Above the Seven Towers

z6Chapter 198: Saints Clash

Essett and the head of the supply team whispered a few words, and the man hurriedly turned the team away from the rear.

But Xiao Chen and his team stayed.

Cleveland and Yolanda did not care about the soldiers and civilians who left, but looked at the actions of Chen Xiao and his party.

Xiao Chen jumped off the horse first and walked to the front of the team. He said, “The two referees are the holy referees of the referee, and they are also important figures in the Western Continent. You came here to intercept us personally, which surprised me.” . I do n’t know what advice you have? ”

Cleveland said solemnly, “Everyone has their own place. It is not unreasonable that the east and west continents are separated by the violent sea. You have crossed the line. And you have to disturb the saint, this It ’s something the referee will never allow. ”

Xiao Chen said, “Your Excellency Cleveland, you have been here all the way, you should already know that we are here to fight against the awakening **** of nature. For everyone in this world, his awakening will cause earth-shaking. Although I have n’t seen the saint before, judging from some of the rules she has made in the past, she must have been preparing for the upcoming scene.

If people are not allowed to use magic, they will not be deprived of their fighting power because they are controlled by the gods of nature, and develop a civilization of machinery and electricity, which will allow the civilization to survive after losing its magic power.

Her actions are far-sighted in my opinion, so I think it is necessary to talk to her. ”

Cleveland sneered. “As a mortal, do you still want to speculate on the intentions of the saint? It’s really self-righteous to the point of being ridiculous.

I tell you, even when the gods were awake in the past, they did not touch this continent, even if he wakes up again? Why should you kidnap people from this continent to your tank? ”

Xiao Chen didn’t expect the other party to understand the gods so much. He said, “As far as I know, the gods have been here, but there were no signs of civilization on this continent. Compared to the rich eastern continent, the gods are right There is really not much interest in this deserted land of the western continent.

The gods are very happy to enjoy the prosperity of the world, and they are willing to rule the human beings who can serve them well.

The western continent is now more developed and rich than most parts of the eastern continent. Can you be sure that the gods will still not be interested in this continent? ”

“Huh, this is just your wishful thinking.” Cleveland said.

“But after all this matter should be handed over to the saint to decide?” Xiao Chen said.

“How can such a thing bother the Virgin.” Cleveland shook his head. “No, here today, I can give you a ruling!”

“Wait!” Essett heard the other person’s tone incorrectly and hurriedly said, “Master Cleveland, we don’t want to conflict with the referee. You must know that this trip was arranged by General Montagno.”

“Montaño? Huh, your ending should be the same as him.”

“What’s wrong with General Montagno?”

“What will happen to those who come to collaborate in the Devil Continent? Of course, they will accept the punishment for death!”


As Cleveland said this sentence, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly solidified, and there was a terrifying force emanating from him.

Cleveland slowly walked towards Xiao Chen, he stepped forward, the surrounding atmosphere was even more depressed, and there were some seemingly white mist that diffused around him.

These airflows seem to drift slowly like a gauze, and in fact expand very quickly. Even if Xiao Chen and Luo Ling and others immediately released the shield, the fog still passed through the shield, covering everyone.

“This is the realm of the saints, and it is difficult for the shield to stop this kind of thing.” Xiao Chen shouted while taking out the soul thorn from the ring. “I don’t know what role this realm has. Please be careful.”

The magicians Xiao Chen, Luo Ling and Umeda didn’t feel much strange. But those grudge warriors felt that the white mist could affect the grudge in their bodies. As if the puppet was caught by the thread, as Bai Wu twisted, the grudge also moved.

As a pure grudge warrior, Roger suddenly felt that his grudge became chaotic and difficult to control. He was holding the Thundermark Sword in his hand, his body trembling slightly, and the movements he had to make had to be stopped. “This person’s fighting field can disturb fighting.”

Ye Zi beside him also felt that his anger was starting to be agitated, but the shadow gun in his hand gave her a warm feeling, and made her anger gradually calm down.

And Eselite, who was much weaker, was unable to control the grudge in his body at this time, squatting on the ground, and still muttering in his mouth, “Cleveland, you actually killed General Montagno, you are Do you want to turn against several big families? ”

“Enemies? Do they dare?” Cleveland’s mouth twitched upward and took two more steps.

Essert made a scream, his own grudge struck him in the body, and a trace of blood bleed down the corner of his mouth.

Roger trembles, covering his chest with his hands. He finds that there are some grudges in his body that are mobilized by an inexplicable force, and he rushes towards his heart. He has to use the remaining power to suppress these manic and uneasy. Grudge. This makes it difficult for him to make an attack.

Xiao Chen saw his embarrassment and said, “Roger, don’t hold on hard. He is particularly restrained in the field of fighting spirit, and you move back a little bit.”

Roger said, “But this man must also be a master of martial arts, and no one can stop him!”

Umeda floated to him and said, “Leave this person to me. This saint is very strong. You will be in great danger to him.”

Cleveland looked at the girl in front of her and pulled out a thin sword from the black robe. The sword was as thin as a needle, and only the thickness of the index finger was at its widest point. He pointed at Umeda with a sword and said, “Unexpectedly, there are masters like you among you.”

“So your opponent is me.” A little starlight began to appear around Umeda’s side. These starlights were also true and illusory, and began to cover the sky and cover the earth.

The realm of Cleveland was actually affected by this starry sky, and began to be slowly surrounded by the starry sky. The white airflow that formed the realm was unwilling to be controlled in this way and continued to break out, but Umeda ’s starry sky was always Expand faster than it. It didn’t take long for the two of them to be wrapped in a starry sky alone, isolated from the outside world.

“This is the secret realm of the starry sky! He was dragged into a separate space by Umeda.” Ye Zi said.

She and Roger and several other grudge warriors began to feel that they were slowly regaining control of grudge.


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