Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 91 - Restless heart

Li Jia feels that the mask knight Sir Arias is a good person. Arias is her surname, and he is said to be relatives of the count. Li Jia has been wondering whether her appearance is a friendly attitude shown by the count.

If a person is willing to fight with your organization, it at least shows that she has some interests in line with you. And if a person cares about your personal safety and hopes you have more skills, then no matter what attitude she uses, at least it shows that she is still good to you.

This is the third time the knight has asked him recently, “soft guy, do you really not want to learn some life-saving tricks?”

The first two times, Li Jia just smiled and said that he has no foundation and is afraid that he will not learn in a short time. However, the female knight said that it is as ridiculous to expect the enemy to open the net as if the duck duck crossed the river and prayed not to be drowned. Even if the soldier falls, he can be respected by the opponent. Even if the nobles are captured, they will be left for ransom. Civilians, in the eyes of the enemy, are no different from the dry grass on the mud.

Somehow, Li Jia seemed to see disappointment in the eyes behind her mask. Many of the words that I wanted to speak out justified in my throat.

Li Jia went back to thinking for a long time, and asked himself to make such an answer. On the one hand, although he felt that it was useless to hold the Buddha’s feet temporarily, it was better to rely on pistols to practice martial arts. I am always such a person, if Xiao Chen, he will never let go of any opportunity to strengthen himself, he thought to himself.

Li Jia recovered and saw the knight sigh: “Even if you don’t want to be a hero, don’t you have any people to protect? Your parents, your sister, or someone else?”

“I don’t have any relatives anymore.” Li Jia said so calmly. After a long time, just as the knight shook her head to leave, he said again: “However, there are people I want to protect. But, Where is she? “

The female knight said abruptly: “We are talking about whether you are prepared. We have an old saying there. If we don’t want to capsize in the sea of ​​fate, we have to build a good boat in advance.”

“You … right, Sir Arias. Please guide me.” Li Jia finally decided.

Li Jia stood facing the female knight, struggling to follow the female knight to do weird body movements. These movements have great requirements on the toughness and strength of the body. This is really a kind of torture for him who is not good at sports.

Li Jia felt like a dancing puppet.

“You … should break the thought of becoming a warrior.” After a dozen moves, the knight stopped her hand and said depressedly.

“I … Is the qualifications not acceptable?” Li Jia asked wryly.

“The stones on the roadside are all better than you! Your ligaments are harder than my sword, and your muscles are softer than my clothes. You … just learn the frame of the block twice,” the knight said anxiously. “I really don’t know how you lived in the past two decades. This body is like a broken house abandoned for decades!”

“I have said that, I am a non-combatant.” Li Jia was relieved somehow, and suddenly felt that the angry female knight seemed to be more accessible, and did not want to be as vague as before. There is a great distance.

“You have neither good martial arts nor magical talents, can you only be an ordinary person?” The knight kicked up and kicked on the wooden pile she trained with a thick wooden bowl. Then it snapped.

“Although there is nothing wrong with being an ordinary person. But why do you say I have no magic talent?”

“If you have a magic talent, would you still do a job in the magician’s castle? Haven’t they measured your magic talent?” The knight asked.

Determination of talent? Li Jia shook his head. Xiao Chen didn’t understand how he learned magic.


“Close your eyes and feel what’s on my fingertips.” The knight’s fingertips seem to have nothing, but if you get closer, you can hear a slight whistling sound.

“Don’t think, don’t worry, feel it with a feeling outside your will.”

Li Jia closed her eyes and had nothing.

However, under the guidance of Sir Arias, he slowly let go of his mind. Gradually, he felt a vague energy circling in front of him indistinctly.

“This …” Li Jia said hesitantly: “Like a whirlwind?”

“Okay.” The knight’s eyes showed a hint of joy, “Bring your thoughts close to it, and try to influence it.”

Li Jia felt that her thoughts were slowly approaching the wind like a stumbling baby. Its clumsy hands hit the wind, as if accidentally bursting a balloon, the wind quickly scattered and disappeared.

“What’s going on? I seem to have ruined the wind?” Li Jia asked, opening his eyes.

“Ah … your talent is very high.” The knight changed from surprise to excitement. “I thought you could change its shape a little at most, but you actually crushed it with mental force, which is a precursor to concentration Few people can do this in the test! This shows that your mental talent is very strong, at least much stronger than me. Your magician lord is really blind! Let you do things with gems to pave the way ! Although I am just a magic knight, this knowledge is definitely there! “

“I haven’t always been a noticeable person.”


“They don’t recognize you as a baby, it’s their loss. I know the magician of Wangdu. I can introduce you to the teacher. They will definitely rush to get an apprentice like you. Your achievement will not be worse than anyone. The knight walked back and forth with a smile in her voice.

Li Jia has never seen her like this, there is no calmness on weekdays. But he looked at her, and there was a rush of heat in his heart. Is the power of magic? He scratched his head and laughed.


Ji Yijun sat on the roof of a small three-story building with a spear in one hand and a telescope in one hand, looking out to the front. These days, his class has been responsible for the observation of hostility in this direction.

Garcia ran up the stairs and handed him three buns and a kettle. Ji Yijun watched him staring at the steamed buns and swallowing saliva. He took out a bun from the bag and threw it to him, saying, “Eat.”

Garcia took the buns, and even Xie didn’t have time to bite it. She blinked the buns into her mouth in a blink of an eye and spit out vaguely, “It’s delicious.”

Ji Yijun didn’t take it seriously. He knew that although the school accepted the villagers who had taken refuge and recruited some young and strong members to join the guard as soldiers, the treatment was still quite different from that of these modern people. For example, Ji Yijun can use the passer-by to get the luxury goods such as steamed buns. But Garcia only had coarse grain buns rationed by the army.

So a bun, a piece of meat and bones, still has a huge attraction for them.

“How about Enrique?” Ji Yijun asked while biting his bun. The bun was extremely unpalatable. It was estimated that it was hard and dry without soda noodles. But after eating so many days, he slowly got used to it.

“Um … the deputy squad leader took, uh … in practice, crossbow arrows.” Garcia replied while gobbling. Before he finished speaking, he swallowed the last bun and showed a satisfied smile.

“He really takes himself seriously.” Huang Zheng’s person is very good, but he is too serious. These days, he has rubbed a lot of mouths on Ji Yijun, annoying him enough to choke.

“What’s so good about breaking crossbows? It’s still a question whether fifty steps can shoot people.”

“The crossbow, the material, doesn’t work. The steel is not good, the string is not good.” Garcia said at a glance.

“Hey, you know a lot. This old Huang, if he talks less, is also a personal talent. After a second shift to change, we will also go to the shooting range to see.”

The shooting range is not far from the building. It was originally a basketball court of the school. Now a batch of crossbows made by the school has been assigned to the guards. It may be that the crossbows are safer than the spears. Quite a lot.

When Ji Yijun brought Garcia to the shooting range, he found that the people in his class and the people in the second row were arguing loudly. As soon as Ji Yijun looked at the head of the opposite team, it was Sun Chengjie, the leader of the first class. Without saying a word, he kicked the hand on Huang Zheng ’s chest and shouted, “You dead monkey, and I can’t live with my people. Isn’t it a fight?” ? “

Sun Chengjie was slender and long with some bows on his back, and he was indeed quite like a monkey. He saw Ji Yijun’s aggressiveness and came out unwilling to show his weakness: “Fuck you, just bet, my people have already won that pack of cigarettes, obviously you are yours Want to repay! “

“You’re the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the best!” Ji Yijun’s soldiers said angrily, “It’s clear that the crossbow is the same, you should use the same crossbow. , Trapped us in a trap. “

“Yes, unfair games cannot be counted.”

“Surprisingly, hunting crossbows are not crossbows? Good crossbows don’t have to be rotten, but when I’m stupid? You can only blame the school’s crossbows for rotten, not even the guys made of soil.”

Ji Yijun understands what is going on this time. The school’s crossbow is indeed rotten enough, because there is no glass fiber reinforced plastic, and there is no suitable wood and animal materials. The crossbow arm of the school’s first wave of crossbows is made of steel, not only heavy, And the elasticity is very poor. But what about this? He said arrogantly: “Lao Tzu’s people say that you are unfair, that is, unfair, and the gambling is invalid. The smoke is here, and if you have the ability, take it yourself.”

He grabbed the pack of peony cigarettes in Huang Zheng’s hand and threw it to Enrique, and then said: “The opponent is him, and if you are brave enough, go grab it!”

Everyone on the scene knows that Enrique is an infinitely powerful freak. No one can be his opponent except Ji Yijun. Sun Chengjie said emphatically: “Ji Yijun, you will be in a hurry. Have the ability to practice with the horse thief?”

Ji Yijun sneered sneerly: “I have been idle for the past two days, wondering how the horse thief is wandering around, I will go out and grab a tongue and come back and ask clearly, dare you keep up?”

“You … you’re crazy. Don’t you come here.” Sun Chengjie suddenly softened and looked at Ji Yijun in surprise.

Ji Yijun ignored him at all and waved to his subordinates: “Go, let’s not fight with the cowards. Let’s go back and discuss how to get out of the city to catch people.”

“You, don’t be kidding! Do you want to violate Wang Yingchang’s orders? Hey! … you crazy! …… Hey!”

Several people walked on the way back to the station, Huang Zheng said seriously: “Squad leader, you just joked a little bit. Now the fighting may break out at any time, everyone is very anxious, you scare them less.”

“They don’t want to bully you.”

Huang Zhengpi grinned unhappily, “They can’t bully me, you don’t need to make jokes like that.”

Ji Yijun smiled and said, “Who said it was a joke, even if I didn’t have this one today, I’m going to go out and explore. The ugly saying is that if you disagree, I will tie you up!”

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