionally, as failed evolution, there are no Apex Brutes."

~New entry in Leo's Bestiary

They didn't stop when the Crimson Mirage collapsed into dust; Leo never gave the trio a chance to bother him about it. Instead, he dashed forward, running across the roofs and through the Vetilim jungle under the cover of stealth and his new cloak. They still had a destination to reach, and stopping to listen to Tyler's complaints wasn't in his plans.

Time flew by as they conquered street after street, killing what they had to and avoiding what they could. Leo still did most of the job, spilling the blood of Voidlings in waves as he cleared the path for the trio behind him. Really, it was almost terrifying how easy this task had become after just a week.

Hell, thanks to the Mirage Ambush, Leo now felt like he was strolling through a park rather than a Void-infested city. They still had to avoid Maniacs or large groups of flying Voidlings, but dealing with normies, Runners, and even Crawlers was no longer a problem, just a mild annoyance.

The newly strengthened connection with his inner beast allowed Leo to use more of the hidden potential his body possessed. Add that to the power boost from another level, and now he was practically flowing between enemies like a raging tsunami. Untouchable and deadly, ready to strike whenever necessary.

Not that many Voidlings even had the chance to face him. No, most of them hit the ground dead before they caught a glimpse of his cloak. They were all just too weak and too slow, and if it weren't for their sheer numbers, Leo would never have to fight them head-on. Not that it could even be called a fight anymore.

With the next step of synchronization over, Leo was genuinely beginning to feel like the body of the Prime Night Hunter was his own and not merely something that the System had placed his soul in. There were still moments when he would stumble or send a tail in the wrong direction, but now his inner beast was always there to help, to assist him in the hunt for more prey.

The cooperation between them eclipsed anything Leo had ever experienced. Which, in hindsight, wasn't a surprise. He might think of the beast as a separate entity, but in the end, it and he were one and the same. They just needed a bit more time to become one for the Prime Night Hunter to be truly born…

Their incomplete state was only proved by the fact that no matter how hard Leo tried to reach out, he couldn't activate Focused Bloodlust. Oh, the boiling rage still flowed underneath his skin, deep in his mind, ready to come out at a moment's notice, but this wasn't the same.

Focused and normal bloodlust were two different things, even if the former used the latter to work. Or at least that was what Leo thought, as the System never explained how to activate the skill, and his inner beast knew as much as he did for now, which amounted to pretty much nothing at all.

Probably have to figure it out on my own if I want to advance... Annoying but understandable. Leo's inner beast screeched in agreement. I really need a name for you. Calling you a beast when you obviously are nothing like the things surrounding me is just wrong.

The beast didn't voice its opinion, but Leo knew it somewhat agreed. We will figure it out soon, I promise... For now, let's clear the area and wait for the others. We are close now.

Not waiting for an answer, Leo descended from his perch on a tree, blades slicing through the heads of two Hounds on the ground. Barely wasting a moment, he dashed forward, the black cloak stained in blood fluttering behind him.

The single Cursed Human accompanying the two Hounds never had a chance to react as Leo dove right behind it and snapped its neck like a twig. Claws quickly followed, and the little Essence he lost due to True Stealth quickly trickled back like it never left.

"And that's it for the backyard..." Leo muttered, his eyes settling on the single Void-consumed house next to him. "Maybe it will be empty?"

Usually, Leo wouldn't care what was inside the building, but the old trainyard was only a few streets away, and it was time to regroup before they went any further. They had already left the city center behind, and with it, the constant Void jungle made out of tall, connected buildings, Vetilim webs, and transformed trees.

Here, while the Void still ruled, consuming almost everything in sight, the buildings were too small and too far from each other. Void's living matter still tried to make connections between them and the few trees here and there, but it was nothing like what Leo had grown used to inside the central part of the city.

Still, this residential area wasn't that bad. With only houses and a few other buildings here and there, the tall grass grew pretty much everywhere. Add to that the few transformed trees and some Vetilim webs, and Leo still had plenty of opportunities to slay Voidlings before they could act.

However, he still missed being able to always stay above the battlefield.

You can't have everything. Leo shrugged, sliding into the house through a destroyed backdoor.

Void-claimed corridor greeted him first, and Leo instantly fired off a pulse, information surging into his head. One signature somewhere to my left... Let's see. Carefully, steeping over a cracked shelf half consumed by Vetilim, he let his senses guide him forward.

The living room was in a state similar to any other, infested by the Void but still with some signs of the old world. Not for long, though, if the spreading Vetilim had anything to say about that…

Sighing, Leo shook his head and delved deeper into the house, passing a few open rooms. It wasn't until a very low screech finally reached his ears that he sped up, almost flying into the room farthest from him.

Only there was no need to hurry.

Leo snorted as his eyes fell upon the single Cursed Human claiming this house as its domain. The monster lay on the floor, its lower half hidden beneath Vetilim, which for some reason, decided to almost bury the creature alive.

Now that's depressing. Leo noted, watching the ugly creature flail around like a worm. Honestly, with how slow the thing moved, even a Scavenger could kill it.

Alright, let's put you out of misery.

With a single strike, the monster's head rolled to the side. However, Leo didn't even notice that as a quite particular notification appeared before him.

Cursed Human (LVL: 2) slain | No experience gained | No Ether awarded

Eyes widening, Leo made sure that he read the message correctly. The creature's level was a surprise alone, but the part about the experience and Ether raised even more questions.

I guess I can blame the level on its state. But why no experience, or hell, even Ether? System? Identify? Leo called out, and to his further shock, another notification emerged.

Please note that enemies who are considerably weaker than you will grant almost no experience. The amount is so negligible that the System decided to display it as 'No experience gained.' Ether follows a similar rule, but have no fear, User. As long as your target is at least level 35, one Ether will always be provided.

Leo's eye twitched. Level thirty-five? One Ether? How is that supposed to make me feel better? Of course, the System did not answer.

Fucking fantastic. Leo huffed, dismissing the notification. At least now he knew that he couldn't endlessly kill weak Voidlings and hope for the best. Well, they still give me experience, but if it's as bad as the System says, then there is no point…

This entire thing still left open an important question. Just what did 'considerably weaker' really mean? Ten levels? Twenty? Did levels even matter at all?

Maybe Nikra will have an idea. Once she decides to wake up, that is…

Shaking his head, Leo fired off another pulse and lowered his hood as the feedback rushed into his head. Finally… I knew I didn't leave them that far behind.

For most of the journey, Leo kept a close eye on the trio, but once they were close enough to the trainyard, he decided to go a bit further ahead. At this point, they didn't really need him to babysit them constantly, and besides, he left a nice trail of bodies for them to follow.

Let's get this over with... Leo sighed and stepped back into the corridor, his legs carrying him toward the living room once more. Hushed whispers already filled the house, so he dropped True Stealth and called out.

"I'm coming in."

Just as Leo had expected, the moment he stepped into the room, all weapons were pointed straight at him. Even the usually understanding Dylan raised his pistol slightly, ready to be used if necessary.

"Peace," Leo lifted his hands, almost hugging the wall far away from the trio. "Glad you found the place."

"You left us behind," Tyler almost spat.

Refraining from rolling his eyes, Leo nodded as his hands fell. "I did, but I still cleared the path for you, didn't I?" Getting no answer, he continued. "Besides, it is not like you needed me. Voidlings in this area a joke."

"Aye, we noticed there were barely any levels six on the way," Dylan nodded slowly. "Doesn't change the fact that you could've waited and traveled with us the rest of the way."

This time Leo couldn't stop the snort from escaping. "Please... We all know that you don't want me around. Can't even blame ya for that."

Dylan moved to open his mouth, but Leo stopped him with a raised hand. "No, really, it's fine," he chuckled, and it wasn't even bitter. "There was no chance for me to stay a part of your group after I evolved. Fuck, it's a miracle we even got this far, but I guess desperation can make people ignore some things, eh?"

Laura flinched a bit as Leo caught her gaze, but Tyler just grunted, his eyes still narrowed.

Shouldn't have expected anything else from you... Though it seems I was wrong about you, Laura... Ah, whatever, it doesn't matter anyway.

Shrugging, Leo turned to the only person capable of normal speech. "As we planned before, you three will wait here while I scout ahead. It shouldn't take me longer than half an hour. If there is anybody alive out there, I will find it."

"I reckon you won't be tryin' to contact 'em?" Dylan asked, knowing the answer all too well.

"Fuck no. I will leave that to you three... Though, I guess I will cash in that favor you spoke about. Don't worry; it won't be anything big, and after that, we might not see each other again."

Dylan looked like he wanted to say something, but in the end, he just nodded, giving Leo a strained smile.

"Alright then," he muttered, Essence stirring to activate True stealth again. "I will be back soon. Try not to die."

With a burst of speed, Leo dived for the exit, never giving the trio a chance to answer. In the blink of an eye, he stepped into the light of the red Sun, taking in a deep breath.

Let's find out if this was all for naught or if there really is a bigger group here.

Throwing his hood on, Leo dashed towards the tall trees separating him from another street. It was time for the final part of this journey to begin.

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