A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 35: Aisha Opens Up!

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(A/N This is the end of the Tim and Heroine building period, and now the slightly darker content with killings, murders, and abuse will be seen. But to relax readers who are not used to Harem-Fan stories... Heroines all have plot-armor to protect them, so only happy endings for the main women, the ones in the poll in a previous chapter. Now all other characters, sadly, the author has no pity for them, so enjoy the real beginning.. Sandman [The Pied Piper] is here to banish all normal humans! Side Note: Jill's silver-dagger was the duplicate one from chapter 1.)


Chapter 35: Aisha Opens Up! by Harem-Fan


     Just when clubs let out, Dan drove his mom's new Dodge Durango Hellcat home, and was worried about his mom and sister.

     As Dan came in, he saw his friend Tim busy in the kitchen, so he decided to not bother him, and went upstairs.

     Dan's first stop, to look and see how his mom is doing.

     Knock Knock! Dan alerted his mom, and then said.

     "Hi mom, are you feeling better?"

     Jill in a set of grey sweats, opened the door, with her hair wrapped in a towel, and she reached out to ruffle Dan's hair.

     "You are worrying for nothing brat. I was fine after a good day in bed. In fact, after today, I feel even better. Is Tim still downstairs?"

     "I think he was making food in the kitchen, but I had not said hello yet. I better see if my sister is fine then."

     Jill, smiled at her caring child and said.

     "Ann has been milking the attention from Tim today, so she is pretending to be pitiful, so do not fall for her act, fufu. I will go help Tim, so he can go home."

     Dan the clueless but kind guy jokes.

     "I wish Ann would just confess to brother Tim already. It would be great if they dated, then he would hang out more."

     Jill patted his shoulder admiring her clueless kid. Then she went down to say goodbye to her doctor.

     And soon, Dan saw Ann's door opened, with Ann sitting up in bed pouting with the sheets over her legs, still in ruffled pajamas. A random couple of cotton stuffing was near the bed, but Dan ignored it and greeted.

     "Little sis, how are you feeling? I see you are still in bed?"

     Ann, seeing her kind brother, blushed hard, due to the fact, she really cannot walk right now, after that hip shattering bull kicked her around, and hollowed her out.

     "My legs were a bit weak today, but it is fine. Tim really took good care of me, but don't tell him I said that, humph. Oh, by the way, take Tim out tonight, he has been hanging out with girls all the time, and he needs 'more' guy time. So go, I am fine."

     Dan agrees with Ann, because his buddy seems surrounded with only girls lately. Then Dan sniffed the air, and said.

     "Sis, it smells a bit... You should take a shower while we are gone, you may have sweat too much, see you."

     Slap! Dan heard his sis facepalm? And Ann was dazzled how her brother could overlook the heavy smell of excessive sex, contributing to Ann's shame.


     As I finished the chicken soup for the Evergreens, Jill, who heard feet coming down the stairs, let me go.

     Dan asked me.

     "Tim, you have helped out all day, let me take you out for some mall time? You and I have not just hung out. I will even stop by a bar for you to have a few rounds if you like."

     I really wanted to refuse, but Jill behind him was pointing to Dan and threatened me if I turned him down. I guess I have been avoiding him out of guilt lately... I mean, I am with his mom and sister, sigh...

     "Sure Dan, let me go home and change, then we can hang, I guess like old times?"

     As Dan smiles, I see Jill winking at me telling me I made her happy. I guess Jill wants alone time with Ann, is my guess.

     "Great, I will drive mom's new car, hehe!"

     I smirk at Jill's eye twitching, because he is taking the car without asking.


     An hour later at Westfield mall...

     Dan and I are heading into his favorite store... Manga Express! It is a shop for all kinds of foreign anime, manga, and nerd merchandises. He excitedly tells me.

     "Last school year, we always came here and bought one new movie to see on every sleepover, but, you know. So, I reserved a copy of Season 5 of Highschool D×D, do you remember the other 4 seasons?"

     Sadly, I do. So I nodded to him, and he said,

     "Great! I will go and pay for it, and we can watch it tomorrow night!"

     I watch this guy who looks like a womanizer, but is more like a 12 year old boy, and I realized why Dan in my opinion was a failed main character in my mind. He is a pure heart, untainted by our dark psychic world. Kinda like Peter Pan, and eternal nice kid.

     Then I heard my doom approach...

      Click Click Click! The sound of stiletto heels rang in my ears, then a really yummy strawberry or cherry smell hit my sensitive nose. As I was going to turn and identify the woman behind me, I heard a sexy lazy voice, I know all too well.

     "Well~ well~, If it is not my boyfriend and his BFF buying anime porn together, fufu."

     As I turned to see Aisha, my heart skipped a beat, and I froze at what I saw, oh, and every other male with a working dick!

     From her feet, like I said, stiletto heels with thin straps climbing her slender ankles.

     Then all the way up to her pantie bottoms, her legs so smooth, they shine under the light, probably lotioned up.

     Then the super tight miniskirt dress, in a deep sexy cherry red. It has no straps or shoulders, and only exposes all kinds of cleavage!

     In front of her belly, she holds a matching mini clutch purse, and in her other hand is a smartphone with a matching red case.

     On her wrist is the bracelet I bought her, and the matching ring, and heart shaped pendant.

     Her makeup was done in such a way to make her look older, around 25 or so.

     And her hair is in a tight and elegant bun. To top it all off... she is not wearing her glasses..

     Gulp! Yes, even though I have been fucking this woman, this is the first time I was spellbound by her erotic charm. Her misty purple eyes are smiling, with the ability to read my mind, which is currently only thinking...

     [HOLY FUCK! I now know why Aisha dresses like a mousy girl... She is too fucking hot! I could never go out in public with her looking this good! Wait, she is my girlfriend, so why am I panicking like a virgin?! Crap, wish I wore my suit, I make her look too good!]

     Aisha hearing my real thoughts was trying to not let her heart explode from joy. She felt recently that all the other women were favored more by me, so she wanted to prove she has charm. So she waited here for me, to shock me. Mission Complete!

     I was floored, and only pointed at her, then Dan walked up and even the dense boy's mouth opened seeing a real life sex goddess talking to me. He asked, thanks to his Calm Emotions power keeping him rational.

     "Hello Miss, I am Dan Evergreen, and this guy here is my best friend, Tim Smith. sorry, do you know him?"

     Aisha, finding Dan's ignorance funny, plays a trick on him. And in a German accent, she points to me, while taking my arm.

     "I am Gretta Blitz, and Tim is my number one customer... I am a high end escort, and Tim is my regular client. He is even going to marry me soon, because I am now pregnant with his child. I will get my permanent Visa now, and be an American. I will even give up my escort job for him, fufu."

     Dan had a look like he was going to shit his pants at any moment. And me? With Aisha holding my arm tight and whispering.

     "Play along my dear, I am having fun~!"

     My face looks like I ate shit, seeing Dan's judging eyes. But I can tell part of him is giving me a thumbs up. But as my dignity was going to crumble, Dan laughed at us both.

     "Classmate More, I admit, for half of your statement, I was almost convinced, but"

     He points to my stunned face, while I am trying to guess how he knew.

     "Tim is too shocked to have known you that long, and he has been locked up at home for a while with my mom looking in on him. Well, seeing you like this, I understand why Tim wanted to date you. Oh, let me take a picture of you two, I want to show Ann, hehe?!"

     [Damn, is Dan seriously trolling Ann?! And the fuck? Aisha, don't put your leg there!]

     Click Click! As Dan is taking shots on the phone, Aisha hearing my thoughts, just held me tight, and raised one of her legs to rub up against mine, in such a way to turn me on. She really looks like a cheap woman right now, damn! Aisha giggles and tells us.

     "Thanks Dan for taking those, send them to me! Okay, so now that I am here, what's next? Dan you do not mind Tim's lover hanging out, right?"

     "Why would I? You're my sister-in-law, right?"

     Aisha with a crafty smile says.

     "Then, let's have my man treat us to a nice restaurant, I am so starved trying to fit into this dress. Plus I am not sure how much longer I will be able to wear it, at least for 10 months or so, fufu?"

     [Dan, it is a trap, don't ask!]

     "Why is that, sister Aisha?"

     She points to me and says with seriousness.

     "Because he is the father of my child!"

     [Dan has stopped moving, sigh. I cannot fully deny her words, because it is most likely going to be true. So I won't.]

     I put my left arm around Aisha's thin waist, and hold her tight, then I say to Dan.

     "Come on Dan, let's go eat at Benihana's Restaurant! Aisha, I guess you messed with me about your food, right?"

     Aisha kissed my face, leaving a fresh lip-print that I am unaware of, and she said coquettishly.

     "My Tim knows this trickster Fox the best!"

     So the three of us headed to the SUV and I made reservations.

     [I will not let this Black Belly woman know she is making my day, damn.]


     Later at Benihana's Restaurant...

     Ting Dang Scrape Tong Sizzle! The professional hibachi chef is throwing his knife and spatchilla around professorially, giving the three of us a great show.

     Aisha on the side is pouring me warm sake, and Dan is drinking a cherry Coke.

     Aisha leans into my ear and whispers a confession.

     "Tim... I know you think I am a bad, selfish, and unfeeling woman. A terrible woman who only knows how to have great sex, but... I deeply love you, even if you are just being nice to me. I will still make you my number one, next to our baby. I love you Tim Smith."

     [Damn it Aisha, are you really going to make me say it?! Sigh, she deserves to know...]

     Under the table edge, I gently rub Aisha's silky thigh, and think of my words.

     "Aisha... You are insensitive, rude, calculating, brutal, despicable, irritating, bossy, annoying, but... I love your company so much. Once you get past that outer shell, your selfishness is cute. Despite how I treat you, I also love you. Not sure what you saw in me, but... Aisha, thanks."

     Aisha did not even look at Dan, and grabbed his car keys, threw him five hundred dollars, and said.

     "Eat, pay for the food, and take a cab, the rest is yours... I will drop off the SUV in your driveway now!"

     And then the scantily clad woman was seen dragging my surprised ass out the door, as we hijacked Dan's ride.

     Dan seeing this only shook his head, but did not mind. He said to the surprised cook.

     "Don't worry, I eat a lot, haha! Plus my best friend just had a lot of family troubles in the past few months, so seeing him happy again is a great thing, now let's eat!"


     I was thinking she would drive us to my house quickly for sex, but no... she pulled into an empty bank parking lot, and the SUV is a lone vehicle with steamy windows, rocking, and sounds of a struggle are taking place in the swaying car!

     After our crime, we stopped at a car wash and cleaned the leather, and used air freshener.

     Then we finally got home, and I found her overnight bag in my other master bedroom, and she is staying over it seems,

     Aisha with a rare moment of tenderness said as she held my hand to her belly.

     "This thing we are making, is how you tamed me. I am all those negative things you said, but, I am yours, fufu."

     After that, Aisha and I had our first night of slow and passionate love making, and this was the last-time it seemed, sigh!



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