Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 95 - Ignite

Wang Jiyuan turned around and saw Morey dressed in a white lab coat and dressed as a scientific researcher entering the headquarters. He put Morella to the window and tucked the telescope in his hand again, pointing to the distant platform and asking, “Look, what are they doing?”

Morey held the telescope and observed, after a while he judged: “This is a wild mage, looks not very level, with the power of the scroll to build this high platform, I guess he is going to release attacks on us on the high platform magic.”

Sure enough, a few minutes later, many people successively climbed to the high platform. They erected a flagpole on the high platform, hung a **** scimitar flag, and the figure in the robe took another scroll. Appears and begins to cast spells. The light spot revealed this time is red.

“What he wants to release is a siege magic. This kind of magic release is very slow, but powerful.” He pulled up the sleeve slightly to reveal a mechanical watch. “It takes about 20 minutes to fully release this magic. “

“Siege magic? How powerful is it.” Ji Xun asked.

“According to this magic pattern … it should be a large multi-burst fireball.” Morey’s expression was grim. “This magic can probably cover the size of the entire playground. If it hits the position, it will be enough to instantly everyone in the position. Burned into coke. If you hit this building, it is enough to burn the whole building. “

“It’s all caught up with the bomb. It’s dangerous to have a few more of our positions.” Wang Jiyuan frowned.

Morey said: “One is already the limit. Judging from the speed with which his gestures and Mageweave are completed, he used this reel with reluctance. Once the magic is released, his mental power will definitely be exhausted. And this kind of The scrolls of siege magic are very rare, and there are not necessarily a few in the hands of the general aristocracy. It is really strange that there will be a wild mage using this scroll to deal with us. I do n’t believe he can take the second one. “

“Then the defense magic array you arranged in advance can resist?” Wang Jiyuan asked.

“As long as I control the defensive circle by myself, it should be possible.” Morey nodded slightly. “But limited to time and materials, the magic circle only covers the main position area at the gate. Other places can’t be considered. For example, you Will not work. “

“Do you want people from other positions to withdraw first?” Ji Xun looked anxiously at the demon pattern still flashing red light, it became brighter and brighter.

“Can’t withdraw! The enemy may just want us to do this. What if the horse thief makes a surprise attack while we retreat?” Wang Jiyuan vetoed.

“But if the thing falls on our heads, we can’t afford such a loss, at least we must withdraw the main force. One or two observation posts are left at each position. If the enemy attacks, we will grab the position again.” Ji Xun argued Road.

Wang Jiyuan closed his brows and thought down, “Maybe, we can think of another way …”

“Are you going to send someone to raid the mage? This is also a way. Although the attacker is very dangerous, it is better than putting everyone in danger. Camp commander, let me lead the team!” Ji Xun After seeing the horse thief wandering around the school, “It’s feasible to dive through the ditch beside the road.”

“Where do you want to go? This is death. We have fewer people and fewer guns, and we can’t afford this kind of consumption!” Wang Jiyuan raised his head and said, “We can think in reverse, rather than avoiding it, we must force him to attack the main position and other positions It ’s naturally safe. “

Ji Xun touched his chin hard, his face puzzled. But Morey’s eyes lit up, and he seemed to think of something.

“You mean, give him a reason to have to attack the main position? For example, there is an important target on the main position?” Morey narrowed his eyes. “This is a good way, if the magic against him appears on the main position Master, he must first attack there. Otherwise, another master will fight back and he will be in danger. “

“Can you?” Wang Jiyuan and Ji Xun looked at Morey together.

“Yes.” Morey sneered. “No one knows how to pretend to be a powerful magician better than me.”


Zhang Hong wore a gray-yellow linen shirt, rickety, standing beside Cadiz. He was not upright enough, and he lacked the spirit, and the kind of flattering spirit that emerged from his eyes, like a dirt dog beside the tall Cadiz.

However, the situation is stronger than people. He comforted himself over and over again, it was not easy to survive.

His original underwear had long become Awan’s booty. And this piece was taken by Awan from a dead ghost under a knife, and the dried blood stains on it made Zhang Hong wash for a long time. But no matter how you wash it, the dark red marks still spread all over him, just like the blood of the companion on his hand.

auzw.com The platform was very cold, and a cold wind blew, Zhang Hong felt that his chest was chilling, and the crowd around him and the swaying fire could not give him a little warmth. He touched his heart with his nail-cut right hand. There was a hole in his clothes. He heard that the heart of the dead ghost had been taken out by Awan.

Zhang Hong recovered, and glanced at the magician casting a spell in front of him. This bloated guy was named Andrew. It was Cadiz who paid a large price to release the scroll. The level is not high, but people are very arrogant. But listening to Awan and Orville, this is already the wild master with the highest level of magic they can find.

Zhang Hong was very close to him, and he could clearly see the swollen blue muscles and sweat beads on the magician’s head.

For a moment, he thought of rushing up to knock down the guy and interrupt his spell. The magician sternly warned the horse thieves that the spellcasting must not be interrupted, otherwise the bite will be extremely terrifying.

Perhaps it is a decent end to be home to a magician.

But soon, he smiled self-deprecatingly again, and since he strangled Hong Lifeng, he couldn’t get on with the “hero”. Let’s make up a villain.

What’s more … more than ten guards waiting for him, where can he break through.

“You said you never knew what defensive circle there was in this castle. I haven’t believed it. It’s time to see the difference now.” Cadiz interrupted Zhang Hong’s speculation and knocked on Zhang Hong’s shoulder with a whip.

“Master Cadiz, it’s not me who wants to hide you. I’m not high enough to really know those things. Maybe, maybe they made another one.” Zhang Hong bowed lower and didn’t dare to look at each other’s eyes.

“Well, if there is a magic circle, the castle has to be taken down. In order to get this scroll, I paid the price of a mine. I hope it can help us open a large enough gap.”

“Maybe … you can talk to them first, and I am willing to be your representative. Maybe you can get what you want without losing any manpower.” Zhang Hong tried.

Cadiz turned his head and looked at Zhang Hong for a while with an idiot, then raised his hand to a whip on his face. Zhang Hong’s screaming was squeezed by Cadiz before he even called it out. He raised his neck and said, “Don’t play tricks with me, your poor little brain is fart in front of me. Negotiate to get what I want? This kind of idea is only available to you like a coward. I am a Horse thief, the horse thief wants something not to rely on the mouth, only the knife! The adults look down on me, the untouchables hate me to die! But I will grab the entire magician’s castle to be its master, and I will let the people in the castle creep Under my feet, licking my boots to survive. Negotiations? Let those who wear their mouths die! “

Zhang Hong was choked out of breath, and spit hardly: “I … I … just want to make your people, less, less hurt by the magician …. I … should not talk , Please … spare, spare … me. “

Cadiz sneered: “Do you think I haven’t killed a magician, a well-prepared magician may be very powerful, but as long as those mysterious things are left behind, the magician is just a group of weak chickens.”

“Besides, will I be afraid of the dead? Hahaha …” Cadiz threw Zhang Hong on the ground and told Orville, who was by his side, “You should be ready, these three broken magic arrows can’t be wasted .You also know how many people died when we explored the ruins. You must use them to kill all the rising magicians, otherwise I ca n’t spare you, do you understand? “

Orville wore a black suit and rode on a black horse. He was tied with a big bow on his back. He carefully put three black arrows into the arrow pot. These arrows were built with extraterrestrial meteorites to repel all magic. Unless the magician puts on thick armor, ordinary magic shields cannot stop their breakthrough. Orville smashed his chest with his fist, and hit the horse into the darkness.

“Look, Orville is the best hunter under my hand. He can use his grudge to evade the hardest bow. No one can avoid the arrows he shoots in secret, as long as the magicians on the opposite side are led by the dear Mr. Andrew. When they came out, their death was over, “Cadiz said, looking at Orville’s direction.

At this time, Awan ran over and reported to Cadiz in his rude voice: “Boss, the first group of horse thieves has been selected. Once the opening is blown, they will charge.”

“Don’t they object?”

“Everyone is shirtless and ready to charge. The price you gave is too good. Let them get 20% of all treasures. For this, they are all ready to make a living.”

“Okay. After a while you will bring someone to follow, and if you have to escape, you will cut it. We can’t let individual cowards spoil everyone’s morale.”

Awan smiled horribly, he took off the big knife on his back, waved a few times in the air, and stuck on the ground in front of him.

Zhang Hong fell to the ground and coughed with his hands holding his throat. He found that he was nothing to Cadiz. He didn’t even believe what he said. If he didn’t need a conquered witness, I’m afraid he was already in a different place.

This is a paranoid madman. He wanted to occupy the school with all his heart. This was the case at the beginning. The horse thieves who were tempted by his interests were just a group of cannon fodder.

Looking at the distant school, Zhang Hong’s heart sank to the bottom.

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