Above the Seven Towers

z1Chapter 72: Secret meeting

Crete woke up from bed and looked at the small alarm clock on the bedside table. It was nine o’clock in the evening. He sighed secretly, and after getting the unknown dark purple energy, his body became more and more sleepy these days. After returning from work, he was only prepared to sleep for an hour to replenish his energy, but he had not expected that three hours had passed since his eyes were closed.

He sat up and reached out to touch the little alarm clock, the metal round shell, with two small mushroom-like alarm clocks on it, and the hands were fluorescent. In this dark dormitory, this little light shined .

Although this clock is small, it is more delicate than the furnishings of the slave owners’ homes. If it is exchanged, it is enough to replace a slave like yourself. This is Xiao Chen’s gift to him, and also his most valuable asset in this empty dormitory.

Crete got up and got out of bed. Instead of lighting the oil lamp, he leaned in front of the window and looked at a faint moonlight, looking at a trace on his left hand. The trace was like a round tattoo, about the size of a silver coin Many criss-cross lines, these lines are made up of dense runes. Tattoos were originally dark purple, like the light of that kind of power, but in the night, they turned into a deep black. As long as you look at it, you will feel the fear and fear in your heart. Crete habitually scraped it with the thumb nail of his right hand. The nails fell deeply into the palm, but had no effect on the mark.

Suddenly, Crete felt his palms start to feel warm, with a slight burning sensation.

He was startled. He knew it came again.

The tattoo glowed a faint purple light, the lines above turned away from the skin, and soon a magical formation formed in the void. Crete quickly sat on the bed and put his hand in front of him with his palm facing up.

The magic circle runs for about ten seconds, and a ball of light rises from the magic circle. The sphere of light is also purple, with the shape of a pupil in the middle, like an eye composed of pure light. The ball of light turned around, as if observing the surroundings, and then aimed at Crete.

“Teacher,” Crete said respectfully.

The light ball actually made a sound: “Crete, is this in your dormitory? Why not turn on the light?”

“I’m ready to sleep, and I’ve been a bit tired recently,” Crete replied.

“Well. Let me see if you are well. Remember to practice the spell I gave you, it will make you stronger and better able to gain the power of seeds.”

“Okay. Teacher.”

“If there is any problem or danger, you know how to call me.”

“Yes, teacher. I remember the spell very well.”

“Well, go. Rest early and keep up.”

“Okay. Good night, teacher.”

After the ball of light finished speaking, it slowly floated back to the circle, and then turned into a trace of energy to return to the tattoo.

Crete remained in a sitting position until the light on the tattoo completely dissipated. It wasn’t until the end of the magic ritual that he lowered his body and gasped with his hands on the edge of the bed. Although this ritual was very short, he felt that some of the strength in his body was consumed, as if he had trot outside for ten minutes.

Although the “teacher” said that this is the consumption of spiritual communication, which can be recovered through diet and sleep, Crete is still very uneasy.

Crete was panting and dazed, sitting in bed for ten minutes.

Under the starlight, his handsome face was tangled and hesitant for the last time, but in the end, when he looked at the small fluorescent alarm clock again, he seemed determined.

He turned out a father’s linen shirt, cut the upper half of the shirt with a knife and sleeves, and the bottom half buttoned the button, and then made a few small holes in the upper edge, and then cut out a few pieces of cloth with the sleeve, two pieces of The cloth rope penetrated into the mouth just pierced. Then, put on a coat, with these half shirts and a few cloth strips, and went out.

He walked out of the bedroom and came to the side of the road. He put the hem of his shirt on his waist and tied the cloth tightly. It suddenly turned into a pleated burlap skirt. Then put two shorter pieces of cloth to tie the hair over the neck into two braids. Then erect the collar of the coat and tighten the trousers. Crete was not yet tall, and she was not tall. On the road with poor light, she looked like a girl.

Crete is disguised as a woman, and her heart is inevitably a little nervous. Fortunately, on the campus at night, there are few pedestrians except the patrol. Even if he meets a few people and sees his dress, he walks indifferently. This slowly let him down his mind. After walking for about ten minutes, avoiding the two patrols, he came downstairs to the girls’ dormitory.

The dormitory for girls has long been gone. Only two guards were on duty in the guard room. Because there was no electricity, they just hung an oil lamp outside the doorman.

Crete touched the braid on his head, and then looked at the “skirt” on his body, feeling that it was difficult for the other party to see himself clearly in this dim light, so he went over with his teeth.

The two guards on duty saw a little girl approaching with her head down, but she didn’t care too much. One of them asked, “Sister, why didn’t you come back so late?”

“Overtime.” Crete’s voice was originally compared to a lark. At this time, the voice was pinched and lightened, even among girls.

“Yo. That group is so unconscionable? Let you be such a little girl working overtime alone.” The man seemed to be excited and asked again.


“Don’t bother me!” Crete said impatiently. He was afraid of saying more and more mistakes, and while severing the other party’s words, he walked in quickly.

“Hi, the little girl’s voice is pretty good, and her temper is not small. Talk about what happened.” The guard member doubted that he was there, but instead complained to the companion on the side.

“On your sister’s skill, someone will take care of you. It’s not a day or two to rotate here. Whoever has watched you.” Said the loss friend on the edge.

“Hey, why didn’t you find a girl with such a nice voice before?”

“That’s because no one is talking to you.”

“Go, I haven’t paid attention to this before, except for the voice, the small figure is so cute, I have also seen half of my face, a local girl with white skin and big eyes, definitely a beauty.”

Ignoring the whispers of the two outside, Crete flashed into the dormitory building in two steps. Then according to the address Xiao Chen left him, he came to a door.

Knock on the door and the door opens.

Inside is a woman in pajamas.

“you are?”

“I am Crete, and I have important things to talk to you! Lord Luo Ling.” Crete said softly after looking around.

Luo Ling’s room is very bright, not only has the oil lamp on the table, but also a few white crystals placed in the singular lamp holder. This is a lamp made of light and magic crystal.

Her desk was a bit cluttered, and it was filled with various documents. Some clothes and bedding were piled on the bed at random, too late to tidy up, and some food that Crete had not seen was unpacked and placed on the bedside table and table. In short, everything in the room can tell you that the host is very busy.

Luo Ling was sitting on the swivel chair in front of the desk by the window, leaning against the back of the chair, the back of the chair was against the table, holding a glass of water in his hand, drinking slowly. Crete was sitting on another chair with some restraint, holding a cup in his hand and looking at her face to face.

“I didn’t expect you to come to me. Nor did you think you were dressed like that.” Luo Ling looked at Crete. He had untied his braids, but the “skirt” was still on.

“However, since you have spent so much energy and mixed into the girls’ bedroom, there must be a lasting reason. Tell me why you should come to me at this time.” Luo Ling continued to ask.

“Because of my teacher, Xiao Chen said, you are the most trustworthy person in the whole school. So I came to you. I came here because” Crete spread his hands, revealing the magic tattoo, “I have some Secret, fear of being discovered. ”

“Xiao Chen, this guy.” Luo Ling tilted Erlang’s legs, his head tilted slightly, and a smile appeared. “Caterina is very worried about you, I am afraid it is related to this tattoo? Since you have come, I will make one Good listeners, you can start from scratch. ”

Kerry characteristically nodded and said: “Teacher Xiao Chen told me two things before leaving. The first thing was to leave me some books and let me look up the dictionary to read it slowly. He said that I didn’t have to rush to concentrate, Instead, they should expand their horizons and lay the foundation. ”

“Oh? What book?”

“One hundred thousand why”

Luo Ling almost didn’t spray a sip of water. She patted her chest and tried hard to stop her cough.

Seeing Crete looking at her nervously, she said, “Nothing, you continue.”

“The second thing is that he made me pay attention to the slaves in the camp to see if there was any restlessness. He said you are sitting in a high position, and there are things you can’t see below.”

“Guy who is nosy,” Luo Ling said softly.

Crete glanced at her and continued, “So, while I was delivering the letter every day, I went to various camps to chat with a lot of people, chatting and chatting. I faintly felt that there were some people in the camp who were not right. They came from different camps. , But always get together and do something. Some old people I know warned me not to approach them, I heard that some guards and mercenaries are their people. ”

Luo Ling asked: “So you think of a way to approach them?”

“Yes. At the beginning they always hid from me, and I thought that those who planned something might be wary of the disciples of the magician. So, I thought of a way to complain that I couldn’t learn anything. You see If a person is always complaining about his teacher, it is difficult to say whether he is one with the teacher. ”

“It makes sense,” Luo Ling nodded.

“Later, they really became interested in me. After all, I was able to go to many places where they couldn’t reach, and do many things that they couldn’t do.” Crete squeezed his fists tightly when he talked about these, and his cheeks were slightly red. , “Later, a guy named Hawke contacted me, and I knew that I succeeded!”

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