Abandoned Concubine: Kidnapping a Cute Baby to Break Out Into the World (Abandoned Concubine)

Chapter 33 - Geranium

Seeing Xiang Ye’s skillful movements, Liu Xinmei foretelled her hands, and she would have saved the earth in her previous life before she would have such a blessing.

After watching it with interest for a while, Liu Xinmei felt tired. Xiangye had just taken the medicine and needed a good rest.

“Okay, okay, Xiangye, we are not in a hurry, you can get it slowly.” Liu Xinmei stopped her.

“Princess, I can. As long as one night, those shops will return to your hands.” Xiangye still didn’t mean to stop.

The princess was so kind to her, and she just had the opportunity to repay her kindness. How could she not try her best?

“I have something to ask you.” Liu Xinmei beckoned to her.

Xiangye reluctantly put down the account book and walked over.

“Tell me, who did you learn this skill from?” Liu Xinmei turned into a curious baby again.

“Princess, the slave-maid hasn’t learned it, just read it.” Xiangye lowered her head embarrassedly.

Can it be so powerful without learning? This is simply genius!

“Come, sit down. Tell me in detail.” Intuition Liu Xinmei believed that this must be a woman with a story.

Slightly inaudible, Kaori originally told her story.

It turned out that the girl’s family had also done a small business. Her father was a very smart businessman who took care of a grocery store. Although the scale is not large, but the hands and feet are diligent and flexible, and the person is very kind, so the business is also done in a vivid manner, and the family is not worried about food and clothing. Xiangye has been playing with her father in the shop since she was a child. Whenever her father closed the door, she looked at it obsessively, and her little hands moved with it. She didn’t like needlework women, and she didn’t like knives, guns, and sticks. She liked to watch those abacus beads crackling, and thought it was the most beautiful voice in the world. After two visits, she couldn’t help the things in this account. His dad was happy, and simply left her to take care of some things. Unexpectedly, there was a trend that blue was better than blue.

Later, Dad went out to buy goods, and hurried late to meet the robber. The man disappeared and the goods fell into the hands of the strongman. Dad is dead, the mother can’t stand the blow, she can’t afford it. A child of hers, she was standing in front of her mother’s bed every day, serving soup and taking care of her. The family’s property gradually sold out, but in the end he didn’t keep his mother’s life.

With the help of the neighbours, it is easy to let the mother go into the earth for safety. She alone is not sure how to live. Later, she sold herself and entered the palace as a maidservant. It’s just that I haven’t eaten too much bitterness, and my body will inevitably become more delicate. In winter, many people are infected with wind chills. The doctor came to see them and took a few pills. The others recovered quickly. Only she fell ill.

After all this was said, tears were flashing in Xiangye ’s eyes, thinking of the sorrow that touched her heart, or the thought of her dead father and mother.

“Don’t be sad, everything has passed. You first recuperate and wait for you to fully recover. I have an important task for you.” The best way to comfort people is not necessarily to listen. Sometimes, let him be immersed in another One thing is much easier.

“Slaughter-in-law’s life was saved by the princess, but she was instructed not to dare.” Although Xiangye didn’t know what Liu Xinmei asked her to do, she still accepted her promise. The princess is a kind-hearted person.

“Since you understand business matters, I will leave those three stores to you, OK?” Liu Xinmei asked.

Xiangye was taken aback. If she could barely support one of them, she would n’t dare to praise this Haikou.

“Princess, the slave-maid’s house is just a small grocery store. Such a heavy-duty slave-maid can’t afford it.” Xiangye said euphemistically.

“Hey, aren’t they all the same? The one family did it, and the three did it naturally. Of course, I didn’t ask you to do everything by yourself. You just go to inspect every day and find the problem, then solve it. “Although Liu Xinmei doesn’t understand business dealings, her good girlfriend is the manager of a chain store, and that’s how she works.”

“That’s it?” Xiangye asked suspiciously.

“Do you think it’s not enough? Sounds simple, it’s cumbersome to do. You have to carefully check the books of each house; you have to think about their personalities and abilities. These guys chose a suitable person to be the shopkeeper. To be proficient in this industry, but also have good quality. “Liu Xinmei thinks that this is simply the integration of the functions of the accounting and resource department manager, this girl Do you think the workload is not big enough?

“Me, can I do it? I’m just a little maid, what should I do if they don’t listen to me?” Xiangye asked embarrassedly. She never felt that doing maidservants was inferior, but now it’s this status that makes her scrupulous.

“Then what should you do?” Liu Xinmei was also dumbfounded.

“Princess, as long as she tears up Xiangye’s deed of sale, just return her freedom.” Liu Ye’er reminded. As long as you get rid of this slavery, you are not shorter than anyone.

“Who controls this thing?” She asked again.

“Naturally it’s the concubine,” Liu Yeer replied.

If you ask her, I’m afraid it will cost you a lot of lips. Liu Xinmei frowned: “There is no other way than tearing it?”

“It’s okay if someone is willing to make money to redeem her.” As long as it is not a servant of the family, there is this opportunity. The reason is that once the lives of those who sell children and women improve, there is still hope.

The problems that can be solved with money are not problems, just do not know if this girl has any relatives.

“Xiangye, is there anyone else in the family? I gave out money and asked them to redeem you.” Liu Xinmei asked.

Xiangye shook her head, her father and mother stepped into Huang Quan, where did she have relatives?

It’s really troublesome, I don’t want to find a reliable person! Liu Xinmei looked disappointed.

“Princess, why are there only two books here?” Xiang Ye asked suddenly.

“Oh, I have accepted Baicaotang, and Mr. Yun will naturally not come to make me difficult.” Liu Xinmei said casually.

Baicaotang? Yun Rui? Liu Xinmei’s locked brow suddenly relaxed, so Yun Rui pretended to be Xiang Ye’s cousin, this person is a gentleman, and he will never sell his deed.

“Xiang Ye, I will arrange for you to treat Mr. Yun to come to redeem you. Remember, this is your aunt cousin.” Liu Xinmei even thought about the relationship for them.

“Thank you, Princess.” Xiangye knelt down and knocked heavily.

“Hurry up, in the future you will not give me such a gift, you are free.” Liu Xinmei busy to help her.

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