Above the Seven Towers

z1Chapter 53: Outside the negotiating table

Xiao Chen was wearing a mage robe, his body was trapped in a backrest chair, quietly looking at the fire reflected on the ground outside the window. The ball tonight is in the hall next door. The count called the nobles, big and small, in the territory near him, and brought his wife and children to the show. With the thirty or so people brought by Xiao Chen, the atmosphere was very warm. Even across the hallway and heavy wooden doors, Xiao Chen can still hear the music faintly, and there are people laughing or applauding.

But for him, leaving early to come to this dark side hall, there are more important things.

The negotiation has been going on for two days, and everything that should be said on the surface has already been said. There are some problems, but it is more suitable for chatting in such a scenario.

Sure enough, after a while, the earl pushed the door in alone. He was wearing a court dress today, and his collar and cuffs were tied tightly with lace, looking like a goose with a neck tied. He untied his neckline and let out a long sigh of relief, then walked slowly to a chair opposite Xiao Chen, took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat beads on his forehead, laughing: “I hate this This court dress, the tailor ’s purpose in designing clothes like this, is definitely to avenge us nobles. This dress can make me breathless in a round dance. ”

“Maybe your majesty your king, I hope you nobles are not too energetic.”

“Ah, every king wants his country to be composed of a group of nobles who keep their own lives, a group of ignorant farmers, a group of brave and loyal knights, and a group of beautiful and moving girls.”

“There doesn’t seem to be a mage position in it?” Xiao Chen asked.

“Aren’t you mage the most feared by the kings?” Arias shook his head and smiled. “Or, is it not the case in the distant country where your hometown is?”

“In our place, the king may fear the power of ordinary people more than the magician,” Xiao Chen replied vaguely.

“Ordinary people?” The count murmured. “You must be a place where magic devices are particularly prosperous. It will give ordinary people the power to be underestimated. Otherwise, it will not be as you said.”

Xiao Chen was a little surprised by the Earl’s keenness and nodded. “There are some” magic devices “controlled by ordinary people in us that even have the power to destroy a city.”

“It’s not a good thing. You people are too forgiving. If you don’t concentrate on people with noble background and rationality, it will be a terrible disaster. There must be constant conflict between your country and your country.”

Xiao Chen was stunned when asked. The earth is really a place of constant conflict. He nodded and said, “It is true. But as long as there is a human world, which is not a constant conflict? You see, we have been here for only three months, and we have fought against horse thieves, killed goblins, and killed the rebellion Slave. It ’s not quite flat here either. ”

The Earl laughed, and he stood up, walked to the wine cabinet, took out two school-made glasses, poured the wine from a silver jug ​​into a glass, and handed a glass to Xiao Chendao: “This is not you Is there proof of combativeness there? ”

Xiao Chen took the glass and sipped: “But we still love peace. That’s why I’m here to negotiate with you. You must also understand that we can provide many products in addition to the force we can boast , Knowledge, these things can be transformed into wealth everywhere. ”

Earl leaned back in the chair, ten fingers held together alternately, and then tapped the back of his hand with his fingers. He stared at Xiao Chen as if to penetrate his eyes into the other party’s heart.

“Cooperation, there is wealth. Well, I like these words, but I haven’t felt your sincerity. Enough, guaranteed sincerity.” The count shook his head slightly in accordance with what he said, “This one around us In the world, there is only one very simple rule, that is, respect for power and those that do not respect power. Agreement can betray, people can manipulate, goods can be looted, and only power can ensure that these things operate in the way we want. So If we cooperate, we must first cooperate based on strength. As for the goods, technology and trade routes that you talked about in the past two days, it is too fragile in the face of strength. ”

“But aren’t these other things essential?”


“I know, and I know there are quite a few people, such as some guys from Sueiro, who are willing to cooperate with you in other areas. But you need to understand that I want more, and I can give you more. . We are not here to sell a merchant ’s more goods, and then make some small money. This is too small for the descendants of my mad warrior and your heirs. ”

“what do you want?”

“What do I want? Let me ask you what you need first. In the past two days, I have heard very clearly, and you are not clear what you want. The terms mentioned in your negotiations are nothing more than the use of some worthless goods. Switch to the land in my ancestral house, use the power of the local poor ghosts and slaves to run the place, then produce a variety of goods that everyone has not seen, earn money and materials, and finally manage Montenegro into a piece of let An enviable territory. Where ordinary farmers can eat three white bread a day, a slave can become a small official, all people will live in accordance with your new order, it is simply a happy place on earth! Am I right? ”

Xiao Chen had to admit the count’s vision, which was really the thought of many people in the school. Although he had long realized that the count’s image was a cover-up, but the words he heard in private today made him take a look at the count. Xiao Chen did not fully agree with this view, but this did not hinder his admiration for the count, he replied: “Your Excellency, you seem to have done a lot of investigations, and you understand the hearts of the people. It is so interesting to us. the opinion of.”

“But, in my opinion, this is just a stupid dream!” The count finished his glass of wine in one gulp, and put the glass heavily on the table. “If you do this, you will only become a public enemy and then be overwhelmed. In this land. Because you have forgotten who is the real master of this world. ”

He stood up, walked to the window, put his hands up and looked out of the window. The light of the lights illuminated his face, which was a bit of a meaning: “Power brings power, and power controls all living beings. Civilians, slaves, There are a large number of them, but they do not have real power, so they are pressed down by us and use their labor to support us. We need the real union, we, the nobles, the warriors, the mages, the priests, are all the power You can only gain a foothold in this world if you are approved by these people. Otherwise, you will control as many farmers as you have slaves, but it will be a shed made of leaves, and the wind will disappear without a trace. ”

Xiao Chen smiled with an imperceptible smile. He said quietly: “We are seeking their acceptance. It is our goal to win-win with the owners of these forces.”

“But there is a question here, why do they want to accept you? Why should they be allowed to show up and take away their land, trade routes, slaves and wealth? The wealth in the world is limited, the more you occupy, the less they occupy Why did they allow you to do this, and let their people use the food and materials they produced to exchange for your flashy things? “Count Arias turned his head to look at Xiao Chen, his eyes looked kind of compassionate, he In a deep tone, “I do n’t have to think too much to know that your weapons and armor will make their blacksmiths lose their jobs, your glass and porcelain will make their workshops closed, and your soap and perfume will let them put The hard-earned gold coins are obediently sent into your pockets. As time goes by, you will become richer and more dangerous. When someone ca n’t help but start working with you, whether it ’s because of greed or jealousy, or I feel you threatened that it is countless times stronger than the horse thieves, can you really withstand it? ”

“This is not what I want to see. Because I don’t want to play the cards in my hand, it will be a disaster, a disaster for everyone.” Xiao Chen still said calmly, “However, you will say so, It should have been a way out for us. ”

The count nodded appreciatively and said, “You are a calm and intelligent person, Master Xiao Chen. Yes. My solution is very simple, military alliance. You and my alliance are truly alliances with each other. That will be swords and magic. Is an alliance of power and knowledge, or an alliance of outsiders joining local forces. If so, my other allies and I will treat you as our partner. Business can be unimpeded and safety can be guaranteed. You Will become my enemy. ”

“However, more importantly, your enemy will also become our enemy.” Xiao Chen said slowly.

“This must be a price worth paying. Because of the relationship between geographic location and familiarity, no one in the Kingdom of Iberia is more suitable than you as an ally.” The count laughed, grinning a little.

Xiao Chen knew that he hadn’t said a word: No one in the Iberian kingdom is a more threatening enemy than me. Xiao Chen laughed and stood up. He also stood at the window and looked at Earl seriously: “My country has a long and long history. Anyone who has simply read through history knows that there are countless military alliances. They all end in betrayal. That ’s why we do n’t want to make a covenant easily. ”

“However, that is no better than even being eligible for betrayal. And, I am willing to use my best sincerity to provide a guarantee.”

“What guarantee?”

“Marriage, everyone in the kingdom knows that my lovely and beautiful only child is my heart.”

“You mean, Celinda and Li Jia?”

“No, I mean, Celinda and you!”

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