Above the Seven Towers

z1Chapter 24: Assignments

Out of the city of Suero, Xiao Chen and Luo Ling finally found Chen Hansheng and his party.

They occupied a cargo yard, and Shi Hao and several companions held the gate with guns. Seeing Xiao Chen coming, they shouted excitedly.

Immediately Chen Hansheng and Li Jia rushed out of the goods yard.

Chen Hansheng hugged Xiao Chen fiercely, and Shi Hao and Li Jia also came over and hugged him. The relationship between people is particularly close in this foreign land. Li Jia will never do this kind of action on earth. However, at this time he saw Xiao Chen again, but he felt sorry for not worrying about him if he did not hug him.

“It’s sad to die for us.” Li Jia looked at Xiao Chen and Luo Ling, and when they saw them all in order, they showed a happy expression. He said with a bit of sigh: “We were all talking about business, but Suddenly it was spreading outside that there was a riot in the slave market, and it did n’t take long for the merchants to flee. We knew that you would be in danger when you went to the slave market early in the morning, which scared us a lot. We wanted to go to you, but Lao Chen insisted on not letting us pass. He took us to occupy the next yard in the outer city, and he was ready for Kuai Ma. He said that it was here to wait for the news. If we run over, it will only add chaos.

“Yo, this is the case. I said it long ago, and believe in your partner. See you now? It’s okay!” Chen Hansheng smiled, “However, Karanda? How come you three of the past, Only two back? ”

“Lao Chen, don’t worry. She’s okay. There are things outside that need her to stare at.” Luo Ling said.

“I’ll just say, Kalanda is a real master. You Xiao Chen is also a decent magician. It should always be okay to escape. Don’t blame me for not sending someone to meet you. Shi Hao, they are all ordinary. People, Li Jia ’s magic is not yet in place. I ’m afraid I wo n’t find you but I will fall into it. I have to be responsible for everyone. ”Chen Hansheng put away his laughter and said sincerely.

Xiao Chen nodded and said: “You did it right, Lao Chen. Fortunately they did not come. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

“What happened inside? What is the situation now? Do you need to retreat immediately?”

“No. Actually, not only do you not have to retreat, but you all need to help the reception staff. We can do a big business inside.”

Five minutes later, everyone stared at Xiao Chen and Luo Ling dumbfounded.

“Nearly five thousand people? My obedient one, was turned over by you so penniless? This business is absolutely impossible!” This is Chen Hansheng’s admiration.

“It’s not easy to settle 5,000 people at once near our school.” This is Li Jia’s problem.

“So many people are not easy to manage. It’s like a time bomb. If you don’t know it, it explodes.” This is Shi Hao’s perspective.

“So, I think we have to take a few steps,” Xiao Chen analyzed. “We have more than 20 people ourselves. There are more than 40 mercenaries led by Kalanda. Roger and his dozen men can also One use. ”

“There is Celinda,” Li Jia added. “She has more than ten guards walking with us.”

“If you can persuade her, you can also consider it.” Xiao Chen laughed, “I have promoted some strong and obedient slaves, there are nearly 200 people. After a while, the separation from the same slave camp was broken up, Formed into squadrons and squadrons of brigades. Arrange our people and elite slaves to be leaders at all levels, as long as the organization is set up, the people will be managed. ”

Chen Hansheng agreed: “On average, three people have to manage fifty, just like a teacher in a class.

“It seems okay in this way. Besides, we have guns and weapons.” Shi Hao was relieved at this time.

Xiao Chen shook his head and said: “The key to our ability to control these people is not that we have weapons, but because of two things: the first is that the key to their current lives is on us. The second is their hope for a better life in the future It ’s still with us. I brought a lot of supplies from the slave camp, including food and clothing. As long as these things are in our hands, they have to be obedient if they want to eat. I also promised that when they arrive at our school, It will give them fields, seeds and tools to give them the opportunity to feed themselves. Those who do n’t farm will also get other jobs, or become warriors or workers. This is much more than their own hope of escaping to live. This is In the feudal era, any lord and freeman could be executed and escaped slaves. When they were out of Suero, they would not be able to do anything unless they went to the wilderness. I promised them that they would work for us for five years, or gain warfare, and they could get rid The identity of the slaves is what we can control them. ”

“Xiao Chen. You said that these people haven’t gotten through the committee, and you have directly granted the benefits. Will there be any problems?” Li Jia worried.

“It’s a big deal if you are a big deal. If you wait until the meeting is over, the daylily will be cold.” Chen Hansheng defended Xiao Chen. “Anyway, you think there will be 5,000 slaves standing at the school gate, which officer The master came out and said no? Who dares? Let’s stop debating now. Hurry up and split up, it seems there are more things. ”

“Yes. I already have some ideas. If everyone has no opinion, I may have a lot of work to ask everyone to help.” Xiao Chen saw everyone nodded in agreement, so he began to assign work: “Li Jia, you go to Jin Mo Li The Chamber of Commerce asked Baron Goya to say hello. We are going to buy all their tents, food and clothes. We are old friends and let them bring me all the goods under the box. ”

“Yes, we are all grasshoppers tied to a rope, and they will do their best.” Li Jia agreed.

Xiao Chen said to Shi Hao again: “Shi Hao went to see the city owner and asked him to come forward and deploy the tents and supplies in the Baron Gregorian army. I know this is a bit difficult …”

Luo Ling smiled slightly, “There won’t be any difficulties, they will understand that if they don’t cooperate, the slaves are frozen, hungry, and then make trouble, this city wall may not be able to resist. You can be tougher.”

auzw.com “I get it.” Shi Hao laughed, “I want to negotiate something, I guess I can’t do it well, it’s scary to pick up the rack, I’m sure it’s ok. Among the guards you are looking for, pick a few tough ones, wear them well, and follow me as a background. Do n’t look scared to death. ”

Xiao Chen gave a thumbs-up and said to Luo Ling: “Master Icasa is only familiar to you except me. We don’t need him to do anything, and explain the situation to him and let him keep the parties stable. ”

“You can rest assured. Maybe I can help you borrow some magic apprentices.”

Xiao Chen was stunned: “Can I still play like this?”

Luo Ling blinked, “Look at me.”

“By the way, there are also notices that the dwarf blacksmith Farrell and his family will evacuate with us.”

“Relax, he has long been a member of the Golden Jasmine Chamber of Commerce.”

“Old Chen. Now there is another opportunity for you to make a profit. As long as the slaves have not left and are still outside the city, many businessmen will be uneasy. Those distant merchants must still want to leave this right and wrong place as soon as possible. . Some of them must be willing to sell the goods at a low price. You bring a few business people to ask for a lap, we want all the cheaper goods. We are now big plates, everything is missing, shipped from the slave camp There are a lot of belongings out there, you just spend them. ”

“I like this business. I will let them shed some blood.” Chen Hansheng promised once he patted his chest.

“So what are you going to do?” Li Jia asked Xiao Chen.

“There are nearly five thousand slaves outside. Only by seeing me can they be assured.”

Just when Xiao Chen was leaving, Li Jia held him and whispered to him: “Xiao Chen, Celinda wants to talk to you about slaves.”

“It’s she who volunteered to help us manage the slaves, did she take the initiative?” Xiao Chen knew that there was a problem inside.

“Hey. The people there are idle and idle. Just listen to what she said.”

“You guys, friends of color and light, don’t know they will be sold by you someday.”

Li Jia blushed without saying anything, and hurriedly pulled Xiao Chen upside down on the corner of the goods yard. Celinda was wearing a light leather armor and was waiting there.

When she saw Xiao Chen, she opened the door and said: “I want some slaves from you.”


“Yes, want, not buy, in other words, I hope you send me some slaves.” Celinda said.

Xiao Chen was quite surprised. He didn’t understand the current situation. He glanced at Li Jia, who spread his hands.

Xiao Chen asked: “Can you tell me the reason?”

“You destroyed the house of our family and occupied the land of my house. Now you transport these people back to Montenegro. The house they want to live in and the land they want to plant are all on the land of my house. Originally, you didn’t have much supplies. , Turnover is difficult, I did not force you to compensate and buy land. But now you have made a fortune, now that there are so many slaves, are you not ready to settle this matter? “Celinda’s tone was calm, but in the words The meaning outside the words is a little aggressive.

However, Xiao Chen knew that what she said was correct, and this was also a question that the school had been considering, that is, how to take down the land around the school or create a fait accompli without trying to be wicked with Count Arias. Let the school have its own development space. This is the most important purpose of the foreign affairs team to meet the count. Now the only daughter of the earl made this request, which is understandable. But … Xiao Chen thought about it and asked, “What are you going to do with slaves?”

After hearing this question, Celinda froze and asked, “What else can you do? Of course, it is to enrich the population of the territory. The Earl’s territory is actually very large, and there are large areas of unreclaimed land. These land can only be cultivated by people To get food and wealth. ”

“Don’t you nobles always buy slaves all the time? I think the slave traders are doing very well.”

When Xiao Chen asked here, Celinda said flatly: “Slave is asking for money, and you are not afraid of your jokes. The nobles all know that this Earl of Arias only knows how to spend money … Never have money. What money to buy a new slave! In the last four or five years in the family, some additional slaves are not the way I think. In short, I only need a small head this time to divide my 1,000 ordinary slaves, less than five fifths. One, the market price is about 10,000 gold coins. In the future, Montenegro and the Lord Viscount are all yours. You are a magician, we do not need you to take the Arias as the lord, just a simple land Trading. What do you think? ”

In Celinda’s view, this was a trade that both parties could afford. Anyway, Xiao Chen’s slaves came easily, so why not settle the matter of the territory rightly?

However, Xiao Chen thought for a while and shook his head: “Sorry, I can’t sell.”

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