Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 84 - Mobilization meeting

The school hall is holding a pre-war mobilization meeting. The young and strong of the school were organized into guard teams, and the original guard team was used as the skeleton to expand to 300 people. Most people now sit here except for those who are on duty.

There was no electricity in the auditorium. Even though all the curtains were pulled open, it still looked a little dim. Looking at the podium from a little behind, it was a little blurry. However, this does not seem to affect the current speaker Chang Lin, the atmosphere of the venue is very warm.

Sitting in the front position, Ji Yijun and Ye Zi can clearly see the sweat beads on Chang Lin’s nose. When he speaks, his body language is very rich, sometimes waving his arms vigorously, and sometimes tilting his body, appearing very tense. There should always be bursts of laughter with his movements.

“… So, you don’t have to bear any burden. Yesterday I was chatting with the veteran in the town. When he served as a soldier for the lord, he played with the horse thief several times.

I asked, have you killed a horse thief?

He said a little embarrassedly, really not.

I said, is it a horse thief martial arts high?

He said, how could it be better than the teenage boy in my family?

I asked again, was that the horse thief equipped?

He said that many horse thieves are poor and there is no way to join them. Except for the horse, which is given by the leader, all the householders have a knife and clothes. Sword, playing a battle knife, serving a kitchen knife. What clothes are you playing in?

Then I am strange, the horse thief is so bad, then how can you not kill the horse thief?

He sighed and said, “I don’t have a horse, I can’t run faster without them.”

Hearing this, I was even stranger, and asked him again, is n’t the horse thief fierce? Haven’t you dealt with them really?

He looked at me with disdain and said that horse thieves are also asking for life. Who will really try their best? You can play if you can, but you can leave if you can. If a horse thief can fight, what does he do every day? That horse is used to escape!

I realized that the horse thief was so useless.

The veteran told me a story. We used to guard a small town, and wherever we stand, the horse thief hides his shadow. Later, the townspeople told us that if you sell us spears and armor, go wherever you come. We are all weird, ask them to prepare to go on their own? They said, why don’t you use a scarecrow on the wall, put on armor, and tie a spear, isn’t it a soldier? We are foggy here, how can the horse thief see clearly? The scarecrow does the same thing as you and saves money. We discussed all night and decided to sell the equipment at a good price. But the next day, they do n’t want it anymore. Let ’s take a look at the city wall. The spear of bamboo pole, the shield of the pot cover, the mat made of armor, the scarecrow on guard all filled the city wall … “

“Mr. Chang is really interesting. Hearing the story is more energetic than other leaders.” Ji Yijun said happily to Ye Zi. He was almost injured, but he still had a band-aid on his face, so he did n’t dare to laugh. Whenever Chang Lin talked about a funny place, he could only hold the upturned mouth with his hand. Recently, foreign agencies have withdrawn due to tension. The shop in Floro was closed and closed, and he returned to the guard.

Ye Zi nodded and said: “Everyone thinks Teacher Chang is very approachable and has a responsibility to do things. I heard that he has done a lot of picking manure in the agricultural group and going to the ground. I didn’t expect him to be so powerful.”

“No. President Guo doesn’t usually know what he is doing, and he rarely sees his face.”

“Today’s such an important meeting, why didn’t President Guo come?”

“Listening to my dad, it seems that the representative of Floro Town is coming. Some residents want to move in. Principal Guo and other committee members are meeting.” Ji Yijun said, “Hey, Teacher Chang is also good, at least He tells jokes better than President Guo. Guo is too serious. “

“The townspeople want to move in? Why?” Ye Zi asked.

“So many horse thieves get together and want to eat and drink. So there are a few small villages all around, are you aware?” Ji Yijun said with his hand on his forehead. “The town of Floro has only such a low wall, Many people feel unsafe. Want to move into school. “

Ye Zi pondered for a while and then asked: “Can Principal Guo agree? The school has many secrets.”

“Who knows! But speaking of it, there are a lot of strong men in the town. If we can join our team, there will definitely be no problem in improving the combat effectiveness!”


“You only think of strong men, but each strong man must be a family. The school’s logistics pressure will be much greater, but it is also dangerous to leave them outside.”

Ji Yijun shrugged, irrelevant, and continued to listen to Chang Lin’s speech, giggling.

On the far side of the podium, Wang Jiyuan and Ji Xun also listened to Chang Lin’s talk.

The more Wang Jiyuan listened to his brows, the deeper he frowned. When he heard Chang Lin telling a joke about the strength of the horse thief, he whispered and said: “Nonsense!”

Ji Xun whispered: “Leader Chang is also boosting morale. As you can see, the fear of war in the ranks has risen a little recently. Chairman Mao has said that we should despise the enemy strategically.”

“He obviously despised him tactically.” Wang Jiyuan glanced at the grinning people under the stage, “Don’t look at the fact that these guys are all relaxed now, when the real swords and guns are killed, a few people die, and the collapse is only more fast.”

“After all, our main strength is still students, and we ca n’t stretch too tightly. These days, I meet several guys every day who ask me to help me find a way to mobilize the defensive team. Others have asked me three times or five times if I will win. , The loss will not be great. Only my stupid boy is eager to try every day, hoping to have a big fight with the horse thief. “

Wang Jiyuan said: “Fear of death is human nature. The army is not a group of people who are not afraid of death, but a group of people who know what they want to do. Our army is to train soft eggs into qualified soldiers. Even if they are not qualified now. It should also be used to ask the soldiers to ask them, instead of just talking about coaxing children. “

Ji Xun sighed: “Actually, it would be nice if the committee passed the resolution to recruit young and strong in Floro Village. These local farmers are simple and strong, and they are a good source of troops.”

“They may not be better than the students. These villagers who don’t know the characters are difficult to distinguish between right and left. It takes more time to train them well. It is even harder to have them and our people collaborate in the same team.” Wang Jiyuan said, “Did you hear that the agricultural team destroyed a large field of wheat? Is n’t the local old farmer discovering that our fat is good, I feel that it ’s more beneficial, and I pour myself a few times the amount, and finally put all the wheat seedlings Burned the root. “

“Then you don’t support recruiting them?”

“No, I support it.” Wang Jiyuan glanced at Ji Xun meaningfully. “If it is necessary to die, fewer of our students are always good.”

There was a warm applause from the audience. Chang Lin walked off the stage while wiping his forehead with a handkerchief, and came to Wang Jiyuan and said: “Leader Wang, deputy leader Ji, the students’ response is still good, I hope to improve everyone Morale helps. “

Wang Jiyuan tilted his lips and said nothing. Ji Xun found that it was going to be cold, and quickly said: “Leader Chang is working hard. The students have not been easy these days, and they need to be encouraged.”

Chang Lin laughed, “While everyone’s emotions are high, Team Leader Wang also said a few words to the students.”

Wang Jiyuan nodded and went to the stage. He has a tall figure and a striking stride. There is a spirit of fierceness between his hands and feet, which is a clear contrast with the former round-headed and kind-hearted Chang Lin. The students under the field saw Wang Jiyuan walk to the stage, and then naturally became quiet.

He looked around at the people on the ground with a serious and compassionate expression, and then said: “I have bad news here. In these two days, five surrounding villages were attacked by horse thieves. Nearly half of the two villages were Burned to the ground, two villages were completely slaughtered, and one other suffered heavy losses. It is said that more than 300 people were killed and several times more injured. The scattered horse thieves in the past only robbed the caravan, but when they concentrated Together, after thousands of them, they have become a chaotic army, and everyone must be mentally prepared. “

The atmosphere under the field became more solemn. Although this is just the number in Wang Jiyuan’s mouth, but they were so close in the place where such a tragedy occurred, everyone realized the seriousness of the matter.

“Maybe these numbers are not intuitive enough. After all, they are local people who have little contact with us. Then I can now disclose another issue that I have been investigating before. Zhang Hong of the Foreign Affairs Group and Hong Lifeng of the Military Group have been missing for nearly two weeks. We can now draw a preliminary judgment. They were taken away by the horse thief, and their lives and deaths are unknown, but they are more fierce. “

“Booming”, the people on the field knew that Zhang Hong and Hong Lifeng were missing, but the guards were less involved in the investigation and search. The other people heard for the first time that there might be two people around them. Already in the hands of a horse thief.

Wang Jiyuan waited for the fermentation of the following atmosphere until the venue turned into a noisy vegetable market, he emphasized with a higher voice: “So, I just want to make clear today the fact that the horse thieves are very cruel, their What you did was unthinkable in your previous life. What they could do to the villagers and our missing people before, what they can do to you tomorrow. Do n’t have any fluke. “

“Leader Wang, you are telling us that Teacher Chang said before, are all the horse thieves false?” Someone asked below.

Wang Jiyuan paused a little, and the entire venue seemed to hold his breath. He glanced at Chang Lin. The latter looked as usual and smiled slightly at him.

“No!” He said aloud, “Mr. Chang said, it just proved a problem, that is, only if you fight bravely and become a real soldier, can the horse thief retreat and protect our home. I hope everyone will train in the future Keep this in mind during the battle. Right here, right among us, someone may fall at any time, but if it is to give yourself and everyone a space to survive, this danger is worth risking and has to be taken. . “

At the end of Wang Jiyuan’s words, a man dressed as an **** rushed in from outside the door and shouted, “Report to Team Leader! The reconnaissance team in the northeast direction found the scout squad of horse thieves, Principal Guo. Ordered that all defense team members immediately enter the highest alert, and Team Leader Wang will report back to the committee! “

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