Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 93 - Night raid

The night was deep, and the cold wind of late autumn made people just want to hide in the house. During the day, there are often teams of horse thieves passing by, and there is no one, but Ji Yijun and his party are still very careful to avoid the road.

Ji Yijun wore a black jacket and black pants. He didn’t have a conventional spear in his hand, but carried a “standard steel knife” of the guards, which was plainly meant to sharpen sharp steel. However, his knife is slightly different from others. The narrow and long blade is faintly blue under the moonlight, which is the power of frost after Morey’s enchantment.

“There is light in the village.” Huang Zheng held the steel crossbow in his hands and hid in the grass. From his position, there was a fire in a house in the dead town of Floro. The swaying and lonely light appeared in an empty town, making people uneasy.

“Is there any villager in the village?” Ji Yijun asked Garcia.

“It’s gone. Except the people avoiding the mountains or the big cities, the rest came to us.” Garcia looked in the direction of Huang Zheng and judged, “That’s Master Julio’s House, they have long taken refuge in Suero. “

“Huh, it must be the outpost of the horse thief. These guys are brave enough to fire here so blatantly. When our guards are all muddy?”

“We used to avoid horse thieves coming and going around the school, and some people were underestimated.” Huang Zheng was dissatisfied with his words. It seems that he was also annoyed by the horse thieves who wander around the school every day See through.

“Go, we touched it and took it.” Ji Yijun got up first and ran lightly towards the middle of the town.

Enrique and Garcia are very familiar with the town. Under their leadership, Ji Yijun and they turned into a house opposite Julio’s house. From the windowsill on the second floor of the house, the movement of the horse thief could be clearly seen.

“There are not many people.” Ji Yijun glanced and saw that only three or four people were walking in the opposite room, and it didn’t seem to be a master, so he was ready to take someone downstairs to attack the house opposite, but he took two steps. Was dragged down by Huang Zheng.

“You promised me when you came out, and you will never be reckless!” Huang Zheng looked at Ji Yijun’s eyes and emphasized word by word.

Ji Yijun replied impatiently: “There are so few people, if there is anything reckless, just rush in and kill it.”

“No! Have to look at it again, what if there is an ambush?” Huang Zheng couldn’t let it go.

“You guys! Well, take a look!” Ji Yijun shook his hand away, squatted by the window sill, and observed the opposite movement with Huang Zheng.

“Five people. Two sit by the fireplace, one comes in and goes out to take food from the kitchen, one whistle on the balcony, and one goes to the next bedroom.” Ji Yijun observed by the window for nearly a quarter of an hour. in conclusion.

“Wait again.” Huang Zheng observed for a while, and said: “It’s six.”

“How do you count, there are just a few people coming and going.”

“It’s a pair of twin brothers who come in and out of the kitchen. You see, the person who took things out of the kitchen this time is different from the previous one. The coat sleeve has a hole in the sleeve, the shirt color changes from gray to dark gray, and the waist ‘S dagger is an inch longer than the previous one, and his beard is shorter … “

“It’s all right …” Ji Yijun looked at Huang Zheng silently. “I’m convinced, can I act now?”

“Should you make a plan?”

“It looks like a group of weak chickens. They rushed in from the main gate and came to fight one by one. Get it!” Ji Yijun replied without thinking, but as soon as he finished talking, he saw Huang Zheng looking at him with contempt. He sighed: “What’s wrong?”

“Squad leader, anyway, you are also a student, can you use your brain a little bit?”

“Just let it go!”

Huang Zheng walked into the room and took some bottles and pots on the ground where the moonlight shined. “You see, this is the front door, this is the back, and here is the balcony. Since there are also people in the kitchen, Enrique attacked from the kitchen. Do n’t let that guy escape, and then go directly to another staircase to solve the guy who sleeps in the bedroom, we will make some movement here, and then lead people to this position to ambush with crossbow arrows. Garcia is waiting at the entrance of this staircase , In case an enemy we did n’t find needs to go downstairs to support him, kill him … “

Huang Zheng said a big pass. After he finished talking, he saw Ji Yijun looking at himself with strange eyes and could not help but touch his face: “Look what?”

“There are two sons, Lao Huang. I really didn’t realize that you are still a personal talent. It’s a set of words.” Ji Yijun turned to Enrique and Garcia. “How much do you understand? If you don’t understand, ask. Then, Follow the instructions of the military division! “

The battle ended quickly. According to Ji Yijun, this was the crush of absolute strength.

There were only two captives, and the two guys in the kitchen and bedroom were killed mercilessly by Enrique. The sentry was shot in the chest by Huang Zheng’s crossbow arrows at close range, and he died shortly after falling down. A horse thief tried to sneak attack with a dagger when Ji Yijun burst into the room, but Ji Yijun wiped his neck instead.

Although the leader of the horse thief is quite capable of martial arts, he was still knocked out of the ground by Ji Yijun and Enrique. The last horse thief did not resist, but immediately surrendered to save his life.

Garcia and Enrique tied the two horse thieves to their chairs, but turned around and saw that Ji Yijun was missing. Garcia touched her head and said: “Vice squad leader, doesn’t the squad leader interrogate them?”

A smile appeared on Huang Zheng’s face: “The squad leader … I’m going to check around and see if there are any enemies in hiding. Let us leave the matter here.”

With that, he broke out a dagger from the hands of the twins and walked towards the horse thief.

Ji Yijun squatted in the corner of the garden at the back of the house and vomited dimly.

He vomited again for a while, feeling that he was relieved, leaning on a stone bench in the garden, struggling to turn his head to the other side, not smelling the smell.

auzw.com When fighting, he was full of blood and spirit, and he felt that he had infinite strength to vent, but when he saw the guy who cut off half of his neck afterwards, he found that he seemed Not so strong.

Bloody air came across his face, rolled skin, overflowing blood stains, and godless eyes all gave him a strong stimulation. Suddenly he felt an indescribable sense of guilt.

Even if he told him rationally, he did it right. His instinct tells him that he loves to fight, but when he kills a person with his own hands, there is a kind of guilt that keeps him from staying with him. The first thing to respond to this guilt is his stomach.

This made him very ashamed, he always thought he was a born warrior, there should be a heroic man who drank the blood of the enemy, but the body betrayed him for the first time. Before he spit out, he escaped faster than he rushed in, and at that time, he saw Huang Zheng smiled at him slightly.

This **** made him proud! On weekdays, it looks like a nerd, but staying at the murderous site is like no one else. They all say that the most ruthless are the readers, so he really makes sense.

Ji Yijun gasped, looking at the sky, thinking back about today’s affairs, and found that Huang Zheng was really a good guy. To prevent himself from failing in school, he volunteered to follow him, and there were not many people with such courage in school. Dare to keep up when you see the enemy, and really do n’t hesitate to kill. In addition to being more cautious and nagging, you should be considered a good person.

Ji Yijun called his favorite people good people. He was thinking about it like this, Huang Zheng’s eyebrows didn’t seem so annoying.

After a while, he suddenly heard a rush of running sound, and turned his head to look at it, but Huang Zheng stood breathlessly in front of him.

“You hurt? Why is there a **** smell on your body.” Ji Yijun stood up and asked.

Huang Zheng spoke anxiously: “The blood of the dead. One of the two captives died, but only bad news was asked.”

Ji Yijun’s eyes widened and he looked up and down at Huang Zheng: “You, you forced the confession? Then, the person was completely killed? You will not be a hidden pervert.”

“What time is it, bullshit?” Huang Zheng smiled, “The enemy is coming tonight! The horse thief is about to attack!”

Hearing here Ji Yijun also took it seriously, “How much time?”

“I don’t know, they said it was tonight, these people were all sent by the horse thief Cadiz to meet the other gang thieves.”

“That is to say, it is not Cadiz’s own team that is planning to occupy this town?” Ji Yijun thought, “I heard that Cadiz is the most powerful horse thief, what about his own team?”

Huang Zheng said: “The man said he didn’t know, but I think it’s also obvious that he must have attacked the school from other roads. This was a long-planned night raid. With no delay to attack, let us gradually paralyze. Until we are the most tired day, come a sudden attack in all directions. “

Ji Yijun fell silent, as if thinking about something.

“Squad leader, let’s go. Take the captive back to school first.” Huang Zheng saw Garcia and Enrique had already escorted the horse-thief with the swollen nose down the stairs.

Ji Yijun still looked at the ground without speaking.

“Squad leader!”

Ji Yijun suddenly looked up and asked seriously: “Lao Huang, you know I was stunned by someone, and then received a letter?”

“What about it? It’s too late if you don’t leave.”

“Wait, I think of a very important thing!” Ji Yijun said with a chin on his chin. “Those people are obviously not with the horse thief. Why didn’t they appear after the letter was sent?”

“Perhaps, someone from a third-party force wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?” Huang Zheng also calmed down and analyzed together.

“Unlike, I think they are on our side and will be involved in this matter. I have fought with them and it feels like this.”

“Also, in the eyes of outsiders, the magician’s castle may not be weaker than the horse thief, and providing information to reduce the loss of the magician should be a kind of show. If you personally help at a critical moment, the situation will be greater. But What does our situation matter? “

“If they might help us, and I met them in this town …”

“Do you want to stay outside the school and catch up with them? Then use their power to fight against the horse thief together?” Huang Zheng said with surprise.

“Hey, I also know that there are dangers, but if you say that, that’s the case.” Ji Yijun scratched his head. “Maybe they were only going to look at it, and I can convince them to shoot as soon as possible. Even if they didn’t meet them Maybe you can assassinate a leader or something. “

“You are just …” Huang Zheng pointed to Ji Yijun, not knowing what to say for a while.

Ji Yijun suddenly reached out to make him restless and listened to himself. There seemed to be a sound in the silence of the night, a buzzing sound like a mosquito flying low, and then the sound slowly sounded, far away The earth began to tremble and tremble.

That was the sound of the horses approaching.

“They’re here, we can’t go back.” Ji Yijun smiled a little with excitement, and his eyebrows were burning, but he was a little happy to see Huang Zheng’s anger badly broken.

“Asshole, asshole! How did I meet a lunatic like you!” Huang Zheng pulled out his dagger angrily, pointing at Ji Yijun scolding.

Afterwards, he stabbed in the heart of the horse thief’s captive and said to Garcia bitterly, “The body is thrown here! Find a horn that you know, we will all hide!”

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