Above the Seven Towers

z6Chapter 187: Enforcement of award

Xiao Chen said: “I promised you that I can take you out of our continent. But there is a condition that you must help us find more people like you.”

“Of course, of course. I know many other wizards, as long as you are willing to take them away, they will be willing to come and work for you!”

The crow looked around again and asked, “Just don’t know where we are now? There are not many safe places for us wizards in this city. The judges can always find us by various means.”

“This is Captain Hongyun, the home of Esselit.”

“What? Didn’t you sneak in?”

Xiao Chen shook his head and said: “No. We want to talk to the head of the Western Continental Republic. Maybe at the right time we can solve your problem from an official point of view.”

“This is really incredible.”

Xiao Chen was about to let the crow go to rest, and suddenly felt a lot of strong breath approaching the house.

Everyone else in the room was also alert.

At this time, Huang Zheng pushed the door and came in from the outside and said: “Chairman Xiao, it seems that we have uninvited guests. Do we need to take them down first?”

Xiao Chen said: “Salute first, then soldiers, put them in and see what they want.”

“They didn’t seem to be ready to walk through the door.” Huang Zheng looked out of the window. A few seconds later, several black shadows crashed in from several windows. Following them, more people jumped in from outside room.

These people are armed with weapons. Some people have guns and swords. After they crashed into the room, they were shocked to see so many people inside.

But Xiao Chen’s calm attitude and unusual temperament prevented the first few people from acting rashly.

Xiao Chen could see clearly what these people looked like. Everyone was wearing black robes and a black mask on their faces. Even the weapons in his hands are mostly black.

They are like a shadow suddenly appearing in the room.

Huang Zheng and the other marines in the room also took out their weapons, and the two sides confronted each other with fists.

The crow’s face was full of fear, and he muttered, “Why would this time attract the executives of the referee? There are more than twenty.”

A slender man in black slowly fell on the window sill and stepped into the room. The other men in black surrounded him, forming a situation. The man with the sword in front and the man with the gun in the back surrounded Xiao Chen and his entourage.

Opposite them, Roger, Evelyn and the soldiers of the Marines also pulled out their swords and airsoft guns, and also blocked Xiao Chen and other mages from behind, because they were interrogating the crow just now. not too much. After the addition, there were fewer than ten people in Huang Zheng, but from the saint of Umeda, the strongest people such as Xiao Chen, Luo Ling, and Mao Kai gathered in this room, as well as Katrina and Ke Ritter is not weak.

The meeting room not too big in Esselit was suddenly crowded with more than thirty people, and it seemed overcrowded. The distance between the two sides was only two or three meters. The soldier standing in front just took a step forward You can intersect with the opponent’s weapons, and the battle will be triggered at once.


Luo Jie was in front of Xiao Chen. He said softly: “This man is a grudge master. His men also have intermediate to high-level strength. It is much stronger than the officers and soldiers on the Red Cloud.”

Xiao Chendao: “The spiritual power of these people is also surprisingly strong, not at all under the magician of the same rank, and completely different from the warriors of the Eastern Continent.”

The other party also felt the difference between Roger and Evelyn, and the man in the middle asked, “Are you from the East Continent?”

It was a man with a low voice, but his tone was cold and ruthless. Xiao Chen could not feel any friendly atmosphere from it.

Xiao Chen hadn’t answered yet. The marines guarding downstairs heard the movement upstairs and rushed up under the leadership of Ye Zi.

Ye Zi opened the door with a shadow gun, saw the situation inside, and hurriedly asked: “Xiao Chen, do you want to launch the Ares Arena?”

“No need first.” Xiao Chen got up from his seat and said to the leader: “My name is Xiao Chen. We are indeed from the Eastern Continent. Since you all know our origins, you must have contacted Essert or cloth. Lord Rudes? ”

The chief executive of the executive said coldly: “Eselitt has been temporarily imprisoned by the commander of the Navy Monteno. He brought the ship from the devil’s continent into this port without authorization, exposing the facilities of the military port and leaving you The demon mainlander under review brought into his own home and had already committed a major crime, and the navy would naturally try his crimes. And Bruce was already in our hands, he was just a sage’s secretary, and he dared to follow You collude and take you to the city of Virgin. I’m really impatient. ”

“Don’t you listen to what they say?” Xiao Chen asked.

“What kind of energy is necessary for you people from the Devil’s continent? Madam Saint sees you as a cursed devil, then you are the devil.

I will take you to the city of Virgin, but you are not qualified to swagger into that great city, you are only worthy to ride in a prison car.

The Devil ’s Sea has isolated two continents, and we know nothing about your situation, so what is the point of listening to you? All your remarks may be a lie to deceive us. In the final analysis, only the adults of the refereeing body are qualified to judge whether your words are true or false. ”

Xiao Chendao: “I have many ways to prove what I said. I have a crystal spar that records scenes on the mainland. As a magician, I can also show you the scenes in memory.”

The chief sneered: “There is no credibility for what is shown with the power of the devil!

Do you think I will give you the opportunity to use the power of the devil to play evil tricks?

If I were you, I would choose to surrender now to avoid casualties that are meaningless in the battle. ”

Xiao Chen sighed: “I’m sorry, we came to this continent with great kindness, and we will return kindness to any kindness. However, if others do not give us respect, then it is impossible. Get respect from us. ”

The leader waved his subordinates without hesitation to attack.

But after he ordered, the people around him did not move. The leader suddenly discovered that all his subordinate bodies were stiff there.

The bodies of the highest people are still struggling at a very small rate. Those with a lower realm are almost as immobile as a sculpture.


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