Above the Seven Towers

z1Chapter 43: Earl Family History

When Li Jia came to the gate of the castle, he found a middle-aged man in a wide robe waiting at the gate. He has a large body, but he is a bit thin, but it makes his face clear. His temples and moustache are dark red like wine, with some white spots, but they are well-organized, and the orange-red eyes are shrewd, and Celinda is exactly the same.

The man stood lazily, with a shallow smile on his face, watching Li Jia and Celinda both approaching him.

“Welcome, welcome. It’s a good day today to be able to meet a magician from the Magic Castle.” The man opened his hands and greeted Li Jia with a relaxed attitude.

Li Jia hurried off the horse and performed a mage salute, “Are you the Earl of Arias?”

“Yes, didn’t the mischievous Celinda introduce you to her dad?” The count squeezed his eyes at Celinda. The latter swaggered away.

Li Jia looked at Celinda a little embarrassedly, and then said: “She told me some of your deeds, but it is better to be famous than to meet. I finally came to you today.”

Earl didn’t care, and stepped forward to pat Li Jia’s shoulder: “I know, there must be no good words. When the **** of nature made her, she must have made her face with water, and made her legs and feet with the wind. Stone made her head, and finally gave her a temper with fire. ”

Li Jia is sweating in his heart. Is there such a “praise” of his daughter? It’s no wonder that the two men are not together. He chuckled and smiled, “She just told a little bit of the past.”

“I understand, I understand.” The count turned around and led Li Jia in. “Actually, I also have a lot of her short stories that I can share with you at the dinner.”

Celinda grunted and ignored them and walked into the castle alone.

Although Li Jia didn’t expect the Earl’s performance to be so wonderful, the Earl’s attitude was quite reassuring. So he walked behind with the count.

“The God of Nature has arranged a very legendary way for us to meet. The castle that descended from the sky is simply a miracle. But unfortunately, I was smashed, and I was unable to see the scene at that time.” The count was a little helpless. His forehead, near the hairline, has a scar over five centimeters.

“That was just an accident.” Li Jia said vaguely.

“That was also a great accident.” The Earl smiled, he seemed to care that his ancestral home had become a ruin under the school.

Li Jia couldn’t figure out what the count meant. He had to tell the truth: “We came here to discuss with you about your ancestral home and the surrounding territories.”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, we have a lot of time to solve these little things. Let me show you this little castle first.” Count Arias said.

The castle was really small. After entering the gate, it was a ten-meter square patio. The count pointed to the wooden swing on the side of the patio and said, “Here is where Celinda used to come when she was a child. I made the swing myself. Yes. At that time, she liked to play with her mother in this corner. Sometimes weave something, sometimes read books. At that time, his mother carried a shell necklace every day. ”

“Shell necklace?” Li subconsciously touched his neck.

The earl looked at Li Jia’s neckline and said, “The string you brought in the collar.”

“You found it?” Li Jia was a little embarrassed.

“Although I only saw the rope, I recognized it because it was originally given to her mother. That was the first time I picked up a shell from the beach when I saw the sea in the south. At that time, I suddenly felt the world It’s so big. It’s so big that it can easily evoke people’s desire to conquer. Later, this necklace was always carried by her mother. She just simply liked the color of the shell. Later, after her death, this necklace became Celinda. The thing I care about most, “the count asked.” Can I see it again? ”

“Uh, of course.” Li Jia took out the necklace from the neckline and handed it to the earl. The earl took it in his hand and gently nipped it a few times before returning it to Li Jia’s hand.

“Time runs faster than Lima,” he said, and then sighed slightly, smiling with a meaningless meaning.


Walking along a low stone step into the gate of the main building of the castle, Li Jia found that the castle was smaller than that of Viscount Illus, but a lot more refined. The doorway is carved with complicated vines and flowers, and some goblins with wings are flying in it. The door is thick wood with reinforced copper bars and nails.

Entering the main building, Li Jia found the entrance hall very dark. The entrance hall is vacant to the roof, and there are some small windows on the second and third floors, leaving a few square spots on the stone floor. Several square columns pass through the entire three-story floor from both sides of the entrance hall, leading directly to the top. Some oil lamps glow dimly on the columns and walls, slightly reducing the cold feeling on the first floor of the castle.

The earl led Li Jia into a side arch, and then from the stairs to the second floor of the castle.

This is a long cloister, and light enters through the narrow window on the side of the outer wall. Much brighter than downstairs. On the wall near the inside, there are seven or eight large and small oil paintings. Li Jia noticed the beginning of the corridor, and the closest painting to him was particularly large, two meters square. The main character on the screen was a man with a naked upper body and an axe held high. The man was sturdy and strong, and was leading countless soldiers to charge.

The composition of this painting is very peculiar. The direction of the man’s charge turned out to be the audience outside the painting. Standing in front of the painting, Li Jia looked at the man’s evil tiger’s eyes, and could clearly feel the kind of unprecedented momentum. After paying attention for a while, there was a sudden palpitation, as if the man would be rushed to the eye and beheaded in the next second.

The Earl stood silently until Li Jia recovered, and he said, “This is Merlot Arias, the history of our family in the kingdom, starting from him, to my eighth generation. . ”

“I heard that your ancestors were the most powerful berserkers at the time?”

“Not only at the time, but even now. The power of my ancestor has reached the sanctuary and exceeded the limit of mortal power. Now the territory of the kingdom is him, the magicians Matthew Doria and Alan Dia Si hit it together. ”

“Alan Diaz, Diaz, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it was the founding king. The three of them were very good friends, so good to wear a pair of pants. They fought together, overthrew the unfortunate Black Dragon Empire, and swallowed the land of countless lords. At that time, they But the real arrogant. However, the final fate of the three people is very different. Alan Dias became the king, and my ancestor and Matthew Doria disappeared shortly after the founding of the country. ”

“Missing? Both leaders suddenly disappeared?” Li Jia was surprised.

“Did you smell the conspiracy?” The earl stood with Li Jia behind his back and gazed at the portrait of his ancestors. “I read a lot of historical materials, and I think it would be hard to imagine that two of them might be inexplicable if they were not conspiracies The ground disappeared. Not only did their individual force reach the peak of humanity, but they also had their own army. It would be a terrifying battle to use force directly against them. ”

“Have you found any clues in the historical records?” Li Jia asked.

The count shook his head. “No, there is nothing recorded. History is like this, like a loach wandering at the bottom of the lake. Whether it is mud, water plants or waves, it will make you unable to see its shadow.”

“However, your family has passed down.” Li Jiadao.

“Yeah, yeah. Come and see my family, Duke Carter Arias.” The earl took Li Jia forward and pointed to the half-old man in the second painting. “This is Mei When Los Arias disappeared, Carter was only five years old. For the nobles, he was a little fat pig on the dinner plate. Many heirlooms around the homes of the lords were exchanged from Carter of.”

“This is ‘Forever Young’ Francisco. He always likes to hunt in the forest. He was only 17 years old when he was killed by goblins. Fortunately, he had a son when he was 15 years old.” Young man carrying a hunting bow and carrying a hunting dog.

The man in the fourth portrait has a strong body, but there is a lot of anger between the eyebrows. “Ah, this is ‘Bug’ Francois. Our family was changed from Duke to Earl in his time, and the territory was cut off a lot. This idiot has no discipline in his childhood. After doing all kinds of bad things, he was finally beheaded because he was jealous and killed a prince. Well, his only contribution was to have a son in time. ”

Who are these people? For such a family, Li Jia really does not know how to comment, so as not to lose face of the owner. However, he found that the person in the latter portrait was a lot more normal. It was a knight who led the march.

“This is my grandfather. A person with a personality that is diametrically opposed to his father. Maybe Merlot’s bloodline has grown stronger here. God knows how he could rectify his family territory and vassals when he was fifteen or sixteen. , And also pulled up a mad warrior army. He fought with the empire for a lifetime. Finally he died of illness on the battlefield against Guibiaobao. “When the count said his grandfather, he was obviously more solemn,” This is a good thing. Much better than the plot to die in a sinister villain. ”

The last portrait is of a skinny old man. Although he is wearing exquisite armor and wearing a luxurious sword, he has a good posture and an elegant appearance, but from his eyes, he can see the deep melancholy. The Earl watched for a long time and said, “My father, a guy who is jealous and always unwilling. When he was young, he was very sharp, when he was old …, hehe.”

He didn’t know why, and patted Li Jia’s shoulder, “Let these ancient things go to hell. Come, my friend, try my Tibetan wine, this is a good thing for years.”

Li Jia was pulled by the earl and walked, but there were some waves in his heart. It always feels that there is a completely different side behind this count.

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