Abandoned Concubine: Kidnapping a Cute Baby to Break Out Into the World (Abandoned Concubine)

Chapter 157 - Give up

Liu Xinmei’s teeth groaned, and she found that the biggest obstacle between them was the inability to communicate normally. But it’s no wonder that in her eyes, Murong Yifei is a mummy, but he is alive.

Murong Yifei was also puzzled. This woman’s performance on the bed was the most conservative one. But after all, they are couples who have been sleeping in the same bed for a few years. There will be some strangeness, but looking at her, but nervous and shy like when they are in the cave, they do not know where to put their hands and feet. Alas, didn’t she become strong, why didn’t she extend this **** to the bed?

“You, stay away from me, okay?” She asked pitifully, and heard that it would be very painful for the first time. Will the body still feel the tear-like pain? She was tangled and wanted to tear her hair.

Under Jin quilt, she shrunk into a small group, her big eyes glowed with faint mist, Murong Yifei trance remembered that she had such a pitiful appearance on a beautiful night a few years ago. The tenderness in my heart suddenly broke out uncontrollably. Not only did they feel cold and embarrassed, but they also had a good memory.

The past is like the once-loved books displayed on the bookshelf, and occasionally turned up, it will still read the taste of the year. The mood and experience are different, but the smile that conceals contemplation is still engraved in the bottom of my heart.

But he really didn’t want to leave this room anymore. If Xuankun saw it, don’t talk about his face, because he was gone.

“Sleep, Ben is tired.” He said this lightly and turned away.

This sentence is much safer than “I will hold you quietly and do nothing”. She suppresses the “beating” heartbeat and reduces her sense of presence as much as possible. The space between the two people , Enough to place another person.

Liu Xinmei blinked a pair of terrified eyes, and from time to time looked at the close back. The man is well maintained, his skin is smooth, his shoulders are wide and his waist is thin, but his bodybuilding does not look strong. In the words of modern people, it is a type of thin clothes and undressed. She swallowed difficultly, his figure more attractive than his appearance.

She didn’t dare to sleep, fearing that she would be eaten and wiped away in a state of ignorance, and she was tired of bursts. She worked hard to open up a pair of beautiful eyes and warned herself to be vigilant. Murong Yifei’s gradual and steady breath made her slowly calm down, as long as she rushed to get up before he woke up, the danger would be minimized.

“My lord, my lord.” She tried to whisper twice, answering her with only a shallow breath. She extended a finger and carefully touched his shoulder, Murong Yifei still motionless.

Suddenly, she frowned in dissatisfaction and whispered softly: “I didn’t wash, just went to my bed, it was dirty, and tomorrow I will remind Liu Ye’er to remember to change my bedding.” Was rolled to the other side of the bed.

If Murong Yifei’s concentration is worse, he will jump with anger. This woman, don’t remember her cleanliness, dare to think he is dirty? In this world, only he dislikes others. When did Feng Shui take turns?

For a long time, the woman finally calmed down, hehe, thought she would stare all night! Turning around quietly, he gradually leaned over. Liu Xinmei was so sleepy that he didn’t realize the danger was coming.

He was sleepless, and his eyes became brighter in the dark. Tonight her performance made him even more surprised, his temper became worse, he was used to it, but when did this amazing talent be learned? The outsiders just do n’t know the truth, but the people in An Wang Mansion have learned her incompetence, otherwise he will not throw her aside for two years.

In two years, it was impossible for her to meet the Da Luo fairy, only to have this reborn change?

Thinking just now, Liu Xinmei also turned around, and the brocade was kicked away by her inadvertently, revealing the whiteness on her chest. He is a normal man. Naturally, he will have a normal physiological reaction. His abdomen will swell and the heat will spread throughout his body. Two light arms wrapped around him without warning, and he didn’t dare to move, even if it would wake her. She smiled sweetly in her sleep and muttered softly, “Good!”

Obviously this was not said to him. The gentle smile was particularly bright under the bright light outside the window. Suddenly envious of his son’s coming, this is the most beautiful picture of his life in those days of mutual dependence.

The breeze mixed with the fragrance of flowers, bursting in and bursting into the autumn, and the weather also had a slight coolness, Liu Xinmei seemed to feel the warmth on him, and the eight-clawed octopus seemed to climb up to him, the soft hair was intentional He rubbed his cheek inadvertently, flicking him.

Pulling the quilt carefully, he also digged in, letting her hug her, and his body froze. Alas, in the face of the beauties, you can’t think much about it. He tried his best to restrain the rising desire in the body. At this moment, he was wantonly siege. She was helpless, but for no reason, he remembered the tears in the corner of her eyes. After taking a few deep breaths, he turned his head decisively.

I don’t know how long after that, he finally fell asleep, and the smile on his lips was enough to compete with Sun and Moon.

Um, so warm! Liu Xinmei found a more comfortable posture and entered a dream.

In the east, the whiteness of the fish’s belly is gradually revealed. The little maid of the Yange has got up lightly, sweeping the courtyard and preparing warm water. This is a necessary homework every day.

Xu was sleeping early at the banquet, and the extraordinary was earlier than the time of getting up every day. When Liu Ye’er helped him get dressed, he ran out with a whine.

“Shizi early.” Little maids stopped the man in his hand and saluted him.

“Don’t be polite.” This was the word he was used to, and there was no more cowardice.

When Liu Ye’er turned around, he realized that the world was gone and hurried out. The child would climb into the princess’s bed every day for a while.

“Mother.” The little hand clapped the door without stopping, so lazy, it was later than he got up.

Liu Xinmei was awakened, just opened his eyes, and found that not only did his clothes get rid of, but also a man lying next to him, could not help crying “Ah …”

The people in the yard did not know what had happened, so they threw away the tools in their hands and surrounded the princess’s door.

Murong Yifei also opened his eyes and said lightly, “Don’t let go of the king yet?”

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