Above the Seven Towers

z1Chapter 22: Mercenary destiny

Thor ran on the road, followed by seven or eight mercenaries. They climbed the wall out of the camp from a corner and ran all the way to Suero.

“Sol, Sol, us, why do we go to Suero, cough, what if the slaves attack the city?” Asked a fat mercenary who was running out of breath.

“We have nothing but clothes, how to run a long way, you idiot. You have to go to Suero to get some equipment. You all follow me closely. This time I was blind, I took the wrong task, you lost I ’ll beg you to pay for your own equipment! ”Saul was struggling, and it was easy to speak.

This promise rejuvenated the mercenaries who had a very low morale. A big mercenary laughed happily and praised, “Sol, I will recognize you as the boss in the future. Anyway, if you can escape from the slaves, you have real skills. And And we need to add our equipment. I will serve a good man like you! ”

“Yes! Boss Saul didn’t say anything! You can still get the business of the elves. Alas, if this time is just blocked by the **** **** embryos. We’ll finish the task.” A thin maid Bing agreed.

“Yeah.” The fat man said, “That’s right, but it’s a pity those elves. They, they are so beautiful, I feel itchy all the way.”

The fat man’s words resonated a lot, and several mercenaries lamented, hoping to replace them with Ralph.

Saul listened in his ears, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

The thin man suddenly remembered something, and then he slapped his head and asked, “That’s right, boss. If the elves escaped this time, would they go back and say this, would there be any trouble? I heard that those elves are the shortest. If the elves who were chasing to save people behind knew about it, they would n’t find us. ”

“You too underestimate the slaves. These beautiful women fell into the hands of hundreds of strong men. Can they fall well? Can’t be killed tonight.” The big mercenary disdain, “Cable Boss, are you saying this? ”

“Let’s take care of ourselves first.” Sol ran across a small slope, Suero’s outer city was already in sight. However, in front of the outer city, facing the direction of the slave camp, a large group of knights appeared.

The knights were about four or five hundred people, all dressed in exquisite leather armor with exquisite magic patterns, a compound bow of about one and five meters on the back, a long sword around his waist, and a blue cape on his body. A cyclone-like mark was carved on each of their breastplates.

The cavalry apparently also saw Sol and others. They separated a team of ten, turned their horses, and ran towards them extremely quickly.

“Boss. Here, who is this? They seem to be coming to us, should we avoid it?” The fat man stuttered.

Saul smiled slightly and said, “No.”

While the others were still hesitant, the thin mercenary stepped back, sneaked back a few steps, and fled desperately as soon as he turned around.

Everyone else panicked when they saw it, and the strong Han Potter also backed away, saying, “Boss Sol, I think, I’ll go outside the city first. I know a farmer. There……”

Saul shook his head and sighed, “Why are you guys?”

In an instant, his grudge broke out, and the man rushed towards Potter like a cannonball, using his hand as a sword, and stroking in Potter’s throat, flesh and blood burst from there. At this time, the strength he showed was actually several times stronger than when fighting the slaves!

Several other mercenaries screamed and fled, and Sol did not catch up, just stood still with a sneer. The cavalry rushed over and turned a blind eye to him. They all crossed his side and chased the mercenaries separately.

The mercenaries had no weapons at all, and had no power to fight back in front of the cavalry. In fact, even if they are fully armed, they will certainly not be able to resist these cavalry who have already started fighting.

Several bowstrings sounded, including the first skinny who fled, and the mercenaries were shot down on the ground. The chasers who pursued did not just let them go. They all rushed forward and cut off their heads.

In less than two minutes, all mercenaries were killed.

The cavalrymen gathered around Dossall and dismounted to salute one after another. “I have seen the Centurion.”

Saul nodded, straddling a horse and heading towards the cavalry. He has seen that the person he wants to meet is under heavy protection by the cavalry.

“Drew, work hard.” The priest Roland smiled and looked at the pseudonym “Sol”, a Drew Centurion dressed as a mercenary.


Drew performed a knightly salute like the priest of Roland, reporting: “Adults, elves have been surrounded by crazy slaves, they used the” Guardian Seed “to start a war, no matter whether they ended up dead or not Alright, the lords behind the slave traders will surely know that this riot was a disaster caused by the elves. ”

“Very good. We have nothing to do with the elves here.”

“Yes. It has nothing to do with it. All the mercenaries I recruited are already dead.”

“According to your understanding, is it enough for the half blast knights under Deputy Commander Garrison to completely eliminate the slave riot?”

“Enough. Although there are some masters in the slaves, after all, they are a crowd of people, as long as they come up to defeat them … the matter of chasing and killing is the strength of our blast knight.”

“Okay. After a while, you don’t want to participate in the action to kill the slaves, or you will be recognized by the people who are interested.” Roland waved his hand and drew back.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Gano couldn’t help but ask: “Adult. After all, many slave owners know that we have distributed medicine there. Will they doubt that we gave the slave an antidote?”

Roland smiled, “Gano, this kind of speculation without evidence is meaningless. You remember that in a political game, even if you know it secretly, you can’t wait for the other party to die, but everyone in the face always has to pass. If Who hastily raised the tablecloth, it is to find a way to death. Now, the elves have settled the role of the dead ghost, and everyone knows that the Temple of Nature and the elves have always been very different, no one has any reason to blame us. ”

“But that might add some unseen enemies to us.”

“There is nothing in the world that can prove you better than an” enemy “. Don’t be afraid of being afraid of making an enemy. A person without an enemy is sad. This shows that he has neither greed nor interest. There are not enough threats, what is the meaning of such a life? ”

Gano seemed to be refreshed by this remark, and he nodded for a moment.

“Okay, wait with peace of mind. The Knights of the Wind has blocked the road at both ends of the camp. When the slaves ran out of the camp, it was time for us to fight the riot slaves. After a few days, the local power was the most powerful and opposed us most. All slave traders have been wiped out, and we appear as Suero ’s savior, and it ’s time for the Temple of Nature to control Suero ’s outer city. ”


It was nearly dusk, and the sunset and the sunset had dyed the earth **** rose. Suddenly a horse’s head emerged from the top of the hillside, then saw a knight riding a horse over the hillside, and then one horse’s head came out, and I saw more than fifty cavalry, protecting two four-wheelers Carriage, approach here. Behind them are more walking soldiers. They wear all kinds of armor, wear different coats of arms, and hold arms that are not uniform in length. They form a line of six people and follow the car. These fighters were obviously not trained in a queue. A simple long line was skewed and twisted, but it can be seen by visual observation that these people are physically strong and have good morale.

Garrison, the deputy head of the Blast Knights, had already put his knight on board, ready to charge. But the team in front of him made him a little puzzled. Is this really a riot slave? Or a private army of a certain lord? After all, in his imagination, the rioting slaves should be gangsters carrying money and holding women, right?

Seeing the movements here, the knight across from him shouted a few times. The slowly moving infantry stopped and began to stand in several square formations under the command of several knights. Some people kept turning over the hillside to join the square array lined up.

The two carriages were surrounded by a dozen cavalrymen and drove over the position of the Knights of the Blast.

“Who are you! Report your identity!” Garrison pulled the team to the front and asked loudly that his roar used unique fighting skills, and his voice was extremely loud, even the people on the hillside felt that someone was there There was a big scream in the ear, and the team was a bit chaotic.

“In the carriage are Master Xiao Chen, Master Luo Ling, and the three heads of the Juan, Bart, and Lynch families! Who are you?” Roger also shouted loudly, even though he was not as good as Gary. Mori, but because of the close distance, the horses of the Knights were also agitated a little uncomfortably.

Magician? Garrison was a little confused. I don’t know what this is. He thought about it and said, “I am Garrison, deputy commander of the Knights of the Tempest of the Temple of Nature, and the blast knight. Please ask the mage to come and answer.”

The carriage slowly stopped in front of the battlefield. The two knights dismounted and opened the door. Xiao Chen and Luo Ling in the mage robe walked off the carriage. After this **** day, Xiao Chen had a bit of wind and frost on his face, and his eyes were tired. Just like a piece of pig iron, it was hammered hard. The iron is still that piece of iron, but essential changes have taken place. On the contrary, Luo Ling still looks like the morning. She trailed behind Xiao Chen lazily. Like a cat following an old dog.

“Knights of the Blast Knights?” Xiao Chen looked at Garrison and nodded. “We are masters from Montenegro, come to visit the old friend Master Ikasa. By the way, add some soldiers and slaves to my castle. work.”

Hearing Master Icasa, Garrison knew how difficult it was for the people in front of him. He pointed to the five large squares that had been assembled on the hillside not far away, and asked, “Mr. Master, you visit Friends, are you still carrying the army? ”

“You mean them?” Xiao Chen grinned. “That’s all the slaves I bought.”

“The slave you bought?” Garrison’s eyes widened, and his eyes almost fell to the ground.

“Hah, I bought a bit more.”

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