A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 31: We Are, Mr & Mrs Smith!

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Chapter 31: We Are, Mr & Mrs Smith! by Harem-Fan


     Still spooned in my arms, both Rain and I look at one another in surprise, as we reconfirm what changes we both experienced.

     First Rain is now a true SS-class Psychic. Her power improved and she can now do an amazing thing.

     For a while, she can merge both personalities together while using mental energy to temporarily support it. This makes her both Cold and Warm blended, and is just Rain. But this will mentally exhaust her to keep it up long term, like studying hard for a test.

     Rain was worried and asked me for the 7th time...

     "Are you sure you do not have another personality in there?"

     I chuckled at her, and patted her butt.

     "For such a smart woman, sometimes you just do not listen, so here I go again. Parallel Thinking and Split Personality are two entirely different things."

     I hold my smartphone in front of her, as I am texting my other lovers. And I look at her and talk at the same time, not looking at my phone.

     "One half of my mind is using Electrokinesis to have chats with my phone, while my body and mouth are here with you, and I can do two separate activities at one time, or use both halves of my mind to solve problems exponentially faster as the two of me work together. But I only have my one self, unlike you. So do not worry, you are only making love to me."

     She turned in my arms and kissed my chest, cutely.

     Currently she is joined as one. This allows both Cold and Warm to experience the body together, and their personalities blend to form a kinda new combination. Normally only one of them can move and feel the body at one time, but now, they can share things, like sex with me.

     "Tim dear, the sun is rising, so I need to take you to your car. You have a wedding today."

     [Crap, now that I know I was not really married before, I am now really nervous! This is officially my first wedding, Oh man...]

     "No Rain dear, I will take a cab. I want you to rest... We still have to go to Luna's tomorrow. I will wait for you to pick me up then."

     Rain smirks and teases.

     "You cannot wait to see me in that white and black outfit, huh? Oh, and those maids that wash you... No more, I will do it from now on. but I will clean using my mouth and not my hand, fufu."

     Thanks to her teasing, I was running late because I had another go with Rain combined before leaving, cough...


     So on my cab ride home I was marveling at this new Parallel Thinking and how bizarre it is.

     It is like having two of the same brain, but we are loyal and can even talk to one another for problem solving. Also, each brain can even take over one arm and eye each, and say read two books at one time, weird right?!

     But now, I can talk and make love to one woman, and as long as I have my smartphone touching me, I can set up hookups for later, hehe. Only I would use Parallel Thinking for Scumbag work.


     As I walked in the front door of my house, I saw Jill standing in the hallway in her work scrubs waiting. She said tentatively.

     "Morning, I was going to work, but not seeing you last night worried me... And you will marry that Cary White, so..."

     I place my school bag down, and smile warmly at her, and hug her very tightly. I say to the nervous wreck.

     "I really hated not coming to you last night. I truly missed you, my wife. And as for my wedding later, it is only legal, and you are still my first wife in my heart. I love you, Jill, my wife."

     She hugs as tight as me, letting one another know we love each other. She then let go a bit, and kissed me hard, searching my mouth for my heart. Our passion lasted for two minutes before she looked at the time.

     "Tim, I do have to leave, I am already 20 minutes late, so..."

     I squeeze her ass and say.

     "Work is a must, how will you take care of our kids without a job?"

     Tim Smith, scored a Yandere Critical and made Jill happy for the day! But seriously, her smile is real now.

     "I knew you won't cook, so I left scrambled eggs on the stove, and I have your morning Irish Cream coffee ready, so I will go now, love you and good luck."

     Then I walked her out, and got ready to be picked up by Cary.


     I was in my black suit, holding a bag with documents, rings, and a lit smoke to help my pre-wedding jitters, that struck me for no reason!

     And as I put some gum in my mouth, the white limo I destroyed pulled up in front of me.

     The personal maid who was in the back with Cary, let me in, and then went up front. Seeing my face, she gave me a knowing smile as I entered.


    As the door closed behind me, I saw Cary with her hair done up in a fancy bun with a few strands elegantly hanging for effect.

     Her makeup was perfect, and she wore a casual but high class white dress, not a traditional wedding dress, but a long sleeved and ankle length form-fitting dress. It is both tasteful and goes with my suit.

     As I sat, she only took my arm and gently smiled at my nervous face, and I blurted.

     "I am not nervous! Really, I am not..."

     Cary acting very mature just said casually.

     "We are, Mr & Mrs Smith! There is nothing to be nervous about, right?"

     "Ah, ha... haha, That is right, so let's just stay cool, am I sweating?"

     Cary did not mess up her makeup, and leans in and captures my lips gently, and my heart calms a bit. She then smiled at me and said.

     "Tim, I am so glad you are nervous. It really helped my nerves. I know we got married fast, but you are the one, so I don't mind. Plus when we have a child, I want to be your wife first. I promise to be a very good wife and mother, and will give you the space you need in life."

     I look at this tan skinned sexy woman, and smile.

     "No regret here, I am more excited. I think I am just stressing about meeting your parents. But even if they hate me, I don't care, their daughter is mine now."

     Cary then lay her head on my shoulder, while we had gone to the courthouse for a quick wedding. We invited no one, just me and Cary, or rather, now Cary Smith.


     A couple hours later...

     We are pulling up into a wide yard with a two story mansion of white.

     Cary Smith is holding up her left hand, looking at the wedding and engagement ring I gave her, with a stupid grin, and for the umpteenth time said.

     "Husband, I really am married, fufu."

     "Yes my wife, you really are, and I think we are here."

     Our driver blushed and opened the door.

     She is still in shock that Cary married me. And why is she blushing? Because for the life of her, she cannot explain the roof of the limo that night...

     I held Cary by her waist, and she tried really hard to fuse our bodies together. She tried to rape me in the car on our way here, but I told her to wait till we leave, because, I did not want to smell like sex for the first family meeting.


     A maid brought me and Cary into a well lit living area, with three family members sitting around a large coffee-table.

     Tony White saw me strollin in while holding his sister, and was about to rage quit and flip the coffee table seeing my smile.

     Mr and Mrs White were surprised to see how intimate Cary was in my arms, and her dopey smile, and blush. She said,

     "Father, mother, and brother, meet my husband... Tim Smith. I am now Cary Smith, surprise~♪!"

     The older couple's mouths opened a bit, speechless, but more surprise than anger or dissatisfaction. but Tony...

     "No! You two are fucking kidding, right?! What the fuck Cary... And you bastard Tim, how dare you!"

     "Hello father and mother-in-law, and you classmate Tony, surprise?!"

     Cary expecting this, just pulled me to the opposing couch to her parents, and we sat.

     They recovered, guessing some things based on their son's adverse reactions, but loving their eldest daughter, they ignored Tony.

     Cary pointed to Tony and said to her parents.

     "And this here is the reason I did not introduce my husband, or invite anyone to the wedding, because some family members are irrational."

     Tony, ignoring the truth, deflects and points at me, and throws dirty water, trying to embarrass me to his sister and parents.

     "Tim Smith is engaged to Luna Vandal! How can he do this, sister, did you know he has all kinds of girlfriends at school! He is a super player!"

     "Tony, of course I know, and I am his first wife. You are only hating my husband, because Luna Vandal shot you down, and you are just a jealous child."

     Mr White who is embarrassed at our first family meeting says.

     "That is enough Tony, I think you need to cool off, so please leave. Your mother and I would like to get to know our new son-in-law. Even if you do not like it, he is family."

     After Tony stomped off, my new parents smiled awkwardly and reintroduced...

     "Sorry Tim, let's try this again. I am Allen White and this is Judith White. Welcome to our family."

     And we had a really nice time, and lunch was great.

     I had told them about the student council with Tony, but I left out the whole killing me thing, and did not want to make it a thing, especially when in under two months, I will have to attend the family funeral.


     After lunch, we drove to Cary's, and now my home together.

     It is a small private villa in a gated community. The home is of modern design with lots of windows and lots of white and black interior.

     And until around 5 pm, we made love in her home, and she then gave me house keys when I was leaving in another cab.

     Cary was really adorable all day, and if I was not so busy trying to please my lovers in a short time-span, due to the full moon coming soon, I would have stayed overnight. But fortunately, Cary works a lot, and she left for her company when I left.


     When I finally brought my car home from the school parking lot, I got time for a shower and my last date for the night, phew!

     I hate rushing my relationships, but if I do not make love to Angel in time, my heart would be devastated if because of my medling, she would have been chosen.

     Once this hurdle is over, I will not have to run around like crazy. So now I call to let her know I will be there soon.

     -Hello Tim, are you still coming over? The food is almost ready?-

     With a smile on my face, I told her.

     "Yes, and I packed an overnight bag..."

     I smirk because she was silent for a while, and she said in a mosquito voice.

     -Okay. I will prepare then. Please do not tease me.-

     "I promise, after tonight, I will not be excessive. I just want you to know, we are forever. I love you, Angel."

     -Then make it 30 minutes, and we can watch a movie in my room... I want my parents to sleep first.-

     "I will be very quiet. I promise to not embarrass my Nurse Hollywood."

     -Tim, we really are, right? You won't leave me after, right?-

     "I told you, I will not let you go, even if you send me away, I will not go. See you in a bit."

     After hanging up the phone, I exhale. I say to no one...

     "Harems are hard work! Now let's smoke and drink before I go! Um, I am eating Asian tonight?"

     [No, but seriously, after tonight, I can let my heart finally take a deep breath, and focus on my family and friends. I need to hang out with Dan as well. Well, I will invite Ann for that one, she is funny being fake mad.]


     Punch Punch Punch! Next door, a certain 5 foot 2 inch woman who just heard that is punching a teddy bear with a Tim shirt on, and as she unfairly beats the bear, she growls.

     "Jerk! What fake-mad, I am really mad! Bastard, take this... and this... and this... Big Dummy. Tim! Fufufu~!"



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