Above the Seven Towers

z1Chapter 41: A secret

Cole walked quickly in the secret road, immediately following the figure that appeared and disappeared in front. He is like a leopard, tracking his prey in the forest, cautious, elegant, and ready to go. He chanted a few mantras softly, and then added a fast-track technique to his body, which greatly increased the strength of his legs, the breath of his lungs was smooth, and he didn’t feel tired when he ran.

He did not run at full strength, because his prey Orville was previously seriously injured by the swordsman, and in the archer and archer duel, he hit a poisoned arrow. Longan frog’s toxin is powerful but not deadly, and can make that guy completely lose combat power. If it were n’t Orville ’s support, he would have fallen to the ground.

However, Cole still dare not carelessly, the man in front of the difficult dodge, with a sneak attack, actually killed the skilled swordsman with A Wan, such a person is enough to be vigilant.

“You can’t run away. Better stop, I will give you a happy ending.” Cole shouted towards the front.

The man ’s breath in front seemed to be heavier, and Cole continued to work harder: “Do n’t you think your steps are getting heavier? Give up. Should n’t you calm down when you return to the God of Nature?”

The answer to him was an arrow shot by Orville from the back, but the arrow crooked before Cole’s eyes.

However, Cole was not impressed by it, and he still followed behind, who knew if this arrow was a trap for enemies? Patience is the most important quality of a hunter.

In the follow-up, Orville fired two more arrows and stumbled. The distance between the two was reduced. The doubt in Cole’s mind faded away, and he knew the horse thief was over.

The prey was already extremely weak. Cole felt that the time had come. He was worried that it would be dragged on. Any master or monster would suddenly come out of this complex underground palace, so he drew out a short sword, accelerated it, and rushed over.

Cole always enjoys the moment of the last blow, at that moment, the dirty flesh and blood will turn into touching gold coins.

But as he overtook half the distance, Orville jerked and bowed, and his eyes glared at Cole without any sign of weakness.

Damn it! Cole’s sweat all exploded at this moment.

In an instant, a sharp arrow was shot from Orville’s bow and went straight to his face!

The arrow is coming, and the sound of the tearing air has come. Cole is very familiar with this sound, which is a phenomenon that is caused by a strong grudge wrapped around the arrow. Being hit by such an arrow, it is light to open a big hole in the body.

The arrow came too quickly, too suddenly, and was inevitable.

On the occasion of a desperate attack, Cole clapped a ring that he started to use, and a seemingly indistinct light flowed out of the ring, which immediately wrapped his upper body. The fatal arrow hitting the light was like plunging into a jelly. Not only did the speed slow down, but the direction was also deflected.

The arrow flew against Cole’s long ears, taking away a flesh of flesh from his ears with the roar.

Orville, who shot the arrow, dimmed his eyes, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Then the long bow in his hand fell to the ground, and the man fell to the ground straight.

Cole did not dare to support this time. He stared at each other ’s hands and walked over slowly. First, he kicked the long bow away, and then pressed his short sword against his neck, slowly turning his Turn your body over.

Orville looked miserable, with blood in his mouth and nose, eyes half-open and half-closed, with no spirit, when he breathed, the sound in his lungs was like a broken bellows.

He raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at Cole, and then actually laughed. However, the action of laughing was also extravagant for him, perhaps choked by blood, and after a few laughs, he began to cough violently.

The laughter made Cole uncomfortable, and he felt it was a mockery of his mistake. He flipped his hand and stuck his dagger on Orville’s thigh.

“I am a fair person. You have wasted a body ring. I naturally have to charge some interest.” He said shamelessly.

Orville’s face was painful, and he opened his mouth like an injured beast, showing his teeth clenching together. But he did not make a sound.

“Give me tough guys at this time? Don’t want to obey me? Huh, the guy who is capable of forcing his luck to break through the medicine is really not an ordinary person. I think your blood vessels are almost exploding?” Cole Road.

“Cough, everyone is going to die, what kind of body do you care about, cough, but unfortunately there is no broken magic arrow, otherwise you are the one who died.” Orville whispered, he knew that many parts of his body had already been grudged It’s broken, even if it takes back a life, it will retreat.

“You know how expensive this thing is! I now wish to stab you with dozens of knives!” Cole pressed the dagger deeper, Orville leaned back on his neck, and the green bars on it trembling violently. But the next second, Cole’s hand just loosened a little, he coughed up two blood, and continued to laugh choppyly.

Cole stood up and kicked him fiercely, kicking Orville rickety. He then walked back and forth a few steps: “It can’t be cheaper for you, otherwise I will lose money this time!”

Orville didn’t care about him anymore, but gasped on the ground.

Cole coldly said: “You are more powerful, you are not going to die? First you followed the wrong person, and then went to the wrong place. The magicians paid for your head, so you must die today.

He danced a sword flower with the dagger in his hand, and then continued: “However, there are various ways to die. Although you live more uncomfortably than death, I think you always hope that you will die faster. If you Willing to share some secrets with me, I promise to make you die neatly. ”

Orville turned his head hard and spit out blood: “Oh, the secret … whatever the secret, why should I tell you? A man who wants to kill me, a shameless mercenary.”

“Maybe because I can make you die terribly. Maybe because I can make your enemies feel better.” Playing with the dagger, he pointed at Orville’s thigh.

“My enemy?”

“Those magicians, and those behind you who encouraged you to attack the magician’s castle.”

“You’re striking your employer’s attention, damn. Cough.” Orville coughed for a while. The blood had wet his half-length clothes. He encouraged to support his body, staring at Cole and asked, “It seems I ’m so lucky that they hired you as an asshole. ”


“Conscience? When I came out as a mercenary, there wasn’t much left in my conscience. I did all kinds of dirty work and held my conscience. It is estimated that I can’t live for a month.” : “Ninety-nine out of at least one hundred are like this, there is another one, you can’t meet it.”

“Cough, let me hear, what secret do you want to know?”

“Very simple, two questions. First, who instructed you to attack the castle? I know that Cadiz is a very cautious person. His team has always been alone, blindly gathering horse thieves for a big vote, not His style. ”

Orville stared at him, as if to understand his mind.

“You said that behind the scenes, I can sell the magicians a good deal, let him bear the magician’s revenge, and then you have revenge too?”

“I don’t know, it was Cadiz’s decision.” Orville was silent for a while. “However, he was not interested in the magician’s castle at first, but after he went to Suero once, the statement changed. Suero has a businessman named Rajel who has been selling us stolen goods and coughing, I think he should know something. ”

“Very well, it seems that we have some consensus.” Cole nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: “Then the second question, Zhang Hong, is the magic apprentice you have caught. Why must you be killed? ? ”

“Zhang Hong?” Orville froze for a moment before remembering such a person, “That’s a waste, coward. Cough.”

“But this coward, trying his best to kill you, even chasing into the forest and chasing the ruins. Don’t you think it’s weird?”

Orville was stunned. “Don’t I kill them?”

“It can’t be the reason.” Cole shook his head. “I have followed Zhang Hong for a few days. He doesn’t seem to be a person who will avenge his companions and will go deep into danger. This is a selfish guy who only holds his own heart.

“Selfish? I see. Cough. He has a companion’s life in his hand!”


Zhang Hong’s face was fierce at this time, but his eyes were not focused, as if he was thinking about something that made him hate and pain the unbearable memory. After a while, he recovered, and his angry eyes fell on Awan leaning against the wall.

Awan and a tall man huddled together, and the blood of the two had flowed to the ground, which had turned into a smelly red puddle. The man’s sword pierced Awan’s chest and nailed him to the ground, and Awan’s arm was firmly tied to the swordsman, making him unable to move, but the swordsman’s fatal wound was a branch behind his head. Li Jian has been sticking out of his mouth. The bodies of the two are like exaggerated ancient Greek sculptures, resting at the moment they fought.

Zhang Hong hates the taste here, but now he is willing to endure the taste, and then slowly appreciate the way Awan died. Although not killed by his hand, the thrill of revenge is still quite a lot.

Especially so-he drew a dagger, stabbed it on Awan ’s thigh, and pulled it off. There was very little blood flowing out, and it seemed that the previous battle had already dried up this big man.

“You have today! Dog thing! Sonofabitch! Bastardo! Arschloch! ……” Zhang Hong Awan while poke at him with a knife, while Bianzhaofaer call him, a little while with a three-four languages.

After stabbing for a while, he felt his arm sore, and threw the dagger on Awan’s head, and slapped his face with a slap in the face.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or something else. When this slap went down, Awan’s head tilted and bounced back, but his eyes suddenly opened. The eyes were mostly open, facing Zhang Hong. The green eyes stared at him straight, as if waking up.

“Ah ~~” Zhang Hong screamed sharply, retreating back in horror, between his hands and feet, he stepped on the blood and fell to the ground. But even if he fell to the ground, he did not dare to stop a moment, and even rolled to the corner of the wall. He was trembling with his face against the wall, and he didn’t even have the courage to look back behind him, but just shouted: “It’s not you who killed me, you who killed me. This has nothing to do with me! Forgive me Forgive me!”

He murmured many times in one breath, only to find that there was no movement behind him. He turned his head cautiously, and glimpsed that Awan was still in the same position as before, without any change, before slowly calming down.

Rao is like this. He no longer dares to humiliate Awan’s body. He slowly retreats behind a post and blocks the open face with the post. He curled up on the ground and gasped heavily.

“What’s going on?” Cole’s voice was heard not long after that. He quickly found Zhang Hong shrunk into a ball, puzzled: “Has an enemy been here?”

“No!” Zhang Hong said angrily.

Cole rolled his eyes and asked again: “That big man has a lot of wounds on it. Did you do it?”

“Don’t worry about business!”

“Oh, it seems that he did something resentful to you? But, you are free, the dead are nothing but rotten flesh.” Cole spread his hand and said, “Tell you good news, Orville Killed by me, this is his ear. ”

Cole pulled out a leather bag from his waist, and once he untied the drawstring, it smelled so bad. As soon as the leather bag arrived in front of Zhang Hong, he wanted to throw up. Goblin between ears.

“Really solved?” Li Jia couldn’t help confirming it.

“Yes, but the price is also very high. In order to get rid of him, I spent a protective ring. This is the equipment I saved for five years.”

“Just die, just die. Er, we also count revenge on Ji Yijun. At that time, you can ask him again for a benefit.”

Cole smiled slightly and said, “It’s not that, this trip is not in vain.”

While they were talking, the underground palace shook suddenly, and Zhang Hong shocked: “What’s going on? Is it an earthquake? Let’s go!”

“Ji Yijun, what about them?” Cole asked.

“Jixingshu, give me blessing Jixingshu. Others will be destined.” At this time, Zhang Hong was completely out of the previous decadence, and his legs ran wildly.

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