Above the Seven Towers

z6Chapter 180: Deck confrontation

Huang Zheng stood on the boat and looked at the behemoth in front of him from bottom to top. The barrels thicker than the mouth of the bowl looked terrible from this angle. Just as they were approaching below the warship, a triple main gun suddenly fired. Huang Zheng could n’t help but tremble. Behind him was Mr. Brudes and two rowing marines. They were also shocked by the sound of the cannon, and Bruders had not heard the cannon roar at such a close position, and the two Marines even forgot to paddle for a moment.

The artillery certainly didn’t go to Hou Yi. Instead, three water jets exploded in the distant sea, but the meaning of the bombardment was also clear. This was a shock.

The boat leaned on the side of the Red Cloud, and the sailor lowered the rope ladder from the boat. Huang Zheng did not use flying, but climbed up the rope ladder. Brudes followed behind him.

The two marines tied the boat to the big ship and climbed up with him.

Huang Zheng stepped on the deck of the Red Cloud, and found a group of soldiers with guns holding the sides of the deck. A man in his thirties was waiting for him.

After seeing what Huang Zheng looked like, the officer was obviously surprised. In the western continent, there are few people with black hair and black eyes. Huang Zheng’s appearance is very special to him. Huang Zheng’s clothing is also very different from the locals. He is wearing a navy coat and a big brim hat, giving a very handsome feeling.

Huang Zheng performed a military salute. “I am Huang Zheng, the commander of the Marine Corps from the Tower of China in the East Continent. This time I met the captain of the Red Cloud as an emissary.”

“What? From the East Continent? Colonel Marines? What are you kidding? Are you not a pirate holding a cruise ship and coming to negotiate?” The officer said clearly with distrust in his tone. “Recently nearby The pirates on the outer islands started to move again. These dross brought some old ships and broken ships. With some steam engines and old cannons, they wanted to challenge our authority. It’s really boring. I think your ships are very similar. ”

Houyi and Xingtian had opened the gun door at this time, in case they needed to fight, they would be caught off guard by then. So it is really similar to what the officer said about modifying the pirate ship.

At this time, Brudes behind Huang Zheng said, “Mr. Officer, I am the secretary of Missar Elder Brudes, and I have a relationship with His Excellency Montaño, commander of the Naval Air City. I can prove This gentleman is telling the truth. They came from the eastern continent across the sea of ​​the devil. There is a very important message to inform us. The evil **** who has been sleeping on the continent for many years is going to wake up. The two must be united The forces of the mainland are fighting against him together. ”

He saw the officer looking at him with suspicion. He argued, “You can take a look at the appearance of this Mr. Huang Zheng, do we have such people across the western continent? Look at those two ships again. As a navy, you should be most familiar with ships. The mainland sees a ship of this style. Did you see the white light curtain on that ship? Here is the magic unique to the people of the East China! Some of them can also use the power of the devil to evil, but fight the devil. . ”

Brudes’s eloquence is very good, and the points made are also difficult to refute. The officer said, “How did you meet them?”

“What should I call you?” Brudes asked.

auzw.com “I am Captain Esseliot of the Red Cloud.” The officer said with his hands behind his back, “Although your identity and origin are very suspicious, we still give you a chance to explain the specific situation. it’s here.”

Bruders said, “Mr. Essett, the Aegis Cruise I used to meet these oriental passenger ships on the route. They had just been out of the Devil ’s Sea for a few days. Their intention was just me. It has been explained. I think this matter is very important, so I promised to guide them and report their situation to the sages and the sage lady. Now that the Red Cloud is involved in this matter, we hope you can Take us into Hong Kong, and I will take these people to have a good talk with His Excellency the Mayor. ”

Essert said, “Mr. Brudes, please do n’t interfere with our military ’s decision. The navy has a responsibility to protect the entire western continent. Is this group of people who claim to be from the eastern continent …… whether they are a threat and how to treat , It ’s up to me to judge. ”

Brudes touched a nail, his face a little ugly, but on the warship is the opponent’s territory, he had no other way. But he still warned, “I’ll watch it here, Mr. Essett. Now we have a good start with these visitors from the East. Don’t mess it up.”

Essett did not care about him, but said to Huang Zheng, “Although this person said that he gave you a certificate, it is not enough. Even if I believe you are from the East Continent, what evidence do you have about what you said about God, and these words of seeking support are true? How can you prove that you have no other ideas about the Western Continent? ”

Ezelet paused. “We do n’t know the East Continent, and the folks also say that many of you are polluted by the power of the devil. So I ca n’t put your ship in the port. If you really have something important Things must be reported to those big men. Your ship must be detained by our navy, and your people must be disembarked and monitored by us. Only after confirming safety can we send you representatives to meet those important people. ”

Regarding the other party’s excessive demands, Huang Zheng slowly shook his head. “You are not an attitude towards possible partners, but an attitude towards prisoners. Who gave you the courage to make you dare to say that?”

Essert smiled coldly and said, “Of course it is strength. I believe that in this world, whether it is on the eastern or western continent, we speak by strength. Our strength is stronger than you. Naturally, we decide the direction of the next thing. . ”

Bruders warned, “Mr. Essett, please do n’t talk like this. You are intensifying conflicts. This is dangerous. You do n’t know what kind of abilities the people in the Tower of China have.”

Esselit patted the main gunway around him. “The strength is naturally reflected by the caliber of the cannon. In this respect, our advantage can be much greater.”

Huang Zheng looked up at the direction of Hou Yi at this time and glanced, “The strength is not based on speaking, let’s witness the strength of each?”

Essert frowned and said, “What do you mean.”

Huang Zheng said, “My companion just informed me that we found four real pirate ships in the southwest direction and are chasing two merchant ships. They are coming in the direction of us. They will pass through our south and use these four pirate ships as targets. How does it compare? ”


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