About Me Than the Heroine Su

Chapter 95 - Gold ball

Bai Yinhua really didn’t take Shen Rong and other little people who were rounded and flattened by her in her eyes, but after she made such a scene, it reminded Bai Yinhua of the people she had forgotten about after the cooperation. Hu Manrou.

Just such a chess piece placed next to Bai Chuhua, Bai Yinhua saw Hu Man softly working hard to this day, and heard that Old Madam Shen valued her very much. It means to choose a good marriage for her.

This is interesting.

“Did the girl surnamed Hu send a letter back last time?”

“Yes.” It was Luyao who replied. Since Yeying was recalled by King An to be held accountable, Yege, who was sent back to Bai Yinhua’s side, became more taciturn. Therefore, the handover work between the two sides was handed over to the relatively calm Luyao, “I just hope that you can take care of her a little bit more, and the slave maid will return a few words of comfort.”

“Really?” Bai Yinhua sighed thoughtfully, “Send another letter, I almost killed her last time, I feel a little guilty, ask her what she wants to do, I can help Just help her.”

Luyao smiled and said blessedly: “Master, you are too kind, and Miss Hu didn’t have any good intentions. Now she has got what she wanted, why should you pay attention to her?”

Bai Yinhua didn’t say much: “You just pass the letter on.”

It rained for several days in a row, and finally stopped. The sultry heat of the past was changed, and the breeze was bright, cool and comfortable.

Bai Chu couldn’t wait any longer, so she thought about going out to get some air. She asked Shuangxi to comb her hair into the most popular bun among girls nowadays, and then she covered her veil and changed her body into goose yellow, which she doesn’t usually wear. The silk skirt is different from usual everywhere, trying to make people who have seen her pass by without recognizing it.

Who knew that her abacus was good, and she was stopped before she stepped out of the house.

“Lanchuan, aren’t you following the third brother?” Bai Chu looked at Lanchuan who was standing beside the carriage, and subconsciously looked to both sides, afraid that Shen Yu would come out to her in a second. A fright.

Lan Chuan replied in a deep voice, “The third young master ordered the servants to accompany you and protect your safety at any time.”

Since the incident of the bandit encounter on the outskirts of Beijing happened, Shen Yuzhi was particularly worried about her. Even when she went out with the eldest princess or the old lady, she asked her if she wanted Lan Chuan to be safe, but Bai Chu never agreed.

This time, it’s good, so I simply cut it first and then played it, and sent the person directly.

She joked: “Why does your master really treat you like a brick? Move it wherever you need it.”

Lan Chuan bowed his head and stood silently in front of her. At first glance, his tall and sturdy figure looked like a majestic mountain.

Bai Chu’s eyes flashed, and she took a few steps forward briskly. She was more than a head shorter than him, so she effortlessly met his pure black pupils, and keenly caught the flashes that passed by. Embarrassed, she smiled charmingly: “By the way, I haven’t thanked you yet.”

“Lanchuan, thank you for saving me last time.”

The light in Lan Chuan’s eyes suddenly dimmed, and he said in a low voice, “The young lady has a lot of blessings. If it weren’t for the fact that the servants were too reckless, they wouldn’t have put you in a difficult situation, and I wouldn’t dare to take your thanks.”

Even though many people, including several masters, praised him for arriving in time and saving Bai Chu, only Lan Chuan knew that he was not the one who saved her. When he appeared, he forced the other party into a corner, desperately trying to kill her mouth and kill her.

On that day, her slender figure stood on the carriage, her body was full of gangsters holding torches, her eyes were wide open, and she was aggressive, but she did not lose the slightest. , the cold wind whistled around her with a terrifying chill, and in all the disturbing and frightening atmosphere, only her smart and agile light shone brightly.

Lan Chuan found her first at a glance, and this scene would often appear in front of him in the future, as if he was in a dream.

The longer it goes on, the more guilty he feels. He thought more than once, if he could hold back and not act at that time, I am afraid that the three young ladies alone would be able to drive back the bandits, and he would not have to suffer later.

Bai Chu didn’t expect Lan Chuan to think about her so much. Seeing his cold expression, he asked with some doubts, “Why do you think so?”

After thinking about it, it was funny again, “You also heard that those people are not simple gangsters, they were ordered to embarrass us on purpose, if it wasn’t for your presence, would I still be able to take the old lady and Shen Fu from a group of big men? Can Shen Rong be saved?”

“It’s all fake tricks. You see, if I meet someone with a firm heart like you, no matter how bright my tongue is, as long as you don’t move, I still have no way to fight back. I can only raise my hand to beg for mercy…”

Before she could finish speaking, she saw Lan Chuan interrupt her with a frown, and blurted out, “No.”

Bai Chu, who was suddenly interrupted, was taken aback, “What?”

Lan Chuan hurriedly raised his eyes and glanced at her, and said solemnly: “Your order, the servant will obey.”

Bai Chu smiled. Although she covered her face with gauze, she couldn’t see her face clearly, but her eyebrows and eyes were full of bright smiles. Lan Chuan couldn’t hold back a burst of heat, and he put his hands on his side and clenched them loose. Open, back and forth several times.

Even though his handsome face is still solemn, in fact, he is already very helpless.

“Okay, then I said I should thank you, do you still think it’s your fault?”

Lan Chuan moved his lips in a daze, and he didn’t know what to say for a long time, but his silly appearance made Bai Chu laugh.

“Okay, I won’t make it difficult for you. In short, I thank you, or you apologize to me, there are still many opportunities to repay in the future.” Bai Chu smiled and said, “For example, now, Lanchuan, you shouldn’t Do you often go out for shopping?”

Her tender and delicate face was covered with a delicate and agile light, as if the sun was willing to be a foil behind her, obediently dimmed.

Lan Chuan couldn’t feel the existence of thinking for a moment, nodded subconsciously, and then heard her say: “Then don’t hide in the dark today, just follow me… Well, be my brother, anyway. I don’t think I’m married now in this dress.”

“No…” Lan Chuan wanted to refuse, but before he had time to say it, the person in front of him had turned into a fragrant wind and flashed in front of him, jumped on the carriage quickly, and opened the curtain to reveal a smile. , said to him briskly, “Brother, why don’t you come in quickly? Little sister, I liked the head of a set of jade carved lotus flowers in Jinyu Pavilion. If someone else robs it early, I want you to pay!”

Then, Lan Chuan obediently got into the carriage…

The first stop is really the Jinyu Pavilion. This is a well-known place in the capital for ladies from noble families to choose all kinds of jewelry. It is not open to the public on weekdays. Only new jewelry sold in the month will be sent every month. When the booklet goes to each house, there is also a post with a green bamboo base, which is engraved with new patterns in the Jinyu Pavilion. It is novel and exquisite, and it is not interesting to watch it alone.

Only with this post can we knock on the door of Jinyu Pavilion.

Bai Chu became interested when he heard about this marketing model. He thought he would meet someone with the same background as her, but after inquiring a bit, he found out that behind the Jinyu Pavilion is Wanjia, which is known as the “No. 1 Business in the World”. In fact, in Jiangnan, the reason why the businessman can gain a firm foothold in the capital is because there is an amazing girl in their family.

It is the biological mother of the current saint, that is, the empress dowager of the Virgin Mary who was posthumously named.

It’s just that this line of descendants has withered, and after more than ten years, only the emperor’s uncle, who is called Wan Heng, remains.

When the emperor rewarded him with a title and an official title, he was rejected by him, saying that he was a merchant who did not dare to enter the court and broke the rules of his ancestors. Instead, he asked the emperor for an imperial business will. , In just a few years, Wanjia has been promoted to the status of the first company in the business world.

Of course, the benefits of having the emperor’s nephew must be enjoyed. Even if the Wan family has no official status, none of those high-ranking officials would dare to embarrass them.

He just opened one eye and closed one eye. The sage was obstructing the rules, and he didn’t even give a reward to Duke Cheng. He was already very restrained.

Bai Chu felt that it was said that officials could not compete with the people for profit, but the emperor controlled most of these uncontrolled businesses through Wanjia, and everyone could only boast of filial piety and human nature, so it is better to be good The elite of officials, the most elite are the people above the court who control the hundred officials.

Originally, Bai Chu couldn’t get posts. After all, she only married into the Shen residence, and she was still the youngest son’s wife, not even a master mistress, so how could she be on the threshold of Jinyu Pavilion.

As a result, a post was suddenly handed over this year. She even had a copy of the monthly new product brochure. She didn’t give any reason, as if it was a matter of course, causing the eldest princess to ask her where did she meet her. The head of the Jinyu Pavilion.

Bai Chu has never met a person with the surname “Wan”, so how could she meet the head of Jinyu Pavilion, but she has met the big man behind it a few times, and she has a good relationship.

So would like to understand.

But in the end, he had to endure it for a month or two before leaving for the Golden Jade Pavilion.

Sure enough, as soon as she entered the door, she was ushered into a quietly decorated room. The servant who led her in had a handsome face and a polite manner. She took the post in her hand and resigned respectfully.

After a while, two more people came to take Shuangxi and Lanchuan to the left and right side rooms to rest.

Lan Chuan couldn’t help but feel uneasy: “The slaves should stay outside the door.”

Bai Chu hadn’t said anything yet, but the woman next to her who was still charming and who was probably specially receiving women said with a smile on her face, “This young lady is washing and changing clothes, so it’s not suitable for the young master to be here, don’t worry, this is the Golden Jade Pavilion. No accident will happen to our distinguished guests.”

However, no matter how eloquent and eloquent she was, Lan Chuan ignored her words expressionlessly, and still fixed his gaze on Bai Chu persistently, not leaving for a moment.

Bai Chu curled his lips and said with a smile: “Just go and rest for a while, you are right next to you, don’t you know what really happened?”

When she said so, Lanchuan could only obey.

Waiting for the people who came in from front to back were empty, Bai Chu raised his eyes and looked at the surrounding furnishings. On the round table with boxwood painted in gold and red lacquer, there were melon and fruit desserts. There were a lot of various kinds, and there was also a set. She poured out the pot of tea and put it under her nose to sniff it. It was fresh and mellow, like the Emei Erui in season.

The head and face of the set of jade carved lotus petals she wanted had already been brought up and put aside, that is, the new dress styles of the season were placed in a neat row on the tray, and there was also a booklet next to it. Figure, which one she likes, you can try it directly on the upper body.

It’s just that she is always alone in the room, and it’s not the way to entertain guests.

But think about it, if you can wait for the emperor for such a long time, whoever puts on such a good thing will be overjoyed.

“A greeting to you.”

When she saw someone, she said hello with a smile, but she sat firmly on the stool and didn’t move.

If she was held accountable for her mistakes in etiquette, she should have been punished eight hundred years earlier.

Until now, the emperor felt that he could be regarded as normal, so he sat down beside her and smiled gently: “You are not surprised to see me here.”

Bai Chu smiled and nodded: “Everyone knows the relationship between you and Jinyu Pavilion.”

The emperor raised his eyebrows, pointed at her and said with a smile: “I just guessed that you were trying to make me wait on purpose.”

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