Above the Seven Towers

z1Chapter 65: Plead once

“It’s Celinda?” Xiao Chen looked at Li Jia seriously. This guy’s eyes were flashing now, and it looked like he had a ghost in his heart.

“It wasn’t her initiative, but I wanted to ask him.” Li Jia said.

Xiao Chen stood there, arms folded across his chest, staring at Li Jia with eyes wide open. Li Jia seemed to be held down by his eyes, his head lowered and his back bent more and more, as if carrying a heavy load, he was almost lying on the table.

He thought Xiao Chen would scold him harshly, or sneer, and he was prepared for these situations. But now, Xiao Chen didn’t say a word, just stared at him, but instead made him restless.

After a while, fine sweat beads oozed from his forehead, as if the coolness of the autumn day had been dispelled by Xiao Chen’s impetuous anger.

“Don’t you say me?” Li Jiawei raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xiao Chen like a child who did the wrong thing secretly at the teacher. He noticed that there was no emotion in the rigid face of the other party.

“Alas,” Xiao Chen sighed, and his stretched face also loosened. “Well, I wanted to scold you fiercely. But think about it, who are you? Li Jia! You don’t understand the truth. ? Will you give up? So, I did n’t know what to say at once. ”

“I know, I know, am I also hesitating? If you pulled me in and asked three times, I, I might not ask you.” Li Jia raised his head half an inch again.

“Oh, this ball is played. I will give you ninety-nine points, and one point will be deducted from your performance.”

“I know I’m wrong. First, knowing the sea shadow scroll is very important to us. It’s our secret weapon for cultivating mages. We shouldn’t let outsiders know. Second, the Temple of Nature and other interested people may be staring at the successors of the Seven Towers. Let them know that there will be big troubles. Third, everyone is innocent and guilty. If the news of this treasure is leaked, maybe someone will come to grab it. Fourth, it seems that there is nothing fourth. ”

Xiao Chen was about to be ridiculed. He screamed in his voice: “It seems that not all hormones are in your head?”

Li Jia’s voice was extremely dry, he lowered his head and said: “I know all this, but I think Celinda can be trusted, and sooner or later she will know a lot about us.”

“Sooner or later? That means it’s too early to talk about these, and it’s not too late to say ten or eight years later.” Xiao Chen couldn’t help but pushed Li Jia’s head and shoved the other party, “Don’t put school companions and My life is a bet to test whether your woman is reliable or not! I really regret it now, and I should n’t have helped you from the beginning! ”

“No, I didn’t take everyone as a bet! She will be my wife. If none of her wives are trustworthy, who else do we trust?” Li Jia argued. “And, I am not a greedy force to learn about Haiyingjuan. I just think she is very pitiful. If you have seen Celinda practice martial arts, you know how hard she works. But her ideal is not to be a magic swordsman, but a magician. She has been a king since she was a child. All the magic towers learn magic. But because of limited talents, she can only use some low-level magic. She has consulted several magicians and tried different meditation methods, but the effect is still very limited. But the inheritance of the dream tower is not Again, this is likely to change her life! What ’s more, after she became the heir to the Tower of Dreams, there is no reason to betray us, this is the same boat. This is better than the power she has always guessed and peeped at me Get a stronger source. ”

Xiao Chen shook his head helplessly: “Have you ever thought that it is very dangerous to know the sea shadow scroll after all? The lower the talent, the greater the danger. Perhaps the moment she opened the book, you would lose her.”

Li Jia raised his head and looked at Xiao Chen ’s eyes, saying: “The final decision is in her hands. I feel that if I like someone, I should give her the opportunity to gain more freedom instead of being a treasure keeper who guards treasures.”

“Even if she might be lost forever?”

“Yes. Because it’s me who is suffering that way, not her.”

Xiao Chen chuckled, “I was almost touched by you. However, the answer is still: ‘No!’. The reason is: ‘She will die’. Master Icasa and I have said that the low- and middle-level of concentrating success Master, seeing the Shadow of the Sea will reshape the mind, that is simply suicide. ”

Li Jia’s face collapsed suddenly. He knew that Xiao Chen would never lie to him in such matters. It seemed that there was really no hope. He stood up dejectedly and moved to the door.

“Be patient, we are modern people, and the problems they cannot solve do not mean we can’t.” Xiao Chen said behind him at this time.


“You are the master of nature and nature itself.

You are the creator of everything and the root of everything.

You are the vast sky, giving us air and sunshine.

You are a solid land, giving us food and shelter.

You are an endless river, giving us drinking water and wealth.

We are your people, just like everything.

We follow your path and live with the spiritual things of the world

More than a dozen men and women wearing work clothes in a linen camp stood in front of a big tree in two rows of arcs, reciting these words in a calm tone. They are old and young, the older ones are more than 40 years old, and the younger ones are two children about seven or eight years old.

auzw.com The tree is as thick as three people, surrounded by lush foliage, and the canopy can cover a small half of the football field. It is one of the tallest ancient trees around Camp No. 3.

The sacrificial crowd was led by a chubby middle-aged woman. She stood at the forefront of the crowd with her hands spread down and palms forward, sitting in a hug-like movement, which is exactly the etiquette of the Temple of Nature. The woman chanted prayers and her voice was calm. Those in the back are doing the same movement, reading sentence by sentence.

Morey had left at this time, and Ji Yijun and Caterina were hiding behind the bushes not far away. From here, they could clearly hear the prayers and see their movements.

Catalina grabbed the branches and watched the behavior of those people. After a while she said: “It looks normal. It is Aunt Kara who is in charge of cooking in the camp. She always likes to force people to lick clean dishes. There is nothing special about it. Other people are very common to see, they belong to different camps, I know several of them, there are hunters, fishermen, and children who are in elementary school, unlike the people we are looking for . ”

“Well, children should stay in school. Don’t these grown-ups know how rare the learning opportunities are in this world?” Ji Yijun was beside Katerina, observing the tree branches.

“For some people, the sacrifice of the **** of nature is also very important. Besides, there are not enough teachers now, they only take half a day.”

“Cut!” Ji Yijun was too lazy to bother about this issue.

“Are we still waiting? I think this is a very ordinary sacrifice.”

“Wait a second.” He drew a few chocolate beans from his pocket and threw them into his mouth, then tossed Katerina two more. He chewed again and again and said vaguely: “Sometimes it’s easy to find the right tree. After reading this one, it’s a surprise.”

Catalina received the beans but did not eat them, but took out a cloth, carefully wrapped them, and put them close to her clothes.

“It will.” Ji Yijun said.

Catalina blushed and took the cloth bag out and stuffed it into a bag hanging around her waist.

Ji Yijun snorted, “You really see him as a younger brother, you don’t know if he appreciates it.”

He took out the packet of chocolate beans and stuffed a few more into his mouth, and tossed the rest to Katerina.

When everyone prayed, Kara started to let people sit down in a circle, and then picked up a one-meter-long branch from the ground, holding it in his hands like a sword in both hands.

Cara walked around the crowd and walked outside the circle where everyone was sitting. Her walking pace was uneven, fast and slow, and her body swayed slightly from side to side. This is a dance that follows a certain rhythm, like grass Swaying in the wind, like a leopard pacing in the forest. Although she is just a middle-aged woman who looks very ordinary, such a ceremony gives a sense of sacredness.

After walking a few laps, she began to speak: “God of nature, insight into the world! He always pays attention to our every move and every time we make a mistake, he already knows it. But he pities us, and does not immediately drop the punishment, but Let us have the opportunity to find the right path ourselves. ”

“God of nature, insight into the world!” Others said in harmony.

“It’s Duke’s referee’s crime today.” Carla said.

A bearded man in his thirties sitting among the crowd nodded.

“Let me discuss the crime.” Carla announced.

“I met more than twenty people who were wasting food this week. I only corrected ten of them. I didn’t make them realize that wasting food is a blasphemy against the God of Nature.” Carla said. I ’m a little angry and do n’t know whether it ’s to myself or to those who do n’t listen, “The God of Nature teaches us that food is a sacrifice made by other souls, and wasting food is just a creation that does not respect the God of Nature, so I and these stupid people It’s just as guilty. Duke, condemned me. ”

“Ten notes.” The man named Duke said very concisely.

“Do you feel fair?” Carla asked.


“Fair!” Others said one after another.

Carla handed the tree branch to a young woman on the side, then lifted her clothes to reveal her back. The woman took the branch and began to slap Carla’s back hard. And Duke started counting: “one, two, three”

Ji Yijun’s scores show that there are many old scars on Carla’s back. Although it is not deep, it is also very dense. It seems that such punishment is common. He turned and asked Katerina: “Does the believers of the God of Nature so perverted?”

Katerina was also surprised, she said: “These people are not ordinary believers of the God of Nature, I am afraid that they are the children of Nature’s asceticism. I heard that most of the members of the asceticism have passed some painful rituals. The act of deviating from the doctrine of oneself seems to be called ‘natural teaching’. But many people of other denominations do not wait to see them and think they are asking for trouble. ”

Ji Yijun saw Carla pulled a red mark from the branches, and said with a cold face: “It seems that they have developed well. In just a few days, they have gathered such a group of masochisms.”

Between the two talking, there was already over there. The woman helped Carrara to cover her back, which was bleeding. Carla held her hands for a while and gasped for a while, then took the branch from the woman’s hand and said to the crowd: “Next, Victor.”

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